
cfoong | Joined since 2013-09-02

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2015-01-20 17:00 | Report Abuse

YTL Francis is Christian... kikikiki


2015-01-20 16:59 | Report Abuse

kikikiki... Tan Sri is buddhist if I m not wrong although his name "vincent"... kikikikikikiki.. 阿弥陀佛!阿弥陀佛!!! kikikikikikiki..


2015-01-20 08:36 | Report Abuse

I would be more interested wht the Langat 2 project has been kicked off... It will provide a strong set of incomes for the coming 2 years..but it has yet to reflect into his recent qtr results... Foresee its income will be much more vibrant in the coming 2016...with most of this properties projects starts bearing food...


2015-01-20 08:22 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki, when Bj Con told u they divest Rawang Land for 750++ mil, shares no up but down!!! When Bj Con divest BJ Auto with the acc gains of 1.023 bil, shares no up but down!!! When Bj Con said he will continue divestment of its assets include listing of its environmental business and etc, shares also no up but down!!! When Bj Con secures a good gains with the reevaluation of the BJ Food Starbucks business, Share also no up but down, down and down again!!!... When Bj Con said he secures the LOI from Vietnam authorities to start the Toto operation, Share no up but down down down again.... kikikikikikiki... When Tan Sri said he will have the BJ Founder days in Feb again...for charity... This round... BJ Con shares prices???? kikikikikikikikiki....


2015-01-19 21:37 | Report Abuse

bj founder day this yr shall be on 28 feb sat.. tan sri birthday on 23 feb.. best wishes to tan sri always in good health... kikikikikikiki..


2015-01-19 16:50 | Report Abuse

YTLP is undervalued too much!!... kikikikikikiki... Let see Yeoh family lo... i thk...2.00 possible... if IPP licence renewed with good prices and terms...~!


2015-01-19 16:40 | Report Abuse

BJ con = Berjaya Conglomerate!!!!!.... kikikikikikiki....


2015-01-19 16:39 | Report Abuse

Cakes and drinks will be distributed on tht days... If u keen to listern to our kawan YAB Tan Sri speech, do come early sikit bf 11am at Times Squares... KL... kikikikikikiki... Welcome for donation... having a great day!


2015-01-19 16:36 | Report Abuse

ganasai... kikikikikikikiki... i saw last time in Insas 2 days bf the jumps... lucky..lucky... but for 3395... kikikikikikikiki... tht one...kikikikikikiki... trade secret!!!! kikikikikikikiki... let celebrate CNY and Berjaya Founder day!!!! kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-19 16:31 | Report Abuse

but... this is how 3395 catching people attention!!!... kikikikikiki


2015-01-19 16:28 | Report Abuse

i remembered insas can jump from 0.64 to 0.8 in a single trading day!!!!... BJ con also picked up from 0.42 to 0.56 2007... anything is possible!!!!... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-19 16:19 | Report Abuse

i think Atuk will come bak soon!.... kikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-19 16:11 | Report Abuse

ganasai... kikikikikiki... wait la.. yr capital will be recovered soon!... kikikikikiki... no worry!


2015-01-19 09:49 | Report Abuse

wua... wht a big new ...0.405!!! kikikikikikikikiki... Laugh until beh tahan!... later close at 0.395.. tak jadi one!...kikikikikikiki


2015-01-19 08:48 | Report Abuse

tt101, Tan Sri is hokkien la... kikikikikikiki... 5 is good in hokkien!.. kikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-17 22:51 | Report Abuse

before I bought insas last time, the key risk is wth Inari becoz it is relying heavily on single largest client... hope tht it wil stay wth Inari forever and it continues doing well..


2015-01-17 19:39 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki... 恭喜发财!!! kikikikikikiki


2015-01-17 16:16 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki... so much promotion... 0.64 lai lo.. kikikikikikiki..


2015-01-16 21:30 | Report Abuse

it is ok.. for those who thk it is worth to subscribe for the right.. u hav to evaluate it in detail.. becoz it is yr hard earn money.. I foresee it will be better to collect it af the right.. good luck..


2015-01-16 21:27 | Report Abuse

For those thinking the warrant is "free", u will find tht u hav to pay a price for yr mother... how much the warrant prices, how much it may deduct fr the mother.


2015-01-16 21:25 | Report Abuse

gweilo, u still didn't get wht I would like to say... yr mother shares will drop when yr warrants listed.. Although u want to sell the warrants.. u wont get bak better prices for yr mother...


2015-01-16 16:30 | Report Abuse

No matter how! i wish Tan Sri is always healthy! and bring the group to greater height! Ocoz doing more charity... kikikikikiki


2015-01-16 16:28 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki... dun buy.. other trade or invest!!! Just Buy wont works...


2015-01-16 16:18 | Report Abuse

cfoong is gila one coz wanna invest BJ Con for "fun"... kikikikikikikiki... no choice! no choice! Take too much from Bj Con bf, it is "best time" to "reward" BJ Con... kikikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-16 16:15 | Report Abuse

From peak time during 0.48 to 0.60, i saw Calvin, Datuk, Hng33, TT101, Leno and etc...used to commend in 3395... but now...kikikikikikiki... not many left... except Calvin, TT 101... ai... Loser come and go! but still many come from behind!!... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-16 16:12 | Report Abuse

undervalue? becoz it made 1.5 bil in the year of 2015 FY??? but if Bj Con drop bak to loss in FY2016 becoz nothing to divest in 2016??? Will u still thk it is "undervalued"... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-16 16:08 | Report Abuse

gweilo, if u get the free warants, u no need to thk about 10,20,30 or 40 wua??? if the conversion prices are 1.00, jus paid for 1.00 coz the parents selling in the market at 1.10... jus sold af conversion! tht's rite... u catch wht i try to say here!


2015-01-16 15:02 | Report Abuse

but some important facts... BJ Corp LD start playing at 0.695 liao... it used to trade closely with BJ Con parent bf...and gradually the gaps between both start..aways from 0.5 sen, 20 sen until close to 30 sen now... kikikikikikikiki.... ok... assume... the 1st breakthro barrier shall be 0.47 (whc most of the kaki kena con at this price bf)....


2015-01-16 14:59 | Report Abuse

Let buy this BJ Con for "fun"...kikikikikikiki... This "fun" coz me do so much charity esp during Berjaya Founder's day..kikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-16 14:56 | Report Abuse

also... let take a close look on insas...very similar to BJ Con in 2012... kikikikikikiki... All the best to those shareholder there... but dun mean insas has no value at all but u know... too much relying on the single US client... this is the most concern... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-16 14:49 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki... Tan Sri is Andy Lau uncle.. Andy attended Bj Founder day in 2013.. Last year he didnt.. but.. i still thk he will distribute out better dividen this yr... but it doesnt mean the worst is over for Bj Con... as i said... sudden jump is to catch ikan bilis...!!!... After the prices fantasy, it will drop like no end...


2015-01-16 14:26 | Report Abuse

5 years is the expiry period. In btw, u can convert it after listing if u thk the prices are attractive to do the conversion. eg... the parents reach 1.10 on the 1st day.. u can convert it by filing wht form with yr securities... no need to wait until 5 yrs.


2015-01-16 14:09 | Report Abuse

Roughly count... this year Bj Con net gain shall be around 1.023 bil + 500 mil net profit...(consider sales of land and those operation profit, bra bra...)... 1.5 bil wo!...amazing leh!... kikikikikiki...


2015-01-16 13:24 | Report Abuse

Bitcon of Asia under Badman frens is really susah to make money...thereof... kikikikikikikikiki... perhaps their administration cost has been increasing over years....


2015-01-16 13:23 | Report Abuse

tt101, i agreed with u!!!... kikikikikikikikiki


2015-01-16 11:44 | Report Abuse

I like to support Tan Sri Con... becoz one a while in his sudden jumps of 2007... i make tonne of money on it but if i didnt cash out tht time... i will be in deep loss until today! Therefore, let take a prudent look on this counter...


2015-01-16 11:42 | Report Abuse

If u wanna buy this Bitcon of Asia for "fun" like me... then u can buy it now... kikikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-16 11:41 | Report Abuse

Prediction wrong is normal matter but if the counter has been overblown and the forumer here just follow it then it will make people stuck into this counter.. perhaps losing money into it... Pls take prudent approach with BJ Con.. it is Bitcon of Asia!!!


2015-01-16 11:22 | Report Abuse

The EPS for this counter is actually dropping comparing to previous yr due to recent right issues... Therefore, if it can maintain the dividen payout as last yr around 10% (10 sen approx) per is satisfactory la...


2015-01-16 11:17 | Report Abuse

BJ Con is the Asia of BitCon!!!!... kikikikikikikikiki


2015-01-16 11:01 | Report Abuse

Once a while Datuk also abandon this Bj con counter becoz he was pleased off with Tan Sri Con but af he met Tan Sri Con in one occasion, he bought bak mostly around 46 to 48 with the hope tht the so called 3C factors can bring this BJ Con back to 0.70... Jus imagine, the people who know Tan Sri Con well also can con and lose from 0.46/68 to 0.395/0.4... u thk u can surivive with this Bj Con??... kikikikikikikiki.. Runtuh la...! 0.35 lai lo.


2015-01-16 10:28 | Report Abuse

It will be the good time to collect after the right issues... and good lucks...


2015-01-16 10:25 | Report Abuse

To all insas kaki here! pls quit now...!!!...crocodiles mouth has opened! good lucks lo... u will see Insas fall bak well below to 0.77 soon af the rights done... u can ignore my comments here.. but do remember i mentioned to u this... this is sincere advices... i didnt have any stakes with Insas.. perhaps i earn big with it over last years.... I learn thro this rights cum free warrants...few rounds... but if u r going to hold on for few yrs... then perhaps...u can ignore my advice here!!


2015-01-16 10:19 | Report Abuse

dunno... glut feeling it will drop below 2 soon! the deal called off... otherwise, it wont have tht kind of fears... and those sharks will start collect it below 2... i hope i m wrong... the thing will go worst 1st before bak to normal with the dividen... good lucks...


2015-01-16 10:15 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki... let drop to 35 sen and declared 5 sen special dividen...kikikikikikiki... syiok lo...! manyak syiok...!


2015-01-16 10:14 | Report Abuse

Bj Con will be re-rating for long term investment when its income is consistent and growing but... i didnt see this the moment!!...


2015-01-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

Long Term Trend for Bj Con remains downwards!.. Sudden Jumps are to attract attention of the minority so that the crocodiles can grap the money!!!... Wise up! Wise Up... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-15 08:53 | Report Abuse

Icon8888... Jordan? if yes, i thk it is better quit now... kikikikikiki... Jordan??? middle east!...


2015-01-15 08:51 | Report Abuse

yes, i agree with bracoli and cyberman but if all the investors target below 2.. then it wont happen anyway.,..


2015-01-15 08:48 | Report Abuse

Ignissimia... totally agree with you.. tq vy much... Wish u the best too..