
felet404 | Joined since 2020-08-13

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5 days ago | Report Abuse

have to do with india market and ex rate too


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Ya, ask your boss to pump it up so it will be GREEN GREEN GREEN


5 days ago | Report Abuse

enter this stock will kena masak and eaten for sure


5 days ago | Report Abuse

You guys a bunch of jokers, really insulted sane investors. lol


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

How many times i have to say? The trends has nothing to do with the company! This company don't have genuine business, only big project MOU announcement which are all empty and doesn't work.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

over valued stock. Wait till it come down first.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

a picture speaks a thousand words, dont forget to change the graph to 5Y to see the full picture. From 4 to 2x cents in less than 2 years, good luck!


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

PhD in creative accounting?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Don't have to talk sh!t, if investors buy ARB story, it will reflect on share price itself, don't have to give any positive or negative comments the share will increase by itself. This is because investors know too well with your Dato Seri bosses, all the big MOUs with millions but none of it materialize, purely goreng story. Sorry to tell u these lies doesn't work anymore Lol! Ya, Try to create more new accounts! Hahahaha. All the AI, cloud computing, 5G, IOT no doubt is the trend, but it doesn't relates to you cuz the company don't have genuine business, no IT companies heard your solution, sorry to tell you that if you still believe in these BS, stop lying to yourself please!


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Dont talking rubbish maxgainz, since you work in ARB, can you share with us which Big Company Paying BIG DOLLARS using your product? IT industry seems never heard about your product. Your major customers are Annum and Ageson? Lol


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Do you know how to read financial report to begin with? What you mean by stellar performance? Are you kidding yourself? By the way, you can create 10 more new accounts, you can't run away from facts. Moving money from left pocket and put it in right pocket and you call that Sales Revenue? -3159% QoQ and you call that robust growth? Hope you stay long enough to continue your cybertrooper work.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

What is your target KPI on posting?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Wow MChloe sure busy defending her boss? How much he paid u?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Funny to see suddenly got new cybertroopers come and white wash this counter. Lol. Anyhow, those who cheated shareholders money will face their own karma one day, enough said. God is watching you!


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Oh by the way, are all your sales involves in selling among subsidiaries or company from same boss? can you please check with your boss? Can't be a coincident by reading all the comments from all these three companies, your boss seems to be the talk of the town? Guess I cannot wake someone who pretend sleeping.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Quite funny to see now ARBB is using staff as cybertrooper to white wash the counter, please don't fool yourself ok? I believe a lot of investors see there is fishy thing going on with the counter, if not, why the counter ended up at this stage? Not only ARBB, same to AGES or ANNUM, all counters related to your boss. Look at ARBIOT from NASDAQ! Tell me what is going on? "Rumour spread till USA?". I bet you don't even hold a single share. Lol!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ARB IOT Group limited transacted with ARB IOT Limited at Cayman Island for a 7mil USD contract, nobody raise a red flag? Hahahaha


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why ARBB so quiet lately? I look forward to see any mega contracts MOUs. Hahaha


2024-06-28 13:46 | Report Abuse

all these companies purely suck on investors hard earned savings and fattened themselves by paying high director fees and salary despite company not performing well.


2024-06-11 19:32 | Report Abuse

Did you blowed a whistle?


2024-06-05 16:58 | Report Abuse

Agree! May be next round will be announcing shipping billions worth of rocks!


2024-05-14 09:45 | Report Abuse


Market cap only 18mil, but business revenue over 100mil, if these are real business by right the share price will triple. Lol


2024-05-09 13:47 | Report Abuse

All these problematic companies under the same hands of Dato Seri Larry Liew Kok Leong, authority didn't sense anything fishy about thier accounts? As a shareholder we are curious to know where the money goes?


2024-05-07 16:25 | Report Abuse

I wonder why the officials don't do anything about it? We need good ICAC in Malaysia!


2024-04-29 09:45 | Report Abuse

The company got no real customers, the real customers are shareholders. ^0^


2024-04-24 18:59 | Report Abuse

fatty liew and team sapu what is left inside the counter already.


2024-04-23 17:01 | Report Abuse

I got a question on their financial report as of 2023, there is a "administrative expenses" of 150 million, the market cap of this company is only 50 million? There is nobody question how can you spend 150 million on your admistrative expenses?
Going up from 24 million from previous year to 150 million, something is not right!
Where the money goes?


2024-03-22 20:56 | Report Abuse

the company don't even have proper business, what kind of sales and profitability you are talking about? all fake invoices lol

2024-03-22 20:54 | Report Abuse

company already milked dry by the wolves, time to resign


2024-03-04 19:47 | Report Abuse

what happen if didnt sell?


2024-03-01 11:25 | Report Abuse

Fatty Liew took money out from company already. Will left an empty shell just like Ageson, history will repeat itself from same crooks.


2024-02-27 23:08 | Report Abuse

the list is full of hocus pocus deals, best is find those ex finance staff to interview them one by one.


2024-01-19 10:36 | Report Abuse

Already warned you guys this is a CONMAN counter, same boss same company ARBB, ANNUM, AGES, all same same, from China to Malaysia and will be running to other country as his next stop to repeat the same thing.
For those who think "the stock is low enough, good time to pick up", good luck to you, it will only go lower. The cash already been siphoned out gradually and what is left will be just an empty shell. BURSA not taking action, God will punish the culprit behind, just the matter of time.


2024-01-19 10:35 | Report Abuse

Already warned you guys this is a CONMAN counter, same boss same company ARBB, ANNUM, AGES, all same same, from China to Malaysia and will be running to other country as his next stop to repeat the same thing.
For those who think "the stock is low enough, good time to pick up", good luck to you, it will only go lower. The cash already been siphoned out gradually and what is left will be just an empty shell. BURSA not taking action, God will punish the culprit behind, just the matter of time.


2024-01-19 10:35 | Report Abuse

Already warned you guys this is a CONMAN counter, same boss same company ARBB, ANNUM, AGES, all same same, from China to Malaysia and will be running to other country as his next stop to repeat the same thing.
For those who think "the stock is low enough, good time to pick up", good luck to you, it will only go lower. The cash already been siphoned out gradually and what is left will be just an empty shell. BURSA not taking action, God will punish the culprit behind, just the matter of time.


2024-01-19 10:32 | Report Abuse

Already warned you guys this is a CONMAN counter, same boss same company ARBB, ANNUM, AGES, all same same, from China to Malaysia and will be running to other country as his next stop to repeat the same thing.
For those who think "the stock is low enough, good time to pick up", good luck to you, it will only go lower. The cash already been siphoned out gradually and what is left will be just an empty shell. BURSA not taking action, God will punish the culprit behind, just the matter of time.


2024-01-17 18:31 | Report Abuse

Borrow the words from someone in forum:

Peter Lynch said never buy a stock if you cannot understand its earnings

If you cannot write out in once sentence with a chalk how it makes it monies then you should not buy it

Always buy stocks which you can understand its business how it generates its income

Please advise, or point out their so called business that earn millions? If is so good? How come nobody in IT line heard about it?


2024-01-17 18:26 | Report Abuse

Virdos Lima Consultancy? What kind of company is this? Sorry I never heard before.


2024-01-17 15:36 | Report Abuse

What is your basis when you say it is "worth to buy"? Does the company have any proper project? Proper software or solution which is well sought after in the market? or it is purely hoax? Based on MOU announcement?


2024-01-12 19:41 | Report Abuse

NASDAQ share mostly very expensive? Means u have no idea how NASDAQ run, their price of 1.50 means 1.50 USD , not 1500 USD. Don't expect too high on such offering, based on track record, ARB not so generous, top management will suck the money out of the company. If not, why keep on changing auditors and even their CFO? You didn't smell anything fishy? First Ageson, then Annum, one by one you can see their faith, all being sucked until dry.


2024-01-05 12:46 | Report Abuse

Wow what happen to YTL today?


2024-01-05 12:20 | Report Abuse

A company that truly make real profit will be paying you real dividend in cash, not giving you useless shares that is manipulated by the 'dealer' behind. Go and watch "The Gold Finger" can learn a thing or two from the movie.


2024-01-05 02:44 | Report Abuse

Fatty Liew using this exercise to dump his shares to the market and take this opportunity to cash out? NASDAQ shares more valuable? The whole exercise just giving out useless paper shares which cost zero for Fatty Liew to print,shares exchange shares? ARBIOT stock will go back to less than USD1. I wonder if the company still got any cash left or fully plundered by conmen through fake projects, investments, MOUs?


2023-12-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

This counter still got hope or not?


2023-12-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

Since our BURSA is not doing anything about conmen abusing the stock exchange to con shareholders' money, we hope that NASDAQ side can do something about it!


2023-12-15 18:49 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, most people in the market know that fatty Liew is not a generous and genuine person. If he is, all the counters he touched won't be at this situation. Have you forget to check how much ARBIOT is trading in NASDAQ? From 4 dollars?


2023-12-15 10:47 | Report Abuse

Karma will hit back these conmen for sure, is just the matter of time. In the meantime, law enforcer probably can start investigating this company perhaps by talk to the ex finance managers or staff that left the company, see if there is any misdeed done by the MD or top management, which we strongly believe there is.


2023-12-10 09:18 | Report Abuse

Looks like another conman counter? Go listed then milk the company dry?