
Horizon | Joined since 2012-05-17

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2012-05-30 12:05 | Report Abuse

this counter got a lot of sandiwara. dunno what on earth the big fishes are doing!


2012-05-23 16:57 | Report Abuse

gohsiayu, this is call syiok sendiri.

Raymond Chan also cabut already people. Aglobal down another 3 sen, Mtronic down another 2 sen. Keep you bullets. Not worth fighting the global market. I guarantee you cannot win.


2012-05-23 16:43 | Report Abuse

Market is not holding. Europe futures tried to climb but failed. Trading at day low now. End of technical rebound? I don't know for sure but bear in mind US could not sustain last night and gave in during the final trading hour. I see the beginning of another string of sell off days. Before Monday's technical rebound was 6 straight days of red - not very often in US even. If start again, aiyoh...

I've just bit my arms real hard and cut loss 5000 lots of JCY warrants. Got a bit more warrants and mother on hold still. (I hope I will not regret tomorrow.)


2012-05-23 14:05 | Report Abuse

illidonloeng: i would think it is quite obvious that the cowboys are winning since we all tertiarap atas lantai already


2012-05-23 10:51 | Report Abuse

Not a very fun day thus far


2012-05-22 16:38 | Report Abuse

Bro meljohn, you are a F follower eh... God knows what is happening. Mak masih pakai kasut, anak sudah naik kereta!


2012-05-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

Look at your trading page, highest active counters. All cat, mouse, donkey counters also blinking, mostly with uptrend. Our beloved JCY - red color!

What more to say?


2012-05-22 16:16 | Report Abuse

Bro Jjtrader, could not agree more with you on the mental torture.


2012-05-22 15:48 | Report Abuse

Bro jjtrader, if it makes you feel any better, you are not the only one who lost significant money in the past 2 weeks. I know exactly how you feel.

But fear not, there is a whole lot of counters out there for us to earn our gold.


2012-05-22 15:38 | Report Abuse

At times like this, I belief that equity play is to go short term.

Fundamaental stocks may be your biggest nightmare because you tend to hold them even when prices are falling - common sense says 'good company, hold, will bounce back'. But the problem is global market is very choppy now. And in Malaysia we have the additional 'risk' of don't know when GE will be called. When the falling starts, everyone is for themselves. Even fund managers says 'scre PE'. Like bro usry said, this is about protection of capital

Fundamental or not, we are at very trying times. But volatility is good for day or short term trade. Real equity players love volatility. When buying to hold for returns, look at fundamentals. When buying for short term, look at liquidity and volatility.

My 2 sen.


2012-05-22 12:36 | Report Abuse

Bro bara, now am impatient. Very soon fed-up.

Just to share, my insider, re-confirmed that the owner will definitely want to push. But don't know when.

Kalau you tanya I lah, I'll say that this owner is inexperienced in such things and he is not getting very good advice. Jangan ingat diorang ni owner PLC pandai sangat atau ada duit bayar for best advice. I've met many PLC owners, jumpa dan borak dengan diorang, sigh... <kepala goyang> <kepala goyang>


2012-05-22 12:18 | Report Abuse

I really don't know what the owner is doing. If he is waiting to accumulate more mothers from the banks then we are going to wait a long long time because it will never end. It is so obvious that the banks are short selling naked.

If he is waiting for the banks to short sell until over exposed, then the owner is being very petty with his strategy. How expensive and how much will this cost a bank? The banks will probably be bruised but nowhere near being admitted to an ICU loh. At worst, the team who came up with the warrant lose their year end bonus or maybe, the manager in-charge gets fired. Like that also happy?

Cheong lah Mr. Owner. I tell you, this counter can go limit up 2 sessions in a row and Bursa cannot do anything about it. Stellar profit announcement, good reviews printed everywhere, global markets on a rebound, apa lagi mau? Wait until Malaysia wins World Cup is it?

Fri and Mon didn't move, can blame global market. Today? Owner should have struck today with the global market rebound. Good news effect got expiry date one. The bad news, bro, is that last week's announcements have already expired.


2012-05-21 14:27 | Report Abuse

ok ok let it go... it was a harmless comment. my apologies i mentioned it.


2012-05-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

you said:

"put FA n TA aside, if you are the playmaker, will you push the price up so that those contra player trapped between 1.48 - 1.58 can exit comfortably?"


2012-05-21 12:36 | Report Abuse

1 lot = 100 units la. 1000 units is quite awhile back oredi lo... sudah 2012 bros... hehehe...

bro rookiemy: tot you only belief in your FA and TA? aiks... what happened to trend is so powerful not even counter players can go against? hehehe... teasing you only la...


2012-05-21 11:52 | Report Abuse

bro yuzuki, i doubt any penggoreng are playing any counters. they are playing us retailers... sob sob sob...


2012-05-21 11:38 | Report Abuse

Keeping fingers crossed. Notice that the cowboys not kacau-ing now. Scare them a bit, bagus!


2012-05-21 11:23 | Report Abuse

Bro Jjtrader, just to share. I have 1000 lots mother and 5000 lots warrants. I hope you can understand my anxiety. My paper loss is... sigh...

But, I belief!


2012-05-21 11:15 | Report Abuse

Looks like our boss is in action now. Breath in, breath out...

But I tell you guys, I look at the cowboys adding 2000 lots here sale, 2000 lots for sale there to prevent price increase, see already damn angry. How I wish I got money to eat all up.


2012-05-21 11:10 | Report Abuse

Kekeke... Bro Jjtrader, iron heart not enough la. Need a few hearts. After 1st heart fail, activate 2nd heart. After 2nd heart, cari kunci to activate 3rd heart...


2012-05-21 11:04 | Report Abuse

Bro usry,

Am definitely not pressuring bro lamken. The decision to buy or sell is mine. And I respect bro lamken (I think my post was quite polite).

In fact, the main point of my post was to ask for directions from bro lamken. It shows I trust and respect him eh.


2012-05-21 10:55 | Report Abuse

Bro lamken,

You were very confident that post-announcement the counter will fly. Somehow, things are not going according to plan. And today we certainly can't blame the Greeks.

With your confidence, I suspect you have insider news. Care to update us the latest developments? I think many of us here need some directions.



2012-05-18 17:08 | Report Abuse

Bro rookiemy,

My 2 sen worth.

At times of panic sell-off or war between players (like in this case), charts no longer apply.

What we are having now is a war between owner and the 2 IBs. Prices are at their whims. It has even got to do with egos at times.


2012-05-18 16:39 | Report Abuse

hero lamken is very quiet today.

bro, any update to sooth our nerves?


2012-05-18 14:52 | Report Abuse

CIMB trying to push the price down. Notice that the TP is at PE of 6x only. Which is low.


2012-05-18 14:23 | Report Abuse

Nikkei down 3.09%. Topix down 3.08%. Hang Seng down 2.92%. Kospi down 3.40%. ASX down 2.83%.

Why does the sun go on shining
Why does the sea rush to shore
Don't they know it's the end of the world

Sorry, a bit mellow.



2012-05-18 12:09 | Report Abuse


"the Good reviews in the papers & by trading houses, should boost the price."

Logically speaking this is correct. I think you need to understand the comments in this thread on the owner and the cowboys. The owner wants the price to go up. The cowboys i.e. the investment banks who issued the warrants (I suspect we are talking about 2 of them only) want the price suppressed. If the IBs let the price fly to RM2 or RM3, they will be trembing more and more by the day as expiration draws closer. European style call warrants have short term lifespan. The IBs do not want warrant holders to exercise for obvious reasons. And it is not easy to cause a, say RM3 share, to plummet by half especially when the owner wants to reflect actual value. Hence, the tussle between them now, good news or not.

"why would you want to stifle it, when every other stock is dropping south?"

Don't understand this comment. Prevent price from going up when everyone else is falling?


2012-05-18 10:28 | Report Abuse

Bro alntm,

If I were the cowboys, my intention is to prevent the mother price from flying. The strategy I mentioned is to keep the price range bound and frustrate the owner. Since main objective is to make money from issuing warrants and not from mother (else they would not have issued the warrants), they do not have to sell the price down significantly. Just keep it within a 'comfortable' range everyday, they will be able to cover open position.

Objectives of cowboy - buy time until warrant expire, and in the meantime make sure mother don't fly too high until after warrants expire.


2012-05-18 10:06 | Report Abuse

Cowboys seem to have a lots of stock to sell. Where they find so many? I suspect they are short-selling naked. Banks can do it and cover back intraday.

Cowboys sell, sell, sell. Then let price go up. Cover back position. Repeat process. Like that we will be stuck in a range bound game. (Damn!)

If owner decides enough is enough, then let price drop to teach cowboys a lesson. We pulak blur blur kena burnt. But cowboys don't mind cause they won't kena belasah on their call warrants. Macam anyhow also we die.



2012-05-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

1. Super profit - tick

2. 2nd interim dividend - tick

3. Mega announcement???

What is it? What is it? So kan cheong!!!