
fishing_leg | Joined since 2013-11-14

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2017-08-10 17:03 | Report Abuse

Many factor affects stock price. Main ingredient is profit and prospect. Other is rumours of course. I am hoping for double or triple what l put in. Sound crazy but that's what l hope for.


2017-08-10 12:39 | Report Abuse

Hold on temporary to add as news on 1mdb and north korea withusa conflict might have negative impact.


2017-08-09 17:33 | Report Abuse

It is bad to say something like in a black box. As not the operator who are pushing the counter up or down. One can only rely on the homework done based on news, report and asking around on ppl in the organisation in indirect way like, any raise ? Bonus ? Salary pay in time ? Benefit gets cut ? Company loan default ?

So, even l am dreaming, l am not naive. In this penny counter, rumours is the impetus of pushing price up. So, some say this counter no good, no need to let me know why, l just need advise on which counter to go and make money. Again, how can we trust you ? You guarantee ? Your words on up and down is pointless.

In a free country, everyone entitle to his view. It is good to have negative voices. This is normal. If all say good, then is dangerous.

A good cowboy movie need to have bad guy bully good guy and at the end, good guy wipe out bad guy then the movie end. How the lead actor turn from being bully to hero is the key to blockbuster movie or lousy movie. We will see when the quarterly report out end of august.

1 thing for sure, the license, give them way of making mobey on foreign worker. Success or failure, no one knows yet. Business is evolving, how they do it is the key.

Market correction, only big gun with load of $$$$ talk that. He or she will not appear here. This is for petty trader like me to seek extra boost on confidence. Am l right ? Or certain form of assurance from fellows ?

So, up till now my focus on license is still same.


2017-08-08 17:05 | Report Abuse

Should be flushing. No big deal. Not yet 30 million, long way to go


2017-08-08 15:30 | Report Abuse

We'll see about it this month with the quarterly report


2017-08-01 10:47 | Report Abuse

Looking at the goreng counter in which many like to call it and this one might be too, the "goreng" is about 4 time. Just consider it is at 0.18, think can get 0.7 within 6 months. So, just sit and wait until the durian fall down. Want to buy low sell high, can consider it here. In and out will get no way. I learn it the hard way ( lose in contra ). Wanting it to up everyday, that is out of the question as machine also needs to take a break. I will take a break and back next month and hopefully things are positive. Cheers


2017-08-01 09:58 | Report Abuse

What's the hurry after knowing the license can be use like this to make money ? Every 1 send RM 300.00 per month and charge per transation RM 1 is a good income. Some more, after a pattern develop over time, the income can be forecast to much greater accuracy and better business plan can be drawn out. Rugi for those who lari. Wait until 0.4 baru consider run lar. Sayang, run chicken liao


2017-08-01 00:45 | Report Abuse

Better be like that lar, l keep for so long


2017-07-31 00:13 | Report Abuse

Long underway lar. Come kuching, sarawak you see already. SC sure up one.


2017-07-28 09:44 | Report Abuse

Wa, small contra kaki lari, good sign. They will provide extra push next week once it is above 0.30 next week, suiiii


2017-07-28 06:47 | Report Abuse

Not sure any notice, recent goreng, most of the time is about 3-4 times. If that's the case, can pass 0.50 by year end. Personal opinion only.


2017-07-27 22:18 | Report Abuse

I only bang on the license


2017-07-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

Need self remind, this is 仙股哦


2017-07-27 16:42 | Report Abuse

Many small kaki


2017-07-27 16:42 | Report Abuse

Today got 15 million, hard to say as need money to goreng and help from small kaki like me


2017-07-27 16:31 | Report Abuse

Guessing only, tonite or next few day got big news. See, l hold at 0.165, l memang syok sendiri


2017-07-27 16:17 | Report Abuse

Wait for the 30 million to come


2017-07-27 16:10 | Report Abuse

See the 5000 5000 masok, big fish coming. Anyway, 5000 only sikit saja lar


2017-07-27 15:47 | Report Abuse

Wind blow either way, those run below 0.3 this week, "pak sheng ki liao"


2017-07-27 14:22 | Report Abuse

See, if the boss buy at 0.275 for 2000 lot. Say if they want free vacation for holiday, budget 200k, that 2000 lot need to make 10 cents. So, wait till 0.36, can run. Just joking lar


2017-07-27 12:03 | Report Abuse

Good then, l start bet this counter last year


2017-07-27 10:35 | Report Abuse

Which side ? Place your bet then know


2017-07-27 09:36 | Report Abuse

Some tug of war here, some try to push down, the other try to push up, nice show. Boss also beli sikit for kopi O, should be can untung sikit


2017-07-26 16:59 | Report Abuse

Big one not yet coming, and, they are still collecting, just wait for a while if got holding power


2017-07-26 09:32 | Report Abuse

Based on this few day buying, hopefully got chance see 0.30 this week


2017-07-25 14:40 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha, last time nokia conquer market, now only sell below rm 100 ringgit phone. Still got show ? USA TV, once upon a time, the only tv we have is like in a cabinet with sliding door. That, no more after japanese start make tv. Now, is japanese tv more or korea one more ? This is IT, fast pace. Think 10 years ago no one heard oppo, xiao mi, now ? Browser, anyone still using netscape ? Where is fb, instagram in year 2000 ? My point is no say mpay tip top good, just merely got chance saja


2017-07-25 10:36 | Report Abuse

If a business is deem viable, investor will pour in money. Both the investor and the enterprise are so to say, gamble. But, is calculated gamble. To make or break, still, depend on market forces. Bill gates used to tour USA in the 80's and tell ppl about internet. He succeeded. The story can went the other way if market forces do not choose it. He too take risk. So are we. I, still only see mpay license is worth money. The rest, hard to say. If l am wrong, l pay my own price. This forum l think is not asking ppl to buy or sell but to, hopefully see got ppl provides some tips to make some quick dollar.


2017-07-25 09:37 | Report Abuse

Now is time to hold or step on your gas. Up to how much not sure. Down be, 0.24, 0.205, 0.165 as much as l see for this while. Many be masok at 0.165 to 0.18. Ho say


2017-07-25 09:02 | Report Abuse

IT related biz, step is fast. General example is nokia famous all over the world. Now ? A bit earlier is USA TV, where is it ?

Is how the enterprise do biz and keep pace. Business is a risk. You make some at time, you might lose it all. Just biz is biz


2017-07-24 18:27 | Report Abuse

Back to 30 million question (ha ha), ikan bilis share, can reach that value, it is like end of story part 1, so, can run. Don't ask why as l am not professional that can talk mountain and talk sea. I just merely express my personal opinion only.


2017-07-24 18:23 | Report Abuse

mpay is not the only company that talk and talk. If you are doing business, you will also talk and talk. That is ok. Everybody talk. Not many are just do it type like NIKE slogan


2017-07-24 18:20 | Report Abuse

If betul goreng and value reach 30 million, can consider run


2017-07-24 17:14 | Report Abuse

Wa lao a, think after reading here, many pinch some salt and run away. Sayang, wait for 30 million then consider run lar. Afterward come back, sure rugi liao. Jiak lat.


2017-07-24 15:56 | Report Abuse

If the company bankrupt, then baru fail. Not yet bankrupt, still ok. At least they still do something rather than nothing mah.


2017-07-24 15:00 | Report Abuse

It is still anybody game. Company with IT in nature definitely will try grab the chance. I was surprise another company start with M with similar nature but hp platform is still quiet and no action.


2017-07-24 12:33 | Report Abuse

No uma, no need run so fast. This week critical to see make or break.


2017-07-24 12:01 | Report Abuse

T+3 run, good sign


2017-07-23 18:01 | Report Abuse

One thing for sure, this i3 is influential


2017-07-21 17:39 | Report Abuse

Something to say. Whatever payment mode, cash, card, phone, internet. It still, consider as a transactions.
Of all mode, ppl choose one that is convinient or best suit him during the transactions take place.

So now, if l want buy thing from you, will you, say, sorry boss, you no handphone, you no pay apps, l cannot sell to you. Sure kah ?
There is only one exception. We take cash only.

So, think hard and think deep. This epay thing, will, one day evolve. To what, market decide. Not you talk l talk.

The enterprise, will think of ways to overcome whatever issue point out here if deem, viable.

They are the one makes big dollar and enjoy luxury life style.

Pray, mpay no talk cock and tiger head snake tail. Then, is worth taking risk in this counter. I, however, still think their license worth money. That's all as they do the biz and we lompang for easy money.



2017-07-21 16:15 | Report Abuse

diaz_flag, hahaha, well said. only kaki stock know only


2017-07-21 15:27 | Report Abuse

Also, shift the mindset on hp is the center of the equation. The effect is far reaching and unimaginable. Really big BIZ !


2017-07-21 15:23 | Report Abuse

Forget, until now, l still "bang" on the license only.


2017-07-21 15:19 | Report Abuse

See, it is like this. Payment if make by credit card, you use first and pay later. Debit card, make sure you got money then you can use it. Until now, debit card is of less popular here because, you need make sure your account got enough money !

To a merchant who survive on interest like bank, cash payment is always not so good. You should know why.

Move to credit card. Hmmm, you actually can spend future money !!! Wow, good a. Until you work your whole life for bank paying interest !!!

So, draw cartoon, no need to draw the bones. If mpay succeed, it will definitely make money when we look at the surface if you know what l mean.

So, good biz or bad biz. Self decide.


2017-07-21 12:33 | Report Abuse

Pavillion, what you say make sense, can further elaborate ? I want make money from mpay and what you are telling is useful to me. Thanks in advance


2017-07-21 09:15 | Report Abuse

Technically, that happen in the past decade. Amazon, ebay will have long gone if first mover die per say. Now, mpay is just copying their model (l not sure). But, it is not first mover


2017-07-20 07:29 | Report Abuse

Wow ! the report is 有龙有凤 wo, however, it doesn't touch on the law and regulation boh. Another thing, how much will the company need to make to get to 1.17. If on prospect, yes. The tech part will be slightly easier per say as.... got money to burn, buy it off-the-shelf and customized it lar.

Cybercrime ...

I have a something to share as l write program too. Once, in internet, there was an authentication method call captcha then re-captcha. Now, this had been replace by TAC. Why ? Because, that doesn't work as it is hard to use for users as the captcha need to have twisted or distorted word so that, hard to use program to fake it. However, it is still easily decoded by programmer with good mathematical background.

Due to this, now it is almost wipe out in internet. TAC is the last resort for now.

What l want to say is, cybercrime is something to watch out and it will always be there.

Law and regulation, recovery of losses due to cybercrime is "key" to protect the company and user confident.

But, l do hope it can reach as what they mention to 1.17 as l got buy the share (ha ha ha).

Of course, this is my personal opinion only lar.


2017-07-12 00:53 | Report Abuse

Pavillion, well said.


2017-07-11 21:25 | Report Abuse

Bang on mpay license