
hanwen | Joined since 2016-09-13

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2017-04-12 17:41 | Report Abuse

That C should be around 0.50, and may go 10+ again....


2017-04-12 17:38 | Report Abuse

2. On Day 2-3 (starting Day 1 tomorrow) there maybe dip of 100(day)- 180(night) below 24280, ---IF THIS COME THRU and IF SHANGHAI hasn't Crash,we will buy C for a 600 point run up...


2017-04-12 17:28 | Report Abuse

Bon : HSI -- my problem/hesitation is the 2 days HSI close and our KLCI open whether in chart reading or T+4 contra .....

HSI I expect (assuming HK not close n continue open Fri & Mon like KL)
1. sideway range trade 2-3 days 50-100 point around the MA20 to be established around 24280


2017-04-12 17:15 | Report Abuse

But the margin was big, C84 yesterday was bot 49 today 48 n sold 56......


2017-04-12 17:12 | Report Abuse

Becos ,this pump-up maybe the last /extended round ,coincide with SSEC , we will not hold ride the full period...


2017-04-12 17:10 | Report Abuse

Padi, We just got out of the Cs bot yesterday... thinking HSI will; have another round of pumping up....


2017-04-12 17:07 | Report Abuse

Steve u holding H?


2017-04-12 15:27 | Report Abuse

wake up!! wake up!!


2017-04-11 16:15 | Report Abuse

Stock: [HSI-HQ]:
Apr 6, 2017 04:24 PM | Report Abuse

Bon : also IWCITY....one dollar?

Any ikanbilis bought this giant blue whale?


2017-04-11 15:29 | Report Abuse

Bun : GOOD NEWS!!!, IWCITY !! Did you have good inkling studying, or bought?
I think ,it just startedDay 1, if i am right, it shud hit 3.18-3.20 by close.... a 30cts gain... for day1


2017-04-11 15:21 | Report Abuse

Bon....but i am looking for bounce to 4200 or 4280 before next showdown.

U talking HSI?..... 4200 or 4280= my 24266Daily Chart ....Bon, You shud be right, I find the MA20 quite a USEFUL reference, once broken below for a day, coupled with bearish divergence in tech indicators (stot n MACD), will soon begin its long journey to the bottom..

Which means HSI MUST NOW behave like SSEC (close up +18.8), RECOUP all the losses earlier, and CLOSE THE DAY WITH POSITIVE GAINS (i.e. repair n reverse the downtrend )!!!


2017-04-11 15:10 | Report Abuse

WHO....Fri and Mon next week is HK public holiday?....
IF so, it may throw of my guesspeculation by about 2 days, normally.....


2017-04-11 14:41 | Report Abuse

SSEC Note the SHARP REBOUND 3250- to 3280 now (beyond my 3260 "....tomorrow should be sideway ,3252-3262 10 points range,...""") , which made me slightly unsure of myself...but i keep watching, praying general trend is still right!! Insyallah!!


2017-04-11 12:57 | Report Abuse

Steve Chung Hanwen, may i ask, why specifically thurs? any special events
Steve : No event , just plain charts. I was EXPECTING big jerk yesterday (mon) SSEC did turn down, but HSI was unperturbed and sitting nicely 27277 above MA20 24255 . But this morning SSEC drop to MA20 3254, caused the HSI to slip below the daily MA20 24266 to now 24050.....
So I was WRONG A DAY AND AN HOUR till this morning 10am......

So i could be wrong again INTER-DAYS, but FRIDAY the day before weekend, I am expecting big rot n laosai again, especially if HSI DOESNOT RECOVER INTO THE POSITIVE TERRITORY by today's CLOSE......


2017-04-11 12:34 | Report Abuse

Sold Pworth 0.24...raise funds to ready for the Hs....


2017-04-11 12:10 | Report Abuse

Padi & all,--Re the Cs (72)--i would watch the MA20 at 3254, once it break down , "I" would not bother to hedge, i would Hs all the way until the support


2017-04-11 12:03 | Report Abuse

Stock: [HSI-HQ]:
Apr 5, 2017 02:44 PM | Report Abuse

Reuters News :
"China holds up Asia stocks; .............................................
Stock Markets30 minutes ago (Apr 05, 2017 02:06AM ET)"

Do you think China can hold up HSI, today n tomorrow?

My guess is the respective roles are opposite,--China/SSEC up today n tomorrow to the upper Bollinger limit and down Xdays to lower limit...

"...........to the upper Bollinger limit and down Xdays to lower limit..."

SSEC Daily Chart reflect my above "feelings" starting yeasterday, now sitting on 3252 ,the MA20/mid Bollinger, tomorrow should be sideway ,3252-3262 10 points range, .It is the Thurs & Fri that shud be wary, from 3250/3260 to 3200, this Shanghai LAOSAI i see buying support onli around 2900....how much rot?300 points, dont qoute me I culd/shud be WRONG!!!!


2017-04-11 11:43 | Report Abuse

Stock: [HSI-HQ]:
Apr 5, 2017 10:02 AM | Report Abuse

Bon & Padi : The "Grand Post ChengBeng LAOSAI" from the HIKED OPEN has started, 3 RED candles into the FIRST 5 , 15mins chart......

Steve Bon Padi........ in a sense our "Grand Post ChengBeng LAOSAI" nmay have INTENSIFY into a worse period......if my much-feared Thurs "Grand Rot come thru"....


2017-04-11 11:32 | Report Abuse

Steve & Bon & Padi HSI shud rebound toward 24120 -- the little gap 10.15 this morning ...sideway and recover in the afternoon session...

Warning-- the Shanghai/China effect : watch for a bigger plunge on Thursday.....


2017-04-11 11:03 | Report Abuse

Steve: soli, we were doing panic selling (of Cs) and panic buying of Hs......no time to post....very crowded here lah....

The Hs move was right, now waiting for the fate of Cs .....the Hs profit s should cushion us of any intraday loss...


2017-04-11 10:52 | Report Abuse

Pump & Dump Sold Hs Dump & Pump Bought Cs (81)

Correct? Dicey, See any rebound near 24000


2017-04-07 13:26 | Report Abuse

Bon & Padi

NOTE 3 : The Afternoon's AFTERMATH... whether Hs or Cs.....
The morning brief breach/but unfill of the GREAT LOBANG-portend to me that OUR GREAT GOD's command is still NOT FULLY fulfilled.........
so our 13.00 opening should see another wave of red candles (15mins) working towards there, maybe 8 candles of 107 points drifting downwards from the rebound high of 24131 to 24024...

BUT WHEN THE 18.00pm should see another plunge/drop to 23982......


2017-04-07 12:28 | Report Abuse

@Bon & Padi

(earlier was Note 1 : on the DAILY chart n the cut below MA20 or Mib Bollinger, and the implications, possibilities....)

Now NOTE 2 : on the hourly chart-- the filling of the GREAT LOBANG created 16Mar morning opening-- so far ,before the rebounce, the upper lip of 23959 touched n breached by the 10am low of 23956.......

My position 31Mar before : (I said in tongue/cheek that it was commanded by OUR GREAT ALLAH!!!)--

Posted by Hanwen Yeh > Mar 31, 2017 07:23 PM | Report Abuse

@Bonarda ".......................................

IMHO,,,,, with all the downside targets still in place (24100.24000......plus the big-lobang of 23830 to 23960 -- which our GOD the Almighty has commanded that it must be filled next 8-10days !!!!)


2017-04-07 11:56 | Report Abuse

@Bon & Padi :

NOTE today's daily-candle broke the MA20 (24208) and hit low (so far) 23956....hitting all my recent low targets, of 24062, 24030, 23960 (lobang's upper lip)...

Today is only the 1st day, we r cleared now of all Hs, but has not decided on immediate trade, but i expect afternoon shud have another down wave....


2017-04-07 10:57 | Report Abuse

@Bon : H81 all 3/4 gone, highest so far 0.50, my kakis here all grinning from ears to ears......

No sweet gains without pains(or mayham tue 4apri the day my 2 @taiko@ threatened to turn me into dog-meat soup)-

as previously mentioned, I was obsessed with this ChengBeng Pump & Dump that we held over position from then....

That's why i said your "b-down" gave me added strength to taste today fruits (and live up to today)!!!

Repeat : 1000 thanks!!


2017-04-06 16:24 | Report Abuse

Bon : also IWCITY....one dollar?


2017-04-06 16:10 | Report Abuse

"Bon: IFCAM look like it's coming (for real?) today or tomorrow, price n volume, check your chart, my kakis were in early am 45...


2017-04-06 15:59 | Report Abuse

"Bon: BTW your latest chart-count with little "b"- down-arrow, was very reassuring, and so far, accurate,thanks 1000times....


2017-04-06 15:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bonarda > Apr 6, 2017 03:45 PM | Report Abuse

...... were u the one sapu the 81 before closing?!!


Bon : not me alone lah, i have 4 other kakis in this small little room neh.....my kakis said if i am wrong again today,they r goin to slaughter me for tonite's dog-meat soup!!!!

10+am they oredy taken half profit, so i am safe for tonite.....PHEW!!!!


2017-04-06 15:35 | Report Abuse

I guess it wont exceed 24425 tonite...and would be drifting down to close near 24354(US) -70 from peak . IF SO, tomorrow morning I expect open gap down 150 around 24271 and laosai again 1st session -260 to (today's low) 24150 again...

05/04/2017 17:19
This unfinished business carried over from yesterday's mayham........seems to behaving roughly "normal" or right again... even though the High figures were out....

I am expecting down/red candles@15mins 9 candles from 14.30 (24334) to close 16.30-17.30 (23062) low.... some week rebound tonite and Friday morning is another gap down...

I am in the game,yesterday toward close.....


2017-04-05 19:42 | Report Abuse

Censof if drop from 0.38-5=0.32-0.33, i will buy


2017-04-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

Pworth will be good to me, next 3 days....
So should Muhubah & baby....


2017-04-05 17:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by 稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香 > Apr 5, 2017 02:47 PM | Report Abuse

hanwen... got one event at China can hold back Asian market. I am waiting for more confirmed news.

Padi : no reply yet?

But that "Fei Ma Qian" (27March2017 Style) caught me off guard too..like you said the double/ triple tops.

I guess it wont exceed 24425 tonite...and would be drifting down to close near 24354(US) -70 from peak . IF SO, tomorrow morning I expect open gap down 150 around 24271 and laosai again 1st session -260 to (today's low) 24150 again...

This swing up and down , whiplash ,hard to trade,very strenous.


2017-04-05 14:44 | Report Abuse

Reuters News :
"China holds up Asia stocks; .............................................
Stock Markets30 minutes ago (Apr 05, 2017 02:06AM ET)"

Do you think China can hold up HSI, today n tomorrow?

My guess is the respective roles are opposite,--China/SSEC up today n tomorrow to the upper Bollinger limit and down Xdays to lower limit...


2017-04-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

I would be glad to see a TOTAL DAY'S DROP of 600 points by 17.30 (our 5.30pm -itrade the futures also)..... i.e 23820 17.30 and CLOSE THE LOWEST BY THEN.....


2017-04-05 11:37 | Report Abuse

wow 24150!!!


2017-04-05 11:36 | Report Abuse

@ Bon ----- I roughly expect 400 points drop today-evening... roughly above 24000... if u keen i can try working it out... let the winning run!!!


2017-04-05 11:25 | Report Abuse

This is what i meant by LAOSAI......Post ChengBeng PUMP & DUMP!!!! 24190 done now closing the morning gap....


2017-04-05 11:20 | Report Abuse

Padi , your H87 should win you BIG around 4pm ( unless bottom is hit earlier)

H79 81 87 should return a handsome 8,12,14 cents... Insyaallah.....


2017-04-05 11:16 | Report Abuse

"the 4th n 5thshould also be RED below the Mid Bollinger ) of 24315 taking us to 24270(lower B.Band)...

I think the sideway consolidation has already cut short , over, and heading into our afternoon laosai session......equal down magnitude...


2017-04-05 11:00 | Report Abuse

"......I like to see descending in 45 degree form....."

We may not get 45degree descend ,but we should get 30-50 points range trading ,sideway from now 10.45 to 14.45. After that another round of LAOSAI of 7X15mins candles ,equal to the morning magnitude, bringing lowest close beyond ours at 17.30pm....


2017-04-05 10:34 | Report Abuse

Now 15mins Chart (24318 4th Red candles) the 4th n 5thshould also be RED below the Mid Bollinger ) of 24315 taking us to 24270(lower B.Band)...

We are right on the Opening HIKE and gap and direction ,except the figures :

Market 9.15am 24417 against our 9.15am 24445 , off by 30 points, which is how many %?


2017-04-05 10:02 | Report Abuse

Bon & Padi : The "Grand Post ChengBeng LAOSAI" from the HIKED OPEN has started, 3 RED candles into the FIRST 5 , 15mins chart......

".... and when HK open next it will be big-dumping from morning open peak... i shall post these two figures when i get all the adjustment done...
03/04/2017 21:43......

And the next morning Open:

9.15am 24445
9.30am 24465
03/04/2017 22:41......"


2017-04-04 15:57 | Report Abuse

OCK-WA tomorrow 031-030 ...... 032-33-34-35-36......

Watch, and dont buy...i beg you!!!


2017-04-04 15:30 | Report Abuse

IFCAM watch tomorrow close lowest at 42.5 (like a dead counter)....


2017-04-04 15:13 | Report Abuse

PWorth : Watch next 3-5 days 18.0 -19.0-20.0-21.0-24.0

Watch but dont buy!!!


2017-04-03 23:32 | Report Abuse

Hanwen Yeh Just Now
@ Bon & Sifu Padi -- rough chart for your perusal.........Also the simple breakout objective 24097 (10.15 31032017) and 24271 (21.0 03042017) =174+24271=24445

chart just posted here : https://www.investing.com/indices/hong-kong-40-futures-commentary


2017-04-03 22:46 | Report Abuse

So my computations if come-to-pass shall conincide with your
"......2. if breaks, then may go to 345 or 447.
- if bounce from 345, then i'll take it as X
- if further to 447, then i may consider it as i of wave 3. ..."

i.e. 24447 or 24465 on wed or thur Morning 9.30 am....

(Ini gila punya kerja)


2017-04-03 22:41 | Report Abuse

Becos of the uncertainty/confusion created by tomorrow HSI-MarketOFF (can't happen on tue tomorrow) , i would give the timing-error margin to be 1-2 days, i.e. wed-thurs...
and when it (breakout of 24270) happen :

the last 4-5 15mins candles should be :

22.30 24290
22.45 24310
23.00 24333
23.15 24345
23.30 24322

And the next morning Open:

9.15am 24445
9.30am 24465


2017-04-03 21:43 | Report Abuse

@Bon : If u monitoring HSI now, 21.30pm 15mins (1st) candle breakout (imminent) of the rising triangle, i think the pre-chengbeng PUMP has just started with this 24265 candle, you will realise from my recent posts that i am OBSESSED with this Chengbeng PUMP & DUMP thing.....

I expect it to march upward towards the CLOSE, and when HK open next it will be big-dumping from morning open peak... i shall post these two figures when i get all the adjustment done...