
chinaman | Joined since 2015-02-28

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2022-03-07 12:12 | Report Abuse

Xi use sinovac vax. so, more calm and composed unlike US barbarian vax. ma wakaka

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 12:11 | Report Abuse

overdosed vax. booster can cause people mentally unstable, crazy, always explosive out of control emotionally. takes some time for vax. effect to recede before Putin stable again, calm and composed


2022-03-06 19:41 | Report Abuse

najis is like ukraine president. everyone like comedian funny guy more than serious tension face putin.


2022-03-05 14:46 | Report Abuse

most likely, votes return to TheEnd. Katak, Taliban, Lanun Sulu, Apanama even worse

News & Blogs

2022-02-28 19:30 | Report Abuse

Putin is doing a right thing. Barbarian US not yet give whole world an explanation of Covid virus leakage from its Fort Detrick biolab. its US who start the biological warfare against humanity


2022-02-27 12:45 | Report Abuse

Putin and Biden both are good actors. oil, gas price increase - both Russia and US gain more rising price. Loses are buyers but even more foolish support go and either side. MY must always maintain as NEUTRAL zone.....


2022-02-27 10:15 | Report Abuse

Indonesia also support Russia Sukhoi jet traditionally before changed tone recently for certain reason.


2022-02-27 10:06 | Report Abuse

Even Japan, S. Korea buy oil from, sanction them as well??


2022-02-27 10:04 | Report Abuse

Putin is also loved by India, Turkey, Taliban no worries who always buy fire arms from Russia. why always poke fun on china?

News & Blogs

2022-02-26 11:23 | Report Abuse

So, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet don't fall into the same US Barbarian trap like ukraine-russia civil war. US Barbarian has nothing to offer to the world except war and destruction

News & Blogs

2022-02-25 19:13 | Report Abuse

US lost the war in Afghan to Taliban with Russia back up, right? no wonder US want to take revenge using Ukraine as new missile base vs Russia... if we support Russia means we support Taliban?

News & Blogs

2022-02-24 11:31 | Report Abuse

the Ukraine captain who shot take suicide at the end speaks volume out of guilt

News & Blogs

2022-02-24 11:29 | Report Abuse

MH17 shot down by Ukraine (mistakenly thought as Putin flying jet- but blame Russia. due to its similarity. KUI LOR always twist, turn grandma story

News & Blogs

2022-02-20 19:09 | Report Abuse

najis destroy apanama klcc legacy as the my's iconic building with 1mdb trx . whoever override his popularity will in hot soup


2022-02-20 18:42 | Report Abuse

must set a age limit in politics. whoever above 65 years old must retire from politics. Let young, dynamic, strong, professional, technocrat leaders to lead.


2022-02-20 18:30 | Report Abuse

All parties having same problem- old horse, dinosaurs must allow youth leaders more chance to shine. Instead, all reinforce own positions. add. 6 millions 18 yrs voters main concern is job security, and economy well being... they feel nauseous keep harping on 1MDB, or Najis story in each election.... when will this same concepy court cluster or kleptocrat terms come to end???

News & Blogs

2022-02-20 16:14 | Report Abuse

Really? no wonder can get hair cut so easily on billions of debts. then create another bubble with digital banking bid ...waloe


2022-02-20 16:09 | Report Abuse

china is one of biggest energy consumer in the world biggest loser.... sanctions on Russia will exacerbate oil supply constraint pushing price further....Macron France will do nothing as Ukraine is not a NATO members to create goodwill with Russia, EU want Russia as partner to ultimately targeting China as common enemy

News & Blogs

2022-02-20 16:02 | Report Abuse

Kuli work hard like lembu, print $$$ for boss. How can be classified as ungrateful dog?


2022-02-20 15:55 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng menggesa kerajaan membuka semula sempadan negara menjelang 1 Mac, seperti yang dicadangkan oleh Majlis Pemulihan Negara (MPN) baru-baru ini.

“DAP bersedia mengenepikan perbezaan politik dan menyokong cadangan MPN untuk membuka semula sempadan negara dengan cepat menjelang 1 Mac demi kepentingan ekonomi negara dan selaras dengan protokol kesihatan antarabangsa semasa yang diamalkan di banyak negara asing,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Lim berkata, “normalisasi interaksi sosial” dan penyambungan semula penglibatan perniagaan akan membantu memulihkan ekonomi dan memudahkan peluang pekerjaan, terutamanya dalam sektor pelancongan.

Tambahnya, dengan Covid-19 beransur-ansur menjadi endemik, tiada sebab untuk melengahkan pembukaan semula sempadan apabila banyak negara jiran sudah berbuat demikian walaupun jangkitan meningkat.

“Kita mesti menerima, menyesuaikan diri dan tidak takut untuk hidup bersama Covid-19 seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh kebanyakan negara jiran. Sebarang kelewatan hanya akan memudaratkan ekonomi negara,” katanya.

“Kerajaan perlu menyedari bahawa mereka telah berulang kali gagal menguruskan Covid-19, termasuk gelombang jangkitan terbaru yang mujurlah mempunyai bilangan kes teruk Kategori 3-5 yang rendah, iaitu kurang 200 kes setiap hari.”

Beliau berkata lagi, kerajaan harus menambah lebih banyak sumber untuk meningkatkan kapasiti unit rawatan rapi (ICU) Covid-19 jika peningkatan jangkitan memerlukan kadar kemasukan ke hospital lebih tinggi.

News & Blogs

2022-02-19 13:49 | Report Abuse

mengata dulang paku serpih, mengata orang dia yang lebih


2022-02-14 19:14 | Report Abuse

MAS- Are you zzzz at job? Don't let MH317 Ukraine incidence repeated. Ukraine war wtih russia is imminent.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-02-13 09:42 | Report Abuse

avoid all snake in the plane counters. wakaka


2022-02-12 15:09 | Report Abuse

semua ikan bilis cuma datang cari makan sikit. mana mana parti politik OKU maupun rocket atau mata berkuasa tak bantu ikan bilis pun. tak yah bawa permusuhan ketat peribadi dengan dumno menabur fitnah atau toksin setiap hari...bagai meludar ke atas langit....

News & Blogs

2022-02-05 15:17 | Report Abuse

Our life style, hygiene, and eating habits, 3D jobs -all will change the many booster vax also can't make difference

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 16:25 | Report Abuse

let younger dynamic IT savvy leaders to take over, to do transformation. Dinosaurs' idea obsolete. even Pak Joko Indon beat us now. wakaka

News & Blogs

2022-01-29 19:31 | Report Abuse

overall malays have low trust level with EPF, with many opt for early withdrawal buying gold jewelery. that's why i said should impose add. tax on gold.....but, taliban avoid it as many gold purchase by corrupted officers ma


2022-01-28 15:24 | Report Abuse

Feb2022 – power tariff increase again
CNY Angpao from Taliban Perompak

News & Blogs

2022-01-27 11:24 | Report Abuse

Parti pemecah , lanun sabah or mula or party bangsat = all splitting opposition with evil intension.... destroy anwar

News & Blogs

2022-01-27 10:49 | Report Abuse

This tiger year, blue is lucky color NO ong...many reject arrogant red dapig.....PKR did the right thing this time

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-01-26 10:34 | Report Abuse

Taliban + katak tak boleh pakai lah....

News & Blogs

2022-01-26 10:33 | Report Abuse

belum lawan, mengaku kalah dulu... wakaka


2022-01-24 10:15 | Report Abuse

selamat jalan, ah pu nei nei...


2022-01-22 19:02 | Report Abuse

ah pu nei nei habis IJN


2022-01-22 18:24 | Report Abuse

Raja pusing is still better than current Taliban gomen....getting worsen than indon


2022-01-22 14:05 | Report Abuse

use tax payees money to bail out biawak hidup...ironically, no comment from whistleblower99 cum ah pu nei nei team. wakaka


2022-01-22 14:04 | Report Abuse

use tax payees money to bail out biawak hidup...ironically, no comment from whistleblower99 cum ah pu nei nei team. wakaka


2022-01-20 13:46 | Report Abuse

Many other counters like airasia, AAX also going thru same consolidation but you selectively kept mom. why? in addition, to raise fund its approved way by Bursa, legally right but bragging as its illegally wrong done by directors . what's your motive then?

News & Blogs

2022-01-07 10:18 | Report Abuse

This means what? All these KUI LOR mostly BUSUK punya olang….1 tahun tada mandi, gosok gigi pun OK
Vax booster also cannot help


2022-01-06 20:07 | Report Abuse

petronas seems to miss the boat. we should increase oil output capitalising on high oil price, not instead choose to zzzzz at job lei....


2022-01-06 19:58 | Report Abuse

already few years, oil price at bull run but somehow sleep petronas cut down budget for upstream projects causing many O&G counters which depend on petronas sleeping. or, it intend to reserve $$$ to plug the hole of gomen budget deficit which become larger, so reduce cap investment??


2022-01-04 11:27 | Report Abuse

ayam brand much better. wakaka

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-01-03 11:25 | Report Abuse

USD toilet paper currency will collapse first in 2022, causing worldwide panic and world super inflation

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 20:01 | Report Abuse

dapig already rotten, bought by ah pu nei nei., lanun sulu.... Dr Boo not in same page to be with lanun must chop off wakaka

News & Blogs

2021-12-28 11:20 | Report Abuse

3rd booster - not causing over dosed since not so serious? what are overdosed effects to our health?? why got for booster since Omicron is OVER HYPED to create panic??