
dxbman | Joined since 2017-03-12

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2018-01-05 11:33 | Report Abuse

Now is collection time. Afternoon is goreng time. Those want to buy better buy now


2017-12-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

Strong buy


2017-11-19 16:36 | Report Abuse

This co is famous for cancelling project/mou after price rallies. Same will happen to the PP. Macquerie is not stupid to pay 50% premium for the shares


2017-11-17 14:16 | Report Abuse

When Fahmi said sell, means strong buy


2017-11-17 13:36 | Report Abuse

chyeoh1972, the only thing we could do is report his abusive posting to admin. But if admin block him, he will just create a new account and continue his barking. This type of people will never stop annoying others


2017-11-17 00:04 | Report Abuse

If you want me to stop calling you dumb or stupid Orangehead, then stop acting like one! Show some intelligence in your posting backed by facts and figures, then perhaps I might be able to show some respect. I can re-post many things you said to prove my point but I won't.


2017-11-16 20:33 | Report Abuse

Orangehead, haven't you read Jeremiah's post on Theta at Cuscapi or maybe you are too young or dumb to understand?

My TP 0.60-0.70 on 26 Oct when it was 0.54, 2 days later it peaked at 0.67 and reached my TP. He made money from that buy call.

Your buy call when Theta was around 0.58, and unfortunately for Jeremiah, he fell for your bluff. Now how much?


2017-11-16 18:42 | Report Abuse

Tomollow, many will get UMA (Untung Manyak Angkut) on this counter.


2017-11-16 18:36 | Report Abuse

Bila manyak lugi, just bluffing. Bila sikit untung, barking here and there like a mad dog hahaha Laugh me die

Posted by Orange88 > Nov 16, 2017 04:15 PM | Report Abuse

By the way just bluffing about buying sumatec., coastal, carimati , reach. all pariah cikei stock never touch before


2017-11-16 18:34 | Report Abuse

Bila manyak lugi, just bluffing. Bila sikit untung, barking here and there like a mad dog hahaha Laugh me die

Posted by Orange88 > Nov 16, 2017 04:15 PM | Report Abuse

By the way just bluffing about buying sumatec., coastal, carimati , reach. all pariah cikei stock never touch before


2017-11-16 13:58 | Report Abuse

Jeremiah, typical anjing kurap, barking everywhere LOL. Every forum it barks, it makes new enemies.


2017-11-16 10:15 | Report Abuse

0.24 - 0.30 gap to be closed first before any meaningful rebound


2017-11-15 02:00 | Report Abuse

Oil down 2%. Tmrw drops

News & Blogs

2017-11-14 21:32 | Report Abuse

Fully agreed with HoselGoh. Total value of contract awarded since March 2017 is 50m. 7.8m revenue was booked on 1Q18 with net profit of 3m. Revenue for 2Q18 is projected to be higher at 12m with forecast income of 4.5m.

EPS for two quarters of 2018 is around 2.11 cents annualized to 4.22 cents. Based on total share issued of 361m, PER for 2018 is 8.4 at current price of 0.355. Very cheap.


2017-11-14 20:42 | Report Abuse

vxpoison, the truth is this Orangehead bought many counters like Seenergy, Carimin, Coastal, Theta & Palette all with paper loss. For example, he bought Theta at arnd. 0.54 now 0.475, Palette at 0.405 now 0.355 (although he claimed he had sold at 0.415 but I don't believe him).

Now, he hopes that other counters are also down so that other people loss money just like him. I think all the huge losses are getting into his orange head.


2017-11-14 14:01 | Report Abuse

One full day correction completed. Collect at current level for tomorrow's AGM


2017-11-13 21:36 | Report Abuse

MUI closed at the lowest, will drop further tmrw and drags Palette down with it.


2017-11-13 19:33 | Report Abuse

If nobody cares, why the market reacts on his actions and words? You just can't fix stupidity, maybe it is inbred for some people.


2017-11-13 19:20 | Report Abuse

The question is why he over-reacted by disposing all his stakes in MUI & Palette? If he thinks they are good investment, he could still keep the shares and just deny the M&A news from the media. It will still cause a drop in price for both counters but not as bad. it supports the theory that he is also playing the market. Will he keep his words of not buying any more shares for passive investment in the future? Nobody will ever know as long as it is below 5%.


2017-11-13 15:57 | Report Abuse

Stupid Orangehead cant understand english. Read my post again where did I say to load up Palette? Dont put words in other people's mouth


2017-11-13 11:48 | Report Abuse

Son is now 0.06 gap with mother. Will reduce to 0.035/0.04 soon


2017-11-13 11:15 | Report Abuse

Cuscapi might consolidate at this level as 0.50/0.505 is tough to break. Monitor Palette closely might move in the afternoon


2017-11-12 11:04 | Report Abuse

Jeremiah bro, just dont bother about that dumb kid. He's like tin kosong melalak sana sini without any substance in the end loss money in trade if you follow him


2017-11-10 21:11 | Report Abuse

So Orangehead, how much is paper loss? actual loss? Still got underwear? hahaha


2017-11-10 17:56 | Report Abuse

Orangehead recommended Theta yesterday and the share nose dived today.

Now he recommends Keyasic

Real con man hahaha


2017-11-10 17:16 | Report Abuse

Closed unchanged, last minute buying, still not down hahaha


2017-11-10 17:14 | Report Abuse

Orange, what happens to your Theta? Cut loss oledi? I was laughing non-stop this afternoon so no time to post here Wakaka


2017-11-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

AGM on 15 Nov. Strong buy


2017-11-10 15:24 | Report Abuse

0.45 now. Orange88, cut loss now hahaha


2017-11-10 11:37 | Report Abuse

Morning MD selling, afternoon Wong & Brahmal buying


2017-11-09 23:53 | Report Abuse

One sour grape come out of hiding. Just admit you miss the boat la. No need to make stupid comment like "major correction" hahaha


2017-11-09 22:06 | Report Abuse

Thanks. Btw it's 11 months from end 2016, not 9 months


2017-11-09 20:44 | Report Abuse

For those thinking this is a purely goreng counter or pump & dump, the price has rallied from 0.105 at end 2016 till now. It would be foolish for syndicates to goreng or pump & dump a counter for 9 months. And there is still no sign of correction yet.


2017-11-09 20:39 | Report Abuse

3 possible reasons:
1) He was asked to dispose/reduce his stake prior to boardroom changes and promised disposal price within 0.45-0.50.
2) Allow new investors/major shareholders to buy his stake. That's why price did not drop. Problem is we don't know who if it is less than 5% until next year's annual report.
3) For his new business venture after resignation.


2017-11-09 19:46 | Report Abuse

Maybe the MD is selling in preparation for his resignation. Once the PP is completed, Jaya might takeover as MD.

The question is: Who is buying the shares as the price keeps going up? Under normal circumstances, price will drop if the MD disposes his stake.


2017-11-09 16:48 | Report Abuse

Continuous up normally lasts 9-10 trading days. Now is 7th day. Should peak temporarily next Tuesday with strong gains from tomorrow. Let's see if it materialized.


2017-11-09 16:26 | Report Abuse



2017-11-09 16:14 | Report Abuse

Stay away from son for the moment. It will discount a few cents to the mother before catching up


2017-11-09 16:07 | Report Abuse

Watchout tomorrow & Monday. Take your position now.


2017-11-08 19:54 | Report Abuse

Definitely something is brewing in this co. Price up since last week with stronger momentum lately but daily volume is not high compared to last week meaning it is a controlled buying/genuine collecting, not panic buying which normally results in panic selling as well. Also, to avoid Bursa's radar and UMA. This type of trend is more sustainable in the long run just like Palette.

With 53m invested and almost 30% stake, Jaya will be in control of the company regardless whether it results in RTO or not. As long as he does not dispose his shares, which we will know, it is quite safe to keep holding on to the shares. I'm not too worried about the MD selling his stake.

With Ace market undergoing correction as price starts to drop on many counters, Cuscapi and Palette are bucking the trend which means strong underlying sentiment to support the price.


2017-11-08 14:48 | Report Abuse

If UMA, company will reply Wong & Brahmal buying, then limit up


2017-11-08 12:40 | Report Abuse

Previous all time high is 0.52 back in 2013. If breached, next TP is the sky


2017-11-08 11:46 | Report Abuse

Not much resistance after 0.48 until 0.50. If breaks 0.48 BUY


2017-11-08 11:15 | Report Abuse

Wa still at premium and expiring next yr. Wait til it is at discount befor switching


2017-11-07 18:11 | Report Abuse

More selling by Khazanah. Better get out fast!


2017-11-07 00:13 | Report Abuse

Orange88 said sell ace counters, means strong buy tomorrow


2017-11-06 20:43 | Report Abuse

Fahmi said sell, means time to buy