
calvintaneng | Joined since 2013-09-18

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Just as the eagle loves the storm because he soars above it Calvin welcome market crashes. To be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy when others are fearfully selling. See The Way of the Eagle in The Air at & &





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2024-01-13 20:46 | Report Abuse

Ekovest last quarter only made 0.1 sen profit

now very high construction material cost

cement now Rm24 per 50kg bag (was Rm13 per 50kg bag)

Indon workers
daily wage
last time
Rm70 per day

now Rm150 per day

also hard to get indon workers as they have gone to East Kalimantan to build Ikn Nusantara

this one if up only by goreng more than real earnings


2024-01-13 14:20 |

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2024-01-13 13:00 | Report Abuse


just noticed your question (was busy with 🌴🌴🌴 now)

yes A&W is a company that survived over 100 years

should be good

News & Blogs

2024-01-13 12:04 | Report Abuse

Shares that pay little or no dividend can collapse by up to 90%

Examples are Mmag, Gpacket, Serba

And now Rapid Synergy

Stay very very very safe in 🌴🌴🌴

Stay away from greed which kills the die hard punters

Stay alive in 🌴🌴🌴

Chinese proverbs say

"If you can keep green mountains you will never worry you don't have enough wood for fire


2024-01-13 11:59 |

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2024-01-13 11:55 |

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2024-01-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

how much is 1 million rupiah in ringgit

1,000,000 Indonesian Rupiah equals
299.07 Malaysian

ok 1 sq meter is 10.764 sq feet

to get per sq ft price

divides Rm299.07 by 10.764

= Rm27.78 per sq ft


That is how much per acre

so 27.78 x 43,560

= Rm1.21 Millions per acre

And TSH RESOURCES GOT 94,700 Acres


Rm1.21 Million X 94,700
= Rm52,707,600,000


How much cash per share of TSH?

= Rm38.18

That is how valuable TSH 94,700 Acres of Land there now

So if Tok Mat said, "Bplant is now plant trees on "Gold Mine Lands"

Then what is TSH planting on in IKN NUSANTARA?



2024-01-13 10:41 | Report Abuse

Land in Kutai/Ikn Nusantara

was 10,000 rupiah in years 2015 to 2018

after New Capital Status was given by 2020/2021

Land prices jumped 1,000%
from 10,000 to 100,000 rupiah per meter


Now Land in Ikn Nusantara (Dec 2023) has reached

1 million rupiah per meter


News & Blogs

2024-01-13 10:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse

speakup first got to know sifu Calvin thru PM Corp. after that speakup earn a life long supply of Kandos, Tudor, Crispy chocolates

Yes Speakup

Same here. Now I got free supplies for ever as well

And yes

Calvin first heard about Bplant from you


Posted by speakup > Nov 28, 2016 03:02 PM | Report Abuse

Calvin is real sifu. He recommend me PMCORP, now speakup enjoy years of supply of free Kandos & Tudor chocolates. (In Cepatwawasan Forum)

Speakup recommended BPlant with good 8% dividend. Calvin still keeping

From Bplant Eagle group people made Rm200K, Rm400K and as much as Rm700K

Bplant was a great 369% profit share after 3 years

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2024-01-13 00:32 | Report Abuse

The crash of Rapid Synergy is like a wrecking ball that Hammered Ynh property on the left and Imaspro on the right dragging both down in it's deep dive

News & Blogs

2024-01-13 00:30 | Report Abuse

For bubble big balloon 🎈 stock like Rapid Synergy it went limit down 3 times

no time for escape

and those fool hardy ones who dared to buy have caught falling knives

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 20:51 | Report Abuse

Today on record

12 January 2024
Pm Corp is 21 sen

Dutchlady dropped from Rm76 to Rm34.00

today Dlady dropped to Rm23.90

so we continue to celebrate Pm Corp victory over the Big Holland grandma dlady

now go buy Tsh Resources at Rm1.00

one fine day there will be



2024-01-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

Amazing indeed

Really Irrational madness of highest degree

In 2021 when we first posted buy call for Bplant at the rock bottom price of 57 sen buyers were few and far between

Today after Ltat wants to take it private at Rm1.55 and warn all Bplant will be delisted and might exist as an unlisted entity with no trading and quotations

Yet people chased Bplant up to new high at Rm1.57 closing??

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 17:07 | Report Abuse

Tsh touched Rm1.00

Jtiasa almost there

Thplant crossed 50 low

And will now play catchup

Long way up to go for Thplant

Bplant sprung a surprise to close at Rm1.57😊

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 12:25 | Report Abuse

yes correct

for qqq333 who hantam Sendai then turned Send Die

better don't, buy shares


2024-01-12 12:23 | Report Abuse

also Tsh owns the specialty wood flooring business of Ekowood and it's high performing OIL palm seedlings nursery


2024-01-12 12:21 |

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2024-01-12 12:19 | Report Abuse

And today Inno is up 3 sen

since Tsh owns 105 millions Inno shares Tsh gained Rm3.15 millions

Inno is the best Managed Glc among Malaysia state companies

Well done Tsh

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 12:06 | Report Abuse

Now cost Rm2000

Price for sale Rm3800

Profit gross Rm1800

About 90%


2024-01-12 11:51 | Report Abuse

The characteristic of past bear markets like the Tulip Mania, The South Sea Bubble, The Great Depression of 1930s in USA, the Stock Market Rout of Asian Finacial Crisis in 1997/8 and The Lehman Brothers' Debacle of 2007/8 have witnessed many stocks & index crashing up to 90% or more.

Can Crash by up to 90%


2024-01-12 11:49 | Report Abuse

Some even lost a large part of their original capital. Thus on the next occassion when you happen to find yourselves at this type of a ball, try to leave early. The problem is that once one is caught up in the fun and games of the party, one is apt to lose touch with reality. Chances are that believers of the Greater Fool Theory will hang on to the bitter end, only to be slaughtered. It is better to miss a few dances or a few glasses of champagne than lose one's life.


2024-01-12 11:42 |

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2024-01-12 11:40 |

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2024-01-12 11:39 |

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2024-01-12 11:39 |

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2024-01-12 11:38 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 09:28 | Report Abuse

It is therefore of utmost importance that we should avoid chasing 🔥 stocks during euphoria

It will later end in tears

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 09:26 | Report Abuse

Pump and dump rubbish Rapid Synergy gone limit down 2 times already
Another few more limit downs? 🤔

Someone said during the collapse of Ekran it went 7 times limit down before finding a floor

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 09:11 | Report Abuse

I remember years ago i met a consultant in Penang

He said, "I will never buy or use a Japanese made car"

So i asked him, " Why, what is wrong with using Japan car?"

He said, "Because of the atrocities the Japanese did during the 2WW. "

He has been holding a grudge of history and cannot get over it to move on

Such mentality will cripple his ability and cause a warped view of things
Times have changed
And we must change with the times if things have improved

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 09:06 | Report Abuse

Worst are those who never recommend good or bad stocks as they are real cowards

But will only keep watch like s hawk

Even if out of 10 calls 7 are chun chun making 30% to 200% profits
2 are just break even
And just one lousy pick

They will neglect all other good buy calls and zero in on just one non performing one
Then keep on harping, howling and magnifying as though we only made one bad call only
Totally distort the whole scenario

This kind of time waster and non productive attention seeker that contribute nothing should be banned from i3 forum for the peace and good of others

News & Blogs

2024-01-12 09:01 | Report Abuse

True indeed

When someone took our advise to buy a good performing share and made tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands in the case of Bplant they only call up to say ,"Thank you" at most only once or twice

But if someone just made a loss of few thousand ringgit they will keep blaming and blaming umpteen times non stop to haunt you.
This is human nature

News & Blogs

2024-01-11 23:55 | Report Abuse

The exchange rate or strength of a nation's currency is the symptom of the disease

Many illnesses are manifested in body pains

the pain is the symptom but there is hidden root of the problem and that only the X ray or diagnosis will later reveal the cause of the sickness

if all the crooks that done damage to the nation are all caught then the nation will be free

Pm Lee Kuan Yew controlled all thugs and gangsters with two iron hands

and when his housing minister was caught taking bribes he committed suicide

News & Blogs

2024-01-11 23:10 | Report Abuse

I think give Anwar the benefit of the doubt

they say there is no smoke without fire or no fire without smoke

When I first arrived on Singapore shores in year 1974
50 years ago by now

One ringgit = Sing Dollar $1.03

I felt so proud for Malaysia then

by year 1975/6 One sing dollar reversed to Rm1.03 instead

after that it was only downhill for ringgit over 40 years already

never in my wildest dream

one Sing Dollar can be Rm3.50

something very wrong must have happened

it not only sunk down against Sing Dollar. Ringgit sunk down against Thai bath and all others

and it is a real shame for last 30 years I saw Indonesia workers and maids come to both Malaysia and Singapore for work

But now Indonesia has the 1st High Speed Rail in ASEAN

May Pm Anwar given the strength to right the wrongs of many decades

We pray Almighty God to strengthen his hands

Righteousness Exalts A Nation
but sin is a reproach for anyone