
focuz | Joined since 2014-03-25

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2014-08-26 17:06 | Report Abuse

Can't get 0.51 last 3 minutes, luck for u got 0.505 then...hihihi


2014-08-26 17:04 | Report Abuse

Follow #noraini intraday trading....3.5K pocket money....2molo see can try some more or not...


2014-08-25 16:09 | Report Abuse

Tak dapat tentu pasti sama ada #LRC berniat nak buat baik ker atau suka2 buat keliru......

Posted by Want2Win > Aug 25, 2014 03:19 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by leslieroycarter > Aug 25, 2014 03:16 PM | Report Abuse

they r buying n selling themselves to attract more victims , just ignore them and stop punting this counter...stockists are at play !

Ini lagi satu orang. Dia butui investor ka, tipu cakap punya orang ka, apa ka. Manyiak kuat nangis keriau punya orang juga, ini orang. Tak mau dingar sama dia punya tipu cakap leh.


2014-08-25 15:51 | Report Abuse

Correction: about PN17, GN3. Anyone???


2014-08-25 15:49 | Report Abuse

@LouLi: Good research information about PDTs.

IF they can't trade in ACE market, ahat about PN17, GN3. Anyone???


2014-08-25 15:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > Aug 25, 2014 02:12 PM | Report Abuse


@calvintaneng: It is so easy to talk to a smart guy like you. Thks for remembering my question. However, I would still prefer to keep the 'extra' money in F.D. ;} ;}


2014-08-25 12:16 | Report Abuse

Do you have something else to say...??? (x20)

Posted by hocuspocus2 > Aug 25, 2014 11:23 AM | Report Abuse
[Trying to convince the audience]

Posted by hocuspocus2 > Aug 25, 2014 11:24 AM | Report Abuse
[Trying really, really hard !!!]

Posted by hocuspocus2 > Aug 25, 2014 11:36 AM
[Picking up any prop can grab on stage for magical nonsense]
[Taken off the performing stage]


2014-08-25 11:27 | Report Abuse

For the GENERAL public and THE ONE: Lost on stage not knowing where h is standing, what and which magical nonsense to do next:

Which category are you?

A) Knowledge is Bliss !

B) Ignorance is Bliss !

C) Education is an opener !

D) Education is Dangerous !

E) Ignorance is Bliss, Education is Dangerous !


2014-08-25 11:14 | Report Abuse

Do you have something else to say...??? (x17)

Your bosses will not like this report card when they see it.
Better start thinking where to hide.....

hocuspocus: Taken down just after 6 postings.
hocuspocus1: Taken down 10:30 a.m. 25 Aug


Aug 25, 2014 10:56 AM | Report Abuse
[Trying a new act trick]

Aug 25, 2014 10:56 AM | Report Abuse
[Starting a new magical nonsense]


2014-08-25 10:46 | Report Abuse

Do you have something else to say...??? (x15)


Aug 25, 2014 10:34 AM | Report Abuse Flagged
[Empty egg head]

Aug 25, 2014 10:29 AM | Red Flag
[Taken down]

Aug 23, 2014 10:43 AM | Report Abuse
[Empty shell]

Aug 23, 2014 10:39 AM | Report Abuse

Aug 23, 2014 10:34 AM | Report Abuse
[Trying out magic act]


2014-08-25 10:33 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng: Sorry! I never visited your blog. I have problem to reconcile with BJ Group of companies. Mainly by the fact of the reputation of you know who. So often I watched those counters, Low volume but high upside. I cannot dispute auditors report but from the outside, layman people is a opposite opinion.

Your comments please.


2014-08-25 10:24 | Report Abuse

@ozie75: but she good & fast you know....can tell u which bank offers best F.D. deal for the day...hihihi!!!


2014-08-25 10:12 | Report Abuse

See how the sharks play! CAP report rugi last week, today price went up. Really, disappointed with this counter sold 0.31c. Dividend also have to wait until Sept.(3-months)


2014-08-25 10:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by LuoLi > Aug 25, 2014 09:22 AM | Report Abuse


@LuoLi: I said, FD also no guaranteed save. Someone very angry yor and sent in a hired hand....So sad....weak hearts don't watch the show... #Looiks rightly said.

Just use simple language lah like #LuoLi, take money out put in the bank...why have to buat takut@ ornag ramai!!!


2014-08-24 18:51 | Report Abuse

@ericB6B: Waaah! I also saw u baly hapi old fren came back...#imlegend, now use new name...


2014-08-24 18:49 | Report Abuse

Yoh! ericb6b, I see like 'new' faces cos not high posting #. Tats y...


2014-08-24 18:39 | Report Abuse

Wow! So many new faces in the two days. So good to see much normal chatting...except for 1 brief unsound appearance....sure want to see this week trading be better for Suma.


2014-08-23 09:55 | Report Abuse

To ALL Sumatrians/Sumatecians:

REMEMBER: Tag the pests handle in the reply/response. No sweat right!!!


2014-08-23 09:51 | Report Abuse

To ALL the pests:
By the way, social websites do not condone cyber bullying and promotion of violence anymore!
So much for YOUR “Free world”. P.S. - read the small ”s”, its your small world (tunnel vision).

You think you are the only ones who has the right to obtain monetary gain...???


2014-08-23 09:27 | Report Abuse

To ALL the pests:
If you have,
a good idea, ... Share it!
a good thought, ... Share it!
a good experience to tell, Share it!
something good to say, ... Share it!
something interesting, ... Share it!
something creative, ... ... Share it!

If you want to intimidate,
you don't make me sweat!
If you want to bully,
you don't make me sweat!

You make yourself,
Judge and Jury.
Above that, you auto qualify yourself
Prosecutor, Judge and Jury.
You don't make me sweat!

What do you champion for … ???
What do you say to this … ???


2014-08-23 09:22 | Report Abuse

To all Sumatrians/Sumatecians,

There has been rapid change in this i3 Invest Sumatec Forum. What used to be a sharing of investing thoughts cum fun filled sharing is becoming a house of horrors. The culprits are justifying their actions through the chorus of “Free forum” & “Free World”. I urge you not to and never buy into that absurdity. Do not give into it. They are misguided and have missed out one (1) very important factor. “Free forum” & “Free World” comes with responsibility. There has been coordinated attacks on this community to disrupt and discredit the good nature and intentions that was built upon by the originator.

Our agenda is simple, somewhat of an idle dreamer - How to grow money on trees. Pruning, grooming & nurturing this money tree and watch it grow as it flourishes. On the practical aspects of it, we take precautions into how to reduce damages resulting from unfavourable weather conditions. We have analysed and tested the soil and the results turned out good. Those pioneers have seem the trees bear quality fruits. As the trees grow bigger it spread its roots. The roots has to go deeper into the ground too. The trees firmly anchored itself on the ground for strong foundations and be unshakable. This is the only uncertainty left. While we have found the place where the soil in the ground is fertile, this money tree of our dream can be realised. This dream is no longer an idealist dream.

Unfortunately, due to nature the soil can be infested by pests. Pests that we have to handle and get rid of before it destroys. If these pests were to succeed this community which depended on the proper functioning of the (eco)system will become dysfunctional. Visitors will find no reason to drop by for a goodwill visit. Without having to elaborate further, fair minded people can determine for themselves and identify those pests.

Returning to reality! How can we stay in our paths and not be disrupted, distracted and destroyed? While not everyone wants to or have the stomach to confront issues there still lies in a thought, something can be done! Your effort is by no means menial. It has a profound contribution knowing that you want to upkeep integrity and truth.

The harder and more challenging aspects of having to confront face-to-face with troublemakers just leave it to the warriors.

Here is what can be done:
Pest identified. Post a short clear message (within 3 words or 5 syllables):
e.g. “Stop (your) bullying”, “Stop your nonsense”, “You are evil”, “You are crab”, “Shoo! Don't come back”

The beauty of nature is “Man” cannot stay awake 24-hours a day. Neither can pests. They take turns. We take our turns too!

I will repost this every now and then until the situation gets back to normal. Do accept my apologies for the inconvenience.


2014-08-22 16:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Aug 22, 2014 04:33 PM | Report Abuse

bursa melt down today after 2 days stock quake.... radioactivity is everywhere

@derrickinvestor: The other day KLCI dropped >10 points u din say those words...


2014-08-22 16:38 | Report Abuse

As and when you guys, true Sumatrians/Sumatecians will have to gang up to do some ghost busting work as well, by taking turns, apply small bursts...


2014-08-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

Guys just be cautious as usual. This Forum is a target...hired a dedicated spooker...ikan bilis have their own minds....we don't speak for the market...let the market speak for itself...


2014-08-22 15:30 | Report Abuse

Do you have something more to say...??? (x10)

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 03:26 PM | Report Abuse

Focuz : Do you have something more to say...??? (x7,x8,x9)

Yes dear : You keep writing and I will keep reading what you write and commenting. Don't worry....


2014-08-22 15:24 | Report Abuse

Do you have something more to say...??? (x7,x8,x9)

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 03:07 PM | Report Abuse

Focuz - you can keep reporting me - I will continue haunting and EXPOSING what a FRAUD you are! ha! ha! a real conman!


2014-08-22 15:13 | Report Abuse

Do you have something more to say...??? (x6)

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 02:34 PM | Report Abuse

So many INDECENT and VULGAR postings of FOCUZ removed just TODAY. What a hypocrite. Never practice what he preaches. Ha! Ha! Just a another liar and con man here I suppose.


2014-08-22 15:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by stonenut > Aug 22, 2014 01:40 PM | Report Abuse

Just like Brunei.. oil on shore make $$$$$$$$$$$ ♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡

Sumatec will make $$$$$ ♡♡♥♥★★☆☆☆♡♡♥♥♥

@stonenut: You are an awesome character now...keep it up even when dark clouds roll above the head good natured all the time!


2014-08-22 12:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-22 12:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-22 12:06 | Report Abuse

Say you last words ... (x4)

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 12:03 PM | Report Abuse

Focuz - focus - focus - I repeat in case you a bit slow in your brains.............

This has got nothing to do with Sumatec - it has got something to do with your manipulative, conniving, condescending attitude and character towards others. You have no respect whatsoever to other forumers and think you are such a smart arse. You don't hide under SUMATEC now.


2014-08-22 12:05 | Report Abuse

@luoLi: Dun even have money to buy Galaxy Tab S...?
You din cash out some at station 0.38 meh...?


2014-08-22 12:02 | Report Abuse

"Say your last words ... (x3)"

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 11:56 AM | Report Abuse

This has got nothing to do with Sumatec - it has got something to do with you manipulative, conniving, condescending attitude and character towards others. You have no respect whatsoever to other forumers and think you are such a smart arse. You don't hide under SUMATEC now.


2014-08-22 11:57 | Report Abuse

"Say your last words ... (x2)"

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 11:47 AM | Report Abuse

Don't panic now. I am one step ahead of you. Soon you will see. Enjoying watching you sweat. Dumbfound or just dumb?


2014-08-22 11:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-22 11:46 | Report Abuse

Your free speech counter has gone DOWN !!!
Me report you ...???
I am dumbfounded (Check Oxford dictionary again please!)

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 11:35 AM | Report Abuse

No last words for you I am going to be here forever. Mark my words. You can report how many times you want to report. I will be monitoring you.


2014-08-22 11:41 | Report Abuse

Apparently you never bother to read my replies to you.
Good! Then other doomsday predictors and undue fear mongers will stay out too...because you have become their big brother now...

And this message will repeat itself:

"Say your last words ... (x1)"

By the way the counter will increment......

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 11:35 AM | Report Abuse

No last words for you I am going to be here forever. Mark my words. You can report how many times you want to report. I will be monitoring you.


2014-08-22 11:34 | Report Abuse

Say your last words...

Posted by hocuspocus1 > Aug 22, 2014 11:27 AM | Report Abuse

Nice to see hocus pocus on FOCUZ - you criticize others and we criticize YOU! Next time learn to respect other forumers. You don't even have the brains to make money from the market.


2014-08-22 11:15 | Report Abuse

Dimwit! (Check the Oxford dictionary),
You are not want a fight...Sweating!

Posted by hocuspocus > Aug 22, 2014 11:09 AM | Report Abuse

Focuz unfocuz - I am monitoring every little move of you. I like it. Nice to see you perspire. How does it feel when people criticize you. You like very much criticizing others don't you? Now get the good taste of your own medicine.


2014-08-22 11:12 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-22 10:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-08-22 10:12 | Report Abuse

Apparently, not your last words...anymore to say...???

Posted by hocuspocus > Aug 22, 2014 08:23 AM | Report Abuse

Focuz - The man without substance - think he knows everything yet knows nothing. Talks rubbish and crap.


2014-08-22 10:08 | Report Abuse

Are those your last words...??? Do you have more to say???

Posted by hocuspocus > Aug 22, 2014 08:22 AM | Report Abuse

Focuz - getting MAD! ha! ha!

Pretentious MR KNOW ALL. Now exposed. Cant even make money at the right time or make the right call and dare to criticize others. Typical born loser with a lot of HOT AIR TO BLOW!! A sadist who likes to pick on others. ha! ha!


2014-08-21 22:32 | Report Abuse

Again lost on the stage...twisting & trying to put a plot together just because you know a few English words.

Apply another skill you had learn in school. Work out the mathematics.
Yesterday, market down 23% & today up 17% + 2.5K pocket money. Gain is in 6 digits. Just ask yourself who is the loser?

I don't have to spend a slightest time nor put in further effort with you. And you are not impressing the audience here.

Posted by hocuspocus > Aug 21, 2014 05:34 PM | Report Abuse

Focuz - getting MAD! ha! ha!

Pretentious MR KNOW ALL. Now exposed. Cant even make money at the right time or make the right call and dare to criticize others. Typical born loser with a lot of HOT AIR TO BLOW!! A sadist who likes to pick on others. ha! ha!


2014-08-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

You just do not know what you are talking about.
1) See that word : REPORT ABUSE.
2) You can tolerate people who Curse, Swear, shout Murder, describe to others how to take their Life, create more animosity, create disharmony and create undue fear. These are their right in this free World.

But, you cannot accept constructive criticism. Get real. You are a pile of S_it..!!!

Do you really understand what sulking is..??? Or you meant suck eggs..?? Trying to show you are serving justice here. You got a very long way to go. You don't have a starting point!

Posted by hocuspocus > Aug 21, 2014 04:56 PM | Report Abuse

ha! ha! focuz this is a game is it?

Who gives you the right to criticize others. This is free world and free forum. People got their right to say what they want. You so big that want to criticize everybody no wonder you kena trap now.

PADAN MUKA YOU because of you greed and all your inconsistency and now go and sulk eggs. wakakakakah!


2014-08-21 16:56 | Report Abuse

What a show for today...!!!
Those who were bruised are laughing.
Hope that those injured get a good recovery soon.
Capt. #looiks advice, not completely over yet...


2014-08-21 16:24 | Report Abuse

Swallow your saliva. You lost not only the attention to argue which will lead to your shame. You don't even know the 1st rule of engagement. That is know your opponent by name...!!! You don't respect your opponent that is why you lost......

Posted by hocuspocus > Aug 21, 2014 04:09 PM | Report Abuse

Nice to see focus out of focus - pandai-pandai tupai melompat - akhirnya jatuh dilantai juga.



2014-08-21 16:17 | Report Abuse

Forget them dun even mention...sure will return & we know when they reappear. Don't you see one of them wanted to play high stacks game with me....I dun adore Mike Tyson but it was just a 2-minute fight, incl. me reading....Rest!!!

Posted by Nancy Tang > Aug 21, 2014 04:00 PM | Report Abuse

Yesterday panic selling ... today panic buying ! There's no excitment like the stock market. By the way where are all those doomsday idiots?


2014-08-21 16:12 | Report Abuse

@mataseri: Kasi Bursa UMA !.....hehehe


2014-08-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

Are you the who has lost out the fun instead????

Posted by hocuspocus > Aug 21, 2014 03:29 PM | Report Abuse

Famous greed quote by focuz!!!!! I WANTED 3 cents you can 5 cents more! its up 5 cents now!