
focuz | Joined since 2014-03-25

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2014-07-27 13:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by LuoLi > Jul 14, 2014 03:42 PM | Report Abuse


@LuoLi: I take that writing in capital letters is talking with a loud voice (not necessarily scolding). But looking at your new photo with a sweet face in yellow vest, I have difficulty to imagine tat you are garang like a school teacher...He! He! He! ....


2014-07-27 14:57 | Report Abuse

@mbatrader: Did u watch the price movement 80c to 25c; 29c to 56c;...? I was just watching...Tats why people like #stonenut because of their past experiences being losers will behave the way they behave visiting Suma first of all ask yourself do u knw wat u are doing....


2014-07-14 16:02 | Report Abuse

@mbatrader: Wat im sayin is wat was you intention from the word start? Speculate or Invest....


2014-07-14 16:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by mbatrader > Jul 14, 2014 03:40 PM | Report Abuse

i will hold but don't want to hold long. shit! i bought too many @.41. sigh!!!
If u had walked in when the price was 0.34 dwn to 0.255 and how long did it take for tat gradual slide, I think yor face gone green & white...tat scary part has left us...if u can't hold take LuoLi advice!


2014-07-14 15:43 | Report Abuse

@LuoLi: Glad to hear u r genuine investor...


2014-09-27 17:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Jul 14, 2014 02:01 PM | Report Abuse

The changes in story lines are even more erratic than the movements in this counter.

Many people come and go in Suma forum. Half of them lose & half of them the long run it's the winning game to look out for...within the erratic story lines, many of them otak tak center....hehehe!!!!!


2014-07-14 15:26 | Report Abuse

Ok! Ok! LuoLi, we hear your alarm bell....see, see u are #stonenut gang....


2014-07-14 15:23 | Report Abuse

Aik!...some people do not want to hold for long term...short sighted...patience!!!


2014-07-14 15:13 | Report Abuse

OKA doing pretty good....i just put a little bit of $$ there & welcome everybody to OKA goreng up the please!


2014-07-14 18:56 | Report Abuse

LuoLi has been a naughty girl...spend too much time investing...not enough time retention class at home...Proof: Why at this time still in the Stock Exchange??? .....hihihi!


1 day ago | Report Abuse

Posted by eric_B4B > Jul 14, 2014 11:11 AM | Report Abuse

leo218 Public n maybank made sumatec as cash account now. No money cant buy

Wow! Big bankers became Bursa regulators too? No wonder buying interests faded...which is good news for long term holders & bad news for contra kakis.....


2014-07-29 16:46 | Report Abuse

Mother & Daughter prices holding well.....


2014-07-14 10:56 | Report Abuse

Minum kopi, out from bathroom....

@iplay: That stone is actually guli-guli, marble only. Notice tat WCup is over takda wang beli ketamine, minum samsu sikalang lor and give live commentary on Susumate....HaHa..HAHAHA!!!!


2014-07-14 10:31 | Report Abuse

Soli ahhhh!!! Daughter went up 6.5 cts....


2014-07-14 10:29 | Report Abuse

Gosh! I hv overslept, just got out off bed, after WCup match...I'm neutral when it comes to football.

The ketamine really works. Now, go get some samsu...

Wat Both Suma: Mother & daughter went up 5.5cts...Tat stoned guy prediction valy correct wow...price down aladi...LOL


2014-07-14 01:42 | Report Abuse

@DH: Aiyah! I wanted to read a few more pages tis wkend but life is never as you planned. I also thought can finish chat with you about the body toning regime...Quicktake: I had one more session in evening, 30 mins jog...anyway like #Ayamtua put it, no need to be serious...I'm goin for my ketamine, stay awake for the WCup finals....


2014-07-14 01:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by stonenut > Jul 13, 2014 10:27 PM | Report Abuse

Whitenight.... now people start to realise the reality of tomorrow... flowers never always red..
so put on your pb17 pants sit tight.

The reality of tomorrow....mental recovery is not completed yet!
There was a tiny bit of GUILT when #white_night showed up's not finished yet...


2014-07-14 00:45 | Report Abuse

In pg860,

@stonenut: Did I say that you are very CONFUSED!!!! SEE BELOW WHAT YOUR WROTE...

Posted by stonenut > Jul 13, 2014 07:52 PM | Report Abuse

You guys also satu macam.. dont say me.. u know why?
I ask why the apple(sumatec) good?
Ur answer : this apple is good laaaa... good laa.. I say good la.

i ask why you said apple good?
Good laaa see the orange(hibiscus) now 1.50 and you see lemon(Sona) now 0.50
u compare the orange.. now orange size bigger.. now apple ahh size smaller.

I asked again u know how they plan this apple? What special method they plant?
ur answer : aiyaa they inject something inside the apple(ok VVIP u know who) .. good la this apple..

this is the answers I get... you think what? Strong answers bout the comp inside out?
I dont think so.


2014-07-14 00:41 | Report Abuse

In pg859,
@stonenut: So tell me, are you making friends or making enemies??? Pg859 attests to what I had said. Do believe I just finished reading pg859....


2014-07-14 00:35 | Report Abuse

In pg859,
YES!!! #stonenut & #tornado should have a head-to-head fight. I bet #tornado will ripped #stonenut MARBLES off.....


2014-07-14 00:24 | Report Abuse

In pg858,
@stonenut: U can't even handle #cweed & u want to speech...shameless you!!! But, I knw tat u are very confuse...U dun knw if u are making frenz or enemies. Do you???


2014-07-14 00:16 | Report Abuse

@Stonenut: U say I'm toying wit you arh??? I have not read pg 858 when I wrote my last comment above...In pg858, you flagged #cweed, you go bck count yourself...and I knw it's you!!!!!


2014-07-14 00:12 | Report Abuse

#stonenut .....floating in & out of REGRET phase & ANGRY phase,
.....floating in & out of REGRET phase & ANGRY phase,
.....floating in & out of REGRET phase & ANGRY phase,
.....floating in & out of REGRET phase & ANGRY phase,


2014-07-14 00:04 | Report Abuse

Pg 857: Posted by stonenut > Jul 13, 2014 01:04 PM | Report Abuse

Ayam tua really ayam tua.. whoever run as fast as ayam sure win... look first and re enter when super low. This wat I call experienced ayam.

@stonenut: U are onli a MARBLE!!!! How much bigger u tink u are?????


2014-07-13 23:59 | Report Abuse

In Pg857:
#stonenut dah jadi pandai2 jadi accountant...tapi suruh kita berikan lia "facts"...

"our money" eh, eh, ehhhh!! #stonenut kasi kita sama olang susumate wang oooh!! putachi betul ada ker, stonenut???


2014-07-13 23:51 | Report Abuse

Aeh! Dato At yg belum tidur...


2014-07-13 23:50 | Report Abuse

At Pg856: #stonenut dah jadi expert KNM pulak. Manyak2 olang mati dlm tangan KNM dia ycak harum2.


2014-07-13 23:40 | Report Abuse

I'm at pg856 so u guys continue talking...


2014-07-13 23:37 | Report Abuse

LuoLi keeping #stonenut company tonite...WCup finals in 3.5 hrs time...


2014-07-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by stonenut > Jul 13, 2014 10:01 AM | Report Abuse

PN17? Another tin k8song company... when u hit tin kosong sure loud... this is what happening here... I would say dont touch this counter.... you beterr dont touch this mc hammer..

True! true! Tin kosong makes the loudest noise...this is what happening here (i3 Sumatec forum)...this tin kosong is filling up...filling up with black gold...Present time this tin sounds like, "tung,tung tung". In future, this tin will sound like, "ong, ong, ong" (olang hokkien cakep)

All hands that touched Sumatec 1-week, 2-weeks, 3-weeks and 4-weeks ago has received the Midas touch...!!!


2014-07-13 10:38 | Report Abuse

@LouLi: To equate #stonenut to Stonehenge is an insult to the English heritage...Hihihi!

Stonenut said, ...once beaten, twice shy...!!! That's an admission that will bring about his healing process. Quick healing also because you did an open admission in public. Although your true identity is not known to us it does not matter. Important is that your get mental recovery.


2014-07-13 10:19 | Report Abuse

Here are the milestones (NOT - StoneNut...stoned) for Sumatec to accomplish within 6 months from the date of the Framework Agreement:

1). The technical, operational, legal and financial due diligence to be carried out on Borneo, Buzachi Neft and the subsoil use rights relating to the "Karaturun Vostochnyi” and “Karaturun Morskoi” fields (“Due Diligence Review”),

2). Verification of the oil and gas reserves of the fields

3). The Independent Fair Market Evaluation based on the Independent Reserves Report.

4). A formal sale and purchase agreement (“SPA”) for the Proposed Acquisition as mutually Buzachi Fields 3.

5). The SPA shall be subject to the fulfilment of the conditions below:-

(a) the approval of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad;
(b) the approval of the shareholders of Sumatec; and
(c) the approval of any other relevant authorities including but not limited to the Kazakhstan Ministry of Oil & Gas, Antimonopoly Commission in Kazakhstan and waiver from the relevant government bodies and National Oil & Gas Company.

6). The Purchase Consideration shall be satisfied via the payment of cash and issuance of new ordinary shares of Sumatec.

The pro-forma effects of the Proposed Acquisition on the share capital, net assets, dividend, gearing and substantial shareholdings of the Company can only be determined upon the finalisation of the terms of the funding requirements for the Proposed Acquisition and the execution of the SPA. A detailed announcement will be made in due course upon execution of the SPA.

The Proposed Acquisition is expected to contribute positively to the future earnings of Sumatec.


2014-07-13 02:23 | Report Abuse

He better had drink enuf H2O before going to bed with those pills in his system. His kidneys destroyed.

There's a pun in the "kidneys" word...hehehe!


2014-07-13 02:15 | Report Abuse

@DH: Abt my exercise, I did 1 session only in the morning. I meant had I felt better in form I wud hv done 30mins jog & 10mins walk. Nothing extreme!


2014-07-13 02:10 | Report Abuse

@stonenut: Read this and do not hesitate to act. I promise you that this works. Have a good cry somewhere quiet, nobody sees you. Let it out and naturally, let your crying out a few more times will lessen the pain inside of you.


2014-07-13 02:05 | Report Abuse

@stonenut: Read this when you awake and back here tomorrow. When my little finger gets burn a little I'll know what to do. Thank you for your concern.

Meanwhile, you seriously need help....


2014-07-13 02:01 | Report Abuse

@stonenut: That would include you sense that we like to do a small celebration this moment?


2014-07-13 01:58 | Report Abuse

Correction: ever imagine...


2014-07-13 01:57 | Report Abuse

@stonenut: U behave like this, would you eve imagine anyone would help you even if they could?


2014-07-13 01:55 | Report Abuse

#pathfinder2 & #stonenut are female & one male....


2014-07-13 01:53 | Report Abuse

Yes!!!...reminds me of those BIG fights I had in SONA forum with #pathfinder2....


2014-07-13 01:50 | Report Abuse

Corrections: given to this person for a cure....


2014-07-13 01:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by stonenut > Jul 12, 2014 08:03 PM | Report Abuse

Video I wont see. Another advertising gimmick... only make people laugh and happy in the real idiot like mr bean.

#stonenut - anti-money making, anti-world, anti-children & anti-life.

There's no drugs nor therapy that can be give him a cure. Not going to be easy to ask this person to resign from Suma forum.


2014-07-13 01:43 | Report Abuse

I'm still awake & was hoping that #stonenut wud hv call it a day but unfortunately not...


2014-07-13 00:43 | Report Abuse

Ahoi! Dato Seri DH, looks like I hv to stay up late to catch up reading 5 or 6-pages Suma chats....

I wud hv done 30mins jog and 10 mins walk instead but sometimes body needs time for recuperation...


2014-07-13 00:39 | Report Abuse

@Dato AT: I luv yur jest & words of wisdom almost every time....

Posted by AyamTua > Jul 12, 2014 01:40 PM | Report Abuse

im not so detail person.. sometime i read chart sumatec chart and bet on EAH .. rupa rupa nya the chart belong to SEACERA.. wakakaka , baca fundamental for TRC, rupa rupanya for RCECAP .... end of the day , buy other moving horse....... and tukar tukar seluar dalam so long nice and cosy.... kikiki nothing last forever in this God forsaken land.. just do anything so long you keep moving.. and moving and dont forget to help those people around you.. cari makan kicik kicik lama lama jadi buki ... kikikiki

mataseri Khazanah chairman. Not ceo
12/07/2014 13:31


2014-07-12 09:47 | Report Abuse

@LuoLi: Me aunt got to knw that I hv put money in Sumatec. You knw lah! She also play, play share & we exchange msgs. She called me last night and

she said,"You gambling ah!"
I said, "No..."
she said, "U hv almost 1000 lots (big)"
I said, "I was lucky bcos beginning dun knw can make $$ or not. Bot rights issue & here I am now."
she said, "Tats too much $$ also."
I said, "Rights issue I profit 35k aladi & almost 25% up now."
she said, "Tats ok but dun gamble everything away."

What I want to say (for tis 2nd part) after thinking over is, I move another 10% of funds into Sumatec. Higher price nvm, can't hv it all.
Remainin 10% of funds for high potential counters like OKA (dividend +bonus) & SONA.

I know people are rolling on the floor laughing....SONA!!!


2014-07-12 09:31 | Report Abuse

There are still many people having doubts about recent Sumatec news releases. It's true I hv joined a small chat group for investing & last night a separate meeting also for investing, which is a good thing. For later, they will jump in to help support the price going higher.

Then they will say, Sumatec loose money punya counter lah....!


2014-07-12 09:22 | Report Abuse

Oh, Yucks!!! Tornado very destructive one ooh....uproot trees, rip-up houses, swallow up everything in its where to hide, except in the dug-out.

...but I'm looking at oil fields in Kazakhstan, pumping out black gold.


2014-07-12 09:15 | Report Abuse

Okie! #DH, I've done my work-out - stretches, 50 push-ups, 30mins brisk walk & 10mins jog...loosen up aladi.