
datuk | Joined since 2012-06-11

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2013-10-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

Waha.....CF is still control 74%......believe me ????


2013-10-09 10:45 | Report Abuse

trust me......long way is measured in hours and day.....industry call for revaluation........wthe operation in anachai is virtually stop by flood!!!

JCY story....repeate in mieco...


2013-10-09 10:40 | Report Abuse

TP...RM0.55.....need to break this first.......otherwise bo hee kua !!!


2013-10-09 09:44 | Report Abuse

according to the Fujian saying ......on the eve of "tua hong tua rang" usually you will feel extremely tranquil and stable when you voyage across the sea.......Is this mirror the market sentiment today ?


2013-10-09 09:31 | Report Abuse

Thanks khng482......although i dun have green packet....but CSL is going to give the "packet"....the type of colours depend on individual apporach and the price entry point....hehehhe


2013-10-09 09:24 | Report Abuse

Khng482......suupppp....suup..diam...diam ....dun connect me to the demise news ar ......


2013-10-09 09:02 | Report Abuse

runtuh support level rm0.22.........watch out !


2013-10-09 09:00 | Report Abuse

waha........bo sia bo sek......mana lu pigi? dun call CF to trigger buy back hor!!! LOL


2013-10-09 08:59 | Report Abuse

sell low and buy lower at later stage is other side of coin of buy high and sell higher at later stage!!!!


2013-10-09 08:54 | Report Abuse

long term player mia kia.....away from bursa..........contra kaki ai beh sleep lioa !!! semua syndicate that i knows of......adopt dumping strategy!!!


2013-10-09 08:52 | Report Abuse

If CF boh trigger buy back until friday........the making of ho hee.....is inevitable !!!!


2013-10-09 08:50 | Report Abuse

waha......you are right again......"n" turn .....lioa !!!!


2013-10-09 08:49 | Report Abuse

sole......this is not my message.......this is market sentiment!


2013-10-09 08:47 | Report Abuse

it's time to tangkap contra kaki !!!


2013-10-09 08:47 | Report Abuse

the volume is very high on monday........hor ser lioa !!!


2013-10-09 08:46 | Report Abuse

if i'm prepare to loss a bit of $ today...........dump all of my share.......that will be a reality !!!


2013-10-09 08:44 | Report Abuse

dun blame me....follow with tide.........i hope with this bad news.......it will retest rm0.20 again.....contra kaki chow boh lor lioa !!!!hehehee


2013-10-09 08:42 | Report Abuse

retest rmo.20 today........


2013-10-08 17:19 | Report Abuse

seriously speaking.....we need to be mindful when comes to equity invetment !! risk and reward are always there !!! but we shouldn't act stupid, behave stupid and think stupid......and governed by our emotion !!!

If all fairy tales orchestrated so far is true.......when the net cash position is far more than the offer price by the controlling shareholder... let say ....one time at rm0.30.....next time below rm0.30..........follow by rm0.195-rm0.21.......if that is true...... bo hee kua......no need to wait.....cabut kin kin ! hor lioa bo c hor gua lang chiak......chai bo ?


2013-10-08 17:10 | Report Abuse

waha....correct....u are absolutely right. .....volume do the talking....but yr intepretation differ from me....bo c mee.....one north and one south.......heheheh....


2013-10-08 16:59 | Report Abuse

I tell one truth.....if CF didn't orchestra his episode mentioned by me........i will liquidate 18.25KK units by tomorrow without hesitation !!!!!! no joke !!!!


2013-10-08 16:57 | Report Abuse

To beat CF is you only need to do one thing.......away from bursa !!!!

Tunggu sampai tails......comes out !!!


2013-10-08 16:50 | Report Abuse

if I'm the controlling shareholder.......the making of fairy tale is up to me....i'm the director........the actor/actress are appointed agents......semua ikut arahan gua.....tahu tak???? kalu masih tak paham.....sole.....the almighty only can save those who are willing to save themsleve fist....


2013-10-08 16:47 | Report Abuse

waha....long way for you to go lar !!!


2013-10-08 16:46 | Report Abuse

Khng....if you know the insider in ONE of the local broking firm....kaw lioa !!!!.....all will be disclosed completely.....telanjung at all !!!!!


2013-10-08 16:44 | Report Abuse

bu ke neng ? CF is the ultimate winner.......i expect he will be making his next move soon........very soon !!!!!


2013-10-08 16:40 | Report Abuse

Imagination is the most powerful ! Waha....please guide us with yr imigination on plan B first......b4 disclosing Plan C...hehehehe


2013-10-08 16:35 | Report Abuse

wow....i like "aborting csl saga plan A"......mesti ada plan B or C ???????? beh tahan !!!!


2013-10-08 16:33 | Report Abuse

when i was in china few week ago........i found out the inheritance tax structure there was amazed........no wonder CF and others behave that way.......


2013-10-08 16:20 | Report Abuse

khng482........no point.....cf is still contolled 74%....after all the wayang kulit and sulit ......100% certain ....hehehe!!!!


2013-10-08 16:16 | Report Abuse

feeling and emotion worth yo yo cent.......chai bo !


2013-10-08 16:13 | Report Abuse

ma chai csl retest rm0.215.?????


2013-10-08 16:12 | Report Abuse

dow jone.......oledi below 15K.................yau cioa sin ar.....!!!! pu how contra kaki ar.....


2013-10-08 16:11 | Report Abuse

got another 100 lots at rm0.225.......cukup for today....


2013-10-08 14:36 | Report Abuse

waha....can you suggest to me which counter offer high risk with guarantee return??? heheehe ! Gua pun ai mah...


2013-10-08 14:28 | Report Abuse

If the company is suffered from poor image and perception.......i dun mind....and welcome ....oterwise the entry cost would be higher.....in equity investment.........entry price is extremely important in determine the rate of return. It's the performance of the businesses that can enriching you.

If the company is suffered from poor business performances.....i will cut loss without hesitation !!!!! no room for discussion without business performances.


2013-10-08 14:15 | Report Abuse

waha.....in my opinion....the general poor perception and unsustainable financial performances on chiense stocks and the behaviourial of Controlling shareholder are the main issues hantui csl.............

Unsustainable performance and poor perception
Which chinese companies listed in bolehland did not drop more than 60-70% since its inception in bursa.......hua an, xox, k star, xdl, qinquan, hb global,.....etc.....partly due to unsustainable performances.....turnover drop....follow by poor profit and some even declared loss........

Behaviorial of controlling shareholders

i) offer additonal share non stop and with offer price diminished at different periodic interval.... but without justified reasons.......the interest of small shareholders will be diluted and cries in helpeless mode !

ii) The cash pile is already high but still indulging in corporate exercise of right issue....asking shareholder to come up more money???????

Comes to think of it......CSL masih "boleh tahan" ......at least still back up by the good business performances....paid 2 times dividend..........the controlling shareholder is disposing his stake without diluted the interest of minority shareholders.........


2013-10-08 12:32 | Report Abuse

waha....that tell you CSL has growth leap and bound since its inception year.......CF has taken back all his initial invested capital and the marchant banker was date to pau siau....i think its' pretty alright....

anyway, that's not an important measurement.........what matter most to us is NTA....."cash pile".....if you are believe....hehehehe


2013-10-08 12:23 | Report Abuse

Waha.....i think you are correct.....S$ 0.1 cent


2013-10-08 12:15 | Report Abuse

waha......the management got the right to move the funds within the intra-companies but can't used it for personal motive.....it's tantamount to CBT case !!!


2013-10-08 12:00 | Report Abuse

B4 i invested in CSL (strictly using the accumulate profit made in 2013) i also suspect the "cash pile" .......but my worries diminished when one of the partner in auditing firm confirmed the integrity of the number.........no issue....

when pelikan is willing to swap share with CSL at the price of more than RM1.........it tell me mai kia........he is from the same industry.......(hopes no wayang kulit here)

when CF sold his share at rm0.20 ranges................it has raised a valid question.....why let go the hor lioa ?????? if that hor lioa true????

when CSL bought back the company at RM0.205-rm0.215......why CSL bought back the share when CF sold?????

During the IPO........why the merchant banker dare to pau siau at rm0.95........when the face value s$ 1 cent???? Due deligence

aiyoyo.....sandiwara vs wayang kulit ????????????

Kia boh with all these questions ?????


2013-10-08 10:57 | Report Abuse

I hopes i laid down a bit of framework to comprehend how to determine "buaya management" when comes to equity selection......

what you need to do is do a search on goggle to check another similar company that similar to CSL and do a comparison for yourself.....the best is to make friends with senior management from that industry....can be competitor, ex finance staff, suplier....


2013-10-08 10:52 | Report Abuse

iii) fixed assets - The management can inflated the fixed asset value very much higher if compared to market price. they will ask suppliers to invoice the company certian % higher and "belakang ambil balik from them"......this is extremely difficult to prove as layman not from that industry will not be able to understand the equation of that valuation..........

worst still, if the profit generated from operating need to be reinvested back big % of it......the shareholder will be a girafee without reaping the profit...

we knows......part of the IPO money goes to capacity expansion....teo bo ?

Hence, when comes to equity selection.....i will avoild if the company carries high percentages of fixed assets value compared to its competitors and need to reinvested its profit back to fix asset...

In CSL......quite hor sei !! Not bad !!


2013-10-08 10:33 | Report Abuse

ii) Manipulate the operating profit/ reduce loss - if that occured, you can detect the profit declared can't be translated into actual cash. the poor management can cook profit figures but they need to manipulate with the following 3 elements:

a) Stock valution. The stock value in the current asset will always go north ..up and up and the stock value is always bigger than the cash position despite profit being declared on very year and after year......beware.....the net reliazable value in stock might be lower than the current market price.

Normally, i try to avoid the manufacturing company when the managment never do any provision on obselete stocks.....

b) depreciation and imparement policy - building and land - straighforward.... let say the land is granted with the right for 50 years utilization .....it acquisition cost of land should be depreciated up to 50 years......machineries and equipments should be according to the life span and its efficiency compared to the new set....

IN CSL........you do your own analysis.......for 6 years.....



2013-10-08 10:16 | Report Abuse

the origin of fake account started from:

i) Manipulate the top line - i.e. revenue figures. If that occured.....need false invoices.....false invoice will never be collected ....and it will shown in the very high account receivable in the cuurent asset. In fact when they cook the revenue figures....and need 3-5 years to see the impacts (no point of one-off cheaped sales figure)....then.....the growing in account receivebles which is always faster than the growing in revenues,..that implies 2 things:

a) fake account reveivable
b) extremely poor collection

you should be very prudence and avoid in this equity selection.

Now ....what is CSL scenario?

In CSL, the total account receivable is less than 80 days in relation to revenue. (formula : total account receivable divide by the total revenue X 365 days).......and if you look at 6 years scenario........chin pang sin .....dun worries ! to be continued


2013-10-08 09:58 | Report Abuse

i'm not optimistic on CSL........never and never......in equity investment.....never never too optimistic in yr stock selection ! Value and price are equally important !

But at the current price ranges of rm0.20-rm0.23..........what is the difference between CSL and other PN17 companies .....no difference right? The only difference is you pay PN17 price ranges to get CSL which is still not a PN17 company !

I'm pretty sure the "fake account" is an illusion and perception of outsiders after put in effort to figure out the numbers and which looks logic !!! it's a matetr of I trusted myself ......although i'm not totally insulated from mistake !


2013-10-08 09:45 | Report Abuse

intend to buy up to 20KK units.....so far still below that figure...


2013-10-08 09:08 | Report Abuse

CSL is expected to announce rm0.02 dividend .......


2013-10-07 16:45 | Report Abuse

Waha.....new low? Sure bo?????


2013-10-07 16:35 | Report Abuse

Afternoon session....got another 500 lots at rm0.23