Genetec A baby step

genetecc | Joined since 2022-01-26

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2022-05-27 17:07 | Report Abuse

Key Note:

2022 Q1 receive 130m NEW ORDER. Mainly came from Customer T & Customer Z
GENETEC is working with Customer T on Gen 2 battery line. More order to come in on next few months.
GENETEC receive order from Customer T's MEGA PACK project. More order on next calendar year.
Customer Z receive regenerative braking line confirmation from end Customer. Est. 100m - 200m recurring order every year.
Customer Z place more order on ECU line.


2022-05-27 16:23 | Report Abuse

Mr nickinvests

Please send

nickinvests My friend said genetec just finished briefing. He shared me his note. if u want pm me.
27/05/2022 3:40 PM


2022-05-26 18:27 | Report Abuse

GENETEC - Quarter Result +339.70%. Mgmt expect more order replenishment. 2023 will be another outstanding year.


2022-05-26 08:55 | Report Abuse

For knowledge sharing - Tesla battery research group unveils paper on new high-energy-density battery that could last 100 years


2022-05-13 11:53 | Report Abuse

csan hahaha genetec a baby step still so desperate. he doesn't realise that small timers on i3 forum has no power to push the price up. it all depends on syndicates and funds.
12/05/2022 11:23 AM


Mr. csan, I am not desperate. Stock price go up and come down. It is very normal.

I am sharing info related to EV & ES. please come and visit my blog

I realize i3 have very big fish. Recent sell down was partly contributed from Mr. K in i3. after we pointed out his EPS mistake.

It create a good opportunities for us to get a cheaper genetec.

News & Blogs

2022-05-09 18:21 | Report Abuse

buy whatever you believe in....

I believe EV & ES is the future for next 10 - 20 years.

News & Blogs

2022-05-06 19:11 | Report Abuse

“Whether we're talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.”


2022-05-06 09:05 | Report Abuse

“Day after day, the direction seems to change. This opens up good opportunism for companies which have fundamentals, strong earnings, strong outlook for the next three-to-five years. What is really interesting about these markets is that there are these every-other-day changes in either direction where investors are outrageously bullish or outrageously bearish the next day.”

News & Blogs

2022-04-27 11:18 | Report Abuse

The LFP cell is in prismatic packaging for now.

4680 is another form factor. 46 & 80 are the x & y dimension for cylindrical cells. the ANODE & CATHODE material will depends on the final product - S, 3, X, Y, Truck, Power pack, & mega pack will have own mixture of materials - which included but not limited to LFP

You may refer to Tesla battery plan on their slide


2022-04-27 10:43 | Report Abuse

I plan to get more Tesla from this price until $600.


2022-04-25 18:35 | Report Abuse

Mr. Lightspeed, investor shall take responsibility for the actions.

Please visit my humble blog to read more on EV & ES industry. There is no more profitable investment than investing in knowledge. It is the best investment you can make; you can never go wrong with it.


2022-04-25 17:36 | Report Abuse

“In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine.”

Either Tesla or GENE is taking the baby steps in EV & ES initiative

Give GENE another few years and we will see. I hope we can achieve the plan as presented on the Battery Day & eventually my fellow shareholder will be reward with a good capital appreciation.

Please visit my humble blog to read more on EV & ES industry. I am looking forward for knowledgeable & insightful comment regards to the industry or our company development.

News & Blogs

2022-04-22 17:30 | Report Abuse

will 2023 start to use LFP batteries (50%) and the 2170/4680 batteries (50%) . ( Just my 2 cents) .


4680 is the x & y dimension for cylindrical cells. the ANODE & CATHODE material will depends on the final product - S, 3, X, Y, Truck, Power pack, & mega pack will have own mixture of materials.

News & Blogs

2022-04-22 17:25 | Report Abuse

Elon was asked what were the limiting factors on Tesla's production:

In the short term, semiconductors. In the long term, batteries.

IRON & NICKEL is 2 options for the CATHODE material. You may refer to its material on the battery day slide. What's their plan on ANODE & CATHODE material in different car model.

But the 4680 initiative is much more than just materials. It is a total revamp of battery for mass production.

The difficulty of designing the machine that makes the machine is vastly harder than the machine itself.


2022-04-21 16:08 | Report Abuse

Eric Lim Sharp increase in raw material price, EV Battery GG
20/04/2022 5:49 PM

Mr Eric Lim, May I refer you to the latest earning call from Tesla. Please pay attention on the margin & inflation outlook.

By the way, do you able to clarify the 50m assumption on the order book?


2022-04-21 10:23 | Report Abuse

Tesla began production and deliveries at its Gigafactory Berlin in March and at Gigafactory Texas in April. Both factories are expected to increase the production for Tesla moving forward.

“We plan to grow our manufacturing capacity as quickly as possible. Over a multi-year horizon, we expect to achieve 50% average annual growth in vehicle deliveries,” the company said.

News & Blogs

2022-04-21 10:23 | Report Abuse

Tesla began production and deliveries at its Gigafactory Berlin in March and at Gigafactory Texas in April. Both factories are expected to increase the production for Tesla moving forward.

“We plan to grow our manufacturing capacity as quickly as possible. Over a multi-year horizon, we expect to achieve 50% average annual growth in vehicle deliveries,” the company said.