
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-10-29 22:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo TaukehLim.......aiyoyo.....still the same question ha....reporter conned you ha....aiyoyo....7th Oct punya reporter kasi TA mah......aiyoyo.....dia ala tulis mah........ini macam bawah tulis wo.......aiyoyo.....lu tarak baca betul betul meh......aiyoyo.....got hit high 17.5cts but not decisive mah then tulun balik closed at 16.5cts lor......support not broke yet wo....aiyoyo....support at 14.5/14cts mah....cut loss at 13cts wo.......any problem with it meh.....aiyoyo.....ok leh.......reporter tarak con lu leh......lu boh follow then set stoploss at 15cts si boh....aiyoyo....no wonder tarak KFC makan lor.....aiyoyo....mau baca betul betul mah.....aiyoyo...mau baca mau follow tak mau complaint lah....else....dun baca lor....aiyoyo......ha ha ha

A decisive breakout above RM0.16 will spur prices higher to retest RM0.17 (61.8% FR and 100-d SMA) and RM0.185 (76.4% FR). Immediate supports are situated at RM0.145 (50-d SMA) and RM0.14 (30-d SMA). Cut loss at RM0.13.


2015-10-29 21:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....AT kokokkkk....aiyoyo....PUC ala kangtao ha....aiyoyo....belapa mau naik lagi....aiyoyo....wa mau pindah reban ini macam lor.....ini macam punya reban tarak ong leh....aiyoyo....atap bumbung manyak lobang juga wo.....aiyoyo....lain hali balu balik sini tampal koyok bikin reban baru liao lor....aiyoyo....temp mau abandon reban liao lor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 20:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 2832.......wa belum baca gossip gossip story lagi wo....aiyoyo...ai si lor .....mau reduction lagi....aiyoyo....mau pancung BOD punya kapala lor....bring the company to holland for no apparent reason lor.....aiyoyo.....ini macam apa mau jadi liao....aiyoyo....kapala pening lagi lor.....aiyoyo...put one side masuk peti sejuk for donkey mths liao lor....aiyoyo...hope can see light at the end liao lor.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-10-29 20:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyo BBCNews....aiyoyo.....wa busy kat Sumatec leh.....aiyoyo...terlupa still got share in this reban....aiyoyo....apasal ini macam punya.....aiyoyo......boleh naik kah....aiyoyo.....wa pun mau tanya Boss leh.....aiyoyo.....belum lagi wa ingat lah.....kena tunggu lagi ....aiyoyo......kesiannya......hardcore investors like cashflow also abandoned reban liao....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 19:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo AhHuatblackkopi.......aiyoyo.......oil price swing like monkey.......aiyoyo.....swing lai swing ki......aiyoyo......mau tanya oil specialist Dicky liao lor.....aiyoyo.....he specialised in this area mah.....aiyoyo......wa also follow his call wo.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 18:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo AhHuatblackkopi...aiyoyo...wa only SPM passed nia nia leh....aiyoyo...wa agak agak nia nia lah....tarak guarantee punya lah....aiyoyo...wa ingat it wont drop below 14.3cts at this moment lah....aiyoyo...mau up belapa wa really tak tau lah cos wa is not the DatokKong lah......aiyoyo.....simple reason I can think of maybe the company need cash from externally at this moment cos the company cashflow really not so good lah...look back last QR...how much cash left in the bank you can see lah...aiyoyo....cant generate from internally then get it from externally lor.....aiyoyo.....no need to pay interest some more one is from ESOS lah PP lah RI lah...aiyoyo...macam macam lagi lah....aiyoyo....now only 35% exercised nia nia.....still will have more to go lah else no cash raised also susah lah....aiyoyo....only way is to dangle carrots for them to exercise lor.....else......who want to exercise it now leh......aiyoyo....after this ESOS finish liao.....then PP coming also lah....belapa price mau set leh.....aiyoyo.....ini lagi satu kapala pening punya celita lor.....mau goleng ke or sell down before goleng ke.....14cts is the lowest guideline lor.....see what the DatukKong intention lor..... aiyoyo.....wa really tak tau liao lor.....si kaw si thunn lor.....ini Taugeh TJ always say one lah....wa just borrow use nia nia lah......eh eh eh.....long time Taugeh TJ tarak use this phrase liao hor.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-10-29 17:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....apa hal always say ESOS at 14cts one......tak tau baca report kah.....aiyoyo.....sulah manyak kali repeat liao mah 14.3cts lah......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 17:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.....tak boleh ini macam cakap mah.....ini hali index red chili after green awhile in the morning mah....aiyoyo.....maybe Tan Sri tarak mood mau goleng more ayam leh...aiyoyo....takut tarak olang beratur mau redeem leh.....aiyoyo.....ini macam manyak bazir lor....aiyoyo....tomolo maybe ala baik sikit leh....itu index tulun berturut turut sulah manyak hali liao lor....aiyoyo...mau tau mau tukar direction or not leh......aiyoyo.....wa punya musangking buah pun ala kecut juga lor....tak mau masak cipat cipat kasi jatuh lor....aiyoyo....kesiannya wa tunggu kat bawah pokok....hali hali termenung jadi mat jenin liao lor.....aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-10-29 15:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......very soon if you see Datin is in Polarland giving out gifts....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 14:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-10-29 14:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo TaukehLim....aiyoyo...fatty elephant also can move mah....if elephant cannot move become white elephant liao lor....aiyoyo.....only got difficulty to run nia nia lor....aiyoyo....slowly move still can eat kfc lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 14:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-10-29 11:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....TSHalimIsBack....aiyoyo....big news lagi.....aiyoyo.....RI news.....cancel or proceed........when......at what price......aiyoyo......asking again and again......aiyoyo......now talking abt PP first lah.......aiyoyo....how can PP and RI clash together.....must PP first then RI lor....aiyoyo.....if RI first then PP.....aiyoyo......then PP not 300mil ++ shares liao lor......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-10-29 09:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH....wa redeemed kfc from Tan Sri punya daughter liao lor....aiyoyo....lu punya gf....aiyoyo....wa lagi tunggu yr gf belanja KFC wo...aiyoyo...yr gf manyak susah leh.....tarak power macam Tan Sri leh....aiyoyo....Tan Sri punya KFC still the best lor.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 09:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....KLCI turned red liao lor......aiyoyo......tak mau tunggu hi tea liao lor....redeemed kfc liao from Tan Sri punya daughter.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 09:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....how come so many ppl belatur punya....aiyoyo....ini macam berebut rebut mau makan KFC......aiyoyo......dunno Tan Sri ala order more ayam to goleng or not hor......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-10-29 09:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo KehPohFatt.....apasal kasi advertise so many ctrs here leh.....aiyoyo.....sini of course support Sumatec lah......aiyoyo......apa lagi mau advertise leh.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 08:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo TaukehLim...aiyoyo...apa sal mau makan taugeh lagi leh....aiyoyo....mau makan kfc lah.....aiyoyo....mau looking forward mah...tak mau looking backward mah...aiyoyo....kfc tunggu di hadapan...makan kfc lah....tak mau makan taugeh lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 08:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH...tak mu ini macam kasi suay suay cakap leh....pagi pagi sulah cakap suay suay......aiyoyo......wa mau makan kfc leh.....aiyoyo....tak mau suay suay leh....aiyoyo....mau ong ong sikit cakap leh....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-29 08:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....oil price swing back liao ha...FED tarak action lagi wo....DJI lompat wo.....aiyoyo....KLCI boleh swing back or not ha....aiyoyo...OnG ctrs all mau swing kuat kuat lah.....ini macam sure kfc boleh lapat lah....mayb hi-tea pun boleh lapat juga lor.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-10-28 19:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo YB Tengku.....kan suma oredy served abalone sharkfin from 30cts to 60cts liao mah....aiyoyo...lu tarak makan meh...aiyoyo...now serving kfc veli good also mah....aiyoyo...lu tarak makan kah...if tarak makan...dun paiseh lah.....can help yrself lor.....belatur lor...aiyoyo...tapi dun jump my queue hor......ha ha ha


2015-10-28 19:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo YB Tengku....what dead co....alive co lah....got kfc makan...not dead co lah.....aiyoyo.....dead co dun serve kfc lah...aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-10-28 19:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick....got green mah closing...lu tarak tenguk betul betul lor...aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 16:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty....wa beli tarak guna mah.....mau Datin latang to Polarland baru guna mah......aiyoyo......wa lagi mau tunggu the 3 spouses announcement leh.....aiyoyo...dunno why still no news one lor......aiyoyo......wa ingat Datin juga mau tunggu dia olang lor.....ala 2 Datin lagi mah......aiyoyo.....maybe mau sama sama pigi minum Hi-Tea together lor......aiyoyo.....all tai tai level lor.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-10-28 15:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH......eric....busy mau jaga B2B sampai B7B bz mah....aiyoyo.....Kuantan biggest B2B bz dia jaga punya mah....aiyoyo.....mana ala ini macam free macam kita lor....aiyoyo....eric jaga big bz punya olang mah....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 15:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo CIO/CFA.....itu musang manyak garang wo....wa takut pigi jaga musangking jatuh wo.....aiyoyo......tak mau lor....nanti wa kena kidnap by musang nanti susah lor.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 15:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty.....ya lor.....Datin sayang wa mah....kasi wa sikit kangtao sini juga lor.....aiyoyo...wa manyak thank you Datin lor......ini macam manyak bagus punya olang lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 15:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.....aal lah.....tapi bukan ini hali mah.....ini bulan ala pigi juga mah....aiyoyo...lu pigi cali lor....aiyoyo.....mau rewind itu dvdl lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 15:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty.....cakap kangtao.....datin lagi manyak ala lor....aiyoyo...Datin connection manyak manyak mah......aiyoyo......wa mana ala kangtao leh......aiyoyo.....wa pun mau Datin kasi wa sikit kangtao lor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 15:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Inv3.....lu apa hal...lu tarak song sama Hero Captain ha......aiyoyo......tak pah lah.....anyway.......dulu Captain......sikalang sulah tukar title liao mah.....aiyoyo....tarak bawa train liao lor......aiyoyo....train always stop tarak jalan mah......aiyoyo....dia pun resigned captain post lor.....aiyoyo.......lia pun mau cali makan mah......aiyoyo.....forget sama lia lor......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 15:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty......si lor.....Datin olang so good and so generous one mah...aiyoyo...put more hope on Datin is better than fortune teller lor......aiyoyo.....Datin so hard working cali kangtao...bikin company more profitable mah......aiyoyo......nanti sikijab....cuci baju punya bz pun mau start liao lor.....aiyoyo....COD punya bz......mana mau cali leh......aiyoyo.......no credit term one wo...Cash punya bz.....aiyoyo....kaya lor.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 14:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo CIO/CFA....congrate lor.....lapat musangking liao.....aiyoyo.....sedapnya nampak lu makan musangking....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 14:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty......aiyoyo......fortune teller punya olang tipu lu 10 atau 20 tahun punya wo.....lu mau percaya meh....aiyoyo......tak mau percaya lah......aiyoyo....percaya sendili lah.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 14:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo CIO/CFA.....aiyoyo......wa panjat wa punya musangking pokok.....mana tau....belum masak lagi lor.....aiyoyo.....itu pasal tarak jatuh lagi lor.....aiyoyo.....wa tak boleh lali pigi tempat lain jaga musangking jatuh leh....aiyoyo.....nanti wa punya pokok start jatuh nanti wa tak sempat mau pungut leh.....aiyoyo.....wa mau jaga betul betul ini kali leh......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 14:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo CIO/CFA....wow...congrate lor lapat makan KFC minum XO lor....wa tunggu wa punya musangking runtuh...aiyoyo...tarak runtuh lagi wo....aiyoyo....kesiannya wa tunggu bawah pokok ...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 11:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...tarak KFC ...how to sell leh...aiyoyo...wa want KFC mah...aiyoyo...boh KFC then lam tiao tiao lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 11:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH...lu punya gf bila mau belanja wa makan KFC.....aiyoyo....lu ala lapat makan liao or not....you 1st bf also tarak lapat....aiyoyo ...wa lagi tarak lobang lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 11:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.....eric ala once awhile pigi glotec lah.......AT lah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 10:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick....lu ingat wa kaya kah...aiyoyo....kaya liao no need hali hali latang sini chit chat liao lor......aiyoyo.......pigi holiday everywhere liao lor......aiyoyo....beli lagi....nanti masuk longkang then how......aiyoyo.....wa tak mau masuk longkang lagi lor......aiyoyo.....nanti mau activte rescue operation...mau padam itu hutan bakar macam Indonesia manyak susah wo....aiyoyo....mau beli pun mau hati hati lor.....aiyoyo....BB punya intention still unclear lagi lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 10:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick...lu beh hiau read my posting geh meh....aiyoyo...lapat kupon lagi...dun understand meh....aiyoyo....hali hali asking wa beli only...lu ingat wa ini Tan Sri ani wu lui meh.....aiyoyo...mau beli also mau tenguk ini hali ala ho jit chi boh mah......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 09:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo TaukehLim....where got support pecah leh....aiyoyo....wa punya14.5cts pun belum touch lagi leh....aiyoyo.....lu punya support at 15cts ha...aiyoyo....wa lapat kupon lagi wo....aiyoyo....halap Tan Sri kasi sikit KFC makan lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 08:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty......aiyoyo....looking for fortune teller.....aiyoyo...wa tarak lesen punya fortune teller leh....aiyoyo...wa pakai itu burung pick up a poker card and decide one leh....aiyoyo....itu macam punya fortune teller lu ala percaya kah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 08:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH...wa tarak cakap ah leo itu eric leh...wa sulah cakap style tarak sama leh...cannot be the same lah...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-28 08:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyo TaukehLim......apa lagi mau cakap leh....aiyoyo....price still no change leh...still usd43 leh.......aiyoyo....tunggu see got change or not then decide lor....aiyoyo...ask also no answer leh....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-27 17:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...why keep asking me to boi leh.....aiyoyo......price boh change thiok ....boi also boh change mah......then boi more for what leh.......aiyoyo........better ma boh yong lor.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-27 12:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty.....wa only SPM passed nia nia leh......mana ala pro leh....aiyoyo....sulah cakap liao mah......wa only like to read gossip gossip column nia nia leh.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-10-27 12:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ......gajah tidur tak pah mah......kasi tidur lor......aiyoyo...asalkan tak mau jadi gajah putih ok liao lor......aiyoyo.....gajah boleh mangun punya mah....nanti lapar liao.....mangun mengamuk cali daun ubi kayu makan lor.......aiyoyo......apa mau risau risau leh......aiyoyo....Oil price swing lagi......aiyoyo......normal lah.....mana tau later ala news lagi swing back lor....aiyoyo...mana ala stabil one leh.....aiyoyo....kalau stabil .....tarak lui bikin lor......aiyoyo.....ala olang short.....ala olang long mah...macam tug of war games lor.......aiyoyo.....tenguk siapa olang suay kena only lor......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-10-27 09:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo TaukehLim....aiyoyo...keep ask how...make own decison lor...aiyoyo...you got buy or not....is just looking only...then....better dun ask lor....aiyoyo.....Tan Sri still havent belanja KFC after 2days liao mah.....aiyoyo......tunggu lor....aiyoyo....lu ingat Tan Sri always in the kitchen frying KFC meh......aiyoyo......this mth maybe quota finish liao mah....tunggu next mth lor.......aiyoyo......what to do ....wa olang holding long term no expiry kupon mah....aiyoyo.....can wait also mah......lu can wait or not......aiyoyo.....later miss the KFC how.....aiyoyo....eat taugeh again lor....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-10-27 09:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Beauty.....wah...you so fast got the answer liao...from Datin ke...or...from Dato one.....aiyoyo....wa yesterday looked back again prevous 2 QR...aiyoyo....wa ingat lah...maybe lah...not veli sure lah....aiyoyo.....very close call lah....either abit red or abit black nia nia lah....aiyoyo....assuming revenue no change lah...cos copper price drop in last Qtr from previous Qtr lagi lah.....still cant find new customer to supply karang guni mat'l after lost one major one lah......hope can see other income also got few millions same as last qtr lah.....else....veli likely will be red one lah......aiyoyo.....bz condition still not so good lagi lah......aiyoyo......only good news maybe cash flow can improve abit with SIS lui lah but will dilute the EPS also lah......aiyoyo..........no guarantee one lah....wa agak agak only lah.....aiyoyo....lagi one thing lah....current price movement still veli tight lah.....aiyoyo.....this one I asked someone can see the future one lah.....maybe he got crystalball lah.....aiyoyo.....hope info can help you lah......all the best lah.....aiyoyo....I will be back again to buy lah.....cos ...Datin always sayang me mah......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-10-27 08:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo CIO/CFA......minyak below USD44 liao....aiyoyo....ini macam mau bucket of KFC kina tunggu lama lama liao lor......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha