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2013-02-25 12:30 | Report Abuse

wait lah jango.


2013-02-25 12:16 | Report Abuse

kiraok91, you think you know the law better than my lawyers??? You are solely responsible for what you write in the internet, keep reminding yourself this, ok???


2013-02-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

haa haa haa, seems I am so popular and I have the support of this member jango. Thank you so much of reminding me about kiraok91, just a matter of time lah

News & Blogs

2013-02-25 04:09 | Report Abuse

SORRY NAJIB, I CAN'T VOTE FOR YOU. see the picture

News & Blogs

2013-02-24 19:21 | Report Abuse


....I am on public record as sayin that if Pakatan Rakyat is to capture Putrajaya in the 13GE, we should re-open investigation not only on the RM30 billion Bank Negara forex scandal of 1992, there should be a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM100 billion losses suffered by the country in the financial scandals of the 22-year Mahathir era.

...Unquote on here please..

News & Blogs

2013-02-24 19:18 | Report Abuse

47-Day Countdown to 13GE – Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM100 billion losses from financial scandals in the 22-year Mahathir premiership

.....Let me assure Mahathir that I do not want to see him suffer the fate of Mubarak or Gadafi.

I do not even want to see Mahathir in jail but there must be full accounting for the RM100 billion losses from the financial scandals during the 22-year Mahathir era, a dark era in Malaysian history which saw key national institutions in the country like the Judiciary, the civil service, Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police, the Anti-Corruption Agency , the Election Commission compromised and subverted to serve the behests of one man, the Prime Minister and from which disaster Malaysia has not yet fully recovered.

Unquote more here please..

News & Blogs

2013-02-23 21:02 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-02-23 16:35 | Report Abuse

Ram Cheong, fly like kite, use wind, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-02-23 14:31 | Report Abuse

Read this please..

I Quote...

The irony of a biased media
Anisah Shukry
| February 23, 2013

Politicians lose out on votes, journalists lose out on credibility, and the rakyat loses out on information. In the end, we’re all losers in this toxic game.

Have you ever felt like doing a karate chop on your television when watching Buletin Utama? Or suffered high blood pressure just after glimpsing the front page of Utusan? Or choked on your morning coffee when surfing Malaysia Chronicle?

Last night, my apolitical sister told me she actually felt like puking when watching Buletin Utama. Apparently, they were reporting how a prominent PAS leader likened recipients of the Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) vouchers to animals.

“What rubbish! As if Nik Aziz would be stupid enough to say such a thing!” cried my usually mild sister.

“Obviously a spin,” I agreed automatically, rolling my eyes. Typical Buletin Utama, feeding lies to the masses, I thought.

But then my journalistic instincts, on a brief reprieve after failing to get analysts’ responses for my article for the day, kicked in.

What if it isn’t spin? I mulled. What if this time it’s actually true, bona fide news, and I’m dismissing it, before even verifying if the report is true, because I know TV3 is biased?

And therein lies the irony of the biased media. What blatantly biased news agencies don’t get is that the more they hit out on the other side, the more sympathy people feel towards the “victims”. It’s reverse psychology 101.

Take for example BN-controlled media like Utusan, TV3, NST. Every time they give the opposition bad coverage, most of us from the middle ground automatically assume its spin or, at the very least, not telling the whole story. Immediately, the opposition become martyrs in our eyes – the underdogs that we should root for.

And the same applies for pro-opposition news portals like Malaysia Chronicle, and even, to a certain extent, FMT. Honestly, another sister of mine, who is absolutely determined to vote for the opposition in the coming general election, actually shook her head and sighed “poor Najib” when reading the article ‘PM missed a beat on drummer ad’ on FMT.

As for me, every time Malaysiakini/FMT/Malaysia Chronicle columnists wax lyricals about what a “failure” our prime minister Najib Tun Razak is, I can’t help but sympathise with him and feel like reminding the world that ‘hey, if it weren’t for BN, we’d still be an agricultural society.

Blatantly biased

But then I pick up a copy of NST and feel nauseous at the sight of the bum-kissing headlines plastered above Najib’s face, and the cycle of sympathy-hate continues…

It’s just really ironic, because these news companies, journalists and columnists are bending over backwards to please their political masters, yet they are inadvertently doing these people a disfavour. Because while these news companies can keep the party’s staunch supporters feverishly happy with their one-sided, sugar coated, liberally-censored news, the politicians are definitely not winning any new fans.

And that’s a huge goldmine they’re missing out on. According to a survey by Yayasan Ehwal Siswa in two public universities, more than 50% of the 2,000 students interviewed were fence-sitters when it came to deciding which party they would support for in both parliamentary and state seats.

So what’s the solution? Obviously not blatantly biased news media that censors any unflattering reports – because then the middle ground will just see this as a propaganda machine akin to Harry Potter’s The Daily Prophet.

No, the only solution that works out for all politicians, journalists and the rakyat is to get rid of political intervention in the media. Exorcise the bias. Go back to fair and balanced reporting. Stay loyal only to the facts.

I feel like taking our BN leaders by the shoulders and telling them “if you think that you’re doing the right thing, then let the media freely report everything you’re doing. Let the media provide the rakyat with all the facts so that they can conclude for themselves that, yes, you’re doing the right thing.”

The end result of a free and fair media is that once it gains the rakyat’s trust, every time it reports on a politician messing up or doing a good thing, we the rakyat can accept it as facts to take into consideration when voting, rather than mere progaganda or lies. Dudes, it’s a win-win solution!

So please, no more spinning gasing headlines like “Najib wins over crowd in Penang” or “What a Joker! Adnan sure of clean sweep seats for BN in Pahang” and get back to reporting plain facts.


News & Blogs

2013-02-22 15:10 | Report Abuse

yes, adek razmry, what you said is all true. If BN wins the General Elections , you can bet your bottom dollar that GST will be introduce and what does that mean? It simply means that you simply have to pay extra taxes for the things you buy extra expenses for everyone, so how to survive lah?

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 14:58 | Report Abuse

yes Rocky, these shameless moroons will call BN as abah...real idiots indeed, haa haa haa


2013-02-22 14:31 | Report Abuse

good , let's kick out BN/UMNO/MCA for the good of our beloved country.

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 14:10 | Report Abuse

4 retired General from land,Sea and air support Pakatan Rakyat! Ini Kali lah!

one more time for those who miss this..

wow, wow, wow

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 13:54 | Report Abuse

Daim Zainuddin predicted that only 3 states are safe for BN in Peninsula Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 13:08 | Report Abuse

Laksamana Pertama (B) Hj Imran Abd Hamid: Siapa Musuh Kita?

see the video below....

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 13:03 | Report Abuse

Rafizi Ramli: Anggota Tentera Bersama Seluruh Rakyat, Kita Akan Tumbangkan UMNO watch the youtube video

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 12:38 | Report Abuse

yes adek Balboa , these people are blind, for them if anything bad is said about BN/UMNO/MCA they criticized us but they pretend & not see that our beloved Malaysia is going downhill & who suffers in the end?...yes, the ones affected are the innocent Malaysians like you & me & still people are blindly supporting BN?UMNO/MCA, OMG, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 12:26 | Report Abuse


read more here..

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2013-02-22 03:41 | Report Abuse

good adek saufi74 , then let's all work together for the good of all Malaysians & the well being of our beloved Malaysia. Let's make Malaysia a better place for all Malaysians to live in. Let's make our beloved Malaysia the envy of all Asian countries and let's together too bring Malaysia to greater heights.

Salam adek saufi74.

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 03:29 | Report Abuse

and adek saufi74 , writing something good for the well being of all Malaysians & our beloved Malaysia does NOT SUCKS tetapi BN/UMNO/MCA politicians SUCKS indeed.

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 03:25 | Report Abuse

saufi74 , let me ask you a simple question...this...if the country goes bankrupt, then what will happen to the stock market, crashed , isn't it and all investors money hangus or why cannot politics and business go together?????

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 03:23 | Report Abuse

saufi74 , if you had been in stock market for more than 20 years as you so claim, then when we write something about politics you cannot take it? You as a seasoned market player as you so claimed should know that politics and business does go why??????


2013-02-22 03:19 | Report Abuse

Lotusf1, don't take us Malaysians as stupid idiots. Your posting with headlines "BN winning - the economist ,uk."....please give the source or url[link] where we can all refer or otherwise you Lotusf1 are cooking up your own story, haa haa haa

Still want to bodek BN and maybe, yes maybe, next you will polishing shoes by the roadside for a living or perhaps selling tissues papers or even toilet papers to cari makan, haa haa haa


2013-02-22 03:07 | Report Abuse

yes, pirate99, run first & dump this counter for if the Pakatan wins, then this counter may drop like a tons of please be careful.

News & Blogs

2013-02-22 02:59 | Report Abuse

saufi74, why sucks.....remember investing & politics go hand in hand together. If not then why you all so afraid that your shares price will drop when General Elections coming and then you all chabut sell cheap cheap like mad dogs, haa haa haa

If not, then HOLD your shares and don't chabut? Yes, another hypocrite indeed, real shameful indeed, go back to school again lah before you learn to invest, hee hee hee


2013-02-22 02:54 | Report Abuse

Lotusf1, you said this below, now why post this news, you hypocrite?? Anything factual written against BN, you said, I quote 'No need to Waste our time here" ...focussing, sharing ideas on stocks agenda!"....what NOW?????

Yes, you said focus on shares ideas on stocks but when some good news on BN winning, you post.....a real hypocrite indeed!!!! You think BN will win, maybe win in masuk longkang lah, haa haa ha

This you Lotusf1 on, remember it lah

News: Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy

Posted by Lotusf1 > Feb 19, 2013 03:19 PM | Report Abuse

Agreeed: No need to Waste our time here ....writing long words when half of the crowd s gone to sleep ...boring ...when we should be focussing, sharing ideas on stocks agenda!
Political flavors , are welcomed , overdoing it made hard for one to swallow!


2013-02-22 02:37 | Report Abuse

haa haa haa, tunggu lama lama. BN masuk longkang lah

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-02-22 02:10 | Report Abuse

Under Pakatan rule, prison term for corrupt reps, Anwar pledges

....simply wonderful & get back the billions of corrupted dollars stashed away overseas too for the benefit of all Malaysian. Yes, jail then long term so that they rot in hell for stealing Malaysian Rakyat's money.

Now read on..


SUBANG JAYA, Feb 21 ― Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim offered his assurance to Malaysians today that any member of a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) federal government who engages in corruption would face harsh punishment, including imprisonment.

The prime minister-hopeful warned that the same treatment would be accorded to any member of the administration, regardless of which PR party he or she hails from, whether PKR, DAP or PAS.

He admitted that PR, with its lack of administrative experience, would not be able to resolve all the nation’s problems but gave his word that the nearly five-year-old pact would stick to its founding struggle to weed out all forms of corruption in the government.

“No, we are not able to solve all the problems from Day One. But... in my public speeches, I’ve said ― look, I can’t assure everything is settled.

“But I can assure one thing, which I’m absolutely certain... I would stop the plundering of the nation’s wealth from Day One,” Anwar (picture) told the launch of PKR’s new think-tank Institut Rakyat at Empire Hotel here this evening.

“Anyone who transgresses that will be sent right to the Sungai Buloh prison. After all, my room is still vacant,” he said.

Anwar, who was fielding questions from the audience during the launch, was repeatedly asked to explain specifically PR’s plans should it wrest federal power from Barisan Nasional (BN) in Election 2013.

There were also observations from the floor that despite PR’s dream, the fledgling pact lacked the experience of running a country, and needed to formulate not just ideas and policies but concrete implementation plans that must kick off from the first day it occupies the Putrajaya administrative capital.

One member of the audience asked Anwar how PR planned to “manage expectations”, pointing to the many promises that the pact has made in its bid to woo voters ahead of the coming polls.

“How we manage expectations... that is a very critical question. It’s true... every segment... the unemployed would feel they are getting employed the next week, and the business community that has been left out, left in the lurch, would think they should be given chances immediately,” Anwar agreed.

The opposition leader, however, noted that with PR’s strict rule to stop all forms of government corruption, much of the nation’s wealth would be replenished, therefore helping the pact run the administration better.

“That actually has a huge savings in the process. But you must be tough. And I think I am very fortunate because... in my discussions with (DAP advisor) Lim Kit Siang (PAS president Datuk Seri) Abdul Hadi Awang, (PKR president Datuk Seri) Wan Azizah (Wan Ismail), there was huge consensus from the very first minute, clear signals that [there must be] no more plundering and corruption.

“Whether it involves PKR or DAP or PAS leaders, when it comes to money and contracts...” Anwar said, shaking his head.

He said the entire system of government must be revamped to ensure that corruption would not even be possible as immediate punishment would await those who dared to break the rules.

“Stemming from what we refer to as good governance, gone are the days when it is ‘business as usual’.

“Like, I can’t award substantial contracts to Nurul Izzah and Wan Azizah ― the system just won’t allow it,” he said, referring to his daughter, the Lembah Pantai MP, and wife.

Anwar added that this would be a “Pakatan system” and not merely a PKR one, and would include a transparent mechanism for all arms of the government, including even the appointment of members of the judiciary.

The Permatang Pauh MP, who has said that Election 2013 will be his last shot at power, will lead PR into what is expected to be the most fiercely fought electoral battles that the country has seen.

Polls must be held by June, two months after the Parliament expires this April 28.


News & Blogs

2013-02-21 18:28 | Report Abuse

Opposition MP Nurul Izzah criticises Malaysia deportation

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2013-02-21 17:19 | Report Abuse



Hidden debts

More disturbing are the claims that the Malaysian government has large hidden debts.

These are “contingent liabilities” and “off-balance sheet” borrowings, which are said to have amounted to RM117 billion in 2011.

There is also little knowledge about annual interest payments and the due dates of debts.

Any meaningful public discussion of Malaysia’s debt situation must consider all of the above.

Neither the Ministry of Finance nor Bank Negara give a full picture of all of the above.

Mahathir said nothing about any of the above. He told Malaysians not to worry about debt because our foreign reserves are strong.

But foreign reserves or public wealth are not for settling the illegitimate debts accumulated by corrupt regimes. They are not to be used as collateral to pile on new debts or service existing ones.

The size of the foreign reserves gives false comfort. During the 1997 East Asian crisis the government devalued the total stock of ringgit using a currency peg. Foreign reserves took the hit and shrunk.

Mahathir’s comments lull Malaysians into a false sense of security. These comments should however serve as a wake-up call.

Malaysians should demand for clarification about Malaysia’s total debt and its consequences. The Ministry of Finance and Bank Negara should respond.

This article first appeared in the Centre for Policy Initiatives website.



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2013-02-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

you got to read this...OMG


Is our debt level really healthy?
February 21, 2013

More disturbing are the claims that the Malaysian government has large hidden debts.

By Pak Sako

Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad claimed last week that Malaysia’s current debt level is “healthy” compared with Greece’s.

But the debt-to-GDP percentage Mahathir relied on tells next to nothing about the full extent of Malaysia’s debts; the nature of these debts; or what can happen next.

The real devil lies in the details, namely:

(i) the trend in the debt level.

How has it changed in the recent past? Is there momentum in a certain direction? The federal government’s debt had doubled in just four years from 2007 and 2012. Will it stop growing, or will the trend and absolute totals continue their upward rise?

In the last decade, our finance ministers have repeatedly pledged to reduce the budget deficits. This has not happened. Instead, deficits have ballooned and the federal government’s debt has mounted.

(ii) the causes of debt.

For what are the borrowings and for whom? Are these borrowings for worthwhile investments that benefit the public? Are these liabilities being used to cover government operating costs or to prop up failing crony companies or the stock market? Is the use of costly loans for projects with low or no rates of return justified?

Almost a trillion ringgit was recently whisked out of the country in the form of illegal outflows. This is capital flight. It is conclusive evidence that our economy is ‘leaking out’ wealth.

Capital flight explains what the crony private sector and other rent-seekers are doing with their ill-gotten gains: they are squirreling these away in offshore accounts in Swiss banks and tax havens such as the Cayman Islands.

It is no wonder that private-sector investment in Malaysia is dismal. To make up for foregone domestic investment and job creation, environmental standards and taxes are lowered to lure foreign investors such as Lynas.

(iii) the types of debt, both known and “hidden”.

How much of the debt is borrowed from the savings of citizens (internal debt)? How much is borrowed from foreign lenders (external debt)? How much of these debts is government debt, and how much is private?

A big chunk of Malaysia’s debt, RM467.4 billion as of September 2012, is internal debt (Bank Negara Malaysia, Quarterly Bulletin, Third Quarter 2012).

This is the portion of debt that is popularly spoken about — the debt-to-GDP percentage of 53% involves almost entirely this debt.

This is money borrowed domestically from the savings of citizens. It is money belonging to individuals taken from the Employee Provident Fund (EPF), Tabung Haji, pension funds and other social security organisations and institutions.

At what rates of return are Malaysians being compensated for this borrowing? Will they recover their savings at all? Will they be fraudulently ‘compensated’ with funds coming from the liquidation of oil and forest assets; in other words, from the public’s own pockets? Or will a Ponzi scheme be devised to borrow more to honour commitments that come due?

Wholly separate from internal public debt is private external debt — money borrowed from foreign lenders. This is a portion of debt that is hardly spoken about.

The government’s external debt is RM17.3 billion as of last September, according to Bank Negara. But this is the tip of the iceberg.

We should also be very interested in the private sector’s external debt.

Because when private companies borrow from foreign lenders, the government is obliged to pay off these debts if the companies fail to do so. Simply put, citizens might have to pick up the tab. That is what happened in the debt crises in the West.

That is why this category of external debt is called ‘publicly guaranteed debts’.

Beyond these, there is the ‘non-guaranteed’ debt obligation of the private sector. These affect the overall creditworthiness of the nation and also cannot be ignored.

Bank Negara says Malaysia’s total external debt was RM257.8 billion at the end of September 2012.

How much of this is publicly guaranteed debt held by private corporations?

It is alleged that one Malaysian tycoon and his group of companies owe RM34 billion. How much is publicly-guaranteed? What about other Malaysian corporations?


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2013-02-21 14:36 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew, let bygones be bygones and now we happily end as friends.BTW, please leae your email address here so that I cna ask SIFU chong to send you an invitation to join his forum...are you interested?

Thanks in advance....cheers

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-02-21 13:42 | Report Abuse



‘Imbecile’ Hisham

So why is the federal government being tentative about this band of militants who wants to “seize” or “reclaim” Sabah?

These armed militants from the Tausug and Bajau communities from Jolo, Basilan and Tawi Tawi who have been landing in batches since Feb 9 and with the latest arrivals on Feb 16, are well into the siege.

They have been holed up near Felda Sahabat since the Malaysian security forces cordoned off the area on Feb 12.

Strangely enough, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who was on a whirlwind visit to Beaufort, Papar and Tuaran in Sabah during the time, said nothing about the armed landings.

Yesterday, Hishammuddin called on the people not to listen to rumours or speculations and forced down his version of what was going on in Lahad Datu, which incidentally is far from the truth.

Said Hishammuddin: “There is a lot of speculations and rumours flying. I have the correct information and can confirm that most of the speculation is baseless.

“That is why I came here today to explain to the people of Sabah… because it involves the lives of those who are just doing their duty to ensure our security.

“Also we are not interested in the rumours, we are interested in the lives of our security personnel and also in saving the lives of those Filipinos who are in Lahad Datu today who have a lot of links also.

“So let me go and see for myself so that I can give explanation and so that there won’t be any quarter who will try to create chaos.”

Senior newsmen here scoffed at Hishammuddin’s remarks calling him an “idiot” and an “imbecile”.

Amalilio, a mistake?

Meanwhile, as the world awaits Hishammuddin’s briefing on how he would broker a deal to peacefully send the group of armed militants back to the Philippines, another “wayang” is taking place.

This involved Chief Minister Musa Aman’s alleged nephew – Manuel Amalilio – who is wanted by the Philippine government for running a Ponzi scheme that scammed 15,000 Filipinos of RM859 million.

Amalilio, who holds two passports – Philippine and Malaysian – was detained by the Sabah police and handed over to the Philippine authorities. But 10 minutes before he could board the flight back, he was re-arrested.

No explanations were given but he was later charged and immediately sentenced to two years in prison after a “court” hearing in a Sabah hospital ward. He was charged with having a “false” Philippine passport.

The Philippine government, however, has never stated that Amalilio’s passport is false or illegal in any way.

A Philippine minister has reportedly accused Musa of interfering in the initial deportation of Amililio but Musa has denied this.

Many of those who invested in the scheme were important people in the southern Philippines including those in the security-military establishment.

Also of concern is the fact that the Philippine military and US military “advisers” are monitoring the situation and are on alert for Abu Sayyaf movement in the region.

As such, the undetected movement of boatloads of the Jamalul’s men heading for Sabah is suspicious, to say the least.

Now after the incursion in Lahad Datu, the Malaysian government is saying Amalilio, who is also known as Muhammad Kamal Sa’aid or Mohamad Sufian Saaid, may be “extradited/deported” to the Philippines.

Talk about stupidity.


News & Blogs

2013-02-21 13:40 | Report Abuse

Please read this..


Where’s the logic, Hisham?
Calvin Kabaron
| February 21, 2013

If the current soft 'handling' of the incursions by armed Filipinos into Lahad Datu is any measure, then it is clear that Sabahans' safety is inconsequential to the federal government.

It is an irony how promptly Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein ordered the arrest and deportation of Australian Senator Nick Xenophon while 100 armed Filipinos in military fatigue were being handled with kid gloves by the police and Special Branch officers because they had “links” in Sabah.

Xenophon arrived solo and unarmed but was considered a security threat. But in Lahad Datu, some 100 “soldiers” from the alleged Royal Sultanate of Sulu Army who were armed with “M-14, M-16, M203 and Armalite assault rifles” were considered friendly, “not militants” and “not a threat”.

These armed Filipino bandits landed in Sabah claiming ownership of the land on behalf of their Sulu Sultan.

In any other country, the Home or Internal Security Minister would have been at the site of the incursion the moment it was known.

But not Hishammuddin.

He saw it fit to arrive in Kota Kinabalu only yesterday, seven days after the police and the “militant army” – holed up in a oil palm plantation in Lahad Datu – faced a standoff after failing to come to an agreement over their demands.

When Hishammuddin held a press conference in Kota Kinabalu, flanked by military and police top men here, he had yet to visit the incursion site.

He just rolled off what he was told. Hishammuddin said everything was under control and that the federal forces would not compromise the security of Sabahans.

“The armed group are not militants or terrorists but since they had guns, it is important our action does not lead to bloodshed,” he said in defence of the militant Muslim group from the southern Philippines.

Hishammuddin also categorically denied speculations that the intrusion had anything to do with Manila’s claims, albeit indirectly, on Sabah, and fear of repatriation of Filipinos after the federal appointed Royal Commission of Inquiry’s (RCI) devastating witness testimonies.

In the January RCI sitting, witnesses revealed details of a high level agenda to neutralise Sabah’s Christian population by offering citizenship-for-votes to arriving Muslims from the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan and India. The ICs were issued by the National Registration Department (NRD) under instruction from top level federal Umno leaders.

“The issue is not political, not racial; [it has] no connection with the stand on sovereignty but in our context this is our land and this is something that can jeopardise the nation’s security,” Hishammuddin said.

The minister must think Sabahans and Malaysians are stupid.

‘Sabah is our home’

The Philippine media, meanwhile, has gone to town with the news that the Malaysian government may send back hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Filipino illegal immigrants, many of whom had in their possession dubiously-acquired Malaysian documents.

In Manila, the Sulu group leader SuItan Jamalul Kiram asserted that his followers – some 400 men – were resolute and would stand their ground in Lahad Datu for “however long it takes”.

“Nobody will be sent to the Philippines. Sabah is our home,” so proclaimed Jamalul, who is one of the many claimants to the elusive throne.

But unlike the other claimants, Jamalul’s position as Sultan of Sulu is recognised by Manila and President Benigno Aquino was reportedly “informed of the incursions since Day One”.

Jamalul had even proudly announced that if his army in Lahad Datu was armed, then the weapons did not come from the Philippines but were already available in Sabah.

In an interview with the Philippine media, Raja Azzimudie Kiram, the leader of the group and brother to Jamalul, said his men in Lahad Datu were equipped with “all kinds” of weapons including “M-14, M-16, M203 and Armalite assault rifles”.

This can only mean that the Sulu “army” could have been stocking arms in Sabah for quite sometime.

Now isn’t this a serious offence? In Malaysia being in possession – illegally – of a normal firearm is a fatal crime punishable by death; what more when we are talking about combat guns.

Remember the Al-Maunah group caught hauling modern guns some years back? Remember how the authorities quickly rounded them up and dealt the harshest possible blow.

The authorities said the Al-Maunah groups were waging a war against the Malaysian Yang di-Pertuan Agong and as such the offence was punishable by death.


News & Blogs

2013-02-21 13:00 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew , please give me your email address by writing it here and I will ask my SIFU chong to contact you to invite you to his forum where you will learn more about shares and perhaps hopefully you make some good money like most of the members in his forum, thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:55 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew , thank you so much for your reply. If I have hurt you in anyway by calling you stupid, I apologize. Take care my friend Desmond Liew.

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:54 | Report Abuse

If Thailand can built a highway that is 1,000km long without tolls why can't Malaysia? Answer: Because there is no BN in Thailand!

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:41 | Report Abuse

ok Desmond Liew, in the spirit of the Chinese New Year, all is forgiven and let's be friends for the good of all. Let us all try to bring all Malaysians a better life as they too are all children of GOD and need not be treated in such a miserable way by the BN/ UMNO/MCA

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:36 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother Wy Lee , I will for the well being of all Malaysians and our beloved country Malaysia.

Cheers & take good care too brother Wy Lee.

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:34 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew , if it's not cursing then what is it...anger can bring both emotional & psychical....depression is one of why you suddenly & cure me to have heart beware of the old Chinese saying, take care you too.

Let me tell you exctly what anger on please...

Expressing Anger.....the instinctive, natural way to express anger is to respond aggressively. Anger is a natural, adaptive response to threats; it inspires powerful, often aggressive, feelings and behaviors, which allow us to fight and to defend ourselves when we are attacked. A certain amount of anger, therefore, is necessary to our survival.

Now you know.

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:20 | Report Abuse

Desmond Liew , you evil heart want me to have a heart failure.....remember the old Chinese saying? this.... what you curse on people will fall back on yourself. Got it?

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:16 | Report Abuse

Another desperate action from BN....Campaigning in Schools!

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 12:12 | Report Abuse

SIGN OF DESPERATION OF BN....make me laugh seeing this picture...

Signs of desperation! Kicap Cap Dacing

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2013-02-21 11:48 | Report Abuse

minitrader , as I had said previously that if you don't like this topic and still thinking that you are living in dreamland, then more on...don't even bother to peep into this topic where you cannot, just cannot, ask members here to shut up and DEMAND PEOPLE TO STOP IT...very authoritative indeed, demand this and that, huh, minitrader, haa ha haa