
desmond0802 | Joined since 2015-07-09 20:37:01

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2015-08-13 21:50 | Report Abuse

Good news for your guys ...DJ opening red
Why TF 8888 Duit san jumping here and there ?


2015-08-12 21:40 | Report Abuse

Apanama san change his perceptive from bullish to bearish sign ? why ?
Simon wave is always worth for me to study even this time i am still believing on We should move upward and forward .
However after study the local to global news and also explanation from Tengku F. for the China currency devaluation and this will lead and extend the currency war globally . TF mentioned a good points - US top 500 company which does not have any business relationship with China . I believe all of them !!


2015-08-12 15:24 | Report Abuse

REALLY CRAZY ....already Singapore coming 3% lau sai , Japan 1.5% lau sai and Hong Kong - 2.6% lau sai .
Indonesia already exceeded 3% lau sai .
More on global issued rather than local


2015-08-12 07:51 | Report Abuse

Good mornings guys.....


2015-08-11 22:25 | Report Abuse

Viagra easily get prescribed from clinic


2015-08-11 22:13 | Report Abuse

Duit San ....Belum Lagi habis baca u Sudah delete .....
Please email to me more information how to judge based on Indo index .
I still have very big capacity to insert any information as long it's help for my future investment


2015-08-11 21:41 | Report Abuse

Local retailers stood up and defense the continuous foreign fund outflow.
Based on the Bursa Trade statistics , local involvement and support were getting higher and even higher on today .
Indeed a good sign for all local investors we still giving a strong support for our Boleh Land. Even though local fund is smaller and no way to compare foreign and local institutions.
Put wa just a side cushioning , our actual investment on good counters at least spread ahead for over 200 small to medium size .


2015-08-11 19:51 | Report Abuse

Today Daily Trading Statistic

(Copy & Paste for reference only)

RM (Mil) Brought Sold Net
Local Retails 403.7 372.82 30.89
Local Ins. 1380.9 1023.26 357.67
Foreign 286.92 675.44 -388.52


2015-08-11 16:52 | Report Abuse

Simon win .....ais kosong tambah lemon


2015-08-11 16:47 | Report Abuse

region your underwear is up or down ?


2015-08-11 16:45 | Report Abuse

seems like all red except rober kwok


2015-08-11 16:43 | Report Abuse

I BET Up ...teh tarik tambah manis x 2


2015-08-11 15:16 | Report Abuse

Put and call i switching within a intra day or week .


2015-08-11 15:01 | Report Abuse

Duit thanks for your advised .i have already cut all my losses in CO . I have more than enough kena trap for so long in CO .
For call i only focus now on CW , C2 and CT .


2015-08-11 14:49 | Report Abuse

CO is better despite 1% dropping still hold tight and green


2015-08-11 14:20 | Report Abuse

how to restore public confidence and MYR is going to touch 4 .
I prefer for strong rebound coz i can buy back cheaper H .
But now really confuse and prefer to snake out for a while from bursa .....


2015-08-11 14:06 | Report Abuse

Susah nak cari makan sekarang ....tactic busuk kadang kadang kena trap juga.... tactic ini high risk !! paling penting dekat masa ini - is the confident and sentiment for all investors - still very very low


2015-08-11 13:58 | Report Abuse

Personally after reading so many chart and analysis .....those only provide you a guideline . The most important is the boleh land fundamental and sentiment for the investors ....Up or Down - i really cannot gu......anymore , i prefer to buy in ratio put & call . Cut lose immediately in reverse direction .


2015-08-11 13:54 | Report Abuse

To solve this in simple mathematics buy in probability and play safe buy in ratio put and call .


2015-08-11 12:31 | Report Abuse

Lol .....CO only the counter reverse direction .
So surprise CO become green counter !! kekeke ..


2015-08-11 12:20 | Report Abuse

klci no energy already ....hanging there


2015-08-11 11:40 | Report Abuse

Region , getting more profit taking now in this group !!
I will continue to observe for call warrant maybe this week to re-consider . Surely CR not favorite anymore .
CT and C2 is the faster going up and the most highest risk down !


2015-08-11 11:38 | Report Abuse

Observing the KLCI link index , already more than 10 counters above 1% to 3% , seems like no u turn already even after 230pm


2015-08-11 11:33 | Report Abuse

Good Morning everyone ....Thanks for Simon wave again .
My HW & HO finally on track move . Anyway really lucky this morning less than 30 minutes i panic sold all out for my C2 and CT with decent margin . Otherwise keena trap again like CO

News & Blogs

2015-08-10 23:30 | Report Abuse

Lol ....Duit is male or female ? Getting very confusing . And also a little curious
I also part of the team bursa lose big money !!


2015-08-10 23:16 | Report Abuse

Please continue to promote this counter so far my favorite , I will back later regardless any price !! Coz always fulfilled my requirements.


2015-08-10 23:13 | Report Abuse

Hi Far Far San , we are fine here and still alive despite the big losses for all my counters and decided to chop off immediately due to Simon wave 5 coming very soon to test at level 1600-1630 . Coz the good counters only follow index naik atau turun. Better to keep more bullet .
Region , the DJ strong rebound .....


2015-08-10 12:45 | Report Abuse

Region i will keep two instead to reduce and good resting HR- Heart rate , My HRM showing me before resting 74 per minutes and now shooting up 88 per minutes !! lol , every day roller coaster ride


2015-08-10 12:33 | Report Abuse

Finally all my put rewards ....and sold all my shares before further decline ..anyway thanks Simon for your chart for me to be more decisive .
Anyway i queuing now in Call CR also at 0.04 !!
I only focusing now mainly on Put and Call is still queuing for short term technical rebound .
so call good counters only following index no point to keep even for mid term ...disposed finally .


2015-08-10 09:43 | Report Abuse

KLCI finally enter roller coaster state


2015-08-10 09:35 | Report Abuse

No yet take profit ......why shoot up so fast ...


2015-08-10 07:20 | Report Abuse

I personally think this week is almost the best time to accumulate put HO ,HO and HK .


2015-08-10 07:02 | Report Abuse

Good Monring ....Guys


2015-08-09 21:04 | Report Abuse

i already used drop and drop only.....haha
Boleh land nothing is impossible

News & Blogs

2015-08-08 15:05 | Report Abuse

After reading , agreed we should give full respect for cold eye privacy .
Thank You for sharing ....


2015-08-07 22:27 | Report Abuse

Apanama , you kerja dekat Khazanah ?


2015-08-07 22:09 | Report Abuse

Simon ,Tak nampak clearly on the chart , your chart still have wave before reaching 1630 , so agak berapa masa lagi reaching the next target ?


2015-08-07 21:41 | Report Abuse

Haha ....DJ future red and open also red ....

News & Blogs

2015-08-07 21:38 | Report Abuse

甚至有时我还不能做到 因为sui太贪心


2015-08-07 21:27 | Report Abuse

Boleh Land market ...Uncle & Aunty always like gossip for ghost story ..after listen the ghost story become panic and buang ....or terbalik if listen good ghost story from their immediate relative or son than they will hold tight and strong till PN 17 .


2015-08-07 21:11 | Report Abuse

Hawaii , Holland , Hong kong and Hungary
One US , Two Europe and one Asia
Please decide your trip soonest ......


2015-08-07 21:09 | Report Abuse

Decision on Interest Hike require max data to support before proceeding .
I still believe they will definitely hike but when ?


2015-08-07 21:03 | Report Abuse

Region , you sold all your CR already ?
I sold two days ago at price of 0.065..
Despite big dropping and HK movement is slowest ...
I will decide and plan for my next trip in overseas
Holland - HL or Hawaii - HW or Hong Kong - HK .....


2015-08-07 20:56 | Report Abuse

only one word ....super huat !!
Again reminding buying Put only when you fell affordable and comfortable .Always buying at lowest price ....Happy Weekend !!


2015-08-07 20:51 | Report Abuse

Wishing everyone with happy weekend ...!!temporary forget the index up or down . Haha when duit san buying CO heading north and its time for me to study south seriously . HW is the best choice so far due date till Mid of 2016 but again overvalued ....
Enjoy your weekend !!


2015-08-07 19:18 | Report Abuse

Please stop by at this thread CHRISSYCONN or Cc members , most of them is holding either HW , HL , HK or HG . The largest put warrant . Lol ....


2015-08-07 19:05 | Report Abuse

really worth value stocks for today thanks for the syndicate to push down the price and then push up again ! Hope to see a good show staring from next week onward !!again provided the index is up otherwise again boil soup or poh tong ....


2015-08-07 11:41 | Report Abuse

Haha ....Lol
Thank Far Far son indeed a straight and good explanation .
I really benefits alot !!!

Duit san , please come often here !! CC members mostly Put kaki and here very soon will turn all the Put kaki also .

I bit neutral now and just waiting to dispose all my shares soonest as possible . Even with lost .

After this , i will turn my self full time in fortune teller .
only guest down & up index will do . Play gu gu ha or becoming gu san !!Lol ......

Coz i cannot trust the good counters anymore ! again despite ringgit drop but the export business counters drop the most !! Really make no logic .....only sentiment and panic market !! really beh tahan


2015-08-07 10:32 | Report Abuse

I really dont know when is the best time to collect the durian since ringgit and also the investors sentiment getting weaker .


2015-08-07 09:56 | Report Abuse

I have went to pharmacy and buy charcoal tablets ...hope can cure the lau sai