
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2020-03-29 10:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...long de shit....are you really kind...buy call 80sen...cutliss 7sen ...wow...mini petronas...become what....bankrupt kah....lol...wakakaka...kikiki


2020-03-28 15:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..long de shit...kena self quarantine lah...sudah 3 bulan...tapi dia keluar jalan jalan..kena polis tangkap...masuk jail ..6 bulan...lol..wakakaka ..kikiki


2020-03-28 15:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..how you know...you audit kah...lol...must believe lah...else ..hubei province still lockdown lah...now ipen door oredy.....lol...aiyoyo...kikiki

Leoleo because china cheating la....


2020-03-28 15:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo mani...ron 95 turun harga lagi lah....lol..mask...market selling rm2....underground supplier mau charge rm3.50...apa lah...cakap shortage...itu reporter cakap...tak pa...tunggu gorment kasi FOC lah...menteri cakap...akan datang..china made juga lah....audah order..belum sampai lagi....lol...meantime...pakai spender jadi face mask lah...atau...pakai..bottle plastic bikin face shield pun boleh lah....lol...aiyoyo...kikiki

moneypedia tala3 la ah gon...wa bili spare simalam lazada avrge lalam 1.20 1 face mask...minyak 1.80 gah l...tala3 lah...macih lg mahai minyak la ah goon ahhh kikiki...
28/03/2020 2:55 PM


2020-03-28 12:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyo mani..betul lah...dulu orang cakap air minum more expensive then petrol...now...mask more expensive than petrol ..why...shortage lah...only china can produce at this rate..also not enuf to supply to the world...lol...China apa pun boleh..10 hari satu hospital ...6 hari..satu mask production line boleh ready..now almost 9k companies producing mask in china...siapa cepat siapa kaya ni....semua pun mau start mask production bz ...so...all depends on china for masks lah...luckily..china is in better shape...can start full production...else. the world lagi worst lah...imagine..healthcares sana rebut rebut nak mask..tak cukup...itu apa yang jadi di New York hospitals...sudah lebih 40k cases in new york alone.. .lol....aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-28 11:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...china ranking turun lagi...mow no 3....by next week...should drop to no 4 or 5....why leh...bcos..china ada masks...the rest of the world shortage of masks...aiyoyo...only china is the oy country is helpi g the world....why ...bcos...they are producing the masks....110mil pieces per day....none can match them....lol...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-28 11:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...Opec +...wtg US to join...become...Opec ++...wait till all the storage tanks in US full...they will join the Opec+...where to find cheap oil price if not now...to fill up the strategic stockpile....lol...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-27 23:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-27 23:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..dun pray brent at usd 20 leh...later petronas report Yearly loss how....PM pun belum cakap how to fund the rm250bil stimulus package leh...now all are wondering where to find such big amount of money leh...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-27 16:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...RM250bil stimulus package....man datang duit ni...PH cakap mau bankrupt with debt 1 trillion...now ada 250bil to spend....aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-27 08:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..US overtook china top of the chart..European Countries next will be more China also....why leh...angmoh takda follow China...use TCM on top of western medicine leh....thats why angmoh cannot handle the pandemic like China...China got long de chuan ren...boleh...bcos...got..Hua Tuo reincarnated physician ...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-26 10:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...this fellow said 20mpd excess ..sure or not...lol...aiyoyo...kikiki

Posted by GoodTrade > Mar 26, 2020 10:33 AM | Report Abuse

OilPrice.com news ... Don’t Believe The Oil Bulls By Nick Cunningham ...
The world surplus could reach 20 million barrels per day (mb/d) in the next few weeks, threatening not only to top off storage tanks everywhere, but to crash prices even further and shut in oil production. The shutdown orders in the U.S. continue to multiply, confining tens of millions of people to their homes. Much of Western Europe remains on lockdown as well ...


2020-03-26 08:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...good morning....walao....mana long deshit...so many days didnt come out since bursa banned shorting...must be shark ask him to rest lah..thats why not appear at here...lol...wakakaka...kikiki


2020-03-25 14:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...YAB...boleh donate kfc kah......sini punya reban...kebanyakan pun rugi.lagi...cam mana nak donate lah..you donate sikit kasi dia orang .....aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-25 10:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....he is not wrong...he later will say...circumstances change...trading will change..like he said no cutloss at 80sen....but cutloss at 7sen...lol....later april he will say..spanrg no more bankrupt anymore after mau bankrupt in jan to mar 2020.. lol....kaki pusing no 1 in sapnrg lah....you see him...you spit at him lor....ask mlm members to cutloss at 7sen ....lol.....aiyoyo...kikiki

654321aaa @dragon. Our expert told to cut-loss at 0.07 but now good show has come....I think he is using the outdate charting..
25/03/2020 9:47 AM


2020-03-25 08:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..good morning...walao...long de shit still hiding in the toilet kah...lol....why no appear ...shouting cutloss at 7sen kah....why why why....shark macai takda mari...bcos..shark cannot short...he also takda mari to spread fake news kah....cakap sapnrg dec 2019 belum bankrupt...Jan..feb..mar 2020 mau bankrupt....lol ..wakakaka...kikiki


2020-03-24 22:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...idss rss stop til end of april lah...all ctrs also cannot short lah...aiyoyo...long de shit..so quiet...why..he cannot short...so..he no more come out say sapnrg mau bankrupt lah...lol..aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-24 22:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...oil will up one lah..how to survive at below usd30..most oil producers also beh tahan lah...Msia pun susah...no extra dividend to get from petronas...even DSAI also ask gorment to use petronas to bailout the rakyat hit by covid 19...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-24 21:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..long de shit not here..meaning apa...you know lah..lol...wakakaka..kikiki


2020-03-24 16:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...MLM member asking where is the spinner kah....at his home toilet lah....scare to appear at here...lol...the more he is hiding...the more MLM members looking for him ...lol...wakakaka...kikiki

SapNrg spin people where are you today?
24/03/2020 3:25 PM


2020-03-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...oil rebound...klci rebound...sapnrg rebound...only long de shit takda keluar ...why leh...must be very scare he asked mlm members to cutloss at 7sen lah...later ..for whatever reason..he will come out and say...he chun chun...char bee hoon...lol...more like shark macai leh...80sen no need to cutloss...7swn cutloss...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-24 12:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...IDSS cannot short...RSS cannot short...no one short kah...all beli kah ...aiyoyo...if follow china earlier after CNY banned shorting....KLCI maybe not that bad lah..itu long de shit so happy..shorting must be earned kaw kaw lah...keep cakap sapnrg mau bankrupt.....lol ..aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-24 09:34 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...long deshit is hiding in the toilet to short sapnrg lah...scare covid virus..his target 5sen..lol...wakakaka

Posted by 5354_ > Mar 24, 2020 9:28 AM | Report Abuse

spinninglotus must lose job bec short selling ban?


2020-03-24 09:32 | Report Abuse


Mar 23, 2020 7:05 AM | Report Abuse

Aiyo Aiyo Dying Gang Leader Dulangong Sailangyer
He wants to displace my sell call
He wants retail investors to buy 7-8cents from his shark boss

He don’t want you to see my sell call posts

Use this oil price rebound to sell Sapura energy

Those who bought at 8-9cents

Today sell 6.5-7.5 cents and cut loss exit

Don’t buy today
Otherwise you will be trapped


2020-03-24 09:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long deshit...dec 2019 cakap belum bankrupt.....suddenly Jan 2020 sapnrg sudah mau bankrupt...lol...wakakaka...kikiki


Dec 13, 2019 10:10 AM | Report Abuse

Yes 5354

i3lurkershit claims he is recognised accountant
Claims only
But proven always wrong

When he said Sapura sure bankrupt based on his arguments
Again proven wrong


2020-03-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...80sen no need to cutloss...hold for ling term investment...7sen cutloss bcos of what....really dunno...except he is shark macai....lol...wakaka...kikiki


2020-03-24 09:21 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...good morning. ..mana long de shit....asked mlm members cutloss 7sen one ..lol...so he can achive his target 5sen.....lol...really look like shark macai in I3 wo...lol....wakakaka...kikiki


2020-03-23 23:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..US lagi tak mau announce stimulus plan kah...itu 2 trillion or 4 trillion ...when can approve...DJI wtg the booster jab leh...lagi delay kah...lol...aiyoyo..kikiki


2020-03-23 16:52 | Report Abuse


Oct 11, 2019 12:28 PM | Report Abuse

To all retail investors

Before Sapnrg crashing down
You will have to buy 26 sell 26.5 for few weeks

Just follow this principle enough

Shark has bought a lot at 26cents
So 26 is short term support


2020-03-23 16:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long de shit....even dec 2019...also used...omv theme to con mlm...not 3 years wo...lol...aiyoyo...


Dec 13, 2019 10:13 AM | Report Abuse

The best strategy now is

Buy and wait for sk408 announcement in 2 weeks

Then sell at 30cents on announcements

Big gain for 2 weeks


2020-03-23 16:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long de shit....you also shorttst wo...why last tine so against shortist leh...you join the shortist gang wo....tak takut kena spit kah....lol...laughdieus leh....cakap you anti IDSS sendiri pun sama shorting....ular berkepala dua....how to caya you this conman lah....lol....wakakaka...kikiki


Apr 25, 2019 8:45 PM | Report Abuse

I fully support you guys launch massive complaints against IDSS

I have been asking for people at Sapnrg to launch complaints against IDSS
And yet nobody supported me
I was being stopped by a gang of people in Sapnrg to complain against IDSS in Sapnrg

I support all your actions against IDSS


2020-03-23 16:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo... long de shit is one of the shortist...he admitted b4..hw shorted and made money b4....can spit at him lah...since you want to curse IDSS...he was one of the IDSS gang...lol...wakakaka...kikiki


2020-03-23 14:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...long time takda mari sini...still very active...ada orang balik sini lagi....tan seli ala balik ofis kerja kah....MCO tarak kerja....habis lah...tarak news terkini...macam mau tarpao...bungkus lah...makin lama...makin tipis chance lah....kesian...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-23 14:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..long de shit...today lunch...you makan maggi mee again kah....kesian...since jan until now...3 mths makan maggi mee ..you got check your weight or not...loss berapa kilo oredy....lol...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-23 11:51 | Report Abuse

Aiyo undi pkr....you misinterpret our health minister real intension lah...ask you to drink more water only....he is doctor lah....what he wanted to say...is like this lah...minum air swam...keep your mouth n throat moist lah...less chance to get wuhan virus lah...itu jipun sana eggspurt ada cakap lah...dry throat easier to get infected...lol...our minister lawak sikit...nak bikin lucu sikit lah....dah banyak tension sikalamg ni......mco lah....duduk rumah...nak buat apa...baca lucu story lah....can laugh lah...lol...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-23 09:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-23 09:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..another one say janda sapura mau bankrupt kah...lol..sure or not..are you long de shit so good kah..can predict janda sapura will close shop..wait QR out first lah..see apa macam lor..cery near oredy..ada loss rm500mil like long de shit cakap one or not ..we all dunno lah...cakap mau bankrupt..lol...aiyoyo...kikiki

Posted by chongming > Mar 23, 2020 8:52 AM | Report Abuse

will be another perisai...


2020-03-23 08:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo koboi future hit 5% limit again kah...lol...mau wtg stimulus package lagi kah...baru few days market cakap usd2 trillion package....now cakap want usd4 trillion package ..lol...money printer kah....suka suka print money one kah...lol...aiyoyo..kikiki


2020-03-23 08:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-23 08:18 | Report Abuse


Apr 3, 2019 10:42 PM | Report Abuse

Let's say I buy 80cents
So what?

Let's say I buy RM1
So what?

PNB average buying price 89cents
So what?

We long term we believe PNB
PNB will make sure Sapnrg earning big
No worries

Why DRAGONSHIT KEEPS TALK KOK 32 buy 35 cannot buy?
Why talk Kok 32 buy 37 cannot buy?
Then tipu sendiri tak Judi?
Why tipu nonstop?


2020-03-23 08:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long deshit..after you conned loh pei yee...buy 75sen...now you cakap sapnrg mau bankrupt ..pui pui pui...you brought her to holland then you tell her..there is no return flight ...one way ticket to holland kah...lol..wakakaka...kikiki

Apr 13, 2018 8:42 PM | Report Abuse

Loh Pei yee, RM1.40 coming. If you buy now 75 cents+2.00=RM2.75|2= RM1.40 you lose nothing. So don't worry. I think RM4 in 3 years is achievable. Looking at 24% per annum earning gain for 3 years with gas production 3x up and oil production 2.5x up by 2022.....cash cow cash cow cash cash cow......20-30 years of profit. RM350million per year profit minimumx20 years minimum= RM7billion cash in 20 years minimum.
Current 2018 year can get RM5.6billion cash from current contract. No joke man RM10in 5 years. By then those debts will be settled all, becoming debt free company with cash cow


2020-03-23 08:15 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..long de shit..2018 until 2019...you keep cakap you know janda sapura the best...everything under your ctrl...lol..con ppl lah...now then cakap janda sapura mau bankrupt....are you sure or not..dun later you talk ayam again..U Turn like your name pusing king hor...lol...wakakaka...kikiki

Posted by spinninglotus > Mar 23, 2020 7:06 AM | Report Abuse

I have many sell call posts

All my sell call posts are correct

This Aiyo Aiyo Dying Gang Leader Dulangong Sailangyer

He refuses to cut and paste my sell calls

I have hugh amounts of sell calls on Sapura energy

I am the first one to say bankruptcy risk for Sapura energy

I am the first and only one to call sell in Jannuary 2020 on Wuhan virus


2020-03-22 22:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..long de shit..do you remember you used the theme to con mlm members kah....lol....mini petronas...micro aramco...omv...renewable energy...wei...all your used to promote janda spura in 2018 n 2019 wo...now..you cakap janda sapura mau bankrupt.....are you sure you really know janda sapura so well ...or....tikam tikam ...look like shark macai ini macam wo....lol...wakakaka...kikiki


2020-03-22 22:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long de shit..mana ada 3 yrs ago...baru few months ago wo....lol...cakap tipu...pun tak pakai otak..telling lies non stop....mau con ppl lagi kah...lo...now we wtg janda sapura bila mau bankrupt...you cakap one hor..not me hor....many saw your posting hor...lol...wakakaka...kikiki


Jun 28, 2019 7:38 AM | Report Abuse

Yes MahjungAuntie
You are right
Raja Shahril is correct to switch their E&C business
From oil and gas
Into renewable energy

I would love to buy Sapnrg now as long term
And then we go for AGM to vote to reduce BOD salaries


2020-03-22 22:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-22 22:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..long de shit ..2019 one leh..not 3 yrs one leh..con ppl long term investor....kakijudi only...even 2020 also shorting using IDSS...cakap apa sai..you are long term shareholder...invest long term one....lol..wakakaka...kikiki


Mar 22, 2020 3:07 PM | Report Abuse


Apr 11, 2019 7:53 AM | Report Abuse

As long term investor

Buy higher never mind
Don't care one

Unlike Psycho Judi Ikan Bilis
Either refuse to buy lowest, or chase high and buy higher than my price

That is the problem of Psycho Judi Ikan bilis


2020-03-22 22:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long de shit .what happen to all your analysis...2019 one leh...not 3 years leh...semua tak boleh pakai one...mana the profit generated ..this one called eggspurt ..or.. worst still conman comment kah...con how many naive newbies oredy ...lol...wakakaka..kikiki

Mar 12, 2019 2:38 PM | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid Mathemathics" Pengkhianat Judi Dragonshit Kok
Of course can
RM15billion Malaysia
RM35billion overseas
RM5billion other local small players
RM10billion local OMV Sapura
Overseas RM35billion
If invest Sapnrg, overseas ringgit will come back
Tun Mahathir wants Ringgit overseas to come back---invest overseas, gain back
Any Malaysian oil and gas so big until overseas?
Answer: Sapnrg
Any Malaysian Oil and Gas overseas with highest level of engineering capability?
Answer: Sapnrg
Any Malaysian Oil and Gas overseas with BEST balance sheet for oil field development?
Answer: Sapnrg

How about FPSO market? Yinson? Bumi Armada?
Yinson cannot because it is not big enough capital
Bumi Armada cannot because near bankrupt


2020-03-22 21:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long de shit...miss loh pei yee didnt appear in your dream kah...you conned her ..asked her to buy more wo....you caused her to lose kaw kaw leh....then you ask her to cutloss at 7sen......beware of lightning strike you hor...dun go out when raining day hor..sure one day...lightning will strike you one leh...malam keluar rumah mau jaga sikit...pusing belakang tenguk ada mambang follow you from behind kah...lol...aiyoyo...kikiki


2020-03-22 21:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..long de shit..2018 until 2019...you keep cakap you know janda sapura the best...everything under your ctrl...lol..con ppl lah...now then cakap janda sapura mau bankrupt....are you sure or not..dun later you talk ayam again..U Turn like your name pusing king hor...lol...wakakaka...kikiki


2020-03-22 21:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo long deshit..after you conned loh pei yee...buy 75sen...now you cakap sapnrg mau bankrupt ..pui pui pui...you brought her to holland then you tell her..there is no return flight ...one way ticket to holland kah...lol..wakakaka...kikiki

spinninglotus I have many sell call posts

All my sell call posts are correct

This Aiyo Aiyo Dying Gang Leader Dulangong Sailangyer

He refuses to cut and paste my sell calls

I have hugh amounts of sell calls on Sapura energy

I am the first one to say bankruptcy risk for Sapura energy

I am the first and only one to call sell in Jannuary 2020 on Wuhan virus
22/03/2020 8:58 PM