
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2013-04-30 11:14 | Report Abuse

Jacko as much as I do not like any personal attacks, I'm afraid u r right - where is the conscience is saying what he said :( vote BN yes but please give me good reasons!!!!


2013-04-30 11:08 | Report Abuse

haha if tony is the ranger I better sell my E&O LOL


2013-04-30 11:03 | Report Abuse

tony liu par,tony the tiger,missing tony, inside info tony,tony the syndicate - all the same fella :)


2013-04-30 11:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 30, 2013 10:50 AM | Report Abuse

For a united Malaysian...VOTE BN

For a prosperous MALAYSIA...VOTE BN

haha when he first started out he complained that i3 deleted his comments and i thought It wasn't fair ( not i3 fault but I believe it was automatic removals if the # of abuses kept being hit ) and when someone brought to the attention to i3 all his postings were reinstated and I thought that I can get someone on the BN side who can argue constructively and give BN side of the story, my my how wrong was I :( might as well said for a United Malaysian put Ibrahim Ali as the PM and for a prosperous few cronies yeah vote for BN!


2013-04-30 01:03 | Report Abuse

well judging from the pic of this
they look like more ready send Penang BN to oblivion :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 00:57 | Report Abuse

wah like that most of the BN fellas are booking their next connection flight thru Air Asia to Zimbabwe - stopover at Singapore :)

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2013-04-30 00:36 | Report Abuse

and rais counted only 174 people in the pic :)
Another salute for those attended who walked miles and some more got no free food :) I see a very bright future in bolihland if PR manage to form the next government. about time BN (like someone posted ) be in the opposition to check on PR especially with regards to corruptions as BN are top notch - like they said it takes a thief to catch another one. maybe then we can BOLIH for the right reasons.

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2013-04-29 03:18 | Report Abuse

Very sad that there is still people who support BN despite so many evidence of abuses - it's even sadder that some of them twist and turn the facts to suit their master :( where is the dignity and conscience? Hope that the the good will defeat the evil come May 5. May GOD continue to look after Bolihland and it's people.


2013-04-29 00:49 | Report Abuse

ah YS1 good advice indeed - yep good news can be a trap by co to distribute and bad news can be news that can really be BAD :) so we should be selling KNM now since the news of the denial by KNM is good and maybe buy back later?


2013-04-29 00:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by huayang > Apr 28, 2013 11:12 AM | Report Abuse

wake up, dreaming stupid. if you can, you should already trillionaires after 55years. why you are not now? cos you are only stupid tools fooled by them. so pity, cheat yourself until you do not know you cheated by yourself.
aiya huayang, tptan45 is just being sarcastic la :) so please read carefully his sarcasm :)


2013-04-28 11:17 | Report Abuse

YS1 the only hope now is hopefully 'Investment Group' can collect a lot ( like really A LOT of LOTS) and then goreng vely high2 so can go to 1.20 :) but i think i have a little good news ( hopefully ) to share with you about the new Aussie enemy :)


2013-04-28 00:56 | Report Abuse

o.k thanks first chia88 for the info - let's see it will be as simple as ABC :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-28 00:54 | Report Abuse

haha good one KC:) - investment group sound better mah,sophisticated and can earn respect haha while goreng kaki hehe sounds like chow kueh teow:)
YS1 is a true braveheart - never flinch even despite all the neg reports on KNM. Hopefully Investmentgroup can invest a lot and help to goreng this stock for your sake :)
on your question for teacher - I think I can answer that :) - the difference is .245 and 100 lots assuming 100K units will be 24500 before com and that is BIG money( YIPEE) - but it will be bigger money if your initial target of 1.20 is achievable - oh by the way your TP has dropped from 1.20 to .70 - can share why? thanks first.:)


2013-04-28 00:39 | Report Abuse

o.k YS1 :)


2013-04-27 09:29 | Report Abuse

O.k YS1 thank you. Wish u luck and huat2. Gambateh :)


2013-04-27 08:19 | Report Abuse

wah really salute this supermax boss :)so brave to stick it to the gov - probably the ONLY listed company doing so despite holdings from EPF - SALUTE!

News & Blogs

2013-04-27 05:48 | Report Abuse

hmmn sometimes I wonder who CSL when he speaks targeting to? - 3 years old?

aiya CSL, Encik Anwar was a finance minister B4 lah - sure he did 'screw' us less with his yearly deficits :)compared to DrM,AB or Ah jib Gor :)R U trying to tell us that in this case more debts are better than less ar? or that Dr M is a cuckoo who appointed Anwar who apparently knows nothing about economy to helm one the the most important post in the cabinet? - can I laugh now r?
by the way, did u (CSL ) realized that u insulted Islam when u said 'they only talk about doa' :( o.k I'm not laughing now! :(


2013-04-27 03:22 | Report Abuse

wah just found this out! - lucky u YS1 - can get free advise from teacher, maybe he give u face becoz of your high position in KNM :)
Not many Seniors use Dear, only for the highly respected like our Dear Leader :)
so what to do now YS1? - shall 'we' cut loss or march forward? Harakiri or Gambateh (not CPTeh ya :) )


2013-04-27 02:29 | Report Abuse

yaya I also wan to know :) 3.00 but now only 1.16 so much of $$$$ more to go. big boy or big sharks :) better talk some shares if not haha u know who will get the i3 cops at me :)


2013-04-27 02:22 | Report Abuse

haha it's anwar again! hmmn last I counted anwar got blamed for 1644 times which includes the one time my car broke down cause I did not have enough engine oil in it :(

Chua warned that if the opposition coalition continues to be aggressive it may provoke further reaction.

“If they practise aggression, then maybe our members will also not be able to control themselves and react the same way, then this country may descend into chaos,” he said

aiya what kind of leader is this? - like that kinda statement also can ar? who elected him? - a bunch of porn stars? oh solly ar this is bolihland where everything also BOLIH wan mah hehe solly ar :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-27 02:10 | Report Abuse

PAS cannot implement hudud laws in the country if it cannot command a two thirds majority in Parliament, said former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He said this was because a two thirds majority was needed to make amendments to the Constitution. “It (PAS) is only contesting 70 out of the 222 seats (in the Dewan Rakyat). “DAP and PKR will not support,they (PAS) will not get the two thirds majority but the people don’t understand this. (Malaysian Insider)

Oh dun worry DR M, ONLY the MCA do not understand leh - they keep harping on the issue of PAS will implement hudud if Pakatan comes to power :) but u just did killed 2 birds with your buddy Perkasa Ali keris by making a fool of CSL and helping to get your message across better than Pakatan can ever dream of :) I have to give credit when credit is due and it seems Dr M you sure did a good job this time. Cheers :)


2013-04-27 01:41 | Report Abuse

keeping my fingers cross if not crossed already :( well at least can collect some div meantime
and then go back to Tidor :(


2013-04-27 01:05 | Report Abuse

LOL no YS1 is the Commander to General Lee forces in Gebeng fort. In order to attack KNM enemies which now include the Aussie company we or rather Lee and his forces will need to launch a do or die full scale mother of all attacks so foreigners can come in and goreng this stock :)that is the only hope as Lee need 400000 of the bravehearts to do the job successfully :)


2013-04-27 00:45 | Report Abuse

aha now I know why KNM not moving thanks to YS1 -
Posted by yungshen1 > Apr 24, 2013 07:43 AM | Report Abuse

kcchongnz u know y borsig delay listing in SGX market.cos banking not confident about this company.but if knm borrowing got reduce to none.then the banking consider to borsig listing in SGX market.tq

so no confidence of banking that is why foreign not goreng this company. may I suggest General Lee lead the way in coordinating a surprise full scale attack ( like his grandfather did )on the banking institutions and bring them all down to their knees so the foreign can come in and goreng KNM high2 and all the long time holders will be Gambateh? just a suggestion :)


2013-04-22 08:15 | Report Abuse

o.k thanks for your frank answer YS1. hopefully our young Dear Leader will continue to follow his Dad's footsteps :)


2013-04-22 02:11 | Report Abuse

huh Encik Kamaru Latuk Ramdawa take over Scomi ah? I hope success hehe but if fail Ingress General election sure die one :)


2013-04-22 02:07 | Report Abuse

yaya YS1 many guys said KNM was a bed fundamental full of thorny roses:( I slept on it and kena poked :( I wish I know those people before I bought :) wat u think this coming qtr result will be? any idea when they goreng ah because now election coming already. wok is hot,oil is burning,General Lee still not ready :(


2013-04-18 08:28 | Report Abuse

hehe KCchongnz can't help it :) nah it's great to have people like YOU who unselfishly share your pointers :) cheers


2013-04-18 07:24 | Report Abuse

1)maybe he meant JKR hehe. BN theory :)Probably not as PKR with their DAP partner they have CAT while BN especially UMNO got brooms = 1 SAPU :)
Please dun make fun of Sharizat's cows - they're far better than the NZ or KOBE cow as these live in luxurious condos :)
2) CIMB boss is Ah jib gor Bro so maybe crawford think that the same situation with khairy and Badawi :) maybank - maybe because have Harimau LOGO - look so fierce :) kikiki his economic knowledge? not sure u pick one Utusan,NST or Star hehe
3) maybe he thinks KHSB 'belongs' to whoever rule the state:)
4) dunno about that :) - made a mess with ENO and then the leak CDS thingy :) thesis and statistical - maybe in Utusan if they understand them instead of the lies they print out daily :)
5) his 'inside' info and 'outside' coffee shop rumors :) maybe anwar? after all it's anwar's fault - one more blame for you bro :) ( trying to get him the most blamed fella in the record book )
6)the price did shoot up from the .40s :) - hopefully he did not learn from Utusan :)
7) maybe the contra or cannot hold kakis :)
8) Maybe he/she a moron or many morons out there :)
9)maybe can ask teacher or some TA gurus - maybe he/she is one :)
No risk no gain - just like no Lies No wins :) oh by the way KHSB can buy ar - have to talk some share lah before Bapak scold me hehe


2013-04-16 00:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sacide82 > Apr 15, 2013 11:04 PM | Report Abuse

Long live BN! Thank you for everything that you have done.

"Those who can't dance, blame it on the music"

"There can be no doubt that the average man blames much more than he praises. His instinct is to blame. If he is satisfied, he says nothing; if he is not, he most illogically kicks up a row. ~ Arnold Bennett"

These proverbs show the character of those who will keep on blaming others and what contribution do they have for the country?

But BN always strive for success and committed to do better.

Ya long live BN thanks for the debts and corruptions for all these years :) tank You tank you :)
Those who can't dance blame it on Anwar, haha it's Anwar again kikiki
Opposition contributions hmmn - check and balance hehe - BN contributions - KORUPSI long live KORUPSI! yay yay BN BOLIH
ya BN always strive for success in instigating racial hatred and also commited to do better in KORUPSI! we want to be numero uno in Korupsi :) < no wink but serious - hehe >

News & Blogs

2013-04-13 03:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by lotsofmoney > Apr 12, 2013 04:36 PM | Report Abuse

I am proud of you ! Well done and please carry on your excellent service to this country who are very very short of people like you !

Lotsofmoney said it very well :)


2013-04-09 08:41 | Report Abuse

o.k dokey :)


2013-04-09 08:39 | Report Abuse

hopefully for Scomi too :) sideways for too long already :(


2013-04-09 08:34 | Report Abuse

yep can be much higher - actually GOH kept buying after selling off a majority to SIME so I want my 2.30 if not 2.00 haha besides those are my free shares now not much only left 15K after selling some in the range of 1.50+ due to fear of GE a month/two back :( oh well u win some and u lose some and thanks for the info sharing as always :)


2013-04-09 08:21 | Report Abuse

hehe no worries I'm in both for the longest time :)cheers :)


2013-04-09 06:58 | Report Abuse

haha Tommy good good and hope u r too - I was calling u out the other day at E&O to defend but someone said u're busy shopping for the new Ferrari LOL cheers buddy :) hopefully more to come - for both :)


2013-04-09 00:51 | Report Abuse

shah is accumulating daily :)alright ABU/Siew u're next :)


2013-04-08 02:48 | Report Abuse

haha Zuliana :) not good in TA or FA so have to learn from the sifu and good people here who take their valuable time to explain after doing extensive research so must show appreciation for those who help :) now a little busy with politics of GE and hope my fellow malaysians realise this is a very good opportunity to change for the better of the country with more transparancy of governing thru Pakatan :) From your previous comments posted you are already one of the smarter one so many Cheers to you :)


2013-04-07 09:14 | Report Abuse

ah this KC just like the other KC (loh) always willing to share good investment ideas :) Assets for i3 :)


2013-04-07 08:44 | Report Abuse

Exactly well pointed out soonjinhou :) I think this stock has left all it's troubles behind but then again also has gone up 50% from it's low for the past few weeks. nevertheless I think it still has upside potential in the mid to long term - just my 1/4 cents please dun follow me :)


2013-04-07 08:37 | Report Abuse

ah so quiet here :( Maybe General Lee like his Lil Bro in NK also planning to assault SK err Goreng KNM soon? :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 08:03 | Report Abuse

aiya - NFA = No Further Action lah not No Further Question!!!! Anwar's fault also hehe

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 08:00 | Report Abuse

aiya u all very 'naughty' lah, MACC also 'dishonest' so how hehe NFA ( no further question ) o.k it's all Agen Anwar's fault kikiki

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 07:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by izoklse Apr 1, 2013 09:00 PM | Report Abuse

Last time my idola is Dr Mahathir. But Now my idola is Najib. Wow Dr M groom him to be a better leader. Tahniah Dr M. Najib we love you and tomorrow you visit to PETRONAS home i can dapat salam you. Thank You for bringing Malaysia to its level now and home you can do more Najib. I never saw such a proactive and idealistic prime minister like you. You are wow.

last time my idola is Dr M. tank u Dr M for enriching your cronies SeNile vellu and Ling Long Steal and also your sons :) but now my idola is Najib. The mongolian prince :) wow Dr M you groom him to be a better leader - so indecisive and just like santa claus giving goodies here and there like there's no tomorrow. tahniah Dr M. you did it again. najib we love you and tomorrow you visit PETRONAS home i can dapat GST and tariff Hike :) Thank You for bringing Malaysia to it's level now - Our debt level is so high up in the sky that we can easily hit the US where General Lee can only dream of and you can do more Najib. I never saw a scaredy cat ( dun even dare to debate Anwar on economy policies ) or call for election until the state assembly automatically dissolved. You are really WOW!


2013-04-07 05:01 | Report Abuse

whether this will go to 1.45 or not nobody knows unless u're an insider but it has gone up a lot since from the low of .81 a few weeks ago and the APH is a non issue as they've already made a larger provision for it in the last quarter. Infact the reason for much of the surge is because the uncertainties of APH issue which drag this price from the highs of 1.90+ to the lows of .80s. do not forget that Muhibah is still trying to claim back the cost of APH project and if successful this will propel the stock higher. they still have good consistent returns from their cambodia airport concession and with the booming O&G their subsidiary Favco getting more cranes works will be a boost to the share price and any contracts win. Mid to long term investment of this counter is good but short term might have concern due to GE and profit taking - my 1/4 cents worth :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 01:16 | Report Abuse

haha shirley1 there u go - have one student in sathya already :)

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2013-04-07 00:03 | Report Abuse

haha Shirley but most of the TA fellas makes big bucks right if they use the 'branded' candles haha :) only 30RM to be a millionaire ah - sound too good to be true leh and u know what they said about that :) I follow teacher postings from time to time and he seems to be a decent fella - he trades very short and quick and usually makes or losses a little and maybe perhaps will take many years to make a million not to mention that u will have a lot of trading costs and also very time consuming to be looking at the monitor all the time. he seems very busy and does not have much time so it's very difficult to be a full time trader to successfully make $$$ but heck what do I know maybe he already is a millionaire and good for him cause he does do a lot of charity :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-06 23:45 | Report Abuse

Thank You Najib - Tank you :) ya 1Malaysia and 1SAPU - yes tank you for making malaysia Bolih :) Tank you for letting the cows stay in condos, tank you for having naughty taib, tank you for having bapa 1Korupsi Tun Mahathir,tank you for keeping quiet and inaction - just like how u handle the Sulu incursion initially also tank u for impending increase cost of living and tank u for getting our debts skyrocketing higher than DAP rocket can ever dream of going :) Tank YOU Tank You :)