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2018-04-09 14:23 | Report Abuse

Join the party la raider. You need to lead the charge again for us to reach the summit!


2018-04-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

Nobody bothers on DJ 572 points fall last Friday... most if not all markets which are trading now up!


2018-04-09 11:16 | Report Abuse

Looks like 3iii have to wait much longer b4 getting his tickets at below 4.20 before factoring his margin of safety...


2018-04-09 10:56 | Report Abuse

BN may even lose! Its now or never...


2018-04-09 10:36 | Report Abuse

Dont sell too fast... over rm10 by this Friday surely !


2018-04-09 10:31 | Report Abuse

Agree Halite... lets take HY angpow again!


2018-04-09 10:26 | Report Abuse

HY overtook PetronM again today... the last time it happened was on the 18th Dec 17, within 10 days it shot up to rm17.96... will this be repeated by the 23rd April??


2018-04-09 10:06 | Report Abuse

Wa so happening...huat ah!


2018-04-06 23:26 | Report Abuse

Wa excitement really building up!


2018-04-06 12:16 | Report Abuse


Write in English or at least BM la... respect others who may not be able to read Chinese. U dont need to write perfect English if u are unable. China company but not Chinese forum la


2018-04-06 09:52 | Report Abuse


To some extent i agree with you too. I was quite disappointed with probability's sudden flip. But, i can respect his decision. Perhaps his investment horizon is much shorter and not as long term as you and other value investors.

3iii Itch 

What probability did yesterday was selling in panic. 

Was he playing to impress tbe crowd? 

Was he in control of his feelings and thinking? 

I have seen many people making investing decisions which are not congruent to their thinking or their outward portrayal to the crowd. 

A good long term value investor would have selected his stocks so carefully, he virtually almost never have to sell. 

When the overall market goes down, he actually gets excited because he can now buy his great company cheap. 

Do you know now why understanding behavioural finance and having a good investing philosophy are important. 

The greatest enemy of your investing is YOURSELF. 

Your enemy is not me or others but YOURSELF. 

Someone mentioned that many lost their pants becayse of ME. 

This is most ridiculous. 

They lost their panties because they bought a not so great company and they paid too high a price. 

I was sharing my viewz of the quality of Hengyuan's business and its price. 

Did I cause them to lose their panties? 

Think rationally, itch. 


05/04/2018 23:14


2018-04-06 09:43 | Report Abuse


I must admit that your investment principles are not wrong and i believe many are now looking at you, including me, in a more positive light.

However, one cannot help to be suspicious of people like you and Ricky. As u always said, integrity is one of the values which is most important. When someone motives is not transparent, isn't it true that integrity can be in question?

Anyway, i do enjoy your presence in this forum and learnt much from you too.


5/04/2018 22:16

3iii Itch 

I have just browse through the 2 pages of your comments. 

Let Hengyuan be the great teacher you will ever have. 

You should improve and invest in yourself. 

Don't take directions from others. 

Your perception of me is like many others here, absolutely wrong. 

My investing is very focus and very rewarding for decades now. 

I never have to play any of the games in any forum. 

Nevertheless, my participation here is great education. 

I am always learning. 


05/04/2018 23:01


2018-04-05 22:16 | Report Abuse

3iii can't be at his best and lack motivation without raider... kikiki


2018-04-04 23:43 | Report Abuse

I suggest u become new hero to lead the charge la, dragon!


2018-04-04 23:27 | Report Abuse

Wa...probability also gave up? Decision respected anyway. Thanks for all your valuable contribution bro. I believe you are sincere. But, losing too much this round to give up...will join some of our comrades here to fight on!

But sad that stockraider just left his comrades behind...


2018-04-04 15:33 | Report Abuse

Everyday reaching to bottom fish???


2018-03-24 08:48 | Report Abuse

traderman, DJ sank affects HY only meh? Sell all shares?


2018-03-24 00:20 | Report Abuse

Thanks Orange88. Hope yr wish on me can come true.

My previous gain of nearly 100% was due to being con by OTB, probability, raiders etc etc. I am such a victim! Report to SC la...

But now gotta learn from dragon, the kungfu of cutting win some lots, and keep others for longer term...kikiki

Orange88 Congrats To Your gains itch from now on aim for another 50% on capital, encourage u To check out hibiscus CA n gkent CD also

23/03/2018 18:36


2018-03-24 00:09 | Report Abuse

To Tom and others,

please write in English la...this is Malaysia not China. You think only Chinese people here meh... be sensitive a bit la boleh ka?


2018-03-23 18:33 | Report Abuse

Yes yes dragon and Orange88...I'm already in. Paper loss now. But the loss are from the gain made from buying last year at around rm7 plus and sold at rm14. Then bought back at lower price using the profits.

I think older HY forumers in similar situation like me too! Kikiki


2018-03-23 18:24 | Report Abuse

Traderman at any price also said cannot buy. What price can buy leh?


2018-03-23 17:41 | Report Abuse

Hahaha Yih Yeong agree, but at least Orange88 have the guts. Many people talk theories saja and dare not even say at what price they considered to be good entry level!


2018-03-23 17:26 | Report Abuse

Naysayers are not ALL right, cant deny the fact that sentiment plays a large role. Market is just not very good. Most stocks are affected.


2018-03-23 17:04 | Report Abuse

Reach rm3 will 3iii buy???


2018-03-23 14:27 | Report Abuse

Big positive news coming very soon. Stay tune


2018-03-20 23:05 | Report Abuse

History of why Shell sells has been discussed in much details last year in this forum... you may be interested to go back a bit to read it. Anyway, kwai lo not necessarily are better than Asians, the Chinese in particular.


2018-03-20 12:52 | Report Abuse

Agree with John_Lee on 3iii.

Never mind if it is wrong, but one must have the guts and conviction to share why they think HY is valued at X and the reason they believe so. Cannot just comment and disagree with other people work. Cannot be kiasu la :)


2018-03-16 14:30 | Report Abuse

Mr. Ooi,

you are not responsible to him. He is not even your subscriber. He chose not to pay and stinge but yet criticize when he gets 2nd or 3rd hand information from others. What right does he have to criticize u when most subscribers like us also never complain? I suggest you stop replying him and focus on your subscribers. Help us win back some money from this poor market sentiment! Hahaha


2018-03-07 16:29 | Report Abuse

Good to see dragon promoting now!!! Kakijudi placed bets dy...


2018-03-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

Good to see u back probability! :)


2018-03-02 22:49 | Report Abuse

Totally agree with Nyama. The promoters believed in the company and shared compelling reasons why they think so. And they are not wrong to say that HY is a good company as proven by its performance in 2017. They may be too positive on the TP but you dont have to believe. Nobody force u to buy or sell. At least they have the guts to share what they feel and tell u what they value to company at. And its no shame to be wrong. Some naysayers dare not even tell u what they value the company at with reasons except perhaps 3iii (even though i dont buy his valuation).

Arent you in this forum hoping to win money on this share, regardless if u are a trader or long term investor? So, if that is the case, what is the benefit of u contributing nothing in this forum but only know how to criticize?

The only logical motive you have must be a sinister one. To gain out of others misery?


2018-03-02 10:08 | Report Abuse

dragon turning positive on HY now? Kikiki...


2018-03-02 09:45 | Report Abuse

Hahaha agree with Alex on 3iii and Ricky!


2018-02-24 13:09 | Report Abuse

Ricky Yeo, actually it is quite simple. We appreciate your contribution here and really want to know how you justify your negative comments on HY. We are not asking you to predict the TP which admittedly will be not easy. We just want to know what price u value HY at.

If u can say that HY is not worth X price, SURELY U MUST HAVE YOUR OWN VALUATION OF WHAT IS THE JUSTIFIED VALUE OF THE SHARE. Otherwise, how do u come to a conclusion and criticize some promoters who are saying that the current price is undervalued?

So, the simple question is how much do u value the share price of HY and why? You may be right and all of us may be wrong. Your answer to this question will undoubtedly add value to this forum and not what u have said so far.

Just a straight forward question which most are interested to know. Hope u will answer.


2018-02-21 09:37 | Report Abuse

Sifus cutwin no problem as they never talk bad of the share/company... and they dont owe u an obligation to tell you they are selling. But, penkritik? Lacks integrity, try to con people to sell so that they can buy cheap...thats the difference wakakaka...kikiki


2018-02-20 23:38 | Report Abuse

Chinaman will deliver all the way to blue chip status soon.

"Good Chinese business management is second to none; the very best of Chinese Management is without compare. I haven't seen others come near to it in my 70-year career" Robert Kuok


2018-02-20 23:33 | Report Abuse

So many naysayers coming out fully aware that HY will shoot up explosively over the next 5 days... looking to buy cheap! Hold tight to your shares HY comrades. Never let go of your tickets cheaply...


2018-02-15 09:46 | Report Abuse

Cheap sale will end in 8 to 9 days only...panic buying will resume soon! Happy CNY


2018-02-14 16:35 | Report Abuse

Ya ... you run first and dont come back


2018-02-14 12:16 | Report Abuse

Agree with raider lo...never underestimate the Chinaman


2018-02-14 12:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo dragon... u its not fair for u to talk like that too la...what is the main intention of even for traders or kakijudi??? Also to win money ma... if that is the case, why condemn the company without any basis everyday leh? What is the motives of doing that leh?


2018-02-14 11:53 | Report Abuse

A lot of sore losers here. Merely short term traders. Dont believe in the company but yet spend so much time here. Wonder what is their motives.

News & Blogs

2018-02-07 14:54 | Report Abuse

Thanks so much David. Very good analysis as always. Looking forward for more!


2018-02-01 23:01 | Report Abuse

Agree with newbtrader! These people lack integrity by not being honest with their motives. Want to profit from others misfortune.


2018-02-01 22:55 | Report Abuse

Its also not right to say raider misled people. I believe he promoted HRC since it was rm2. Many have profited from HRC because of his and other sifus convincing analysis and repeated reminders of its growth prospects. I believe many made lots of money from rm2 to rm19. I am one of them along with many of my friends. We also did not share a single cent of our profits with these sifus (although we are more than happy to buy them a decent meal) but you expect them to be responsible for your losses???


2018-02-01 22:44 | Report Abuse

Agree NoPlayBall, that any forumers can give their views even if they do not agree with the prospects of the company. But, unlike some sifus like OTB, raider, probability, david lim, future eyes etc who spent their precious time to research and gave valuable analysis, these naysayers just talk rubbish with no analysis at all!


2018-01-18 08:56 | Report Abuse

As much as it cannot go up forever, what goes down must surely come up...