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2017-08-01 20:55 | Report Abuse

@hng33 whether you agree or not in the immediate term the confidence and trust of the marketplace on this share counter has been battered badly.
2.Huhuhu...you think so simply that the trust and confidence can be back or restored so quickly!.
3.Past examples showed not so soon.It takes sometimes for the market-place to change the perception from negative to positive.

Outcome: Negativity on the stock price still has some room to go,possibly.


2017-08-01 18:12 | Report Abuse

@Jeffreyteck the water shortage issue happened in April 2017.Caused massive disruption to the normal production which have a direct bearing on the profits earned for that quarter.Such information and event are material facts.The adverse implications arising from such event should have been properly disclosed to all the public subscribers- institutional and retail investors.Think they should have done better but failed to do so.Simply complacent and dereliction of IPOs proper governance.


2017-08-01 18:01 | Report Abuse

They must be living in the ivory tower to know about the adverse marketplace reaction. Retail shareholders' interest also has to be diligently managed by the company as part of the investor relations to ensure that the outcome from any fund raising exercise is favourable and positive to all.


2017-08-01 17:57 | Report Abuse

Masalah dan isu pahit serta mendadak yang melanda 1MDB dan FGV dan lain-lain GLCs adalah sama.

2.Keadaan sedemikian sepatutnya BOLEH dielakkan dan dikawal daripada merebak dan berterusan jikalau pihak dan orang yang bertanggungjawab keatas segala urusan operasi,pengurusan,pelatura,kewangan,dan sebagainya adalah berintegriti,beretika,dan menegakkan nilai-nilai integriti,akauntbailiti,keterbukaan(transparency) dalam semua aspek pengurusan.

3.Pengawasan dan kawal selia (supervision dan oversight) yang lemah juga menyumbang kepada masalah yang sekarang menimpa FGV dan lain-lain GLCs.

Keadaan sedemikian jikalau tidak dibendung sama sekali akan membawa kerugian yang lebih besar kepada pihak-pihak berkenaan.


2017-08-01 17:40 | Report Abuse

@AdCool you are right.The BOD should have picked up the adverse market reaction from day one when the RI proposal was announced.They should have decided to call off the RI placement and go for alternative forms of funds raising as you mentioned clearly.


2017-08-01 17:30 | Report Abuse

it is a sacrosanct and important duties,and responsibilities on the part of the regulating authorities like Securities Exchange Commission(SEC) and Bursa Saham KL(BSKL) together with the issuing company for the public IPOs,and its Investment Banks to safeguard the shareholders' interest.

2.If they failed in such duties and obligations they need to be heavily censured.

3.Market's integrity,confidence and IPO's proper governance cannot be compromised.The cost to all the stakeholders is dire if the IPOs is not properly managed.Hope the embattled parties learnt from the uneventful and painful failure of this recent IPO.

Earning underwriting fees come with entrusted obligations to every one.Big,small,retail or institutional shareholders who are the subscribers.


2017-08-01 17:01 | Report Abuse

Correction Stock price adjusted way down to RM 6.50.Rgds.


2017-08-01 16:57 | Report Abuse

The stock price has been hit by triple(3) whammy:
1. IPO issuance price RM8.0 adjusted way down to RM 6.00.That also in the negative;
2.Hit by external event-water shortage which any conglomerate needs to prepare.A well-laid contingency plan will help to mitigate such expected event.I did not call it an UN-expected event because it had happened in the past.The company wouldl have learnt well from the past shortcomings and had instead invested to beef up the spare water storage capacity in the event of a re-currence.But bad planning caused the production to be shut down in stages for more than 11 days arising from the water shortage as reported.Consequently caused a major outages to the production.So inexcusable!
3. Market place has been waiting in great anticipation of the second QR which was belatedly announced.When announced and the profit y-o-y fell bt almost 61%,the market force retaliate negatively and very strongly.

Remember market-place is very adverse on any negativity coming out from the company.

Outcome: The stock price is trying to find its bottom.Yet to be discerned.Possibly,waits for another 1-3 days for the adverse news to settle down.


2017-08-01 15:28 | Report Abuse

Mengikut berita semasa pada hari ini daripada sumber authoritative-Bloomberg, hutang pinjaman sejumlah $603 juta atau RM 2.6billion telah gagal diselesaikan oleh 1MDB kepada IPIC,Abu Dhabi.Ini akan menjejaskan imej negara dikalangan peminjam dan pemegang bond antarabangsa dan juga akan menyebabkan kadar koupon yang dikenakan katas sebarang pinjaman bond lebih tinggi daripada kadar biasa dipasaran antarabangsa.Peri penting bahawa segala perjanjian kepada peminjam antarabangsa dibayar dan dijelaskan pada waktu yang dipersetujui.


2017-08-01 14:55 | Report Abuse

Show me the money.Huhuhu...where is the money?
Read- https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/390525#fKFGQVxPOf6Y5lmp.97


2017-07-31 20:15 | Report Abuse

Untuk mengetahui faktor utama yang menyebabkan FGV dilanda dengan satu kemerosotan tahap kewangan dan keuntungan yang mendadak dan teruk sejak disenarai umum diBursa Saham Kuala Lumpur(BSKL) pada tahun 2012 adalah perlu satu audit forensik dijalankan.Audit forensik oleh satu firma akauntan yang berwibawa dilantik oleh FGV untuk maksud demikian.

2.Tak perlu melantik Perusuruhjaya Siasatan DiRaja(Royal Commission of Inquiry) seperti yang dicadangkan oleh parti politik PAS dan DAP.

3.Siasatan melalui audit forensik keatas segala perihal dalaman syarikat terutama akaun kewangan akan membolehkan semua pemegangtaruh(stakeholders) memperoleh sebab jelas,kredible dan berasas yang menyumbangkan kepada kemerosotan kewangan FGV.

Langkah seperti ini harus dibuat untuk mengembalikan era kegemilangan pencapaian FGV dan akan menguntungkan Felda dan warga peladang dibawah sekim pembangunan tanah perladangan.


2017-07-31 19:56 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng there is a limit to be maverick when in equity investment.Good for you to promote the prospective stocks for the forumers to consider.To buy or not to buy that is their decisions.If one is not sure of the facts one needs to make a disclaimer.

2.But you have crossed the limit of decency to say openly in this forum that gomen will award the Bandar Malaysia(BM) project to MRCB.Be credible with what news,information and analysis that you shared in this open forum.Going by news reports there is no local contractor or conglomerate which submit Request for Proposal(RFP) as the master developer for BM.That news had been disclosed and well published.And now you bring another version of the story which cannot be supported with credence. Those who had not read the news may be misled by such disclosure from you.

3.Of course one of the prospective jobs that MRCB is looking at is those involving Transit-oriented Development(TOD) like what they had been involved and undertaken for KL Sentral transport hub and the on-going TOD in Penang.
If ever MRCB is involved in BM maybe on the segment of TOD station project where the High Speed Rail(HSR) Main Terminal will be located.Maybe at the gomen's directive MRCB enters into a JVs with the final winner of the master developer for BM for that portion of the job on TOD.That the market is watching for further development.In the meantime nothing yet is announced.

4.BM is a mega project and spanning many years for the full development to be completed.During the roll-out many local contractors will be appointed to undertake the earthworks,sub-structures,infrastructure and logistics projects,building construction works,etc.Appointment of local contractors for such jobs maybe make by the Master Developer (to follow gomen's directives) to provide opportunities for the locals to be involved in the mega project.

But at this point of time,the information disclosed by me for Point 3 and 4 are just mere speculations.


2017-07-31 18:38 | Report Abuse

Huhuhu... what is the purpose of the Royal Commission of Inquiry(RCI) on FGV? So many RCI in the past but the voluminous and bulky reports' findings and recommendations all put in the shelves to gather dusts.Or back burners.
Examples abound:
A. RCI on Lingam Tape;
B.RCI on Tech Beng Hock;
C.RCI on Issuance of IC to illegals in Sabah;

2.No need RCI on FGV at all.

3.Just get and engage the reputable accounting firm to undertake detailed forensic audits on all the FGV's financial accounts,dealings,management of deals,expenses,etc and all the weaknesses,and failings will be revealed.

4.Then ensure that the person(s) individually,collectively or severally who commit such criminal malfeasance(if any) on the company (if from the conclusion of the audits can unravel all the factual evidence of wrong doings) taken in for further questioning by the lawful authorities. They have to be later charged in the functioning courts of laws and recovery of the funds and money make. So that the recovered money and funds can be channelled back to the company if possible.

5.Without such measure the company can never be restored to good financial health.Similar mistakes will be repeated and committed at regular intervals.


2017-07-31 15:47 | Report Abuse

Can be recorded as the worst performing stock in the annals of Bursa...History seems to be repeating again and again!. Previously,Malakoff,Astro,FGV and now Lotte.

Stay smart and alert with the money you put in the Bursa stocks.


2017-07-31 15:21 | Report Abuse

@Newplayer286 consequent of poor QR just announced vis-a-vis PetChem.


2017-07-31 15:18 | Report Abuse

1.Ekovest is a construction outfit like IJM, Gamuda,etc.At least you can see the decent profit streams every QR.
i. EPS - 10.62 quite decent
ii. P/E- 10.56 comparable to other construction companies
iii.ROE= 11.86 above average

As reported ,they have garnered quite a number of new projects to make for project replenishments which can sustain and help its growth momentum.But expects the coming final QR which will be declared somewhere around 30 Aug will not be better than the previous QR.The reason behind is because the last QR was on the high base which is difficult to surpass by the coming QR.

Presently,Technical Price Indicators show the Ekovest counter on the consolidation mode and moving between a narrow rang + - 3 cents.Expects the consolidation to continue.Presently,market place tends to associate this counter witeh IWC.Hopefully they can be decoupled altogether.

2.IWC is a pure speculative counter with high risk and high return- if one can time the market move.But sadly,more times than not not likely.Avoids this counter unless there are high certainty on the mega development and credible market moves happenings for the company.And you must have the time to monitor the price trend.For all speculative counter the price reversal can be very abrupt.

A.Investors buy and hold medium to long -term on stock counters with fundamentals and steady profit streams.
B.But punters and traders abound in the market-place where they buy for capital gains basing on market moves for the counters.


2017-07-31 13:13 | Report Abuse

In an equity market place one will be bombarded with a lot of news and information flows.Some positive.Some overtly negative.A lot pure rumours. At times,good tips and recommendations.
2.I do read a lot from many sources but at the end of the day I need to separate the facts from mere and unfounded speculation.
3.Can vouch with high level of confidence IF the news from an authoritative and named source which have been accorded much respect and earned good reputation from the investors.
4.If one buys a share counter with good fundamental and valuation even though the price reversal happens unexpectedly one still can wait.Share counter will repeatedly undergoes numerous cycles which is normal.With such counter if one is trapped for buying at the high,one still can re-coup and earn a reasonable return once the price reversal upwards happened.Just stay patient.
5.But for a mere speculative counter,one has to be very alert for any sudden price reversal.Once it happens the losses will be heavy for the buyers.At times,takes a very long time for the upturn to come back.Then many buying opportunities on other country lost.Lost opportunities cost dearly!.
6.Finally,the choice to buy,sell or hold is solely yours to make.Nobody can decide for you.You be the master of your own destiny,decisions and choices that have been made and taken.

Good luck.


2017-07-31 12:43 | Report Abuse

Warga peladang dinegara ini hendaklah beryakin dan berdikari PENUH kepada diri sendiri.Jangan semata-mata bergantung kepada gomen untuk mendapat bantuan kewangan.Jikalau gomen memberi bantuan ada muslihat politik disebelah batu.Cara begini tidak kekal lama(sustainable) untuk menjagai dan membela perihal kepentingan kesejahteraan dan kebajikan warga peladang.
2.Yang penting ialah mempunyai pemimpin yang menegakkan ciri-ciri dan nilai murni yang tinggi dalan semua peringkat dan proses pentadbiran dan pengursan samada diperingkat negara,ajensi kerajaan atau korporat jikalau mahu mendapat pembelaan yang sebaik-baiknya daripada semasa kesemasa.
3.Sepatutnya selepas melebihi 60 tahun para warga peladang telah hidup maju,bergiat maju dan progresif kedepan dan kompetitif .Apa yang menyebabkan objektik ini tidak dan masih tidak dicapai? Itu lah soalan yang patut dianalisis dan dirumuskan sendiri dikalangan mereka untuk mencari jalan penyelesaiaan yang konkrit dan membina.

Agar kaum peladang giat maju kedepan...:-)))


2017-07-31 11:45 | Report Abuse

@LOO99,huhuhu then gomen will let FGV drifts....Marketplace would have expected a public statement about the sound recovery plan from Felda and FGV on how to recoup and recover the past losses sustained instead of such public statement which does not ignite positive perception and sentiment towards the public listed company.


2017-07-31 11:36 | Report Abuse

The share counter is still caught in the bearishness mode.Long black candle recorded on 12 July 2017, and today's price low almost breached the low peak reached on 30 November 2016.Probably,the share counter has still some downside to go before it finds its bottom support level.Support level has still not discern.
2.@Seng Thye Ang is correct that why not wait and see how the price trend and momentum support after right issues.
3.LTH and EPF may be collecting but that does not mean the price will go up before right issue ex-date.If they do not do so presently,the price will have drop even lower.The large shareholdings that they have will be devalued even more.

Outcome: It does not mean that the shareholders does not understand on right issue(RI) exercise and purpose.But gauging from the unfavourable response from the date of the announcement of RI until now showed that the market view such exercise negatively.The BOD should have weighed properly the possible alternative options available.Maybe have they considered debt equity exercise from the bonds' marketplace? Maybe a better and competitive option.Avoid dilution in shareholdings.


2017-07-31 09:55 | Report Abuse

The counter has yet to find its bottom.The price support yet to be discerned.Maybe possibly touch below RM 6.00.Just stay alert and be patient if one wants to collect.


2017-07-30 13:44 | Report Abuse

@Rajiv Rao no worry.You can make some reasonable capital gains from the stock.Construction counter is one of the top investment banks picks for the second half of the year.
2.Don't sell until you exercise the share split which is in the ratio 3:2.Every two units of the counter you own will end three units for you up after the ex-date on 8 August.
3.All the Technical price Charts- MA,MACD,RSI support the present bullishness for the stock.You are right that the counter may hit the TP 4.78 barring any adverse global event. But to reach 6.00 is not possible.

Cheers,and happy and smart investing.


2017-07-30 10:37 | Report Abuse

Correction: country is wrongly typed.Press wrong keypad.The correct word is counter on para 2.Rgds.


2017-07-30 10:10 | Report Abuse

1.Many forumers have said it correctly that gomen is more interested to hand out goodies to the settlers than looking into plausible and concrete measures to improve on FGV's performance and put it on stronger financial footing.Such goodies only reached a selected group of citizenry but the root causes of the problems still remain unsolved.
2.The earlier appended economic market research by Profundo(an organisation from Netherlands) even though it was published in 2012 is still relevant today.After reading through the report I will downgrade the country to SELL.
3.For those punting on the stocks hope you reap a reasonable return.But holding it for long term capital gains from my views,is a big nay:-(((
Read- http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2017/07/30/from-special-incentives-to-bumi-status-ge14-scent-is-strong/


2017-07-29 14:55 | Report Abuse

Just managed to get and peruse an archived copy of research done by profundo,Netherlands on FGV IPO listing in 2012.
2.It makes for an easy and invaluable read by all shareholders.A must read.
3.Interesting and informative.Will guide you to know more about the stock that you are buying.
Read from source- http://www.profundo.nl/files/download/FGVH1206.pdf


2017-07-29 10:28 | Report Abuse

Huhuhu...can see there were a lot of speculations and rumours about IWC.Good and bad.Stock market will be dull and quiet without such speculative activity or action.But excessive speculation or irrational exuberance on the stock is NO GOOD.Can cause great loss to a lot of investors who follow with a herd mentality and holding on the over-priced stock that nobody want when the stock activity quieten or unwind down.Have seen with my own eyes many buyers of the stocks have close attachment with what they bought from the market-place.They know how to buy but don't know when to sell.

2. There were three categories of speculative activity:

A. Very Speculative and Not True - High risk but large capital losses
B. Very Speculative and True - Medium risk but large capital gains
C. Non Speculative - No risk or risk manageable,steady capital gains.

3.Know the risk level for the stock and also your tolerance to bear losses if there is a sudden price reversal for the stock.

4.When you have realised reasonable capital gains,do liquidate and take profits.No worry,you still can buy back later on when there is a price correction.Buyback can also be made if one sold off too early and if the price trend and momentum stay intact for the next high.

5.Consequently,to buy low and sell high is what many market pundits say but it still comes with a lot of hard work and patience. Sieving through the market and stock analysis reports,Financial Analysis,Fundamental Analysis,Valuation Analysis,Technical Price Indicator Charts Analysis ,etc.

6.Money does not grow on tress to make for easy plucking.Good luck and happy weekend:-)))


2017-07-28 16:08 | Report Abuse

@octop the beleaguered company is akin to the elephant in the room.Facing poor perception image which has yet to be addressed properly and well by the company.Many of the lingering corporate problems faced by the company have been swept under the carpet.Look good but internally wrecked to the core.As you know a lot of invaluable time and resources need to be expended to rebuilt and regain the public trust again once its image has been tarred by one unwelcome saga and another saga openly.
@AdCool the negatives and positives that you have listed on the company were relevant.Akin to the albatross on the company neck.Optimism has yet to return to the company.Haven't seen any positivity that the company is put on the stronger footing.
@AdCool the 1 mdb is a big scale nightmarish saga to us as citizens of the country.How can the person(s) entrusted in high office individually,severally or collectively entangled our country in such a mega-scale financial saga that were reported in more than 38 countries? Where have the money raised from the bonds issuance in the few billions gone? No person has yet to be indicted by the authorities for such saga! It really perplexed me beyond any sensible belief.Huhuhu... let us see how they come up with such a massive amount of money US $1.2 billions to pay the initial agreement or consent reached with IPIC as lodged with the London Stock Exchange(LSE).

Outcome: Poor corporate governance in public and private sectors.How to keep our heads high and stand tall and proud:-(((


2017-07-28 15:07 | Report Abuse

@riich Bakke will be executive vice-chairman and MD of Sime Darby Plantations at year end.Good move by Sime Darby to rationalise the corporate structure into a much more leaner and focus sector-centred structure.
2.With such measures they overcome the 'conglomerate discount' given by the market if all the sectors(different groups) are all placed under one conglomerate.
3.In return positives for the company and also the public shareholders.


2017-07-28 14:53 | Report Abuse

Basing on ALL the Technical Price Charts- Moving Average(MA),Moving Average Convergence Divergence(MACD),Relative Strength Index(RSI) the price downwards has still room to move further down.Counter presently caught in the bearishness mode.
2.Expect the bearishness to persist towards the ex-date of the Right Issues(RI).
3.Maybe will collect only after one month of the completion of the right issue.

Outcome: Why buy now,when one can collect cheaper later on.Positioning in the market to optimise on one capital gains.But be careful the property market is forecast to be weak the next six months ahead.That going by yesterday news report.