
Icon8888 | Joined since 2013-07-25

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2019-03-13 14:36 | Report Abuse

maybe got corporate development ?


2019-03-13 14:22 | Report Abuse

what happened ?

: 0

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2019-03-13 12:14 | Report Abuse

Oh ya those enterprise value thingy ... got it ... finance professor Favourite ....

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2019-03-13 12:08 | Report Abuse

Why does a company with RM7.8 bil market cap needs RM1.7 bil profit before it is a buy ?

Sorry not only my England bad, my Maths also bad

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2019-03-13 10:30 | Report Abuse

I am actually quite upset that sakura is moving so fast

I am hoping to buy more after taking profit in certain stocks

: (

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2019-03-13 10:14 | Report Abuse

just say "thanks" will do

he is sharing info with you


Posted by Choivo Capital > Mar 13, 2019 09:26 AM | Report Abuse

Yes i am aware of this method. Its an investment partnership type co. The same used by Li Lu, Buffet in his early days, as well as Mohnish Pabrai.

I was thinking of this type of structure, 3-5 years from now if my track record is set, as the requirements to do fund management activity in malaysia is very stringent, and with high barriers of entry.

It would be a quite of a compounding and performance miracle for me to turn the few hundred k i have now into 5 mil required by SC, in 3 years.


2019-03-13 09:24 | Report Abuse

80 Sen

Really if you don't look at it, it will go up faster


2019-03-13 08:39 | Report Abuse

No sell down

Brexit is ok

Brexit rejected is ok

No deal brexit is not ok

On Wednesday parliament will vote on no deal brexit

If they reject no deal brexit, which is the most likely scenario, then the whole thing essentially becomes no brexit (or delayed for few months).

Then everybody move on with life (including fry up ewint if result next few days is good)

That is how I see it

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2019-03-12 21:00 | Report Abuse

Breaking rice bowl is small thing

Landing the young man in legal trouble is the big problem

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2019-03-12 20:41 | Report Abuse

the only person I know that can maintain a cool head was my ex boss

extremely wealthy and powerful, but everywhere he goes he "hehehehe" and bow to others

treat his workers, servants and drivers extremely well

very self discipline

Philips on the other hand, has completely gone wild

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2019-03-12 20:39 | Report Abuse

money can really corrupt your soul

I have seen how friends and relatives once became rich, transform into monsters

I am talking to you, Philips

you really need to cool down a bit

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2019-03-12 20:37 | Report Abuse

I dont understand why you want to hurt him like that ?

Posted by (S = Qr) Philip > Mar 12, 2019 08:31 PM | Report Abuse

I'm sorry everyone, angry Philip has struck again. I found out my old friend son now works in securities commission, and I gave him a call and sent him some WhatsApp photos of Choi yi kit soliciting of investment funds and his 2 year returns. He started laughing at the gall of the young man and said he would look into the matter.

I sincerely, dearly hope Jonathan Choi closes good website immediately and refund all his "funds" to his 3rd party investors.

I may have gone too far this time.

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2019-03-12 20:32 | Report Abuse

This is investing mah

You need to have some faith

Isn't this what you want your Son to learn from Philips ?

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2019-03-12 20:28 | Report Abuse

Sapura needs to take a Philips style long term view

Government will help PNB groom it

Buy one big chunk, hold for 10 years (I am not kidding)

it will evolve into a blue chip

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2019-03-12 20:19 | Report Abuse

I have never seen soojinhou so cross before

: O

soojinhou Don't compliment a fella who only wants gets ahead by pulling others down. And there he goes again, saying "If you're not paying it, you're not the customer, you're the product!" What a dickhead. To him, anyone who write and post articles must have ulterior motives. Maybe that's his true character after all, coz he can't comprehend that people do enjoy the camaraderie of sharing knowledge out of the goodness of their heart. And don't tell me I have ulterior motive asshole, Sunpower doubled in price in less than a quarter and generated 7% in operating cash flow to their ev, despite having significant gearing of 1, in a single quarter. And I don't charge a single cent for sharing. What have you got? Bad mouthing everyone else so you can get ahead, telling the world that they need to pay 5k a report to you so they can get some exclusive info to get rich. Bullshit. The entire MIT curriculum is available online for free boy. Anyone who wants to get ahead needs only determination, hard work and some ingenuity. In this world of fast information dissemination, only your infantile mentality thinks that information is exclusive. Grow up boy.
12/03/2019 19:49

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2019-03-12 20:17 | Report Abuse

I have high expectation for Sapura energy

Choivo Capital Raider,

Style can change, but philosophy cannot.

I have value investor friends who think highly of sapura at this price. I don't, despite trying very hard to see it as well.

Good luck.
12/03/2019 19


2019-03-12 19:28 | Report Abuse

leopard never change its spots

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2019-03-12 19:27 | Report Abuse

KC, never compliment a young man in front of him, even if you genuinely feel that he is good. Especially one so full of himself. Not good for him

whack him, help him to learn to be a humble person


Posted by kcchongnz > Mar 12, 2019 07:20 PM | Report Abuse

Nevertheless, he is quite good in investing, much better than me when I was at his age.

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2019-03-12 16:59 | Report Abuse

World War III

Wars on multiple fronts

Philips, i3value, soojinhou, Connie etc vs. Jon

Kcchong vs qqq3

Icon vs 3iii

Xxxxx vs yyyyyyy


Must be due to the hot and dry weather


2019-03-12 16:03 | Report Abuse

Ricky Kiat is a slipper wearing Uncle that drives Mercedes

3iii walk around with warren Buffett books but ride a bicycle


2019-03-12 15:56 | Report Abuse

After bimb WA and Jaks, this is the next dark horse (Mother and warrants)

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News & Blogs

2019-03-12 09:39 | Report Abuse

in life, if you make it, be kind, be humble, be gentle


(S = Qr) Philip I know none of those people that you speak of in real life.

I only go to bed with one person, my wife.

I do know hubris and pride when I see them, and I seek to understand why someone would "interview" other investors then write hit pieces on their investing method (poor OTB and Davidlim), while they themselves have ZERO results to show for.

I also repeat here:


The hubris and overconfidence of someone who never invested in inari (but chose to buy more into INSAS), and having the confidence to run down a long term investor (just to prove that his investing is relevant), this is simply another jon choivo in the making.

A lot of talk. No results.

At least qqq3, 3ii, even icon8888 and koonyewyin do not think they know so much and made so much money that they can write investment grade analysis reports promoting their stocks by degrading other investors.

All of those above have been investing since at least 2009 (at minimum).

How long have you been in the market? And the moment you went in, the first thing you do instead of investing slowly and steadily was to become xinquan top 30 shareholder, and insas have lunch with the owners.

Wonderful, even have investment blogger talks!

Again, I repeat: Results?

You are similar to Jon in that you have a worldview of how things should be working out, without any results to show that it works. I must admit, I also have my own mental models and worldview. I am quite stubborn about it. But mine is based on reality, on real results, over 10+ years (after 10 years of failure, for an investment career of 20 years)

I summarize: RESULTS.

I suggest you start here, post your investment strategy, you portfolio results (not XXXX, percentage gain). and your long term investment gain:


Then you and choi yi kit can write about whatever you want, how bats and palm oil are the investment of the future, and I would read carefully.
12/03/2019 08:30


2019-03-12 02:00 | Report Abuse

Of course Ang messed up pacific star

That was his novice project

But Vietnam IPP is China GLC

Ignore execution risk

News & Blogs

2019-03-12 01:57 | Report Abuse

You see a pretty girl with pimples and you dump her because you suspect she has STD


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2019-03-12 01:56 | Report Abuse

Really ? Nobody ask you to do risky stuffs such as chasing dayang

But that doesn't mean that you must stick with dinasaurs


2019-03-12 01:52 | Report Abuse

Ang is right not to privatised Jaks despite existing undervaluation

It is never a good idea to take full ownership of foreign concession assets

You never know what will happen


2019-03-12 01:49 | Report Abuse

My experience investing in bursa, can ignore construction execution risk (unless Bumi companies or projects in India). Technology has in recent years (since 2000) advanced to such a degree that execution is no more an issue. Almost zero risk.

In other words can safely assume full and on time completion

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News & Blogs

2019-03-11 20:22 | Report Abuse

it is true Jaks quality is so so

but instead of totally shunning it, I choose to take a small position

it is 6% of my portfolio now, but if it really goes to RM4.00 (RM220 mil net profit from IPP, divided by 550 mil shares, multiplied by 10 times PER), then it will balloon to close to 20% of my portfolio

can't you see the wealth creation potential ?

faced with such favourable risk reward balance, do you really need Warren Buffalo to tell you what to do ?

God gives you a brain for a reason. Use it

Posted by 3iii > Mar 11, 2019 04:12 PM | Report Abuse

Stay with quality. There are many good reasons for doing so.

Investing is simple but not easy.

I am targetting this at icaon8888.


2019-03-11 19:57 | Report Abuse

newbie8080 is trying to teach you a thing or two about investing


Posted by DK66 > Mar 11, 2019 07:37 PM | Report Abuse

Sorry, I don't understand.

newbie8080 @ DK66

Market capitalisation looks more appropriate in view of the frequent corporate exercise that will inflate the no of shares.

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News & Blogs

2019-03-11 17:58 | Report Abuse

It is nice to have Friend like Connie (actually is Uncle Connie). Always ready to jump in to defend me every time he felt that I was wronged


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2019-03-11 17:16 | Report Abuse

I don't change my story line to 20% just because the stock is doing well

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2019-03-11 17:13 | Report Abuse

Sorry don't get what you mean

Posted by Choivo Capital > Mar 11, 2019 03:40 PM | Report Abuse

I dont think jaks was a punt for icon.


2019-03-11 15:44 | Report Abuse

Will rise to RM1.00 soon

That is its natural place

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2019-03-11 13:39 | Report Abuse

My Jaks is an investment decision made after studying the company left right up down inside out

And held for long term

Definitely not speculative


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2019-03-11 13:34 | Report Abuse

Sorry my comments targeted at Jon and 3iii

Didn't have you in mind when I said it

Posted by Ricky Yeo > Mar 11, 2019 01:23 PM | Report Abuse

Icon8888, that is not true, I am indifferent to bull or bear; restless is a bad time to make decision.

News & Blogs

2019-03-11 13:33 | Report Abuse

My Jaks is speculative profit ?

: o

Posted by Ricky Yeo > Mar 11, 2019 01:25 PM | Report Abuse

Congratulating each other on speculative profits is like saying "oh wow you run the traffic light and got here earlier than everyone else, well done! do it more!"

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News & Blogs

2019-03-11 13:06 | Report Abuse

as bull market heats up, warren buffalo wannabes will become increasingly restless

like beef on a teppanyaki hot plate


2019-03-11 10:54 | Report Abuse

Check my comments past few days


2019-03-11 10:48 | Report Abuse

RM3.50 for warrants