
bobobobo | Joined since 2018-03-29

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2018-06-01 10:13 | Report Abuse

No thanks to Mahathir, PH & Lim Guan Eng..flip flop on national debt and scrapping of many projects and departments...LGE said our debts is RM1 trillion when it should be RM600+ billion which is a healthy and manageable 50% of GDP. He added contingencies and pledged amount - lumped as debts. Foreign funds flee with this kind of silly statements. Billions of foreign funds pulled out last two weeks. Stock market dived...not just Titijaya.


2018-05-02 10:52 | Report Abuse

Titijaya is fast expanding with many projects including in Sarawak. Property market is slow now but if you keep this counter now, I foresee price will shoot back to IPO price of RM1.50 or more. If you buy now at 40 sen+, sure to profit.
Dividends may fall initially but it will climb back.


2018-04-26 18:45 | Report Abuse

bought 10,000 shares at 46 sen two days ago. Now down to 45 sen. At 5 sen dividend a year, return is 11 per cent.


2018-04-10 13:28 | Report Abuse

If MCA lose big in GE14, Star shares will plummet. If it performs a bit better, Star shares will go up. EPF bought at one stage (maybe a few months ago) some 12 million shares over a few days. You can check it out. I don't think EPF will sell everything.


2018-04-05 08:47 | Report Abuse

If you look at almost all the counters - all dropping like flies. SEGI, Sunway, Titijaya, Mah Sing - all dropped like hell. But this is the usual trend just before a general election where big investors feel jittery - also partly caused by events abroad like Trump's trade war with China.

Now is the time to pick up some shares especially those with consistent dividend payouts. When people flee, you step in.

Yes, I believe Star will continue to drop and if MCA fares very badly in GE14, you can bet it may be a penny stock. If iMCA performs a bit better than GE13, its share price will rise. Important thing is decent dividends to justify holding the stock.

If dividend is poor to nil - Finish..end of the story. MCA has been buying back lots of Star shares lately...that's positive news.


2018-04-04 14:50 | Report Abuse

I agree with gsi123 that sustainable dividend payment is important.

Let us cross our fingers that Star will be able to declare decent dividends that will not be lower than bank FD rates. But hard to say unless there is a new and more dynamic, business driven CEO rather than a former reporter-turned-group chief editor-turned ED-turned CEO/MD.

Yes, the print industry is a sunset industry. I feel Dim Sum, and the new pay Business section are not good revenue earners. Star should also take charge of advertisements rather than asking advertising companies to get ADs. We cam save lots of money this way as Star has the man power and experience in advertising.


2018-04-04 14:33 | Report Abuse

GST has been introduced in more than 100 countries as a fairer form of tax. This brings in much needed revenue for the Government to implement its many people-friendly projects like the slew of 1Malaysia projects. The Government subsidised each pupil in the primary to secondary school some RM8,900 (or is it RM9,800? Need to check the figure) per year!
Income tax (see attached link) has been reduced so much so now many people do not even have to pay any income tax.

Many more benefits. Read up and educate yourself instead of parroting what your Opposition masters drum into you!


2018-04-04 14:24 | Report Abuse

The Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn Bhd (MRT Corp), founded in September 2011, has been appointed by the government as the official and asset owner of the project. Prior to the founding of the corporation, the project was managed by Prasarana Malaysia Berhad (Prasarana).

Thus, the MRT is owned by the Government which means that all the revenue goes to the Government which in turn means going to the people who will benefit from more government projects. Of course, the Government will also ave to repay whatever debts it owed from the MRT project but still better than paying tolls for decades which went to the private companies.

In the past, the people were burdened with having to pay highway tolls because Mahathir farmed out the project to the private sector (his cronies) who enjoy decades of toll collection. Under Najib, several highways are now toll free and the biggest game changer is the Pan-Borneo Highway which is nor under construction and will be toll free.

Do you thank or condemn Najib for it? Yes, our national debts is about 50% but manageable because we can repay our debts unlike USA which hit debt ceiling twice under Obama and once recently under Trump. US civil servants got no pay and the US government was shut down temporarily. Several European countries like Greece, Spain,Iceland and in Latin American - Venezuela went bankrupt. Japan and Singapore's national debts are very high.

Najib manages our economy very well and has been praised by the World Bank, international Monetary Fund and even Jack Ma himself. So stop spinning and misleading you ungrateful people!.


2018-04-04 12:32 | Report Abuse

Real hard nut somebody. Sheer ignorance and full of negativity. Still drugged in Opposition propaganda and cannot think rationally. Only idiots believe in SR, DOJ, WSJ etc and cannot think for themselves. Beyond help. No point arguing with this kind of idiots who is all judge, jury and prosecutor. Immature, unwise and yes an idiot. Until and unless any one is found guilty of any allegations do you start to condemn but Opposition people tend to attack from Day 1 and form their own judgement first.
GST causing hardship? But Opposition wants to introduce SST which is 10%+6% which is even higher! Moreover, many items are exempt from GST like college and university fees etc.
It is a more equitable kind of tax. For lower income people who buy cheaper things, the GST is lower but if you want to dine in five-star hotels at RM140 or RM250 per pax x 4 persons, how much is the GST? Say RM250 per pax x 4= RM1,000. 6% of RM1k is RM60. So the more expensive items that you buy like overseas travel, digital piano, car etc the more you pay.
So the richer you are, you may have to pay more.
Oblivious or being hypocrite like some people?
Giving perks whether good or bad, fair or unfair is very subjective. Some top editorial people are also given cars I believe. So? If you are a shareholder, then you should bring the matter up at the AGM. A CEO of any company is accountable for the company's performance. If profit, sales, share prices etc are down, he or she is responsible...some may need to be replaced.


2018-04-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

You hold, it is just paper loss but if you sell, it is a real loss. So if you hold, you still get some decent returns. Of course, the wait can be long. If MCA fares badly again in coming GE14, share price may drop further...then it's time to pick up some more shares to average out your earlier purchase at a higher price...provided they change their CEO to a better CEO who can bring in sustainable profit.


2018-04-03 16:53 | Report Abuse

Back to investment - although some nut head still wants to use this blog for their political agenda. No doubt Star shares has dived since the 30 sen bumper dividend (+6 sen interim dividend), those who are still holding their shares at RM3.30 years ago still gets about 3.8% return (6+6 sen dividends) or if you bought it at RM2.60 it is about 4.5% and those who bought at RM2.40, it is 5%. Still OK. If you buy now at RM1.12, it is 11%..based on 6 sen first interim and 6 sen second interim.


2018-04-03 16:27 | Report Abuse

It seems some people Die Die still want to use this blog for political discourse instead of talking about investment. Still stuck in Opposition propaganda. They love to harp and carp on corruption but turn a deaf ear and blind eye on the corruption trial of their CM etc. Beyond help these moronic zombies. They are stuck in 1MDB, RM2.6b because they have no issues to spin. - no concrete evidence but mere suspicion. Read up and update yourself. The Ijok scandal and undersea tunnel project are staring them right in the face but they pretend nothing happened and blame others. Tragic.


2018-04-03 11:14 | Report Abuse

Good value. Buy now. Price will shoot past RM1.50 if BN wins. If BN loses, stock market crash for sure.


2018-04-03 10:57 | Report Abuse

Everything blame convenient and unfair. If PH wins GE14, all investors especially foreign fund managers will flee and you can bet the stock market will plunge. If BN wins, the market will recover and shoot up. Use your brains.


2018-03-31 15:11 | Report Abuse

Swathing..well you started to use this blog as a political platform and I'm merely responding. We should be talking of share investment don't you think so? If you want to talk politics, go elsewhere.
Anyway, since you started it first, I feel you are blind to the good things all around us and you are only filled with negativity.
Hardship and struggling for a living is universal and most of us have to earn our keeps. Yes, there are shops that have closed down and even clinics too. But the Opposition likes to blame everyone including the Government except themselves. Many new malls are also struggling but it is not so much that the economy is bad but because big companies want to build and build too many shopping centres. You should see how packed are some of the F & B outlets in some of the more successful malls and empty outlets in others.
So it is immature and wrong of you to make such a sweeping statement but for sure, Malaysia is doing much better than many countries. I suggest you travel more and see for yourself the reality of the world before you spread you doom and gloom.

Star has gone through the upheavals of the mid 1990s (1997/98) recession and even 2008 global financial crisis emanating from Wall Street (sub prime crisis) and yet it still did reasonably well. But if you notice after Wong helmed the Star, it went from bad to worse. If this is an American company he would have been booted out.

As for pakatan..harapan 2. what a silly question you ask. Surely you were not born yesterday. You should be asking your LKS/LGE/Anwar etc because they are the ones who condemned Mahathir for years.

I am not saying Mahathir has done nothing good. He is credited for the Petronas Twin Towers, KLIA and many highway projects but many of these (e.g. tolled highways burdened the people and enriched his cronies). Sure, it is not easy to be PM for 22 years as Mahathir was constantly attacked by the Opposition especially by LKS etc but he cracked down on the Opposition with his iron fisted rule (e.g. ISA, Operation Lallang).
But isn't it an irony that they are now like lovers, all forgiven and forgotten. Where is the integrity? How can you all trust these kind of people? If today, Mahathir's son is assured of a DPM and later a PM post, do you think he will leave UMNO. It is all about his own personal agenda.Same with LKS/LGE/Anwar.
Najib, despite all the accusations could focus on delivering practically everything as promised by BN. Many of Najib's projects are government owned and not for any cronies. That;s the big difference.


2018-03-29 17:20 | Report Abuse

Please update yourself. I think you are stuck in too many Opposition propaganda.


2018-03-29 14:56 | Report Abuse

Don't talk nonsense and spread your Opposition Nazi style propaganda. More than 100 countries have GST for years and at a much higher rate. Our economy has been growing. Even World Bank, IMF, Jack Ma etc praise Najib and our Government. 2018, our economy is forecast to grow by 5%+. Star is doing badly because print industry is sunset industry and CEO is lousy. Stop spreading fake news here. Corruption is worldwide and those caught have been charged and some jailed. 1MDB - No link to Najib. LGE is now facing corruption charges and more to come. Amine's Ijok scandal too. Why is PH supporting Mahathir whom they have accused for decades as being the most corrupt PM in the world?