
jacklimeu2 | Joined since 2020-01-22

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2020-07-07 15:01 | Report Abuse

started accumulating again at 10....


2020-07-07 15:00 | Report Abuse

cbpenbrush Pity those panic sell, so many rounds oledi this kind of fake sell down they still never learn. Now u see where all the team B ? They grab ur tickets n disappeared oledi ! Anyway I m happy to grab at 9.74
they probably bought at 8, just take profit and run, since got you to buy at 9.74.....now you hope someone will be willing to buy from you at 11.....


2020-07-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

For those who are new....

This counter has declared no dividends, or bonus shares....the only reason anyone will buy at 9 is the expectation someone will buy from him at 10....and the only reason he will buy at 10 is expecting someone to buy at 11.....etc

All the temporary high asp, profits calculations etc means little actually until and unless some of that profit actually get back to you...at the moment, the value is purely theoretical.....if nobody wants to buy at 11, you are stuck at 10. The high earnings currently and projected over the next 3-4 quarters are not sustainable in the long term. The earnings WILL normalise, the REAL value will emerge....what is that REAL value?...we discussed this recently....that's the price when all this is over....

so guys, at the moment everybody is hyped up with the expectation that high earnings will persuade someone else to buy from you at 10, 15, 20.20, whatever.....

nobody can be sure of course....hence all calculations cannot ensure anything....reminder....TG issued their BEST EVER QR, and it dropped like a stone....

Both teams here are sharks...team A gives all the good news, high tp, etc to psychologically push people to buy....the "fear to miss out" psychology...push prices up, and encourage buying....

Team B do the reverse, come with all the bad news to frighten people to "cut loses", sell low, get out, save yourself etc....to push prices down....

Don't be surprised if both teams are actually the same sharks....eh, i mean people....lol

So Caveat emptor, especially the new punters....


2020-07-06 15:00 | Report Abuse

Those who bought at 10.70 now sweating a bit....lol....hoping some other gambler will buy from them at 10.80.....


2020-07-06 09:56 | Report Abuse

hng33 bought back supermax at 9.92-9.93
Like that better don't sell lah....


2020-07-06 09:30 | Report Abuse

Need to have a technical correction soon.


2020-07-04 17:42 | Report Abuse

kennethG wonder anyone used glove produced by supermax before?
Got. Quite normal. Like any other gloves.


2020-07-03 12:17 | Report Abuse

Pocket money for chicken rice locked in....long term tranche waiting for QR4....


2020-07-03 12:09 | Report Abuse

Finally some trading opportunity...


2020-07-03 10:11 | Report Abuse

Missed yesterday trading opportunity...now ready, no opportunity.....


2020-07-03 09:12 | Report Abuse

Wonder why despite all kinds of calculations, the market puts a ceiling at about low 9+......


2020-07-02 16:13 | Report Abuse

8.88 very scary....


2020-07-02 15:08 | Report Abuse

The one day volatile enough to trade, I was busy and missed the high.....:(


2020-07-02 15:07 | Report Abuse

For those who are new....

This counter has declared no dividends, or bonus shares....the only reason anyone will buy at 8 is the expectation someone will buy from him at 9....and the only reason he will buy at 9 is expecting someone to buy at 10.....etc

All the temporary high asp, profits calculations etc means little actually until and unless some of that profit actually get back to you...at the moment, the value is purely theoretical.....if nobody wants to buy at 10, you are stuck at 9. The high earnings currently and projected over the next 3-4 quarters are not sustainable in the long term. The earnings WILL normalise, the REAL value will emerge....what is that REAL value?...we discussed this recently....that's the price when all this is over....

so guys, at the moment everybody is hyped up with the expectation that high earnings will persuade someone else to buy from you at 10, 15, 20.20, whatever.....

nobody can be sure of course....hence all calculations cannot ensure anything....reminder....TG issued their BEST EVER QR, and it dropped like a stone....

Both teams here are sharks...team A gives all the good news to psychologically push people to buy....the "fear to miss out" psychology...push prices up, and encourage buying....

Team B do the reverse, come with all the bad news to frighten people to "cut loses", sell low, get out, save yourself etc....to push prices down....

Don't be surprised if both teams are actually the same sharks....eh, i mean people....lol

So Caveat emptor, especially the new punters....


2020-07-02 10:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo, just become free, missed the trading opportunity!


2020-07-01 16:42 | Report Abuse

Remarkably, today's curve is exactly the same for tg, harta and supermax.....interesting....


2020-07-01 15:56 | Report Abuse

Plenty of profit taking above 8.40.....big chunk at 8.50....cannot reach today...


2020-07-01 09:33 | Report Abuse

If you just trade, no need expert or calculate....just buy sell make money....

If you are thinking long term, you need to know the "Normal" value.....


2020-07-01 09:31 | Report Abuse

freetospeak with 3 x bigger market n 2x capacity by 2021-2022. supermax will b 6 x 1.80 = 10.80 ex bonuss n dividend n post covid.
The baseline was 1.30, which I use to calculate.....and coincides with the resistance bottom the last 2 weeks....


2020-07-01 09:19 | Report Abuse

Too flat to trade today....everybody cautious...


2020-07-01 09:16 | Report Abuse

3 time. Can calculate the long term value of supermax now....close to my estimates....


2020-06-30 21:59 | Report Abuse

Yu_and_Mee i3 forum too many rubbish
worse than /k.....and this is supposed to be a serious forum....


2020-06-30 21:58 | Report Abuse

hsyanbird jacklimeu2 hsyanbird
why do you think that u-turns are abnormal?

Everybody is here to make money....

before you BUY, you want the price to DROP.....

after you buy you want the price to GO UP......

and you behave accordingly depending on the stage of you trading.....

It's called NORMAL psychological behaviour....


oh,.... it's YOU huh? Glad you know how to admit it.

Did you forget to wear diaper before talk to me?

Go wear pampers first lah, and learn how to talk to a human being first before you learn what to trade. Otherwise you are always in the stupidity max list.

LOL laugh me die...
yes that's what I do, when I trade.....how do you do it?.....buy high and sell low?....

LOL why u so idiot buy high and sell low? ok lah idiot please carry on this method... God bless for you...hahahahahaahahah
ok, confirmed, comprehension disability here....


2020-06-30 19:08 | Report Abuse

why do you think that u-turns are abnormal?

Everybody is here to make money....

before you BUY, you want the price to DROP.....

after you buy you want the price to GO UP......

and you behave accordingly depending on the stage of you trading.....

It's called NORMAL psychological behaviour....


oh,.... it's YOU huh? Glad you know how to admit it.

Did you forget to wear diaper before talk to me?

Go wear pampers first lah, and learn how to talk to a human being first before you learn what to trade. Otherwise you are always in the stupidity max list.

LOL laugh me die...
yes that's what I do, when I trade.....how do you do it?.....buy high and sell low?....


2020-06-30 18:37 | Report Abuse

DJoker89 A mentally ill person will not tell u all he is mentally ill..


opss....slide back to name calling.....why don't you argue what's wrong with the u turns for buying and selling?....


2020-06-30 18:31 | Report Abuse

hsyanbird lol... people like to u-turn here and there. really laugh me die. i can know their the characteristics how to treat me people in their fxxking life.

What a sad case... haizz..
why do you think that u-turns are abnormal?

Everybody is here to make money....

before you BUY, you want the price to DROP.....

after you buy you want the price to GO UP......

and you behave accordingly depending on the stage of you trading.....

It's called NORMAL psychological behaviour....


2020-06-30 18:23 | Report Abuse

DJoker89 Cry baby jack cry...

what?....no curse my ancestors any more?.....that's an improvement....lol


2020-06-30 18:20 | Report Abuse

kltower jacklimeu2 u should go QL forum to promote your theory since QL dividend damn little but share price RM9.6, do u contribute EPF if yes please also write in to fark 97 EPF becoz EPF using your money to buy QL above RM9.2 per share
then go follow epf and buy QL loh....what are you doing here?

Obviously there is something about QL that prompts people and EPF to buy at 9....go find out why....

and something preventing people and epf from buying supermax at 16 or whatever tp....


2020-06-30 18:15 | Report Abuse

spermx Jack like to fight with everyone. Don't be like Jack. Stay invested. If not all be like Jack. Hahahahahahahkekekeke
I fight with nobody....I just state my opinion on rational logic and psychology.....

the sharks here are the ones who wants to fight with anyone who gives contrarian or logical views by cursing multi generations of ancestors....instead of countering the arguments....


2020-06-30 17:54 | Report Abuse

joyvest what a joke, i dont deserve to be branded as claimed cos i am the most consistent contender in town.

DJoker89 Enough laa Jacklimeu2, you dont have any credibility la.
U in rank #3 of max stupidity list
3) jacklimeu2 (tot is chartis but rupa rupa cocktis)

Newbie, please watch out for stupidity name list here before u read further in this forum

We shall come out Pretender list soon.
Happy investing

Tyco Where are those stupidity to the max ?
1) mf(reporter with always many mistakes)
2) Zuliamaa the pisang goreng (tukang masak)the most popular 1 cakap tak pakai otak
3) jacklimeu2 (tot is chartis but rupa rupa cocktis)
4) EatCoconutCanWin (max profit gain is just enough to buy coconut water, best is he cant differentiate hengyuan and supermx. doubt he can differentiate coconut milk and cow's milk)
5) czeroxwen
6) Bursatrador
7) Gaussian
8) Kimgold (half past 6 chartis, read chart in reverse side)
9) SecretInvestor8888
10) Kok Wai
11} calvin5025 (sorhaiChai )
12) TH5656( bodoh sampai maximum )
13) Charles_Thai73 (in the Dream)
14) aramcooo( sour grape n stupidity to the max)
15)the_red_bear(very Gong & head of all trolls)
16)choo_yip_sun (Sorchai or Ah Tut)
17) YTH888 (claim to have beauty saloon with 200 staff under her, but her philosophy can make u laugh for 200 days)
18) yttihs (thought very pandai, tapi tak pandai pun)(her grandmother story can run wild beyond your imagination)
19) Joyvest (u-turn here and there)
20) zeroxweng (Gong 1)
21) BursaTrador (not a trader or investor, just a butcher work in slaughterhouse)
22) DJJoker_89 (new sesat fella wasted 10mins to create new acc)
23) I3lurker aka the barking mad dog (Jaks rejected naysayer, bypasser to bark everywhere he go)
24) HerbertChua (HerBird the Bird Brain now become ostrich n hiding)
25) Mach10 (mf close brother, so we know what to expect from him)
30/06/2020 5:50 PM
list is not meant to be true....just to intimidate people....and you were part of those drawing up the list, so don't pretend you are innocent.....you are also a shark....


2020-06-30 17:48 | Report Abuse

DJoker89 jacklimeu2 All those predicting great pat, low pe, underpriced, 16.88, 20.20.....not selling houses and cars and sailang all in now at only 8? Can double by year end....
30/06/2020 4:37 PM

Whole world expert predict 2nd wave covid coming, so you need pile up a warehouse of face mask ??

Ngong dok dok one you
What kind of idiot analogy is that?.....put your money where your mouth is, so sure will double, sell house lah....

exactly what kind of analogy is that, predict great PAT must sell house sell car...?

wondering you sold your wife also, or maybe your mom?
sis? whole family dude...u the rich axxx...

then what's the purpose of great pat?.....not buy make money?....lol


2020-06-30 17:43 | Report Abuse

And when confronted with the facts, they just curse you moyangs, mother and wife and abuse you to submission....lol



2020-06-30 17:39 | Report Abuse

Invest89 Can someone please explain how is it better to hold long term instead of selling now and buying back when it drops??
what you are asking is the same question i have been asking, and NOBODY wants to answer....what's the figures if calculated on NEW NORMAL asp, assuming the new normal means full production, can sell 100%, add in all new factories, selling at market prices etc.....that's the REAL value of the shares after this is all over....

I can tell you this: it's not going to be like before 1.30.....neither is it going to be like now, 8....it's somewhere in between....


2020-06-30 17:34 | Report Abuse

Both teams are sharks...team A gives all the good news to psychologically push people to buy....the "fear to miss out" psychology...push prices up, and encourage buying....

Team B do the reverse, come with all the bad news to frighten people to "cut loses", sell low, get out, save yourself etc....to push prices down....

Don't be surprised if both teams are actually the same sharks....eh, i mean people....lol


2020-06-30 17:23 | Report Abuse

The counter has declared no dividends, or bonus shares....the only reason anyone will buy at 8 is the expectation someone will buy from him at 9....and the only reason he will buy at 9 is expecting someone to buy at 10.....etc

All the temporary high asp, profits etc means nothing actually....if nobody wants to buy at 10, you are stuck at 9....when the transient high earnings normalise, the REAL value will emerge....what is that REAL value?...

so guys, at the moment everybody is hyped up with the expectation that high earnings will persuade someone else to buy from you at 10, 15, 20.20, whatever.....

if anyone is SO SURE that the high profits will , by itself in intrinsic value, push it to 16, 20, he will sure sell house sell wife and buy now at 8....

nobody can be sure of course....hence all calculations cannot ensure anything....reminder....TG issued their BEST EVER QR, and it dropped like a stone....

So Caveat emptor, especially the new punters....


2020-06-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

DJoker89 jacklimeu2 All those predicting great pat, low pe, underpriced, 16.88, 20.20.....not selling houses and cars and sailang all in now at only 8? Can double by year end....
30/06/2020 4:37 PM

Whole world expert predict 2nd wave covid coming, so you need pile up a warehouse of face mask ??

Ngong dok dok one you
What kind of idiot analogy is that?.....put your money where your mouth is, so sure will double, sell house lah....


2020-06-30 16:37 | Report Abuse

All those predicting great pat, low pe, underpriced, 16.88, 20.20.....not selling houses and cars and sailang all in now at only 8? Can double by year end....


2020-06-30 11:01 | Report Abuse

Not enough movements to trade....


2020-06-30 09:21 | Report Abuse

speakup Q SELL LAST 10000 @ 8.20
PUSH FOR SPEAKUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what happened to tp 11, 20?


2020-06-30 09:17 | Report Abuse

i3lurker long term,... China manufacturers will still win over all Malaysian factories

China businesses never thought gloves was a high profit and high demand item. Now that they know, its a different story.

TopGlove only 20+ market share, who holds the rest

TopGlove, Harta and Supermax will all become second grade later

Shares its all about Hit and Run, never hold long term.

hold long term IBM, GE, all died and you will die together with the shares.

so wat long term TP you are talking about?

we are all talking about lobsters tonite

get lobster today => eat lobster tonite

long term gloves shares will all die
after holding gloves stocks for more than 15 years, it's a very obvious it's cyclical....this is not the first time....many times before people gets trapped when it cycles back to the normal....

the trick is to collect when shares are in the normal lows....and be ready to exit when the hype is over....my long term supermax shares is almost free after years of dividends, splits and treasury shares bonuses,,,,

just warning new players joining the goreng.....all the optimistic calculations and tp are short term and not sustainable.....

caveat emptor....


2020-06-30 08:28 | Report Abuse

Nobody wants to calculate the figures when conditions and sales normalised and shortages eases....the real long term performance. Did a rough calculation, got my long term tp. So there is the medium term tp under shortage high demand conditions, and a long term tp....don't get trapped between the two....


2020-06-29 23:52 | Report Abuse

vanness_lyh Posted by Bursatrador > Jun 29, 2020 9:39 PM | Report Abuse

Please update the list, my name appearing twice

Hahahaha not going to remove you from the list unless you hold more than 2 months, relax sorchai hahaha
I have the shares since 2003.....yet still in the list


2020-06-29 16:32 | Report Abuse

Who's buying so much?....SBB again?


2020-06-29 15:20 | Report Abuse

Ok, made some chicken rice pocket money now....


2020-06-29 14:38 | Report Abuse

freetospeak Thanks newplayer286 for posting.

Previously, Maybank has capped the share margin valuation for
Hartalega at RM8.97, Top Glove at RM9.41, Kossan at RM7.87, Supermax at RM3.38 and Comfort Gloves at RM2.29.

Comfort @ RM2.29 -> RM3.42
Harta @ RM8.97 -> RM10.52
Kossan @ RM7.87 -> RM7.87
Ruberex @ -> RM2.21
Supermx @ RM3.38 -> RM7.41
Topglov @ RM9.41 -> RM18.00
My Maybank trading site still showing 3.38...??


2020-06-29 13:58 | Report Abuse

Tyco Where are those stupidity to the max ?
1) mf
2) Zuliamaa the pisang goreng tukang masak)the most popular 1 cakap tak pakai otak
3) jacklimeu2
4) coco Nuts
5) czeroxwen
6) Bursatrador
some multinicks missed me?....lol

queued to buy at 6.50 and sell at 7.70 loh as usual hoping to earn some pocket money for chicken rice....but not enough volatility to strike so far....


2020-06-29 09:12 | Report Abuse

nope, not going to strike at 6.50 again...


2020-06-29 09:06 | Report Abuse

heading to 6.50....


2020-06-28 07:25 | Report Abuse

EdenOfSaudi1 After more than six months coronavirus was first identified, scientists are yet to announce a vaccine that will prevent the spread of the deadly
Normally it takes 5-10 years to develop a vaccine. Even in current day technology where the templates are already available, it will still need about 18 months to ensure safety and efficacy.


2020-06-26 21:22 | Report Abuse

If maybank go below 7.50, i buy as FD....better than the 2% you get now....