
chinaman | Joined since 2015-02-28

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2017-05-05 12:44 | Report Abuse

if TRX pull back, we offended both mighty china and Johor state govt. TRZ-1MDB play with fire by pulling back after so much time, job done. don't tell me they find new master developer with better condition? but, trustworthiness more important after all. Pls don't damage our nation's image further. kasi malu


2017-05-04 16:39 | Report Abuse

This is karma since opposition party keep harping on losing Sovereignty by accepting china's investment. So, Beijing piss off, teach we all a lesson, by pulling back...ECR MYR50Billion also in danger now


2017-05-04 10:25 | Report Abuse

if 30 yrs, we've to call his boss Datuk Kong or Datuk Niu Niu. I pray both also...wa kaka


2017-05-03 14:44 | Report Abuse

Someone said must wait 20 yrs to reap the fruits. If another 20 yrs wait, we have to call his boss as nenek kebayan. wa ka ka


2017-05-02 11:17 | Report Abuse

many use share margin account to buy stock. But, I'm type over-cautious only use cash, buy + hold just like Nenek Yap...Thus, I'm OK with company governed by over-cautious boss. If too aggressive boss over-debt for the sake of growth- I'll have sleepless night. Anyway, I have mix portfolio, also invest in MULPHA-over debt with aggressive take over of hotels worldwide... Lee-mulpha buy hotels like sweets.. wa ka ka


2017-05-02 10:47 | Report Abuse

Dear Traderman, Yes-you're right....But, any expansion growth needs large capital which both Dutaland+ Olympia lack with now. Nenek Yap will ramp up its Mont Kiara property development only after ensuring strong balance sheet consolidation. He's bit too over-cautious + don't want over-geared for the sake of growth like AAX during current bad times. Both company's balance sheet now almost clean. I'm sure Nenek Yap will turn into very active youngster again, activate its Mont Kiara development very soon


2017-05-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

if you are IOI boss, MYR830 Million buy only Dutaland plantation at myr49,000 per hectare or use same money buy whole Dutaland which market capital only myr400million++ so far. why one will you opt?


2017-05-01 19:09 | Report Abuse

Olympia is one of The focus's 30 penny stocks pick


2017-04-27 14:31 | Report Abuse

thank you Radzi for promoting MUI at AAX forum.. wa ka ka


2017-04-27 14:00 | Report Abuse

pump up for right issue-OVER-GEARED co . Total debts ended 2016 is myr3.4 Billion. May rise further with new A330s orders.


2017-04-27 11:36 | Report Abuse

butaland sure much safer, better than Dnext-Dnext got nothing. all software, IT are hype counters by pump & dump syndicate. bursa pretend blind


2017-04-27 10:38 | Report Abuse

pump up for right issue-OVER-GEARED co


2017-04-26 16:34 | Report Abuse

why everyone crazy on Dnex? is it bcs of the boss's personality, Zainal Abidin Jalil? very powerful this fellow? any other reason?


2017-04-25 15:29 | Report Abuse

why this toilet paper rise so much?


2017-04-25 11:00 | Report Abuse

yaloe..MUI only worth myr0.01 ...wa ka ka. anyone believe? pls sell more to me..myr0.01 only


2017-04-21 19:14 | Report Abuse

Boss or Shareholders still alive after 100yrs to enjoy the fruits?


2017-04-21 16:12 | Report Abuse

why keep rising? Dnex got nothing except myr30fee for each foreigner registed using its web. like that also got market capital myr880million, crazy


2017-04-20 14:19 | Report Abuse

You-re spot on. Many LOCAL Muruku short sellers' stake end up in foreigners last few days. wa ka ka...Local stockist who short sell want to fight with foreigner, who will win?....wa ka ka


2017-04-20 13:58 | Report Abuse

if you look at airasia, AAX with much higher debts back up with depreciating aircrafts- you'll fainted off


2017-04-20 12:19 | Report Abuse

Where are all the most noisy tin kosong now? wa ka ka


2017-04-19 19:46 | Report Abuse

Even if fall to myr0.20; it's not crisis. it's opportunity to accumulate further at cheaper price. always look at life as half-full instead of half-empty glass. i'm still holding all my purchase tight waiting for real value to emerge eventually. Thank you inspirational SIFU, Calvintaneng who guide us into MUI millionaire club. Only exclusive members with strong holding power deserve to be in this millionaire club. wa ka ka .


2017-04-19 17:30 | Report Abuse

Bull is not over yet. it's a small pull back. it will recover strongly


2017-04-19 09:14 | Report Abuse

This Nenek Yap always buy indirect stake instead of open market. That's why the buy cant be reflected in market price. But, Nenek Yap is buying from whom actually? I look with interest on Butaland due to common shareholder in Olympia. will both merge one day???


2017-04-19 09:05 | Report Abuse

So, how to STOP this peanut price MGO??? Any idea??


2017-04-19 09:03 | Report Abuse

KKP is only buying time to privatise, swallow whole company at peanut price. He'll share with us with unlocking assets? Then, he'll declare bankruptcy after cash out all assets...not even one cent to be paid to her wife...wa ka ka


2017-04-18 12:06 | Report Abuse

just like our local POTONG car with huge protectionist, lest- already close shop long time ago... we pay high price for junk car


2017-04-18 12:04 | Report Abuse

if I'm not mistaken, India govt. subsidise or protectionist measure to counter import natural gas...that's why similar price. In Indonesia, if Indon govt. also got subsidy- YES- GLOTEC got big potential


2017-04-18 12:00 | Report Abuse

Can both CBM and natural gas mixed, stored together? any chemical reaction? if both pricing similar, then Glotec got big potential to make an impact, steal the business from natural gas....sorry- my knowledge on this industry still very poor...must look see, look see first


2017-04-18 11:16 | Report Abuse

Bull is not yet over...Every pull back is best chance for further accumulation. Till now, I'm still keep increasing my stake


2017-04-18 10:34 | Report Abuse

CBM price is USD7-8 per mBtu,more expensive than natural gas, that, can laku mei? look see, look see this ayam tua baby...

News & Blogs

2017-04-16 20:05 | Report Abuse

North Korea sub-marine with nuclear is just a concept-still at testing process with no threat at all. Kimchi-Kim Jong Aun like to show off but many time with embarrassing missile test failure. Japan is the real tiger but pretend timid mouse. Kimchi is the real mouse but pretend tiger. Very funny both try to playing in this real life movie. Both play different characters for own political survival or cari makan only....

News & Blogs

2017-04-16 19:55 | Report Abuse

Japan afraid USA intended to close down USA troop base in Okinawa which face great opposition from both local USA and Okinawa local itself. So, must create tension to maintain USA high presence in Japan. Shinzo Abe should get best Oscar award. Shinzo has evil motive to change from pacifist to expansionist foreign policy, so must find big excuse with threats-non existent- from north korea and China...

The U.S. is over-burdened militarily and effectively bankrupt financially, but Washington is determined to preserve every base and deployment, no matter how archaic. Such as the many military facilities in Okinawa, which risks sinking under the plethora of American installations, runways, materiel, and personnel. No wonder the Okinawan people again voted against being conscripted as one of Washington’s most important military hubs.

The Ryukyu Islands once were independent, but in the late 19th century were formally annexed by Imperial Japan. Okinawans suffered terribly in April 1945 from the so-called “Typhoon of Steel” during the American invasion. The U.S. held onto the territory afterwards, filling it with bases before finally returning Okinawa to Japan in 1972. Even now the Pentagon controls roughly one-fifth of the land, including several beautiful beaches.

Opposition to the overpowering American presence crystalized nearly two decades ago after the rape of a teenage girl by U.S. military personnel. Gov. Masahide Ota led the campaign to downsize America’s presence and large numbers of Okinawans turned out in protest. However, political activism eventually ebbed. The national government in Tokyo continued to pacify and pay off as many Okinawans as possible, while promoting various schemes to rearrange the local burden.

The bases remain because no one else in Japan wants to host American military forces. Thus, Tokyo politicians have every incentive to keep the U.S. presence (about three-quarters of base area and more than half of 47,000 military personnel) concentrated in the most distant, least influential, and poorest prefecture. After a decade of negotiation Tokyo and Washington agreed in 2006 to move some Marines to Guam and shift Futenma airbase to the less populated Henoko district of Nago city. Few Okinawans were satisfied.

Three years later the Democratic Party of Japan took power and promised to address Okinawans’ concerns. The party also advocated a more equal bilateral security partnership. But the Obama administration proved to be as intransigent as its predecessor, thwarting the efforts of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, who eventually resigned.

Since then Tokyo has attempted to implement the relocation agreement, despite strong local opposition, with about 80 percent of Okinawans against the Henoko scheme. Last year Tokyo gained the support of Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima. However, last month Naha Mayor Takeshi Onaga defeated Nakaima on an anti-base platform, declaring: “The new military base will not be built.”

News & Blogs

2017-04-16 19:38 | Report Abuse

waste money & time for USA to focus on North Korea witho zero resources. both japan and South Korea only purposely dramatise the issue out of proportion to gain political advantage during current GE. after GE in south korea, this issue will suddenly dies out. -south korea also very good in WAYANG nowadays. many nations Pakistan, India, Isreal also own nuclear in big way..why double standard with no concern by USA, Japan, South Korea?


2017-04-15 18:56 | Report Abuse

Operational wise, MUI still got profit. Loss mostly from impairment on the exch. rate of inter-company loan-can be reversed. Cash flow unaffected despite of 'paper' loss.

News & Blogs

2017-04-14 14:08 | Report Abuse

Agent provocateur are Japan and South Korea. Trump was given wrong diagnose of the real Korean peninsula situation. why both Japan-Shinzo Abe and South Korea try to provoke both USA and North Korea to fight- only themselves know why. Japan and South Korea are evil pretending angels


2017-04-14 14:01 | Report Abuse

Agent provocateur are Japan and South Korea. Trump was given wrong diagnose of the real Korean peninsula situation. why both Japan-Shinzo Abe and South Korea try to provoke both USA and North Korea to fight- only themselves know why. Japan and South Korea are evil pretending angels


2017-04-14 12:30 | Report Abuse are much better get this good deal...I've tried myr0.155 many times earlier last few weeks before give in to myr0.16 today

News & Blogs

2017-04-14 12:20 | Report Abuse

USA people are too stupid to understand Trump's real motive. He intend to test this mother bomb at north Korea before change plan to use Afghanistan IS as testing ground. I guess IS underground bomb is more justifiable. Trump is much sincere than Obama/ Clinton


2017-04-14 11:54 | Report Abuse

I've top up a bit at myr0.16 at Olympia...very cheap


2017-04-14 11:38 | Report Abuse

Muruku short sellers business very good today. But, they have to pay heavy price next week. No Korean conflict as scaremongers try to portray at media.


2017-04-13 17:55 | Report Abuse

Don't worry tomorrow is good Friday+ Vasakhi + Tamil New Year+ Songkhlan festival. We all pray hard no Korean war...stock market bull again


2017-04-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

Hurray, Bullish veteran win vs Muruku short sellers. wa ka ka


2017-04-13 10:09 | Report Abuse

its ok. selling muruku also not laku...let the short seller, sungai buloh muruku seller wins a bit this time. but, don't want to admit own profession. quickly change name to sungai buloh. wa ka ka


2017-04-13 09:56 | Report Abuse

it's sungai buluh muruku seller who need to be thrown into sungai buloh...wa kaka...why change name suddenly?


2017-04-13 09:36 | Report Abuse

Muruganvanam, no wonder you can only sell muruku...always thought MUI is cheap muruku wa ka ka


2017-04-13 09:33 | Report Abuse

Sshort sellers will pay heavy price....Only few greenhorns in MUI easily cheated...Most MUI investors are long term veterans, very stable, loaded...not easily cheated...wa ka ka


2017-04-12 16:13 | Report Abuse

Many naysayers are short selling MUI and expecting drop despite of whatever argument put forward by Calvin. Whoever short sell will pay the price


2017-04-08 15:43 | Report Abuse

all construction counters damn expensive except Bpuri...too good to be true....em...there must be some reasons....i still look see, look see only...To all SIFU, any comment why it so damn cheap despite of huge contracts? unlike Ekovest also with large contracts but rise like crazy?


2017-04-08 14:37 | Report Abuse

The United Kingdom High Court yesterday ordered Malaysian tycoon Khoo Kay Peng to pay £64million (RM353.87 million) to his ex-wife Pauline Chai as settlement for their high-profile divorce.

South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports that Justice David Bodey ruled Chai should receive the amount which is made up of cash and property as part of the settlement.

Chai, 70, a former Miss Malaysia in 1969, had sought £100million (RM551 million) from the 78-year-old Khoo, who is non-executive director of the Laura Ashley brand.

They married in 1970 and were divorced in 2012, following 42 years of marriage. The couple have five children.

Khoo has reportedly tried to have his high-profile divorce case heard in Malaysia, as this was the marital home while Chai wanted the proceedings to be held in UK.

SCMP reports that Justice Bodey's detailed ruling on who gets what in the settlement of assets would be published in the near future.

It added that the case was heard in private but the court allowed journalists to name Khoo and Chai in the report.

Meanwhile, UK's The Telegraph quoted Chai's lawyer Ayesha Vardag, as saying that the litigation had been long and arduous.

“It is a journey which has now ended in the affirmation of the principle of fair sharing. It emphasises that there is no place in England for discrimination between home maker and bread winner.

“I am so proud of the whole team, including our client who worked so hard on this case.”


2017-04-08 14:13 | Report Abuse

In short, Duta Yap can call mgo at any time if he wish, 50% voting right requirement is abolished.