
crystal168 | Joined since 2015-10-18

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High





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2016-04-01 08:00 | Report Abuse

noted with thanks

"tanflash1314 >>> the big boss says: all the 1.13 profit taker comes, u gt hw much i eat hw much, and i'm going to push the price up later.
31/03/2016 15:58"

"tanflash1314 >>> Once 1.16 breaks and the next resistance will be 1.35, If 1.35 breaks. Guys. The future is so bright and then you can tp 2.00 ald. =D
31/03/2016 18:51"


2016-04-01 07:59 | Report Abuse

thanks for sharing

"traderman >>> Sorry, uems will never back to 2.0 again. 1.3 also a problem ... Reason - property market kaboom in Malaysia already ... Led by iskandar
01/04/2016 03:22"


2016-04-01 07:59 | Report Abuse

Thursday, 31 Mar 2016


17:15:06 Appointment of SUBIMAL SEN GUPTA A/L S C SEN As Others
17:15:36 Change in Nomination Committee
17:15:37 Appointment of SUBIMAL SEN GUPTA A/L S C SEN As Others


2016-04-01 07:55 | Report Abuse

Morning, finally QR out


2016-03-31 16:34 | Report Abuse



turbochart >>> Sell!!suspended then limit down 90sen!!
31/03/2016 15:56"


2016-03-31 08:46 | Report Abuse

watchout !!!


2016-03-30 22:14 | Report Abuse

We refer to the announcement dated 25 March 2016 ("Initial Announcement") (Reference No. GA1-24032016-00049) in respect of the subject matter.

Unless otherwise stated, the definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meaning as defined in the Initial Announcement.

VLT and Gemtek each separately referred to as a "Party" or collectively referred to as the "Parties".

The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") wishes to provide herewith the following additional information in relation to the salient terms of the Distributorship Agreement ("DA"):-

1. The product range included in the DA are as follows:

(a) LTE products - Wifi Dongle, Indoor CPE (Customer Premise Equipment), Router, Home Gateway, etc.

(b) Broadband products - VDSL modem, GPON CPE and products, etc.

(c) GIOT (Green Internet of Things) Products - Node adaptor, Asset tracker, Gateway, etc.

Gemtek appoints VLT as its distributor to promote, market and sell the products ("Products") and to provide services for the Products ("Services") throughout the South-East Asian region ("Territory") and VLT accepts the appointment and undertakes to promote, market, sell and provide the same in and throughout the Territory solely upon the terms and conditions in the DA. The DA is on a non-exclusive basis.

2. The DA shall commence on the date of signing of the DA which was on 24 March 2016 ("Effective Date") and continue for a period of one (1) year thereafter ("Initial Term") and shall be automatically renewed on a yearly basis unless terminated earlier as follows:-

2.1 Either party may cancel the DA effective on the last day of the Initial Term, or any renewal term, by serving written notice of such termination on the other Party at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date thereof.

2.2 Gemtek shall be entitled to forthwith terminate the DA: if VLT commits any material breach, becomes insolvent, assigns or attempts to assign the DA without Gemtek's prior written consent and does any act or omission which discredit Gemtek's reputation and/or brand.

2.3 Gemtek retains the right, in its sole discretion, to upgrade or modify the Products from time to time. In addition, upon thirty (30) days prior notice to VLT, Gemtek may add or delete Products stated in the DA. Upon receipt of any such notice of an upgrade or modification, or upon the expiration of the notice period set forth above for additions or deletions to the Territory in DA, VLT shall cease to market and distribute earlier versions of the Products deleted from the Territory in the DA.

3. Payment

Payment of invoices by VLT shall be made within sixty (60) days upon the receipt of invoices issued by Gemtek.

4. VLT's duties and obligations

4.1 Marketing, Sale and Storage of the Products

VLT shall at all times:

4.1.1 use its best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Products and usage of the Services throughout the Territory. In the event VLT is unable or unsuccessful in servicing any account(s) in the Territory for any reason whatsoever, Gemtek after prior consultation with VLT reserves the right to continue servicing said account(s). VLT agrees to permit Gemtek to review all of VLT's promotion and advertising material for the Products and Services. VLT shall not use and shall withdraw and retract any promotion or advertising that Gemtek finds unsuitable;

4.1.2 not directly or indirectly in anyway whatsoever promote, offer for sale, sell, distribute, provide any of the Products of Services outside the Territory;

4.1.3 give preferential treatment, focus and priority when promoting, advertising and displaying the Products or Services in VLT's shop, store, display areas or in any other place for the sale or offering for sale of the Products or Services; and

4.1.4 remain solely responsible for all maintenance and support to any person or company who purchase Products from VLT with regard to the Products. VLT shall, at its expense, further engage and maintain a sales, service and products handling organization in the Territory, staffed with such experienced personnel as are necessary to enable VLT to perform its obligation under the DA.

5. Pricing of the products

Pricing shall only be determined and quoted by Gemtek at the time of each order after taking into consideration the size of the order and the costs of the components at the relevant time.

This announcement is dated 30 March 2016.


2016-03-30 22:12 | Report Abuse

Wednesday, 30 Mar 2016


TAN BEE ENG (48,300 units Disposed)
TAN BEE ENG (48,300 units Disposed)


2016-03-30 11:53 | Report Abuse

price still sustain


2016-03-30 07:44 | Report Abuse

For consistency, the abbreviations used throughout this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the announcements dated 16 October 2015 and 17 March 2016 in relation to the above matter, where applicable, unless stated otherwise or defined herein.

Further to the Company’s announcements made on 16 October 2015, 21 October 2015, 1 December 2015 and 17 March 2016, the Board of Directors of R&A wishes to announce that RASB, a major subsidiary of the Company, had on 28 March 2016 been served a sealed notice of application dated 15 March 2016 from Messrs. Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill, the solicitors acting for the Plaintiff, in relation to the appointment of a Licensed Auctioneer to dispose of the Properties.

The aforesaid matter has been fixed for hearing on Monday, 18 April 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Shah Alam High Court.

Further development on the above matter will be announced to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due course.

This announcement is dated 29 March 2016.


2016-03-30 07:33 | Report Abuse


"turbochart >>> Sell! !no 90 sen no talk!!hehe..
30/03/2016 07:10"


2016-03-28 19:31 | Report Abuse

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31 Jan 2016


2016-03-28 19:25 | Report Abuse


"shazali6609 >>> is time to buy in some back....i am in for 200k lot
28/03/2016 15:47"


2016-03-26 07:46 | Report Abuse

The Board of Directors of Lii Hen Industries Bhd ("the Company") wishes to announce that the Company proposes to seek shareholders' approval for the Proposed Renewal of and New Shareholders' Mandate for recurrent related party transactions of a revenue or trading nature ("RRPT") at the forthcoming Twenty Second Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). The Company had obtained a shareholders' mandate from its shareholders for the Company and/or its subsidiary companies to enter into RRPT in the last year's AGM. The said mandate continues to be in force until the conclusion of the forthcoming AGM, unless approval for its renewal is obtained from the shareholders of the Company in that meeting.

A circular to Shareholders containing the details of the Proposed Renewal of and New Shareholders' Mandate will be Despatched to the shareholders of the Company together with notice of AGM in due course.


2016-03-26 07:32 | Report Abuse

The Board of Directors of Yen Global Berhad ("Yen" or "the Company") wishes to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary VLT Wholesale Sdn. Bhd. ("VLT") has on 24 March 2016 entered into a Distributorship Agreement ("DA") with Gemtek Technology Co. Ltd ("Gemtek") for VLT to be the distributor of Gemtek to promote, market and sell the products such as LTE, Broadband, IOT and other telecommunication products in the South-East Asian region.

Gemtak is a company incorporated in Taiwan and listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange and is principally involved in the manufacture of telecommunication products.

The DA will not have any effect on the issued and paid up share capital of the Company and is not expected to have any material impact on the earnings, earnings per share, net assets per share and gearing of the Group for the financial year ending 31 July 2016. However, it is expected to contribute positively towards the future earnings of Yen Group.

None of the directors and/or major shareholders of Yen and/or persons connected with them have any interest, direct or indirect, in the DA.

This announcement is dated 25 March 2016


2016-03-25 16:33 | Report Abuse


"Diven Teh >>> buy and keep.
25/03/2016 16:21"

"Diven Teh >>> game over kot
25/03/2016 11:17"


2016-03-25 14:28 | Report Abuse

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31 Mar 2015


2016-03-25 14:21 | Report Abuse



2016-03-25 14:08 | Report Abuse

Quarter Report

"cricketlast >>> sorry, what's QR?
23/03/2016 17:08"

News & Blogs

2016-03-25 10:45 | Report Abuse

LTA, did you letup AZRB?

please share share ....

News & Blogs

2016-03-25 10:41 | Report Abuse

can give more fuel to letup kah? a bit slow today

"Posted by LogicTradingAnalysis > Mar 25, 2016 10:11 AM | Report Abuse

Jangan melepasi peluang meletup besar tu..."


2016-03-25 10:34 | Report Abuse


me just an ordinary person lah. where got teaching skill.

let me curi curi tell you ah. few of my friends attended Sifu O's course and some subscribed, follow buy buy buy end up high debts.

one of them sold her Vellfire to pay the debts.


2016-03-25 10:30 | Report Abuse


will fasten my seat belt

"Paklong >>> show start
25/03/2016 10:22"


2016-03-25 10:27 | Report Abuse

now still got a bit of free time, so can do some short typing

will need to attend meeting @11:00


2016-03-25 10:26 | Report Abuse

chiongster1234, u r here also


2016-03-25 10:25 | Report Abuse

oh ya, if my questions are too sensitive, please ignore it.

good to keep low profile.



2016-03-25 10:21 | Report Abuse

Good Morning

my friend also in kim's stock. this one even fierce than tjhldg's stock.

i can see kim's stock keeps breaking resistance.

very good and challenging.

most of the time, too fast. hahhaa many of them cannot follow.

BTW, is kim a name of the person or just a nick? a christian name?


2016-03-25 10:13 | Report Abuse

ok, enjoy your breakfast


2016-03-25 10:03 | Report Abuse


turbochart >>> Sold all at...tell u later. ..hehe
25/03/2016 09:29


2016-03-25 10:02 | Report Abuse

Congratulations chiongster1234


2016-03-25 10:02 | Report Abuse

Congratulations chiongster1234


2016-03-25 09:59 | Report Abuse

Hi chiongster1234

u r here now


2016-03-25 09:47 | Report Abuse

Hi chionster1234

Also look at AZRB, this share is a bit boring/slow but look like got potential


2016-03-25 09:43 | Report Abuse

Hi chiongster1234

very sad if you do not know who Mr.OTB is, he is the most sifu that i admire. He is amongst the best Sifu that you can gain experience.

Is a very challenging experience....

"chiongster1234 >>> hi crystal,

i don't know who is that and also no interest.

i only want to know which counter will make me earn money:)
25/03/2016 09:40"


2016-03-25 09:41 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr.OTB

Hopefully one day i can sit on your chair to continue your task after your retirement.


"Ooi Teik Bee >>> I did not recommend Gamuda-WE in I3, please leave me alone.

I recommend to my subscribers only. It is my right to do that because my subscribers pay me. My recommendation is to buy and hold for 3 to 6 months, it is not suitable for contra.

Please do not blame me here, I did not recommend Gamuda-WE here. I did not offload to my subscribers at 1.12 which a mad liar in I3 is telling lie to bad mouth me.

Thank you.
25/03/2016 08:44"


2016-03-25 09:38 | Report Abuse


see carefully before bell ring, that is the most golden eggs from Mr.OTB


2016-03-25 09:38 | Report Abuse

Hi chiongster1234

You also at Gamuda WE, now you very good eh, know how to take the luck from Mr.OTB

Good work

Keep it up


2016-03-25 09:37 | Report Abuse

Morning Mr.OTB, thank you for your support

Appreciate it


2016-03-25 09:36 | Report Abuse

i managed to buy 1.00 and sold 1.02 for Nasi Lemak moments ago