
Dunknow | Joined since 2014-06-21

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2015-05-20 22:38 | Report Abuse

Tmr we buy breakfast first ok? Then only teh tarik...After that....we go bursa....then....lunch...then I buy u bkt? Sui boh?


2015-05-20 22:29 | Report Abuse

kaka,no lar,i am saying unless u saja wanna hide & simple jump to the logi tahi mah...i know u won't right?cos u are so sweetttttttt,not smelly lor....even the perfume oso cannot compare mah...hmm,smell nice...:D


2015-05-20 22:20 | Report Abuse

connie dearest...congrads on ur unisem...banyak handsome...perfect match...


2015-05-20 22:15 | Report Abuse

tsy.......have a good good rest ya....thanks ya,today got a bit luck lor..


2015-05-20 22:13 | Report Abuse

connie,can I asked u a question?when u start liao,can pause meh?how to pause wor?nanti potong steam,macma mana...?then terus no show liao wor?

Posted by connie > May 20, 2015 09:06 PM | Report Abuse

sherri ... pause that special moment so that u can remember it forever !!! the special gaze ... the special smile ... the special conversation ... the special touch ... i can go on and on but better stop here cuz some buddies may be under-age :):)


2015-05-20 22:11 | Report Abuse

congradsss tunku on ur counter....huattttttt arrr....


2015-05-20 22:09 | Report Abuse

kikiki,u lost without a trace,that's bad,but u know u always in our heart,right?i can feel u,i can smell u....unless u junp into the logi tahi,then i dun wanna smell u liao...
yayayaya....thanks,hope can buy yogurt soon,need to change ma,have much variety lor...

Posted by connie > May 20, 2015 06:26 PM | Report Abuse

oh boys n girls .. so sorry me just disappear without a trace :(:( was busy with my counter just now and then was called by someone !!!!

tsy .. sherri .. have a great evening and let's shop for some bonia 'bags' upon duit's instruction :):)

dunknow .. MORE WINNERS on the way !! stay tune ya ??? princess will have another dozen of vitagen :)


2015-05-20 22:04 | Report Abuse

who said girl cannot run naked?can even buka bra at Petaling street & gaduh gaduh sama lor...
it's my honour to run naked with you,so beautiful....OMG!

Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 20, 2015 05:09 PM | Report Abuse

never bet naked run la..

I am a girl u ask me to naked??? so rude kut????

congrad you also..... do not aim so high for SLP even though take-over still take place, I mean we can play new silent counter everyday......provided that I free la..


2015-05-20 22:02 | Report Abuse

hahha,sherri,we are now 1!ya lor,lost 2 days,until duit pergi buat laporan polis,luckily dia sudah cancel sama itu report...if not...what to do?

Posted by sherri > May 20, 2015 04:27 PM | Report Abuse

Dunknow.... huh aborted??? aiyoh lost track the last 2 days... anyway, JV more stronger lor... :):)

yup...strongly agree... sharing is caring !!! together gether rite...


2015-05-20 21:54 | Report Abuse

This is a good one,PERIOD....apa pun boleh cakap!

Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 20, 2015 02:24 PM | Report Abuse

ah CONN>..

I write very long to you....... U jz replied: PERIOD???

all know period la..... that why once a month we wont make our lady boss/teacher angry... we care of them......



2015-05-20 21:51 | Report Abuse

aiseehhh,duit still have balance mc of 14 days ler...he will fully utiliseddddd ;(

Posted by twobits > May 20, 2015 03:49 PM | Report Abuse

Duit wont take leave... i checked his econ leave card. He used up his annual leave already


2015-05-20 21:48 | Report Abuse

Ohh dear connie,i guess you are not TOO slow ler,but duit is too fast...
who dunknow duit can act like a lightning?
next times we have to tangan panjang liao...ok boh?

Posted by connie > May 20, 2015 03:48 PM | Report Abuse

aiya sherri ... i was TOO SLOW this morning and duit sapu 80% before i cud get my hands on her :(:(:(:(


2015-05-20 20:49 | Report Abuse

hahaha....u forget me liao...u buy,i sell,TuanTj buy,u sell,i buy .... and so on lar...like this play play lor...dunknow mah...


2015-05-20 16:31 | Report Abuse

Walao ehh….everyone so fast postin ler…everyone want to be at top of 1173 is it?kakakaa….


2015-05-20 16:30 | Report Abuse

U thank me I thanks u ,we share share mah…always wait for you….not going anywhere,I sayayng u mah…

Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 20, 2015 03:38 PM | Report Abuse

thanks for all SLP wishes and congrad to all SLP winners....

awesome gain except Valued Investor Mr.Dunknow..... 12% in half day.

Thank you Dunknow. Thanks for your SLP sharing. I will analyze your next counter. Wait for me


2015-05-20 16:16 | Report Abuse

OH no,Sherri….WAVES vs SAND games oledi aborted ler…now in CC,we are 1,WavesSand…oledi joint venture lor…kikiki…
Yeah yeah yeah….hope can look for good FA lo…can find then we share share ok?sharing is caring mah :D

329 posts
Posted by sherri > May 20, 2015 03:36 PM | Report Abuse

Connie... thanks.. tot you joined the SAND team...

nvm lah... we wait for krono for more rewards ya....

Dunknow... congrats to you too... more to come for SAND team...??


2015-05-20 16:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo,lu are soooo sentimental lor,girls easily ‘die’ on ur hand lar….duitKWSPkita,can change to loveROMEOkita ka?
I do agreed with you lor,BroDuit….who get connie,sure very very lucky lor…(in cantonese )can go in to kitchen,can come out living hall,can go to bedroom…a very cute,patient,lovely,clever,obidient girl…
Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 20, 2015 03:36 PM | Report Abuse

Laddies and Gentlemen...

I must take this wonderful opportunity to thank lovely connie for her good taught:

[[[[[Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
--Happiness never decreases by being shared.]]]]]

Lovely Connie... Thank you.... I am happy that I have chance to thank you before for long leave...

why so sentimental today???


2015-05-20 15:26 | Report Abuse

Many many thanks lo….Ohh,lucky die me….so happy lor….can give my princess vitagen 1 bottle & 1 biji ferro for wife liao….soma donation & balance can to re-invest cikit cikit lor….ok boh?err….anyone wanna join me next?


2015-05-20 14:46 | Report Abuse

Watching in silent,just like you,Connie & Duit….so silent forummer mah….give me another half an hour….hope can witness this special moment….i always wanna grow up with my baby,good papa…chotomattee…………


2015-05-20 06:31 | Report Abuse

Good morning TCB
Good morning tsy

Happy trading ya


2015-05-20 06:30 | Report Abuse

Good morning Connie and friends
Good morning duit

Happy trading


2015-05-19 21:16 | Report Abuse

ohh,so proud of this achievement ler,dunknow oso can have award,dummy dummy wor...so happpppppy liao...
aiya,u dun worried la,if i dun tell ppls i know u,they sure dunknow i know u lor...u quiet quiet,i quiet quiet,all ppls here sure dunknow i know u or know u know me lor,like this can arr?

Love this Joker promotion,so muchhiiiiii....


2015-05-19 18:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo,see who mah,connie wor,sure sweet like maduka honey 10+ lor...

Duit,can we change D&D to SC as per request by our lovey connie?

DUIT and DUNKNOW (dog n donkey corporation) consumes sugar and honey everyday cuz both are extremely sweet ... hmm more like SWEETS CORPORATION !!!!


2015-05-19 18:46 | Report Abuse

BroDuit....u r making too many report liao.....nanti kena tangkap pulak wor :

Landlord owner of Cc...

19 Mei 2015 : 1845 hours

Kepada Connie.

Laporan Membuat Laporan Palsu.

Merujuk kepada perkara diatas says ingin buat satu laporan atas kehilangan rakan saya. Ciri-ciri beliau adalah seperti berikut:
Berat: 116.8KGS
Tinggi: 4.9 FT
Otak: 100 TB
Perjumpaan terakhir:ECONSAVE

Saya berharap pihak penaja/penganjur/polis dapat membantu saya dari segi pencarian. Ganjaran sebanyak RM7 jikalau duitKWSPkita didapati bersalah

Sekian terima kasih

19-05-15,TUESDAY,after raining


2015-05-19 18:40 | Report Abuse

Jom,i like this new TV program...apa nama?err...RANCANGAN SETIA ANDA?
hahaha,damn creative lar this budak...

Posted by connie > May 19, 2015 05:28 PM | Report Abuse

wah kalau sudah nak show on national TV, i don't want to wait 0.97 already :(:(:( i follow dunknow :):):):) i also aim like that ie around 1.12 ... 1.09 - 0.975 + 1.00 !!!


2015-05-19 18:39 | Report Abuse

ok,boss Connie,perintah dijunjung....can i be dull Dunknow :)?
Posted by connie > May 19, 2015 05:25 PM | Report Abuse

DONT CARE what implementation or follow-up :(:( cannot be a dull jack !!!!!


2015-05-19 18:36 | Report Abuse

I WILL BE BACK...ehh,sound like terminator huh?
no hilang,no need lapor polis ya...
no worried la on the budget,just let me know when u need it...just say it...i will transfer all money from Swiss a/c ..but trsf other ppls punya lo...MUST 101% SUPPORT CC,no matter what,no matter how...
ok bo like this?

Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 19, 2015 05:09 PM | Report Abuse

tsy88.... tis year so many ppls hilang... no budget jor..... keep some money bcoz got early sign Dunknow will hilang juga... we have limited budget tis year....

balance RM200 million only.... once Connie hilang we need to give ganjaran RM199.998765 million


2015-05-19 18:34 | Report Abuse

U think i am cendawan arr?i know lar,here raining after sunshine,a lot of mushroom,but i not pop up like cendawan lor...
pop up,miss,miss u all lo...ai mai?

Posted by tsy88 > May 19, 2015 05:10 PM | Report Abuse

Dunknow .. wah pop up at last moment?? Have a pleasant evening n relax ohhhhhhh.


2015-05-19 18:32 | Report Abuse

set!just collect ya....wa tak pandai kira purple note,only pandai collect wang,talak kira apa warna...itu syiling pun wa suka juga...kikiki...

My special thanks to you,brader!

Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 19, 2015 05:13 PM | Report Abuse


big congrad Hidden Divergence show ++D while Exposed Convergence show --C

so perfect now.... wait u back and collect money only.... I will buy high from you..let say buy RM1.12 from you and sell at RM1.35


2015-05-19 18:30 | Report Abuse

In less than 4 minutes,u can describe in like bang sai jua....darn darn good ...kakaka...the bang sai jua must be from Brand royal ler ,like ur ATAS brand lo,where got normal pang sai jua white colour ler?

Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 19, 2015 05:21 PM | Report Abuse

As the No.1 CC house gardener cum toilet bowl cleaner. I allow u to distress for 3 hours.

U are not white paper.. U are ultra light BANG SAI paper.


2015-05-19 17:18 | Report Abuse

not so serious lar,implement something lor...so have to follow up mah...kakakaka

Posted by connie > May 19, 2015 05:08 PM | Report Abuse

dunknowwwwwwwwwwwwwww .... sound so serious one ah ??? :(:( ok ok u too have an enjoyable evening with queenie and princess !!!


2015-05-19 17:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo,broDuit,dun say like that lo,if the bursa greenish,sure everyone have so pleasant day mah...

Btw,what socket are u refering?hmm....
me is like a white paper u know...can give me detail arr?

Posted by duitKWSPkita > May 19, 2015 05:06 PM | Report Abuse

without you... everyone here no pleasant except naturally pleasurable excited Seph........

enjoy ur raining day... but be ware of plug n socket


2015-05-19 17:01 | Report Abuse

have a pleasant evening,ladies & gentleman!!!!!!!!!!


2015-05-19 12:36 | Report Abuse

wa interested toooooooo....kikikiki.....


2015-05-19 12:01 | Report Abuse

cannot stop of missing everyone here lo


2015-05-19 12:01 | Report Abuse

happppppppppy makaning ya...


2015-05-19 08:14 | Report Abuse

DUIT,LU SO GENTLEMAN LO............,oppa gangnam style!


2015-05-19 08:01 | Report Abuse

kakakaka,adult games...let me figure out ya...


2015-05-19 08:01 | Report Abuse

congradddddddddddddddssssssssss,connie...1164....but 1164...not so good wo..


2015-05-19 07:46 | Report Abuse

1164...is coming who want who take lo...ok boh?


2015-05-19 07:46 | Report Abuse

kakakakaa.....like beauty & the beast huh?


2015-05-19 07:44 | Report Abuse

tsy,lu pergi mana?2 hari meh?hmmmmmmmmmm........................take good care wor,girl


2015-05-19 07:44 | Report Abuse

conie,connie,connie...what is dry swimming huh?got this thing meh?can share boh?
u mean swimming without water?how is that possible?hmmmmm....


2015-05-19 07:41 | Report Abuse

both oso wonderful,tsy & connie...sui sui,super like....abang dunknow manyak sayang lor...


2015-05-19 07:39 | Report Abuse

no lor...she is the alarm clock today...
it's me,OLD MAN alarm clock...kakakaka

Posted by tsy88 > May 19, 2015 07:18 AM | Report Abuse


Good morning. U very early lo. Princess yr alarm clock.. kikiki.

Connie wont angry one. She so sayang duit n dunknow leh. So not to worry hor..

Huat arrrr ...... happy trading woth plentiful $$$$$$$ !!!


2015-05-19 07:36 | Report Abuse

Good morning TCB,
Good morning tsy

Thanks for your 'cakes' ya....sedap,oh sedap...yummy...
Have a wonderful trading ahead ya...


2015-05-19 07:34 | Report Abuse

ohh,so sweet....u know what makes a girl wonderful?not on their apperance or face,their talkative lor...one of the innner beautiful...

Posted by connie > May 19, 2015 07:24 AM | Report Abuse

good morning dunknow ... first u said me wonderful and second u said me chatty !!! so i am wonderfully talkative is it ?? u ah ?? never in a million years will i be angry with u guys :):):)

Posted by Dunknow > May 18, 2015 10:52 PM | Report Abuse
Connie,u angry us arr?kiki,I know u r not,cos u r so wonderful girl ler...miss ur jokes and talkative soooooo muchhhhhhh....


2015-05-19 06:21 | Report Abuse

Goooooooooooood morning ladies and gentleman...let's the engin start,vroom...l


2015-05-19 06:20 | Report Abuse

5.01 again?haha....


2015-05-18 22:52 | Report Abuse

Good nite Connie,JL and duit...
Have a profitable trading tmr ok?

Connie,u angry us arr?kiki,I know u r not,cos u r so wonderful girl ler...miss ur jokes and talkative soooooo muchhhhhhh....

Huattt arrr