
foongsh | Joined since 2023-02-05

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2023-04-13 22:21 | Report Abuse

global supply chain realignment ASEAN countries rise are unstoppable.


2023-04-13 22:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

800 Million Chinese in Debt, with 400 Million People Defaulting, This Is Not Alarmist!

Citizens are crying and government big bully

Very bad debts .... really very bad.


2023-04-13 17:36 | Report Abuse

this is a big warning sign to those companies production in China but export to US. global supply chain realignment ASEAN countries rise...


2023-04-13 16:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse

China's Foreclosures Soar Amid Economic Crisis/What's the secret behind?

Pitty men negative assets.

Jobless and homeless old man. Jobless and homeless young man. pity.


2023-04-12 22:19 | Report Abuse

apan, US Practice Remote Island DefenseーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS


2023-04-12 22:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

¥5/Night Living in Bridge Holes in Shanghai | Hard Times for Chinese People Have Truly Arrived

Very pity homeless people and many unemployed.

seems like global supply chains have taken place, so many homeless and jobless people still want to invade neighboring boundry or park the vessels thousand miles away to collide Petronas Exploration vessels to grab natural resources ?

News & Blogs

2023-04-12 22:10 | Report Abuse

If C919 can't fly, air forces can fight ?

News & Blogs

2023-04-12 16:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The homegrown C919 Passenger Jetliner has failed its verification test. The aircraft scheduled

CCP talks big only, technology banned nothing can copy. C919 RIP


2023-04-12 13:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The Judges refused sustain it as a court case, bacause they all are one kind CCP kind. Unfinished property home buyer no choice have to move in because they can't afford to pay rental.. very pity

This is only a small part incident of Kunming City. In democratic country there is always a legislations system to sue the developer. But in this country developers, Judges, Police all are CCP. End up those homebuyers need to pay $ 9000 legislation fees. What a big joke.


2023-04-12 12:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by foongsh > 21 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

60% House Price Seized by Govt: Chinese Trapped Financially, Leaving 10% of Homes Unfinished

Very pity.

CCP and developers are the same gang. All medium, police, legislations systems are controled by CCP, homebuyers spent all their life saving to buy an unfinished and abandoned projects. No way to complain. Pity.


2023-04-12 12:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

60% House Price Seized by Govt: Chinese Trapped Financially, Leaving 10% of Homes Unfinished

Very pity.


2023-04-11 16:07 | Report Abuse



2023-04-11 09:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 15 hours ago | Report Abuse

The evil told the house owner that I encroached inside your land lot because base on my ...

Sometimes story teller is better than the main stream or alternate news.

News & Blogs

2023-04-11 09:08 | Report Abuse

The euro and U.S. dollar together made up more than seven out of 10 SWIFT payments worldwide in January 2023, outperforming many other currencies. This is according to a monthly reporting which is originally meant to track the market share of China's yuan renminbi within international bank transfer system SWIFT. Despite that China ranks as one of the main economy's in the world, the yean ranked as only the eight-used currency for international SWIFT payments.

Jan 2023:
USD 45%
EURO 33%
Pound 4%
Japanese Yen 4%
Canada 2%

the rest negligible. Only joker will tell you US dollar will copllase in foreseen near


2023-04-10 18:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

How I defind an evil: The evil make judgement his own way without discussing with 3rd party or others. The evil punished or killed the victims by his own way which he thought he was always right. The victims always deserved the pain and fear just based on his own judgement and actions. The more victims resist the more victims got pain. Very evil.

Condemned the evil not others.


2023-04-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

Only silly person keep on repeating his grandmother story but still enjoy your evil story. have a pleasure reading. Enjoyed.


2023-04-10 14:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 12 minutes ago | Report Abuse

nobody teach you how to write an innovative and creative interesting story ? Learned to be a good story teller.

ha .... ha ... let's continue the endless evil story.


2023-04-10 13:33 | Report Abuse

Evil story becomes fairy tale story ? With the global supply chain realignment the evil not able to increase their profits to earn international currencies, then what they need to do was to follow the largest evil to issue evil bonds. Evil currency going to international was fake, the truth was evil bonds to replace largest evil bonds.

with debt 300% of their annual profit in less than 80 years compare to the largest evil 800% in 200 years still want to issue evil bond. tak malu kah ?


2023-04-10 11:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Posted by henry888 > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse

From what i knew, real evil country is seeking the what you so called the evil country to

Ha.... ha ................


2023-04-10 11:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 28 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Posted by foongsh > 26 minutes ago | Report Abuse

IDQ, back to your evil stry:

Not already go for international currency meh ? why still need to convert it to the largest evil currency ?


2023-04-10 10:34 | Report Abuse

Evil mentality to warn those defense but give a thumb to invader ..


2023-04-10 10:29 | Report Abuse

IDQ, back to your evil stry:
The smaller evil told that the largest evil that: I grew up now and as strong as you. Due to the current world order set by you, I wanted to challenge you and follow my way to play the game. If you don't allow me to challenge you then you are not peaceful and you are a hegemony. If you sanction me and banned me then you are really a bad guy. Q1: did the smaller evil allow the neighbouring to challenge him and amend his way to play the game ? Q2: Would it be good just let the two evils fight insteads of joining the smaller to fight the largest evil ? Q3: If the smaller evil replace the largest evil, would the smaller evil bully us ? What did the history tell us ?


2023-04-10 09:59 | Report Abuse

Didn't the evil factory got plenty of workers and capable staff graduated from national and international institution ? why you said no genius or expertise ?


2023-04-09 18:12 | Report Abuse

very interesting evil story.


2023-04-09 09:10 | Report Abuse

ha ... ha .... can't wait to see next evil story.


2023-04-08 18:55 | Report Abuse

very interesting evil story ...


2023-04-08 18:17 | Report Abuse

To make evil and brother story more interesting I would like to add that: The largest evil change his policy not because the rise of the smaller evil, it is the smaller evil did not follow the Terms and Conditions set by the International Bodies eg. International Labor Laws, Fair Trading Laws and respect copyrights as he thought that his factory was the only world factory could supply products to the entire world. It hardly got replacement. So the smaller evil called the Agreement and Contracts were historical documents for only reference and fun wihout any legal binding.


2023-04-08 16:36 | Report Abuse

very interesting evil story..

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 23:00 | Report Abuse

In order to balance his pity childhood he even hope the evil to use the nuclear weapons to invade smaller country, however, he strongly object the phrase "evil" to describe his beloved evil that going to use weapon. He hopes to see many deaths and torture by the war. of course, he also hopes to see the victims to negotiate "peace talk" with the evil. Just like he beg the person who bully him during his chilhood. so pity.

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 22:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 33 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Due to lack of confidence that pity person always dream 。。

That pity man not only hope that the evil to invade his own country, he also hope that evil to invade smaller country, this is to balance of his childhood bad experience. Whenever he sees the big evil invasions, he got excited. He praised the big evils and condemned the victims. The philisophy is just let the evil bully you lah, why u resist. The most u resist the more pain, this reflect his childhood pain. very pity ... Amen


2023-04-07 19:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 54 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The most advance technology Space X, Star Link, Chips, oprating system, Chatgdp etc. are under control of EU, Chips 4, G7 only silly evil CCP supporters still talking about thousand years ago.

As a very pity person can't recognise his own identity as Malaysian Chinese, he will get back his own recognition as and when related to China or as and when condemn US. This type of persons always want to go back to thousand years ancient glory China to satisfy himself as superior race. He will always come out something from his own imagination without substantial proof ot logic. May he find his own confidence, recognition and confidence soonest possible. May God Bless him. Amen.


2023-04-07 17:48 | Report Abuse

IDQ, someone is silly enough want to go back to emperor dynasty, only evil CCP hegemony could think about it.

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 17:45 | Report Abuse

IDQ, it is proven in 2nd world the alliance will defeat the evil axis, there is no exception this time. even CCP dont provide weapon to his evil brother. With weapons received Ukraine is launching strike back in month. There will someone challenge Putin. Evil Putin game over soon.

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 11:16 | Report Abuse

“武": "止""戈"为"武". To stop the war you have to weapon yourself.

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 11:14 | Report Abuse

How to achieve peace ? actually 5 thousand years ago the smart ancient Chinese already teach us.

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 08:15 | Report Abuse

A country is safe or not can't judge only base on gun abuse.

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2023-04-07 08:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
US democracy can only produce Biden and Donald Trump for US citizen to choice ..

Ans: Two parties will have their own preliminary selection of candidates.

US is not 100% led by the President, it is the political system. don't forget the Congress House which come out with the policies

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 08:02 | Report Abuse

I believe KMT will not win the next Presidential Election due to two reasons. First, the Hong Kong issue in 2019 stimulated Taiwanese people’s fear of Beijing which pushed them to support the DPP. Second, the party infighting of both the KMT and the Taiwan People's Party led by Ko Wen-je. Until now KMT is still a mess can't have a concensus Presidential Candidate. Most important root cause is the identity-shifting of Taiwanese society and generational change since the 1990s.

News & Blogs

2023-04-07 07:47 | Report Abuse

Democracy is the basics to achieve Universal Human Rights. Universal Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. All the countries which joined the United Nation have signed the same Human Rights Declaration. Of course, there are still many countries have their own different interpretations.

Why US is the no.1 technology and innovation in the world because US attract all type of capable races to carry out foundamental research and technology invonation under the democratic environment. Americans think out the box and express their point of views withour fears and discriminations. They respect copyrights. Venture capaitals attract large amount of funds from private and goverment to carry their tasks. They dont just blindly follow the leaders with only to achieve one goal because they are free to proceed to achieve multiple tasks at one time.

Thats why I believe democracy is the fundamental of success of a country. I dont deny democracy could be abuse due to some politicians and pressure groups to achieve their selfish goals. We just need to have a good system and Laws to guide it. Most important is education.


2023-04-07 07:16 | Report Abuse

It is not logic that a country travel thousand miles to have "vessel collision" with our Petronas Exploration drilling operation in our economic marine territory. We all need to stand behind DSAI and Unity Government to resist any type of CCP hegemony, US hegemony, Europe hegemony and CCP racist, Malay racist, Malaysian Chinese racist, US racist etc. Let the government to attract all types of currencies investment but will not give up an inch of our Tanah Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2023-04-06 14:54 | Report Abuse

TSMC in Taiwan still producing the most advance chips in Taiwan not in US.

News & Blogs

2023-04-06 14:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by xiaoeh > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Posted by brightsmart > 12 minutes ago | Report Abuse
how come people only thank Anwar no one thank China?
not fair la

Bro, we are anak Malaysia ofcoz we see things through our Malaysian lens, and please be more sensitive, if you are so China Chinese please go ahead to migrate China bro

Very good and fair comment. DSAI and Unity Goernment did a good job to boost our country economy. Lets all support him.

News & Blogs

2023-04-06 14:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Taiwanese dont feel pressure they are happy with DPP and President Tsai.

This is very true Taiwanese is happy and Taiwan a good place to stay. very wealthy and healthy. 8 years under DPP very good governance.


2023-04-06 14:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 43 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Jan 2023:
USD 45%
EURO 33%
Pound 4%
Japanese Yen 4%
Canada 2%

the rest negligible. Only Evil CCP will tell you US dollar will copllase in foreseen near future.

Really cant see RMB woh.

News & Blogs

2023-04-06 14:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 21 minutes ago | Report Abuse

CCP evil keep on telling his people that dont vote because election very messy, no free speaking because of riots, just follow leaders otherwise US hegemony will bully you. But all these proven wrong by Taiwan. Chinese not silly to open his eyes because eveil just only want to keep CCP in superior and hegemony to rule forever.

This exactly sounds like UMNO may be CCP learn from UMNO.

News & Blogs

2023-04-05 18:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by IDQWE001 > 6 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Posted by foongsh > 9 minutes ago | Report Abuse

It is true even CCP also need to invest in ASEAN countries , this must geopolitical tensions caused by their evil invasion. DSAI is very smart, he attracts all the currency investment ... Malaysia is win win.. Malaysia win 2 times.

Not only Malaysia win, Indian and ASEAN countries work with UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, 5 Eyes alliance, Indo-pacific to develop economy and security. All wins. Evil axis left behind.

evil invasion killing violation of universal human rights

News & Blogs

2023-04-05 18:26 | Report Abuse

It is true even CCP also need to invest in ASEAN countries , this must geopolitical tensions caused by their evil invasion. DSAI is very smart, he attracts all the currency investment ... Malaysia is win win.. Malaysia win 2 times.

News & Blogs

2023-04-05 18:19 | Report Abuse

CCP only targeted 5% GDP growth this year, India, Vietnam and Indonesia will beat CCP this year.