
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-09-08 20:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo alenac...that one fund ha....aiyoyo....they out kaw kaw ha....buy when price at bottom lor.....aiyoyo...what to kesian leh....like that then good mah...else when can buy at so low price leh.....aiyoyo...must thank you them more more lor.....aiyoyo...like this balu call buy at so low mah...then later sell at high lor....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-08 19:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo alenac.....aiyoyo.....why kesian us here leh......got free kfc makan eveli mth......apa mau kesian leh....aiyoyo.....you hand tak itchy meh....aiyoyo..kesiannya hand itchy so many mths liao also cannot buy.....aiyoyo...this one balu call kesian lor.....ha ha ha


2015-09-08 19:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo.....Tan Sri got training mah.....stamina improved liao lor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-08 18:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin......lu si DatukKong medium mah......aiyoyo......cipat cipat latang kasi tau DatukKong mau 10cts or 15cts......aiyoyo......got dua DatukKong prayers want to know leh...aiyoyo.....ini malam boleh kasi tau boh........aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-08 18:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo....aiyoyo......why changed so bearish liao.....aiyoyo.....sold oredy ha....like Tan Sri ha......aiyoyo....dun like this leh....aiyoyo...wa mau makan KFC from Tan Sri in Sept leh......aiyoyo......can or not ha......aiyoyo......hope can lah.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-08 17:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...only DatukKong can fufill your wish...aiyoyo...must pray DatukKong....aiyoyo...other Kongs balu boh power...aiyoyo...one and the one one DatukKong can help you only....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-08 17:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...make sure you pray DatukKong hor...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....why Bursa suddenly so green leh....macam tomolo tarak Tan Sri Tan Sri...Datuk Seri Datuk Seri kena pecat lor....aiyoyo....like that good lor......Tan Sri mau belanja KFC lor...aiyoyo....can or not ha.....aiyoyo...hope so lah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick........go parliament also boh yong lor........aiyoyo........number not enuf.......also cannot bersih the street lor......aiyoyo.......dun waste time lah.......aiyoyo......important one must have peacefully transition lah.......aiyoyo.....try hard way dapat one also no peace lah.......aiyoyo.......Bursa lagi mati kudasai lor......aiyoyo......bila Tan Sri can belanja KFC leh.......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-09-08 14:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.......how to ask Ah Jib kor to step down leh.......Bersih cleaning the street also cannot do it........aiyoyo........you scream everyday also boh yong lor........aiyoyo.....have to accept it lah.....who in this world 1 to let go no 1 post in the country so easily leh.....aiyoyo....die die also must hold on lor.......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-09-08 14:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Bagan Datoh....Nikkei down 16% from high.....aiyoyo......KLCI also down 16% ....aiyoyo......both ada sama sama juga leh......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-08 11:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.......wa lui sikit only,,,,...,can cukup makan KFC only........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-09-08 10:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Shit.....why Mr Kiam Siap eat bak kut teh havent come back ha....aiyoyo....go drag him back leh....after eat bak kut teh then he need to drink teng lang teh.....aiyoyo...yum cha take very long time one leh......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha
08/09/2015 09:59


2015-09-08 09:23 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 9146......Datin sulah mali visit Polarland lor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-08 08:41 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-09-07 23:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Bagan Datoh......Inflation still at almost zero.....data not ok yet leh.....if increase rate then USD getting stronger.....mati lor.....deflation pun boleh jadi leh....so.....unlikely lah mau increase rate if inflation still close to zero.....anyway just monitor every mth lor.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-07 21:27 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......here .....alot not happy with establishment hor.....aiyoyo...then mau kerja kuat sikit lor......aiyoyo.....kasi settle it in next GE lor....aiyoyo.....think easy but also not easy can do it lor......cos .....a lot kampong ppl still happy mah....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-07 21:08 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Bagan....aiyoyo...must see data to decide mah....even IMF chief also caution Fed dun simply raise rate without confirmed the data betul betul...later dun end up belakang pusing lagi malu lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-07 21:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng....si mi gao lat...aiyoyo....Red shirts gaolat ha ....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-07 20:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy....wow.....you got so many bangla n pakistani friends in KL ha......aiyoyo...you got bangla blood ha.....aiyoyo....if RM drop kaw kaw......your friends also mati kudasai leh.....no much can bring home liao lor....aiyoyo....you can donate sikit yr SGD to them boh......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-09-07 19:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy....why not dare go KL liao ha.....go Thai you not scare kena bomb kah.....aiyoyo.....you better stay back SG helping Abang Lee HL campaign leh....he need you to hammer the Hammer Party leh ....àiyoyo...you want skip voting kah...or...cannot vote at all ha....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-07 09:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.....tak mau ini macak cakap leh.....RM currency drop ...lu tarak shopping in JB kah.....tarak makan in JB kah.....tarak pump petrol in JB kah..tarak play golf in JB kah......aiyoyo.....you think drop kaw kaw you veli happy kah......aiyoyo.....later SG export to Msia drop kaw kaw then you know lor......aiyoyo....cakap mau restrain sikit leh......aiyoyo...later kena cut job balu tau lor......aiyoyo......better pray RM recover asap lor.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-07 09:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.......rainbow shirts also coming to join the cleaning of the street ha.......aiyoyo......Bursa lagi red lor ini macam.......aiyoyo......must show restrain mah..........else everyone also want join colourful shirts cleaning the street......aiyoyo.....Msia jadi huru hara liao lor....aiyoyo....who win at the end......not Msian lah......aiyoyo.....all also lose lor ......including Bursa lor......aiyoyo.....kalau mau ada kampong spirit sikit lor....bergotong royong lah.....aiyoyo........if want organise one cleaning my Kampong Jawa Street also not bad lor.....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-06 21:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH....Msia only Iron Lady also questioned....for what want to do that.....ini macam lagi no meaning lor....aiyoyo....bring Kampong ppl to KL cleaning the street.....aiyoyo.....for what leh....wasting time only....aiyoyo......Msia apa sudah mau jadi.....suks suka aje mau cleaning the street.....apa punya society dah jadi.....macam Thailand aje......tak habis hahis cleaning the street......tarak bagus lah ini macam.....aiyoyo.......bursa macam mana mau green green like this.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-06 15:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH...tak boleh play number count games leh...aiyoyo...like that lagi divided country lor....aiyoyo...better stop lor....no good to counter each other lor...later ...the cleaners also tak boleh tahan cleaners the street loe...cleaners mau boycott balu tau lor....then the street become very dirty lor....aiyoyo...ha ha ha



2015-09-06 10:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....Msia apa sulah jadi....balu Bersih cleaning the street only......now Red mau clean the street liao....aiyoyo.....like that how to live peacefully leh......aiyoyo.....apa hal mau go to the street so often one leh.....later...the cleaners need to do OT to clean the street again.....aiyoyo....dunno can bill them the cleaning job later or not hor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 23:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Bagan Datoh.....dun so scare leh....aiyoyo.....buy only those at rock bottom one lor....even want down also not so scare liao lor...aiyoyo.....dun buy those still got room to go down one lor......aiyoyo.....still think sept no rate hike lah.....those scaremongers create opportunity only lah.....aiyoyo.....wait another 3 mths see Inflation can up kaw kaw or not lor...then balu see rate hike lor...else tunggu lagi lor......I read one news also said not possible in dec lor.....only possible in June 2016.....aiyoyo....not scare lah........ha ha ha


2015-09-04 22:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Bagan Datoh.....wow.....why so bearish...scare umno supreme mtg ke ...atau...Auntie Yellen mtg...atau ....red shirts cleaning the street......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 19:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...ani kuan wa pam sim lah..tunggu sun power hor wa next kfc liao lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 19:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ozzie.....Karang guni collect rubbish to recycle one lor....aiyoyo....my regular ATM lai geh....aiyoyo...Datin always sayang wa mah....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-04 18:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ozzie...Nezha after reborn then called san tai zhi....after fixed with lotus roots....aiyoyo.....ani kuan wa tampok salah liao lah.....then ...he killed dragon 3rd son erm si called san tai zhi lah....dragon 3rd son i tot also called san tai zhi.....aiyoyo....then call what i also dunno lah...aiyoyo .....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 17:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....wa today pickup tampok SUN Power leh....aiyoyo......aeh thiok tiao boh ha....aiyoyo......dunno can become slumberland boh hor......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-04 16:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....another week gone liao......aiyoyo.........sianzzz si lor..... boh KFC from Tan Sri leh.......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 16:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick......itu macam pai Ti Kong leh......si boh ha.....aiyoyo.....need kam chia boh ha.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 16:34 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.......wa mana mau pigi cali Taiyi Zhenren....aiyoyo....all old Kong look alike leh......aiyoyo....look for Jade Emperor better lah......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-04 15:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.......Nezha killed San Tai Zhi mah...Dragin punya 3rd son mah......aiyoyo......so dragon and Nezha cannot be veli close relationship lor.....aiyoyo.....you asked dragon to find Nezha medium.....aiyoyo.......nanti jumpa Nezha liao manyak susah wo.....mau gaduh only wo......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.........Hai Long Wang geh San Tai Zhi killed by Nezha wo......macam mana boleh veli close leh.....aiyoyo.....close enemy nia nia lah......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 14:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.......noted.......aiyoyo......bila mau start long rally ha...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 12:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...wa tak tau siapa Nezha medium leh...aiyoyo....wa search hi lo also cannot find one look like Nezha medium leh.....aiyoyo...mau tunggu dia latang then can identify one mah.....aiyoyo.....sikalang satu habuk pun tak nampak mana mau pray pray Nezha leh...wa pun tak tau lor.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 11:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.......wu ani kuan get kangtao ha......like that .....mau cipat cipat pigi beli gula liao lor.......aiyoyo......mau pray pray Nezha liao lor.....aiyoyo..later lui jatuh from the sky lor......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-04 11:08 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468......wa tarak takut Auntie Yellen punya celita lah....so shopping sikit sikit lor.....aiyoyo.....mid mth latang satu kali mau celita.....bulan bulan juga kasi takut semua olang.....aiyoyo....wa ingat tarak celita juga lah cos Inflation in July ony 0.2%......aiyoyo.....only 10% of 2% benchmark mah.....aiyoyo...tak mau takut lah.....aiyoyo...shopping sikit while they playing seesaw in the playground lor......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 11:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.....Nezha only kid leh.....never grown up kid nia nia......aiyoyo......boh lui punya power leh.....maybe boleh kasi gula gula nia nia lah.......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 10:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo boss.......finally can tangkap liao.....aiyoyo.......belapa mau TP.....aiyoyo...... mau decide what qty to tangkap leh......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 10:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.....ani kuan ha....Chai sin ya onli near CNY balu ala tulun to the Earth wo.......aiyoyo........sikalang mau Haji Day liao leh......must be DatukKong more likely sikit lor.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 10:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo charles.......when goleng must wait for DatukKong medium to give us the message from DatukKong lor......aiyoyo......where is the Hakka yin DatukKong medium......aiyoyo......any news from DatukKong or not.........aiyoyo........hurry up sikit leh.......dun always convey message to other places only leh......must convey message to Suma prayers also leh......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-04 10:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo slm....how you know is not time yet ...you also DatukKong medium kah...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-04 09:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo boss.......Karang Guni can tangkap liao boh.....aiyoyo...macam ai lai leh....chart wu tampok sui leh......aiyoyo......wave ai lai boh ha.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-04 09:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng....bila mau goleng...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-04 09:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo amy....you sounded like not veli happy wo.....then ....you lead the way talk more more can or not......aiyoyo.....one month onli talk so little.....how to fill the forum space available leh.......aiyoyo......can eveli day come here talk SUMA punya topic or not....aiyoyo....dunno what to talk also hor....aiyoyo.....bukan naik....tulun lor.....or no direction lagi sianzzz want to talk lor.....hali hali talk like this can or not....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-04 09:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo.......good lor oil price rebounded from 30++ to 40++......hope can go 50++ lor......aiyoyo.....later 60++.... can or not....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha