
eagle100 | Joined since 2015-07-30

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2016-03-10 23:31 | Report Abuse

4468, gua punya sawit itu sangkut Jan punya. Tapi boleh simpan sampai lepas El Nino, skrg harga sawit bagus.
Armada bukan tgh uptrend ke? Sudah U turn lu takda cabut? Tak apa besok lusa nanti dia up balik lah.


2016-03-10 23:28 | Report Abuse

1.70. It's ok, cos mum share. The other forumer in that thread more kan cheong, warrant hv expiry, as you know, bro R usually buy call is warrant.


2016-03-10 23:22 | Report Abuse

Sting, tot you bought recently only, price low time.
I bot was Jan time, not in time to gostan when rchi made sell call. Warrant cut loss, mother keep. The other forumer who is asking is should be same boat but he/she bot warrant.


2016-03-10 23:16 | Report Abuse

hehe, yes Sting. Got chance to average it down. Tomm dunno where it will continue upwards or take profit


2016-03-10 23:12 | Report Abuse

4468, ini hari bukan sudah tukar theme kelapa sawit, glove, technology ke apa? Satu pun kau tak masuk?


2016-03-10 15:27 | Report Abuse

This stock just listed on Tue, so not yet T+4 or even T+3 effect. Just IPO holders offloading or contra players selling


2016-03-10 12:00 | Report Abuse

Sharon, Daniel talking abt C14, the call warrant

That's the prob discussing different topics in one thread


2016-03-10 10:16 | Report Abuse

1967, noticed too.JTIasa start move yesterday


2016-03-09 23:49 | Report Abuse

4468, gua main kapal terbang punya partner lah. Itu tunggu masa mau explode besar


2016-03-09 23:13 | Report Abuse

hiyaa besok kita Msia pun hijau2 kah. Kita punya sini nanti bukak mesti dia push tinggi2 sudah.
Tak apalah, esok pun duduk pagar lah. Pegi main equity, hehe


2016-03-09 19:54 | Report Abuse

Is that you Halia? Bila kau tukor jadi Jepunese pulak?
Kan kita duduk pagar ini hari, dia org aje main HSI ni.


2016-03-09 15:52 | Report Abuse

Go tunepro, haha.


2016-03-09 15:02 | Report Abuse

Hehe sakura, more than 1 errr.....gang.
Buying spree gang let us ikan bilis panic, scared worried till cannot tahan, then come in.
Early bird gang settle early morning and then let us fight among ourselveswhat price buy/sell.

Last week and this week slight different behaviour. Bursa annoucement last week epf, wellington dispose. Tony also sold some. AND AA did share buy back 100k units at 1.59. This week slow sikit.

I suspect got 'in between' gang also, lol. You check the trade detail see


2016-03-09 14:44 | Report Abuse

Sakura, wait after 4pm for AA flight. If they show face its that time. So far last week its like that
Could also be accumulating, my layman term is teasing the seller to sell lower


2016-03-09 11:01 | Report Abuse

Sis connie manage to jump in airplane when AA pull back yesterday?


2016-03-09 10:41 | Report Abuse

Itu beli manyak2 HT itu bukan lu kah Halia.Tunggu2 harga murah dia tarak turun. Tak apa, tgk lain


2016-03-09 10:02 | Report Abuse

But those still in take note of T+3 and T+4 time, usually sell down for IPO is those days


2016-03-09 09:59 | Report Abuse

Wah rchi target RM1 for CH ah. Sounds like one of the IB fair value assessment of it pre listing, haha


2016-03-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

Alamak, gua masuk party ada sikit lambat liao. Tak apa sikit2


2016-03-08 17:24 | Report Abuse

Huh? Ini Wei J tak jual2 lagi kah HT? For real or pretending one? Org pagi2 sudah settle.
Petang equity pun sudah settle, sudah ala KFC, McD makan.


2016-03-08 17:17 | Report Abuse

Wah, China & HK punya dah jadi lanun pulak. Lagi terror dari kita punya bomoh kelapa.


2016-03-08 17:13 | Report Abuse

Liihen is cos tomm dividend ex date
FLBHD takda


2016-03-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

Rchi, your definition of excitement is what ah?

Cos as far as I'm concerned got excitement for Chin Hin, before listing, during the IPO application time(prospectus, fair value reports, financial reports) and this morning listing. Waiting eagerly. Of course those who got the capital and success apply , 25% profit in the pocket liao for them

For those of us who suka this IPO thingy lah


2016-03-08 15:57 | Report Abuse

Agree with twobits. Some more only hentam in the afternoon, when usually is time ppl sell.


2016-03-08 14:59 | Report Abuse

Ohh, just now one of the shark was you bro rchi. Tq for buying, and tq chin hin for dinner money, hehe.


2016-03-08 14:08 | Report Abuse

Yeah coldrisk. To me its win some, lose some, its part of the game. I dont blame anybody since I consider it if I buy means I responsible to monitor the counter myself.
This index linked counter but a bit2 only, lose alao wouldnt sakut hati.


2016-03-08 12:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo Stingray, now you pulak so serious. Cos last week duit ask one of the seniors at cchouse come join him lepak this thread, just lepak2. THat person dont want, so I tot he ask you lor.


2016-03-08 12:20 | Report Abuse

Coldrisk, ya , i found out a bit later but at the time tentative.
Mainly cos I have followed Duit before on his buy calls, got ard 2 times it was not the right one and made losses.
I dont discount he is very pro, just he doesnt have time to monitor closely due to his busy work.


2016-03-08 12:14 | Report Abuse

Ala Halia, macam lah aku tak pegi forum lain. Yg aku cakap ni forum lain, thread lain kat i3 puna ada. kau cuba surfing round tgk yg english speaking punya forum.
Ada yg very strict, ada yg macam takda admin. Cth yg aku bagi tu cth benar, aku pun pernah kena

Anyway, HSI nampak kat 19960++. Van jenazah kau takda bisnis ini hari


2016-03-08 11:58 | Report Abuse

Oh ya kah Sting. I tot Duit ask you stand in for him cos he busy, lol


2016-03-08 11:54 | Report Abuse

Yeah Sting i know. Just the trollers and frequent off topic(which certain forums would get deleted just for that) scare away forumers liao. just cos they can get away with it, unlike the other threads


2016-03-08 11:41 | Report Abuse

haiya Stingray, patience lah. You dunno the other day when upleg first start how teruk H holders kena in this teruk. Macam2 lah we kena ridicule. By now should be deleted liao.

This sohai, sorchai and worse we kena liao. I reckon that's y Wei Jie also become harden.


2016-03-08 09:50 | Report Abuse

Stingray, not that boring lah if you know which counter to look
There's a newbie in the block today,ipo


2016-03-08 09:46 | Report Abuse

Apasal H naik pun sini gaduh, patut H punya org happi mah. Jgn gaduh2, sabar2.


2016-03-07 15:55 | Report Abuse

Lol halia kerana ah, itu ombak dekat junction, itu time tak tau dia mau pusing kiri ke kanan.


2016-03-07 15:52 | Report Abuse

Itu ombak ada 2 ombak. Satu hawk buat, satu 2 bit buat. Sbb itu masa dia boleh naik, boleh turun. Seorg buat turun, seorg lagi buat naik.

Kita punya KLCI saja krg ikut, bila dia patut turun dia tak mau turun, ada bomoh kelapa tlg support, haha.


2016-03-07 15:47 | Report Abuse

Export stocks drop but actually still not at last year's price. So those who bought last year still ok. Those who bought after price shoot up more heartache.


2016-03-07 15:24 | Report Abuse

Export stocks actually dropped a lot due to ringgit strengthen


2016-03-07 14:08 | Report Abuse

Haha. kau org ni, usik2 si wei jie tu pulak. Biarlah dia, hari ni dua2 H, C pun pening.
Nasib baik kita sideline, jan halia,? Halia, kau tak main Hsi, aervis van jenazah pun cuti? Byk sgt kena angkut, dua2 belah ada


2016-03-07 13:06 | Report Abuse

Sis connie , AA flight stop to refuel liao at transit. But I dont think it will gostan to 1.56


2016-03-07 12:58 | Report Abuse

Yes, news been reporting abt Russia etc countries neeting to discuss abt oil. So before that better sell pet


2016-03-07 11:10 | Report Abuse

Fam, it's 18,600 not 16,800


2016-03-07 09:48 | Report Abuse

No jake, busy looking at market.


2016-03-06 18:08 | Report Abuse

Twobits, thanks for the updated charts

Wah Connie, nowadays beauty treatments sooo expensive liao? Like that better straight do plastic surgery, sui sui terus,hehe


2016-03-06 00:42 | Report Abuse

MATB, how long did it take to go from 7.1 to RM8.75?


2016-03-05 19:05 | Report Abuse

haha, kau org tak pegi bawak famili jln2 ke? Asyik kat sini aje
Tak yah pikir pjg2, isnin pagi pikir apa nak tikam, tikamlah


2016-03-05 01:08 | Report Abuse

wah stingray you still typing there, I went watch tv show liao, haha
whatever it is,let enjoy the ride on the waves, whether EW or airwaves or water waves, hehehe


2016-03-04 23:55 | Report Abuse

haha, ya, same too. But my export counters are effected with stronger ringgit.QR Results damn good but every day stock price dropping.


2016-03-04 23:49 | Report Abuse

Stingray if you holding HT how come can still LOL?
I also have a tiny bit HT, but no matter, lose lunch or win lunch only