
djhchew | Joined since 2012-10-04

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2012-11-03 01:26 | Report Abuse

Kahfai885, based on the PER, yes it is undervalued. Above 35 is overvalued. It also depends on how you want to look at it.

For example RSI for today is 71.2%. Some people may interpret it as Overbought and for me, demand tops supply by 21.2%. So, there is a demand for this counter if you look at it from an Economic point of view.

From the charts, currently price is increasing and volume too is increasing. Shows a bullish counter.

Also from the charts, it shows a price volatility of 0.36 for the short term. Compared to today's closing price at 0.24?

My 0.005 says it is undervalued. :)


2012-11-02 09:52 | Report Abuse

Bursabulltrader, Tiger too fast too furious for me.. :D


2012-11-01 13:37 | Report Abuse


Guys, just to share with you guys here..

Based on today's pre lunch break,

41.8% transactions were done at 0.57
32.1% were done at 0.575

On the 30/10/12 which is the day before the upliftment,

Most transactions were done at 0.565 (I forgot to do the ratio)

My 0.005 sence says that most goreng buayas will not go below 0.565 as this is their cost. So we can take this as a Support marker... :)


2012-11-01 10:31 | Report Abuse

Game Over! :D


2012-10-31 21:18 | Report Abuse

Stock5678, how high is "high" for PER?


2012-10-31 16:32 | Report Abuse

wow.. closing with bang? Or still not finished yet.. :D


2012-10-31 16:28 | Report Abuse

Rocket, you jump adee ah? :D


2012-10-31 09:47 | Report Abuse

Csl Lim, we need to give way to institutional investors first before we can see the price increase.

Simple concept:

would you pay RM 5.00 for a roti canai?


2012-10-31 09:12 | Report Abuse

Profit taking first.. then it is time for take off..


2012-10-30 13:43 | Report Abuse

Utopia, your remisier must be driving a "rounded" car.. :D


2012-10-30 13:27 | Report Abuse

Lonelyreload, with OSK, do your transactions online and they will charge you RM12.00 or 0.46% (whichever is higher) per transaction.

Do not feel down.. Take it as a tuition fee.. Almost everybody went through it when just started.

News & Blogs

2012-10-30 10:24 | Report Abuse

Good luck.. :D

News & Blogs

2012-10-30 10:16 | Report Abuse

Indication for upper is 0.075-0.077 and for lower is 0.05-0.052

Bursa, I got caught here once and I had the same thought as you.. just becareful.. :)

News & Blogs

2012-10-30 09:44 | Report Abuse

Simple rule of thumb:

NEVER buy above the Bollinger Band..


2012-10-29 22:38 | Report Abuse

Thanx to you too KC.. for the exam question.. :D


2012-10-29 21:58 | Report Abuse

Here's a link about ATR:

you need not do the calculations as it is already in the chart software..

Yes, RSI does determine the price factor.

To be sure, I will put the ATR outcome against the company's P&L and it's EPS..

Ashrizal, I did read Benjamin Graham's book too.. but, somehow... I just need numbers and charts to satisfy myself. I just can't make a decision without them... :)


2012-10-29 20:15 | Report Abuse

If it was a Banking Investment group, then for sure we won't be informed but we can notice the RSI increasing and for GMMA, short term trend signals will start to open up indicating an accumulation. As of today, RSI dipped from 61.4% to 50% and showing signs of distribution and GMMA's short term is dipping down towards its long term trend.

By the way, when was the agreement?

If it is based on 25/9/12's low, it is going to be 0.36 for short term. If the volume is an increasing trend and it is in the news, then i will multiply ATR by 3 which means 0.54.

If the agreement is done lately, then the ATR would be 0.48 and if the volume is an increasing trend and is in the news, i would increase it to 0.72



2012-10-29 18:43 | Report Abuse

Here's an example of GMMA:

You can download it from here and it will update everyday:



2012-10-29 18:05 | Report Abuse

You can get an indication from the GMMA or MACD (Moving Average Convergence - Divergence) charts.

Cause for alarm:

Long term goes above short term for GMMA and long term goes below short term for MACD.. Attention will be given once they start to cross.. :)


2012-10-29 17:48 | Report Abuse

Yup.. divergence is the indicator for fundamental news..

This is when the compression point is used. In normal circumstances, the cup's handle will dip down but it did not for Scomi. Averaging at a price of 0.42 last week and there is no serious shake-outs.

Divergence can also mean internal play.

This shows that someone is accumulating and something is about to happen.. :)


2012-10-29 17:24 | Report Abuse

Price vs volume trend.. In Scomi's case, it is showing a Divergence..


2012-10-29 17:10 | Report Abuse

Guppy Multiple Moving Averages

Consist of short term and long term moving averages.


2012-10-29 16:57 | Report Abuse


For me, RSI is the determining factor for an entry or exit.

You would also want to know about GMMA.. It shows the bumps and lumps of a particular counter.. Always good to know the waters first.. :)


2012-10-29 16:37 | Report Abuse

RSI.. Relative Strenght Index


2012-10-29 16:35 | Report Abuse

In ATR's case, between the lowest and it's rebound timing is important.

Yes, the low must be established first for it's target period.


2012-10-29 15:48 | Report Abuse

ATR = Average True Range

About 3 months since I got Daryl Guppy's book: Guppy Trading.. It is still new to me but somehow works.. An additional tool for short term targeting..



2012-10-29 14:40 | Report Abuse

Lets take another example based on ATR:


Open = 0.335
High = 0.335
Close = 0.315
Closing was lower for this day


Open = 0.32
High = 0.335
Close = 0.335
Closing was higher for this day

ATR in between these 2 days: 0.018

Means in the short term, we expect the max to be 0.36 (0.018 x 2 x 10)

And on the 25/9/12,
Open = 0.36
High = 0.39
Close = 0.38
Beat the ATR by 5.5%

But bear in mind, volume is declining since 25/9/12.. So, it won't be easy to beat the ATR in this short term.


2012-10-29 14:13 | Report Abuse

No prob Kc..

This 0.48 is based on a short term max based from the rebound on the 19/10/12..


2012-10-29 13:08 | Report Abuse

Lets wait for the PN17 upliftment announcement.. Most are taking profits first..


2012-10-25 23:51 | Report Abuse

Lada, ESOS won't take effect immediately.. It will take 2 to 3 weeks for the employees to exercise those shares..


2012-10-25 22:45 | Report Abuse

Pathew, they do give classes too if I am not mistaken..

I don't know if they will teach you TRIGONOMETRY though..


2012-10-25 22:38 | Report Abuse

I said: "Trigonometry measuring human behaviour? Please enlighten me.."

Not "explain Trigonometry"



2012-10-25 22:33 | Report Abuse

Please enlighten me..


2012-10-25 22:26 | Report Abuse

Try reading up on the book I mentioned..

Trigonometry measuring human behaviour? Please enlighten me..

Rocket, you can download the chart software from here:

You will have all the charts you need. And furthermore, it is free.. :)


2012-10-25 21:15 | Report Abuse

KC, you need to move the decimal points to fit it against the price. In this case, I multiplied it by 10. :)


2012-10-25 20:48 | Report Abuse

Rocket, if you look at the charts, after the break-out on the 19th October 2012,you will notice on the 22nd October 2012, it opened at 0.41 and closed at 0.43. Closing higher than the breakout. If you noticed, buying was averaging at 0.415/0.42 on that day.

The following 3 days including today, the price range is getting tighter. Again averaging at 0.42.

When a price range is getting tighter after a breakout creating shakeouts (don't know if anybody got shaked-out today) along the way which is also called "the end of the cup's handle", can mean:

i. Somebody is accumulating (maybe it's KC). hehehe
ii. Sign of exhaustion from a bull run.
iii. A new trend is about to happen. It can go either north or south. But based on the knowledge that Scomi will need to show a good example to her god-father, south is not an option yet.

So now you know why our rocket is compressing at 420psi..

On ATR, meaning Average True Range which is from the charts too, shows 0.024 between the 2 days everybody was sewing their parachutes or jumping out without one and the day when everyone was celebrating that night. The dates are between 18th and 19th October 2012.

This ATR won't mean anything unless it is multiplied by 2 or 3 times. In my chart's case, i will need to multiply it again by 10.

My targeted range for the next break-out is:

0.024 x 2 x 10= 0.48

This technique is widely used by traders to calculate a definite range from a breakout in a short term period. If you need to know more, try looking for Daryl Guppy's book titled: Guppy Trading. Yes, he is the person who created the GMMA (Guppy Multiple Moving Average) Chart.

Hope I answered your questions.. and please correct me if I am wrong..



2012-10-25 17:30 | Report Abuse

Knock! Knock! Where's everybody?

Pathew, Scomi rocket got to refuel first.. that's why there is no action going on.. For the whole week it has been refueling at an average of 420psi.. Maintaining it's ATR at 0.024.. Do you know what this means? A max of 480 kiloknott burst-off..

KC, mind to correct me if I am wrong?


2012-10-25 17:06 | Report Abuse

Good show guys!

Salam Eiduladha and drive carefully while balik kampung..

Let's continue the show on Monday..



2012-10-25 16:11 | Report Abuse

Compressing at 0.610 for the launch..



2012-10-25 14:38 | Report Abuse

Buckle up guys.. looks like rocket fuel compression at 420psi is almost done.. Departure date: 29th October 2012. Time: TBA



2012-10-24 20:42 | Report Abuse

Bro Esegaban.. you are right we need to know the resistance and support level. From the charts, it shows R1= 0.61 and S1=0.575 and if 30/8/12 is referred, then R2= 0.615

From Mr. Market's sentiments on this counter, which is showing a Divergence in current price and volume, R2 is penetrable..

This Divergence can also mean a Bearish counter holding back from a breakout because of the word: PN17 awaiting the upliftment. It can also go the other way if the outcome is negative.

Furthermore, when you refer to 2 years back, the Bollinger Band frequently shows it breaks the upper band when it peaks.

On RSI, it shows a steady increase from 66% yesterday to 72.9% today which is a Bulltrend.

MACD, it is currently at positive accumulation which again shows a bulltrend.

GMMA, short crossed long term and is currently spreading and there is no signs of bumps or lumps yet. Again, it is a Bulltrend.

Finally on TP, apart from other projects that are coming in for this company, based on it's rolling P&L (30/9/12), TP stands at RM1.73 (Pending External Auditor's outcome)

Other than these, which are allegedly many more, "beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.."

Just my 0.005 sen..


2012-10-24 16:52 | Report Abuse

Esegaban, seriously, you don't need a TA for this counter..


2012-10-24 16:17 | Report Abuse

Yay.. get to buy more..


2012-10-24 10:54 | Report Abuse

Rocket compressing at 420 psi.. :D


2012-10-24 08:17 | Report Abuse

KC, one thing all of us know for sure is you have influenced Mr Market on this counter. So don't be sad..

Please carry on.. Eventhough most didn't post a reply doesn't mean they did not appreciate your input.

Most are at ssshhhhhhhhhhh mode.. :)


2012-10-23 12:38 | Report Abuse

Pirate99, overbought means the demand for this stock is higher than its supply. When this happens, price will go up.. You can see this from it's RSI..

Just my 0.005..


2012-10-22 10:13 | Report Abuse

rocket compressing at 415 psi.. :)


2012-10-19 21:54 | Report Abuse

Lol! Frank, I got shaked out and re-entered at .375 yesterday.. After calculating the profits, it is still not the time for Yee Sang yet.. ;)


2012-10-19 10:01 | Report Abuse

still holding on..