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2012-02-27 17:45 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow BIMB touch $2.21 cents the least?.....and son follow accordingly too, hee, hee,hee. Results still not yet announced , so tomorrow BIMB may announce it's quarter results stay on my friends.


2012-02-27 17:41 | Report Abuse

Yes, slight panic selling among the kiasi & kiasu...throwing like there is no tomorrow, hee, hee,hee. Morning was good as it went as far as 59.5 cents with strong support too...thought it will go as far as 61 cents but didn't jadi lah...lets wait for tomorrow then. High volume today at more than 11 million shares traded...more action to come in days to come stay on my friends.


2012-02-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

As a friendly advice to all, please don't buy warrants if you are not familiar with it. It's not like buying goreng pisang, hee, hee, hee


2012-02-27 16:29 | Report Abuse

Buy CC, longer time to expiry date. CB also can buy too as we may see BIMB mother going higher.


2012-02-27 16:01 | Report Abuse

Buy BIMB & sons before it's too late, hee, hee, hee


2012-02-27 15:07 | Report Abuse

See the buying queue...quite confident it will go higher.


2012-02-27 14:43 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, it will go up


2012-02-27 13:26 | Report Abuse

Yes brother chieng8182, most probably as you see that early morning people sapu very large lots between 58.5 to 59 keep your fingers crossed.


2012-02-27 12:56 | Report Abuse

Good, so let's all wait for our abalone then which I am quite confident it will come. Today closing at 61cents++ hopefully. Buying percentage is still high today at 61%.


2012-02-27 12:47 | Report Abuse

Let's see BIMB shoot in the afternoon.


2012-02-27 10:30 | Report Abuse

ha, ha, ha brother aryscien , you got a good appetite....that's the spirit , aim high if the going is good.


2012-02-27 10:18 | Report Abuse

Hopefully brother j harcharanjit a/l jalaur singh dhillon , we see good results & then it shoots, hee, hee, hee


2012-02-27 10:07 | Report Abuse

watch out for it today....going higher perhaps


2012-02-27 09:58 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother raphael , let's see how high the sharks will shoot it up.....65 cent or higher perhaps?...hee, hee, hee


2012-02-27 09:35 | Report Abuse

Told you all to have faith & hold until it surges close at ???


2012-02-27 08:17 | Report Abuse

If it's hopeless new management, then why is the good performance with this net profit 30.656 million (increased 58.27%)


2012-02-27 08:13 | Report Abuse

Brother JT1969 , where's the evidence on hopeless new management at ECM & it's poor performance.....please elaborate instead of simply shooting lah...cheers.

2012-02-27 06:35 | Report Abuse

Electricity rate hikes could have been stopped if the agreement between IPP and TNB had been fair and wise. Alas, because of the blunder made by the then prime minister, Mahathir, almost 40 percent of TNB’s operating costs have been spent in purchasing electricity from IPP and the company has to keep on seeking from the government tariff increase on electricity affecting the poor in many ways.

Money for the rich comes from taxpayers

Ironically, UMNO-led government is still condoning monopoly practices. Rice, flour, sugar, toll, electricity, etc are all monopoly businesses where these conglomerates make huge profits at the expense of the poor. The government is, in point of fact, not helping the poor but help subsidise these huge companies to enrich crony companies and their shareholders. Even with such monopolies, in most cases only some individuals are those who have been enriched and the companies they managed have folded due to improper management under the so-called NEP.

Countries – rich and poor – throughout the world subsidise essential commodities to help the people and the prices of these commodities are real cheap and affordable by their poor. In most cases they do not deliberately enrich the cronies at the expense of the poor citizens. Prices of agricultural products are cheap in all developed and developing countries. Even in the US the agricultural sector is heavily subsidised and the poor can buy food stuff cheap in the market. The US government does not call it 1US. No governments go thumping their chest claiming that the government of the day is helping the poor. It is the onus of a responsible government to help the crucial economic sectors while prudently managing taxpayer’s money. These governments are aware that it’s the people’s money and the countries resources that are used to subsidise the essential commodities and not to indirectly enrich some cronies or companies. Credits are given to the people and not politicians.

In the Malaysian context UMNO politicians are taking the credit for helping the poor when in actual fact they are using the people’s money to do so. Ironically, even after claiming to have subsidised many products in the market, prices of goods still keep on rising. Prices of commodities are not getting cheaper by the day because of trade manipulations. Business monopoly by cronies has caused this to happen. Prices are still escalating and the people are wondering whether there is any substance in this subsidy agenda by UMNO.

Seemingly, there is no sincerity on the part of the present government. ‘Helping the poor’ is merely a lip service – a cheap political gimmick to win the next general election, and the people are bound to face hardship beyond that. UMNO’s long-term policy under Najib’s administration is to reduce on subsidies as proposed by the Performance Management and Implementation Unit (Pemandu) in stages and this will take place after the next GE if BN retains Putrajaya – which most political observers are sceptical that UMNO or BN can last that long. Najib’s team is facing a knotty impasse now as they have promised financial reforms such as subsidy cuts to help trim down the budget deficit and do away with market anomalies, but aggressive reductions in subsidy to traders could further increase the price of goods if business monopoly were to remain.

Subsidy gimmicks

A spike in prices of food, properties, education, services, transport, fuel prices, toll rates and utility bills in the country have affected both the urban and rural populace. Political observers are saying that that the costs of living will be one of the biggest issues in the next election. The urbanites are aware of this and this awareness has also reached the rural population. The rural people are facing hardship as much as the poor urbanites. Most people in the country are struggling to make ends meet when the rich are on a bed of roses minting money, living in luxury and buying properties overseas.

And UMNO-led government will face the wrath of 90 percent of the people in the next GE. There will be a backlash against Najib’s administration. “It will make no difference with all these subsidy gimmicks – the country will see some changes once the BN regime is kicked out of office for good,” quipped an economist from a local university.

Malaysia Chronicle

2012-02-27 06:34 | Report Abuse

Seemingly, the perception is that UMNO-led government is just inept. They have done nothing much to curb corruption, cronyism
and nepotism – the trait of UMNO for the past 54 years.

Electricity rate hikes could have been stopped

“UMNO’s version of subsidy is actually helping the cronies, business monopolists and capitalists,” said an economist from a local university. Why are the people paying high electric bills? In 1995, TNB’s monopoly in electricity generation sector ended with the establishment of five IPPs – all cronies – which supplied almost 40 percent of electricity supply to the National Grid.

IPPs signed long-term power supply contracts with TNB and with government support their profits were almost guaranteed. The IPP contracts were guaranteed returns of not less than 20 percent spanning a period of 21-year contract . By early 1997, the country had almost 50 percent surplus capacity from a shortage just two years before that. The ill-advised Mahathir administration then prompted consumers to use more electricity to save the IPPs. The IPP-TNB agreement was obviously lopsided and TNB is obliged to purchase from IPP even though it does not need the electricity. When TNB started to bleed, the government came up with a simple solution to raise electricity rates and let the consumers absorb the former’s high operating costs.

Since 1997 until FY2010, Petronas’s cumulative gas subsidy was at a shocking amount of RM116.4 billion. And IPP enjoyed the biggest share of RM49.3 billion (42.3 percent) followed by TNB (RM37.3 billion or 32 percent). IPP and TNB alone enjoyed a combined RM86.6 billion or 74.4 percent of the total gas subsidy since 1997.

To date, Petronas has paid almost RM550 billion to both Federal and State Governments, making it the major contributor to the nation’s coffer, without which the country would have gone bankrupt. Petronas makes vigorous revenue but the subsidy to IPP and TNB has taken its toll on the net profit. Every year, Petronas pays billions of dollars in gas subsidy mainly to IPP and TNB. In 2008 alone, its gas subsidy reached RM19.7 billion with IPP and TNB taking the largest share of RM8.1 billion and RM5.7 billion respectively.


riff increase on electricity affecting the poor in many ways.

2012-02-27 06:32 | Report Abuse


Vote for BN vote for Price Increase

“Prices of essential commodities have shot up to more than 200 percent since 2008 under the present UMNO-led government,” complained a farmer from Alor Gajah. He feels that UMNO has done little or just have no ideas on how to contain price increase affecting almost every commodity – from food, farming equipment, fertilisers to immovable properties. “Each time TV3, RTM 1 or Utusan Malaysia mention that there will be a pay hike for government servants and money will be distributed to the people, prices of commodities will shoot up. The trend is always upward and not downward.” To most of these poor people, voting for BN is to vote for ‘increase in price of goods’ or creatively defined with a moniker “Undi BN undi Barang Naik.” (Vote for BN vote for Price Increase).

The UMNO-led government is now becoming truly desperate. They are aware that prices of essential commodities in the market are increasing despite their superfluous claims that they are being subsidised heavily. The masses know that essential commodities like sugar, rice, flour, cooking oil and fuel are all controlled by capitalist business conglomerates who are out there to make huge profits at the expense of the poor. Price increase, especially for essential items, also tend to be higher in urban areas where BN tends to be very unpopular.

Promoting cronyism, unbridled monopolism and capitalism will only see prices of properties and commodities rising further. Capitalist economy knows no mercy for the poor. The rich makes huge profits and yet the government must use taxpayers’ money and other national resources to pay the companies in the form of “subsidies” to generate the economy. In other words, the rich are subsidised with taxpayer’s money but it is made to be seen that the poor are those who are being helped. A shrewd political manoeuvre indeed.

Government is just hollow and desperate

Actually the government is just hollow and desperate and have no ideas on how to make the poor live a comfortable life. The poor are becoming poorer and the rich richer and this is UMNO’s way of managing the country.

They claim to be subsidising prices of sugar, flour and cooking oil when in actuality they are using people’s money to subsidise these items while at the same time enriching the cronies involved in the trading business.

“Prices of rice, flour and cooking oil have all gone up. We cannot afford to buy enough food to feed our children,” said a 47 year-old recipient of RM500 from an UMNO member of parliament in Melaka.

The poor want more from the government. They want their water and electric bills to go down. They demand that prices of rice, cooking oil and flour to go down. They find that with prices going up even prices of fish and vegetables in the market are now up. “Prices have shot up by more than 100 percent. An egg that used to cost 15sen each now costs 50sen. Prices of chicken, beef and mutton have all gone up by almost 80 percent despite UMNO’s economists claiming that the inflation rate is below 3.2 percent. No Malaysians would believe in this figure,” grumbled a housewife from Air Keroh.


2012-02-27 06:28 | Report Abuse

‘No logo, no subsidy' is absolute superciliousness. Having 1Malaysia logo on subsidised goods is another form of snootiness on UMNO’s part. This is one way though to con the people that the government is seriously helping the people. Then comes the ongoing one-off cash grant of RM500 for low income households to help UMNO win the next general election. However, such schemes are not seen to be sustainable. People are accepting the money in droves but there is no guarantee that they will vote for UMNO or BN. They meekly admit that the amount is too little to sustain their everyday life when faced with high costs of living.

They are suffering a lot more in life

With prices of all essential items going up there has been a chain effect on prices of other important commodities as well, which are not under government control. Prices of fish, vegetables, transport and meat have all gone up since the last general election. The rich are allowed the monopoly business and they end up enriching themselves. The poor are allowed to suffer and paid a one-off RM500 – after endlessly coaxing them to vote for UMNO-BN – to bear the costs of high inflation. Apparently, UMNO believes that with a pittance one-off payment given to the poor they will forgive UMNO for all their misdemeanours.

What’s more, not all who attend the pomp political sessions to receive the meagre amount are supporters of UMNO or BN. They attend the lengthy political sermons just for the money. Many are disappointed that the amount given is too little as many believe at least RM1000 to RM2000 should be given out to them as they are suffering a lot more in life than what UMNO leaders seem to perceive. “What can RM500 do to sustain my life. I have three children and I am a single mother,” said a 36-year-old woman from Pringgit.

UMNO sounds desperate. This is a sign of absolute desperation. They gather the people in a hall, UMNO and Barisan Nasional representatives will lecture them on UMNO, BN politics and call them to vote for UMNO and BN in the next general election telling the crowd that the money given is from ‘them’. They identify the recipients by their voting areas, make them produce their IDs and their home address. This is a subtle brainwashing technique to fool the uninformed masses.

This session takes three to four hours before a measly RM500 voucher is given to those in attendance – deviously promising them that this will be an annual affair if Barisan Nasional is returned to power in the next general election. This chest-thumping way of politics has not convinced all the people, though. The poor are desperate and they will grab whatever is given to them but this may not translate into votes for UMNO or BN.

“My concern is more of my immediate need. I don’t think UMNO is sincere. That is not important to me. I will vote for a candidate and party that is more sincere in helping the poor, not UMNO or BN,” said a retired government servant from Jasin.

Many are sentient that the money given to them is not UMNO’s money but subsidised by the people or taken from the nation’s coffer. Of course, UMNO would hide this from the people saying that the government is subsidising almost everything for the people. It only shows how ham-fisted the incumbent government is.

nomy. In other

2012-02-27 06:26 | Report Abuse

Sunday, 26 February 2012 20:52

Guess what the people are saying now: A vote for BN is a vote for Price Increase]

Written by Moaz Nair, Malaysia Chronicle

The costs of living will be a decisive election matter that will affect UMNO-led government to cling on to power in the 13th general election (GE). The Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) ranking of the world's most expensive cities has now placed Kuala Lumpur at the 74th position from 86th last year.

The issue now is that it is more expensive to live not only in Kuala Lumpur but also other cities, towns and even the rural areas of the country. It’s high inflation that cannot be reined by a bungling government which has led to this predicament. While the Consumer Price Index (CPI) – taken to be the official rate of inflation – is in the region of 3 percent plus last year, the masses feel that the figures flaunted by the government do not reflect the real situation on the ground.

“It can never be 3 percent when the price of a kilo of sugar has gone up from RM1.45 to RM2.50. It is a massive increase,” said a school canteen operator in Bandar Melaka.

Robert Kuok could still make good profit

Domestic sugar price went up by 40 percent from Jan 2010 to May 2011 ever since the sugar monopoly was taken over by FELDA from Robert Kuok. Yet at the old price, Robert Kuok could still make good profit. Prices also went up for petrol and diesel and LPG. This has caused a chain effect on other consumer essential products affecting the poor most. A UN survey has projected a significant slide in economic growth for Malaysia this year due to rising food and fuel prices. But the incumbent government lacks the wisdom to manage the staid inflationary problems affecting majority of the population.

Almost all UMNO leaders are rather quiet these days and Najib Abdul Razak – the yet-to-be-officially- enthroned UMNO leader – is fighting all alone in a tough battle to salvage his image as a leader. But his 1Malaysia slogan has met with a lot of opposition from UMNO members including Mahathir Muhammad – a former prime minister. To most UMNO stalwarts the slogan sounds rather vague, ambivalent or ambiguous. The latest desperate move by Najib is to have the slogan 1Malaysia placed on all “subsidised” items to tell the people that UMNO is responsive to the people’s gloom and dissatisfaction. “There will be no subsidy if there is no 1Malaysia logo on the item,” it was once said. This only proves that the government is helping the already-rich business concerns to increase or maintain their huge profit margins but ‘artificially’ reduce the prices of their produce as they have been subsidised by the government using taxpayers’ money.



2012-02-27 04:56 | Report Abuse

Kenanga, ECM unit close to finalising deal

KUALA LUMPUR: ECM Libra Financial Group Bhd, whose substantial shareholders have long wanted to divest their equity, is close to signing an agreement to sell the group’s stockbroking and investment banking operation to K&N Kenanga Holdings Bhd, according to sources.

Sources close to the negotiations told The Edge Financial Daily that Kenanga Holdings will pay about RM900 million for the stockbroking and investment banking business in ECM Libra via a cash and share swap deal.

Upon completion, ECM Libra will hold a stake in Kenanga Holdings. The financial group will be left with its asset management business and cash. According to sources, ECM Libra will use the cash to acquire new businesses.

At RM900 million, the deal would value ECM Libra’s stockbroking and investment banking arm at above one times book value. Based on the price tag of RM900 million, the group’s broking and investment banking arm is valued at RM1.10 per share, which is nearly a 31% premium over ECM Libra’s closing yesterday of 84 sen.

Both parties received the green light from Bank Negara Malaysia in October to hold merger talks. It was widely known at that time that Tan Sri Azman Hashim was looking to divest his 23.8% equity interest in ECM Libra.

Azman, a substantial shareholder in AmBank group, needs to pare down his equity interest as an individual is not allowed to hold substantial stakes in more than one financial institution under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act. According to the latest annual reports, Azman holds an indirect 16.78% stake in AMMB Holdings Bhd.

The deal is the latest in a series of M&A in the local financial and brokerage industry. Hong Leong Bank Bhd acquired EON Capital Bhd for RM5.06 billion last year, while RHB Capital Bhd and OSK Holdings Bhd are currently ironing out a merger proposal.


2012-02-27 04:42 | Report Abuse

Where do you want to go Malton?...up or down today?...hee, hee, hee......presumably up today I hope.


2012-02-27 04:39 | Report Abuse

Yes brother aryscien. we may see KHSB moving higher? .......less T+3 kakis now & so are lesser the kiasi & kiasu too.....stay on.


2012-02-27 04:37 | Report Abuse

Quarter results in a day or 2 perhaps & EPF buying & buying for the last few this buying a signal of incoming good reports & the possibility of BIMB going higher & higher? Now you do your own watch out please.


2012-02-27 04:34 | Report Abuse

It's quite confirmed that the purchase will go through...not a total buyout in cash but part cash of a possibility 60 cents & part Kenaga shares. But also quite confident that even if the deal doesn't go through, ECM price will stay strong as it's still a good counter.... NTA is still $1.21, EPS is more than 8 cents & PER is around 10


2012-02-26 20:38 | Report Abuse

Let's see how it goes next week.


2012-02-26 20:35 | Report Abuse

It's a ok brother davors as Malton is a much undervalue counter...have faith, hold & see it grows.


2012-02-26 16:57 | Report Abuse

From what I know Kenaga will be paying about 60 cents per ECM shares plus some Kenaga shares as watch out for it.


2012-02-25 19:14 | Report Abuse

Monday morning we see KHSB going higher perhaps!!!! Always remember the possible privatize factor....taking the risk is up to you.


2012-02-25 19:11 | Report Abuse

Maltons profit is not too impressive....1H net profit 19.296 million (decreased 0.79%) .....only a slight decrease & let's see how it will perform this Monday.


2012-02-25 19:08 | Report Abuse

Well said brother Fasterom.....appreciate it. Yes, as I had always say to everyone is to do their homework before you press the "buy" button. As I had always said is this.... trade & tread with care always is my advice to all.


2012-02-25 19:03 | Report Abuse

Maybe $1.10 to $1.20 at least for takeover. Wish someone here with more experience in takeover could help out in this aspect....thank you.


2012-02-25 06:38 | Report Abuse

With the General Elections just around the corner, the best option is to put your money in GLC....yes, this is my preference choice for now.


2012-02-25 05:23 | Report Abuse

I just wonder why people are so afraid to buy & hold on to fundamentally good shares & yet buy a "almost goner" penny shares knowing fully well of your money going down the drain but you with the hope that the people will goreng the share & you to make some easy money....face reality my friends, it's not as easy as you think to make easy money on the the wise part & you will make money, if not kaput or hangus.


2012-02-25 05:18 | Report Abuse

So now you see that the sharks had goreng up KHSB shares after you all stupidly throw it away cheaply the day earlier when sharks do their "action" by throwing away some big lots at a cheaper price & you to stupidly follow to sell cheaply & the sharks collect on your stupidity, hee, hee, hee. You know fully well of the potential of KHSB going to be taken private & KPS & yet you all never sayang the shares....OMG, where is your thinking brain?


2012-02-25 05:13 | Report Abuse

KandN Kenanga Holdings Bhd, the Malaysian brokerage backed by Deutsche Bank AG, is close to an agreement to buy the investment
banking and broking unit of ECM Libra Financial Group Bhd for about RM900 million, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Kenanga may pay in cash and stock, two of the people said today, declining to be identified as the information is private. The sale won't include ECM Libra's asset management operations, they said.

Malaysian banks and brokerages have been merging amid increased competition from foreign lenders including Bank of China Ltd and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. Hong Leong Bank Bhd acquired EON Capital Bhd for US$1.7 billion in May, while RHB Capital Bhd is seeking central bank approval to buy OSK Holdings Bhd's investment bank.

Kenanga's head of group corporate affairs Siti Maslinda Sheikh Othman wasn't immediately available to comment. ECM Libra spokeswoman Maureen Jeyasooriar declined to comment on the sale. Kenanga's board is expected to meet later today to approve the deal, one person said.

The sale will help Azman Hashim, ECM Libra's biggest shareholder, meet Malaysian licensing rules that bar a single individual from being a key owner of more than one investment bank. Azman, who owns 24 per cent of ECM Libra, also indirectly holds almost 17 per cent of AMMB Holdings Bhd, Malaysia's fifth- biggest lender by market value, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. -- Bloomberg


2012-02-25 05:12 | Report Abuse

Brother cheese is like this...P/E is short for the ratio of a company's share price to its per-share earnings. As the name implies, to calculate the P/E, you simply take the current stock price of a company and divide by its earnings per share (EPS):

So the lower the RERatio the faster it is for you to get back your money depending on EPS.


2012-02-25 05:07 | Report Abuse

Don't worry as I am the least worried knowing fully well that EPF is buying & buying almost everyday & I can't go I am still holding. Just wait for the quarter reports presume to be out next week & also for the buying of an Indonesian bank & then you see what the effect will be.


2012-02-24 16:13 | Report Abuse

Maybe more than $1...if privatize then much higher lah.


2012-02-24 15:44 | Report Abuse

No brother, I don't keep touch on this counter but I think it should be around next week or so too.


2012-02-24 15:37 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother cheese, Malton is indeed a undervalue counter with a NTA of $1.33 & a PERatio of around it's really a good counter.


2012-02-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

Please underestimate brother cheese as you may be in for a surprise lah


2012-02-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

Most like today or next week the latest.


2012-02-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

Malton going to go goreng too soon...expect good quarter report to be out out for it.


2012-02-24 14:54 | Report Abuse

This out yesterday brother tansrichew....."Kenanga nears agreement to buy ECM Libra"........we are almost there..sooner or later.


2012-02-24 14:38 | Report Abuse

No brother, there are too many stupid people who are fooled by the sharks who throw down some yesterday at lower & lower price & you all follow like headless chickens while the sharks collect at a lower price to goreng later to make money. There are so many kiasi & kisus here...OMG