
dompeilee | Joined since 2016-03-22

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30 YEARS IN THE MARKET IN 2024, 7 of those in Japan, the HOTTEST market in the world currently, come July 4th 2024!





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2021-01-05 16:13 | Report Abuse

LIMIT UPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2021-01-05 16:13 | Report Abuse

Have they even sold ONE mobile medical hub? Looking @ the price, I wonder...


2021-01-05 16:12 | Report Abuse

$1.00...not if but WHEN...


2021-01-05 15:28 | Report Abuse

dompeilee SOLD half of my T + 2 KLCC position for some kopi $$$ =)
18/12/2020 9:17 AM

dompeilee SOLD the balance of my T + 2 KLCC shares @ 7.22 in the afternoon...
18/12/2020 4:58 PM

Bought back KLCC stapled @ 6.86-6.89 this morning


2021-01-05 14:54 | Report Abuse

I think even the TUNGku who bought @ below 8c is cashing OUT! =)


2021-01-05 14:53 | Report Abuse

STILL holding ON 2 my last shares =)


2021-01-05 14:53 | Report Abuse

WuhhhHHH!!! NEW 10-YEAR HIGH!!! =)


2021-01-05 14:52 | Report Abuse

Nice comeback!!! =)


2021-01-05 10:00 | Report Abuse

Speculatively bought Kossan @ 3.89


2021-01-04 14:25 | Report Abuse

Lower than September low...STRONG DOWNTREND!!!


2021-01-04 10:25 | Report Abuse



2021-01-04 10:24 | Report Abuse



2021-01-04 10:24 | Report Abuse



2021-01-04 09:32 | Report Abuse

dompeilee Finally bought back the Maybank that I sold for 9.62-9.70 in 2017 the open @ 7.14
02/09/2020 9:03 AM

SOLD half my Maybank @ 8.48


2021-01-04 09:20 | Report Abuse

SOLD 8 lots of ChooBee @ 1.69-1.70


2021-01-02 08:58 | Report Abuse

Good suggestion! I'll leave the ppl here 2 be robbed, of their own free will. Bye, for real this time! =)


2021-01-02 08:27 | Report Abuse

dompeilee I bought a little ambank also...I forgot when but I remember @ 3.24
12/12/2020 8:29 AM

SOLD ambank @ 3.60

Ripe target for short-selling =)


2021-01-02 08:26 | Report Abuse

ABMB ripe for short-selling. Glad I ran above 3.00 lately =)


2021-01-01 09:17 | Report Abuse

BursaMaster will be the next one to follow you to jail lol


2021-01-01 09:17 | Report Abuse

I have never advised anyone to buy anything & refuse 2 give any TP for any stock only stating what I buy when I buy it. YOU are the one who is destined for jaiL! To join your partner in crime Jailed Lim LOL!


2021-01-01 09:16 | Report Abuse

How about this? Half-baked Jackkin advising d umb newbies to buy until 50c:

Jackkin Dompeilee, we will goreng it until at lesst 50 cents, now the price is still too low... so dont scare off peoples..
21/12/2020 5:21 PM


2020-12-31 19:53 | Report Abuse

dompeilee Bought some Mitra @ the open this morning
20/12/2019 11:16 AM

SOLD Mitra @ 28.5c


2020-12-31 16:37 | Report Abuse

Do something worthwhile la Soh CheeWen! Instead of every few years coming out of your rathole to con retailers' $$$


2020-12-31 16:10 | Report Abuse

Ppl one by one waking up & smelling the roses!

1.Coolmansee TECHNA-X is a trap upcoming to be 0.01 china joining to be conman & scammer , they just wanna taken your money running away of around the world.
31/12/2020 9:43 AM

2.Narialse This is actually quite disgusting. They goreng and use private placement to raise funds to bail out Jared Lim by buying his company.
24/12/2020 8:12 PM

Also retail investors will be wary after first round of goreng. VWAP was stable around 15.5sen for 3 days so I'd expect a PP announcement of around 13-14sen announcement if this is the second goreng.
29/12/2020 9:55 AM

3.jasontan1177 Wah get huaan buy bankcrup company ah...

Cheap cheap sell off the coke biz when coke price is at all time high now...

29/12/2020 12:48 PM


2020-12-31 15:55 | Report Abuse

They were prepared to issue 47.5 BILLION shares to save a clearly insolvent company. Don't wait for Huaan to issue 47.5 billion shares on Bursa hor?


2020-12-31 15:48 | Report Abuse

As at 29 June 2018
128 ATTILAN GROUP LIMITED | Annual Report 2017
Number of Shares : 1,238,708,804
Class of Shares : Ordinary shares
Voting Rights : On show of hands : One vote for each member
: On a poll : One vote for each ordinary share

Asiasons Investment Managers Inc 305,994,400 –
Porterhouse Capital Limited 107,000,000 –
Datuk Jared Lim Chih Li1 – 412,994,400
Ng Teck Wah1 – 412,994,400


2020-12-31 15:44 | Report Abuse

So clear from the evidence I presented above from public news sources that the major shareholders of delisted & insolvent Attilan are desperately trying to 'draw blood from a stone' !


2020-12-31 15:40 | Report Abuse

SINGAPORE (July 3 2019): Attilan Group, the penny stock which is urgently searching for a new core business before being forcibly delisted, has disclosed more relationships between its directors – both past and present -- and the seller of its acquisition target.

The disclosures were in response to queries by the Singapore Exchange following Attilan’s May 28 announcement that it is proposing to buy Tremendous Entertainment Group (TEG) from seller Tremendous Opportunity Fund I LP (TOF) for $100 million in a “very substantial acquisition” which could result in a reverse takeover of the company.

See also: Attilan in RTO deal to transform into entertainment content producer despite delisting notice

In a Wednesday morning filing, Attilan says managing director and controlling shareholder Jared Lim Chih Li was a former a director of TEG, Tremendous Asia Partners Inc. (TAPI) and Tremendous Asia Management Inc. (TAMI).

Attilan says controlling shareholder Ng Teck Wah is also a director of TEG and TAPI, the general partner of TOF, and a director of TAMI, the fund manager of TOF.

In addition, Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim, the sole shareholder and a former director of Tremendous Asset Partners which owns TAPI and TAMI, was formerly a chairman and non-executive director and also a former controlling shareholder of Attilan.

Currently, Ng, Lim and Mohammed do not have any interest in the vendor or TEG, adds Attilan.

In other responses to SGX, Attilan says the purchase consideration of $100 million was based on and invested capital of US$35 million ($47 million); TEG’s historical and prospective financial performance; discussions with prospective investors and professionals involved in the transaction; TEG’s Intellectual Properties and licences, including its media library of Hi-5 programme which the company had previously valued at US$30 million, exclusive licences for CSI and Star Trek as well as its franchise education model.

Attilan also says the purchase consideration will be satisfied with $5 million in cash and the remaining balance of $95 million in the form of consideration shares to be issued at and agreed price between the company and vendor TOF.


2020-12-31 15:39 | Report Abuse

WHAT'S THE CURRENT STATUS OF ATTILAN as @ Dec 31 2020? D E L I S T E D from the Singapore Exchange !


2020-12-31 15:38 | Report Abuse

(e) The aggregate volume or amount of proven and
probable reserves to be disposed of, compared
with the aggregate of the Group’s proven and
probable reserves. This basis is applicable to a
disposal of mineral, oil or gas assets by a mineral,
oil and gas company, but not to an acquisition of
such assets
Not applicable to the Proposed
Acquisition which is not a disposal of
mineral, oil and gas company
(1) Based on the unaudited pro-forma consolidated net loss of the TEG Group for FY2018 of approximately
US$928,000 and the audited consolidated net profit of the Group of S$59,395 for FY2018.
(2) Based on the purchase consideration of S$100 million and the Company’s market capitalisation of
approximately S$2.48 million (being its issued ordinary share capital of 1,238,708,804 shares and the volume
weighted average price of such shares of S$0.002 for trades done on the Shares on the SGX-ST on 6 June
2017, being the full market day on which the Shares were last traded prior to the suspension of trading of the
Shares on the Mainboard.
(3) Assuming that the issue price is S$0.002 per Consideration Share, there will be 47,500,000,000 Consideration
Shares and the Company’s issued ordinary share capital of 1,238,708,804 shares as at 30 June 2019.
Datuk Jared Lim Chih Li
Managing Director
2 July 2019


2020-12-31 15:38 | Report Abuse

d. The 360-degree business model refers to a range of family entertainment attractions which extends
beyond television programme and includes stage shows, brand licensing, music, merchandise,
digital sales and education. TEG Group is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Malaysia
and Las Vegas, United States. TEG Group has an extensive global presence in multi territories such
as South East Asia, Australia, North Asia, Latin America, North America and Europe. In addition the
partners for the Group’s Hi-5 business include major TV networks or channels like Disney Junior,
Netflix Asia Pacific and Astro Malaysia.
e. The operating entity of Base Entertainment Asia namely BASE Entertainment Marina Bay Sub Pte
Ltd. is a 51% subsidiary of TEG. The remaining shares are held by the management of BASE Asia
and will be consolidated into TEG for the proposed acquisition of TEG Group.
SGX’s Query 3:
Please quantify the factors in arriving at the purchase consideration of S$100 million.
The Company’s responses:
The purchase consideration of S$100 million (equivalent to approximately US$73 million) is based on interalia:
(i) invested capital of US$35 million (approximately S$47 million);
(ii) TEG Group’s historical and prospective financial performance and the trading statistics for
comparable companies and the TEG Group’s ability for provision of content;
(iii) Discussions with prospective investors for the latest round of funding prior to RTO;
(iv) Indicative discussions with prospective investors and funds (financial and likely corner stone);
(v) Discussions with professionals involved in the transaction;
(vi) TEG Group IPs and licenses inter-alia its media library of Hi-5 programs, exclusive licenses for CSI
and Star Trek etc., long term lease arrangement with an established and reputable theatre,
franchise education model; and
(vii) the business and prospects of the TEG Group.
In addition, the Proposed Acquisition will be supported with a business valuation from professional firms to
be engaged and currently it is the intention of the parties to provide for mechanisms for adjustments which
are subject to the finalization of valuation from an acceptable professional firm. Should the transaction
require a whitewash waiver, the Company will seek the opinion of both a professional valuer and an
independent financial adviser.
Do note that as at the date of this reply, it is envisaged that the settlement of creditors via an issuance of
shares for the status of the Company as a listed company, will not result in any cashflow for the enlarged
group post the completion of the RTO.
TEG Group owns IPs such as the live action children brand Hi-5 and licenses including Star Trek and Crime
Scene Investigation (“CSI”) that create a unique portfolio primed for expansion. Hi-5 will be producing it’s
first animation series and the preschool education arm has plan to expand its brand of preschools
throughout Asia. The Group has an exclusive partnership with an established and reputable theatre until
The regional expansion is expected to spearhead growth in the next few years and road maps have been
SGX’s Query 4:
Please provide the breakdown of purchase consideration to be satisfied in cash and consideration
The Company’s responses:
Subject to any amendments to be agreed by the Company and the Vendor, the purchase consideration of
S$100 million will be satisfied in the following manner:
(i) S$5 million in cash; and
(ii) the remaining balance of S$95 million in the form of such number of Consideration Shares at an
issued price to be agreed between the Company and the Vendor.
The above is preliminary and subject to further negotiation in the definitive agreement.
SGX’s Query 5:
Please disclose the relative figures for the Proposed Acquisition computed on the bases set out in Listing
Rule 1006.
The Company’s responses:
The relative figures for the Proposed Acquisition computed on the relevant bases of comparison set out in
Rule 1006 of the Listing Manual are as follows:
(a) Net asset value of the assets to be disposed of,
compared with the Group
Not applicable to the Proposed
Acquisition which is an acquisition
(b) Net profits attributable to the TEG Group
compared with the Group's net profits
Not meaningful%(1)
(c) Aggregate value of the consideration given or
received, compared with the Company's market
capitalisation based on the total number of issued
shares being the last market day preceding the
date of the SPA
Approximately 4,036.5%(2)
(d) The number of new shares to be issued by the
Company as consideration for the Proposed
Acquisition, compared with the number of shares
of the Company previously in issue
Approximately 3,834.6%(3)


2020-12-31 15:37 | Report Abuse

(Incorporated in Singapore)
(Company Registration Number: 199906459N)
In response to the SGX’s queries dated 28 June 2019 for clarification on the announcement of proposed
acquisition of equity interest of Tremendous Entertainment Group (“TEG”) (the “Announcement”), the
Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Attilan Group Limited (the “Company”) wishes to announce the
SGX’s Query 1:
Please disclose all past or present relationships between the directors, beneficial shareholders, controlling
minds or any other interested persons of the Tremendous Opportunity Fund I LP (“Vendor”) with the
Company, its directors, CEO, controlling shareholders and their respective associates.
The Company’s responses:
Ng Teck Wah, being a controlling shareholder of the Company, is also a director of TEG and Tremendous
Asia Partners Inc. (“TAPI”), the general partner of the Vendor, and a director of Tremendous Asia
Management Inc. (“TAMI”), the fund manager of the Vendor.
Datuk Jared Lim Chih Li, being a controlling shareholder and director of the Company, was formerly a
director of TEG (resigned on 13 November 2017), TAPI (resigned on 18 December 2014) and TAMI
(resigned on 8 December 2014).
Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim, being the sole shareholder and a former director of Tremendous Asset
Partners Ltd, which owns TAPI and TAMI, was formerly a Chairman and Non-Executive Director and also
a former controlling shareholder of Attilan Group Limited.
Ng Teck Wah, Datuk Jared Lim Chih Li and Dato’ Mohammed Azlan Bin Hashim do not have interest in the
Vendor and TEG.
Save as disclosed, there are no other past or present relationships between the directors, beneficial
shareholders, controlling minds or any other interested persons of the Vendor with the Company, its
directors, CEO, controlling shareholders and their respective associates.
SGX’s Query 2:
In relation to Information on TEG and the Vendor:-
a. Please provide details of TEG such as the year of incorporation and paid up capital.
b. Please disclose the recent awards and year in which they were awarded as mentioned in the
“portfolio of award winning content”.
c. Please explain how is the Hi-5 broadcast content related to the Company’s Hi-5 pre-schools?
d. Please elaborate on what this 360-degree business model and in what country do they operate in?
e. Please clarify if Base Entertainment Asia is a wholly own subsidiary of the TEG. If not, please disclose
the identity of the other shareholder(s).
The Company’s responses:
a. TEG was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands on 19 September 2014. As at 30 June 2019, it has
an ordinary share capital of US$1.00 comprising of 1 issued and fully paid up ordinary share. TEG’s
objective is to consolidate the entertainment and media portfolios of Tremendous Opportunity Fund
I under a single branded platform with the intent of producing content for family entertainment in the
broadcast, live and exhibition space. The broadcast and exhibition businesses have been in
operations since 2012 and the live business has been in operations since 2011. A total of US$35
million (approximately S$47 million) has been invested by the Vendor into TEG Group since 2012.
b. TEG’s entertainment contents have received the following awards and nominations:
Year Awards Awarded at Division
2000 to
Five (5) ARIA Awards for ‘Best Children’s
Albums’. Our fourth win broke ARIA
history with Hi-5 being the only band to
win an ARIA Award over four consecutive
ARIA Music Awards Broadcast
2000, 2001
and 2004
Three (3) Australia Logie Award for ‘Most
Outstanding Children’s Programme’
Logie Awards Broadcast
2002 Best Presentation for Children Helpmann Award Broadcast
2004 Gold Award for US series CD, Jump and
Jive with Hi-5
Parent’s Choice
2005 to
Nomination for three (3) Daytime Emmy
Awards for US series
Daytime Emmy
2011 Winner in the category ‘Best in Education
and Outreach’
Museum Roundtable
2011 Winner of Most Innovative Marketing
Experience Awards
2015 Best Preschool Programme 20th Asian Television
2018 Best Children’s Entertainment Drama Asian Academy
Creative Awards
c. TEG owns Hi-5 World Ltd which owns all the Hi-5 assets which include intellectual properties, music
assets, trade name, trade mark and also the education arm, Hi-5 Learning. The Company is the
franchisee of Hi-5 education arm.


2020-12-31 15:33 | Report Abuse

Datuk ConMan lol


2020-12-31 10:44 | Report Abuse

UPpppp again =) Dumb Jackkin


2020-12-31 10:06 | Report Abuse

Whoever keep harping koyak koyak like the dumbo shareinvestor88...cannot prevent the price from standing firm above $1 ....kikikkkk


2020-12-31 10:03 | Report Abuse

Of course...why would they work so hard 2 develop a viable technology when they can just borrow $$$ & goreng & earn fast from bilis? Look @ the numbers: not worth more than 7c.


2020-12-31 09:57 | Report Abuse

Oh yea...UP she goes!!! =)


2020-12-31 09:04 | Report Abuse

FLY Edaran...FLYYYY!


2020-12-31 07:43 | Report Abuse

Unlike TaknaikX, Theta only has 107 million shares issued, with LTH holding 69% of that meaning the free float is only 33 mil shares...very easy to goreng above 1.00 if they want to. I'm sure even if LTH wants to distribute, they will want to do so at a much higher price =)


2020-12-31 07:35 | Report Abuse

Finally, major shareholder Liu GD/Libran Ify was holding 250 mil shares back then or 22% of the supply & had been holding since Huaan was listed in 2007. Now that major shareholder only owns 74 mil or a measly 4.8% = another 176 mil free float needs to be absorbed by the market.


2020-12-31 07:26 | Report Abuse

When I scored my home run having accumulated hundreds of thousands of tickets at an average cost of 6.7c in 2017 & then SOLD from 18c all the way up to 63.5c, the company's NTA was 31c & it was DEBT-FREE & making 3 consecutive quarterly profits which brought the prospective PE to below 10.


2020-12-31 07:23 | Report Abuse

Perhaps PDZ is more comparable...drop from 31c to 7c. You can calculate yourself how far TakNaikX will potentially fall lol NTA per share already shrunk from 11c to 8.5c now due to all the dilution of new shares issued from 10-11c


2020-12-31 07:18 | Report Abuse

Nothing will prevent them from issuing another new PP of 500 or more million tickets in the coming months. Then it will really plunge like MMAG from 1.98 to 0.365 haha


2020-12-31 07:15 | Report Abuse

Pls note that 126 million MORE tickets are flooding the market any day now (they always announce secretly @ last minute so they can DUMP before the bilis read about it) & that the total supply of tickets has gone up by 37% from 1122 mil to 1538 mil in just the last few weeks.

Basic law of Economics : Supply goes UP, Prices go DOWN. Until they have proven themselves, the market demand will not change (witness AHB) but may even go down when the overall stockmarket falls.


2020-12-31 07:07 | Report Abuse

I averaged down @ 86c in May. Anyone averaged down at around the same price or lower? Hmmm...I didn't think so...LOL


2020-12-30 20:27 | Report Abuse

BreakOUT!!!!! =)


2020-12-30 20:25 | Report Abuse

Normal la...just like your chicken sindiket boy's TaknaikX drop like a stone from 23c to 14c lol!


2020-12-30 19:38 | Report Abuse

dompeilee Go go GOOOO ULICorp! Justify my last holdings! =)
27/11/2020 3:34 PM

Still holding to my last 2 lots =)


2020-12-12 16:41 | Report Abuse

I'm still hanging to every single share, from the small amounts bought in '17 (partially sold for a profit in late '17) & averaged down big in the 1.60s just a few months ago =)