
james7898 | Joined since 2013-07-30

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2013-12-24 22:19 | Report Abuse

There are still bums thinking there are smart Alec . Wait till the market teach them a good lesson . If it is so easy to look and drill for oil and with people money like SPAC . What this giant like Esso , Shell , Petronas doing ???


2013-12-24 21:08 | Report Abuse

There is a saying , there are new suckers born everyday .. to be clean out every penny .


2013-12-24 21:03 | Report Abuse

We paid for result and not successful drill . What a stupid joke and mentality . This statement is a crap , bloody insults to all those who lost their pants .


2013-12-24 20:58 | Report Abuse

Game over . Those smart guru still still have second thought about Hibics or HABIS .


2013-12-24 20:47 | Report Abuse

There are still silly bums around still believing in HABIS . They are still korek here and korek there trying their ass luck looking for oil . Invest in sapurakencana la . They already have the contract and business .


2013-12-24 20:37 | Report Abuse

All taken for a ride and what a ride it is . Look at the technical chart . Price is collapsing similar to Sersol . Wait till mother share touch 0.50c .


2013-12-24 20:22 | Report Abuse

After this roller coaster ride hopefully many still have their pants on for the coming new year . From the chart looks like major down trend continue with higher velocity .


2013-12-24 20:14 | Report Abuse

Hibics is HABIS la .


2013-12-24 20:10 | Report Abuse

sayonara means goodbye to all hoping hibiscus will strike oil . Too late to run when market open . All rushing for the same exit door . Waiting to buy at 0.50 c for mother share.


2013-12-24 19:29 | Report Abuse

kkw79. Better monitor closely now . About to break the resistance . TP 1.00


2013-12-22 07:38 | Report Abuse

Those who has profited would probably say now : thank god , I got out early and still got my pants on . Pity those still hoping for the first gush of oil coming out .


2013-12-22 07:22 | Report Abuse

Here is someone talking like sifu of hedge fund trader where wild price fluctuations is a normal occurrence . U should take advantage of such wide price swings to reap fantastic profits using all your technical tools . This counter is not for novice who are using Warren Buffet style of investing and demand transparency , timely informations etc. this is not wild price swings but more of price collapsing .


2013-12-22 01:20 | Report Abuse

U sounds like u have big position in Hibiscus . U dont give up easily . Never mind , just wait for your one day hibiscus will find the oil . Then I will buy a little like u .


2013-12-22 01:13 | Report Abuse

It's not the same . People go to Genting and when they lost , they know what they lost . With hibiscus u are bring led in a roller coaster and at the end u come out more daze and unanswerd question . Found oil well but dirty oil , wild price swings , etc . Is this serious investing the Buffet way ??. Lately after thd wild ride many people have lost their pants and don't know what hit them . I won't touch it even with a ten foot pole . It is a wild goose chase for thd elusive oil .


2013-12-22 00:59 | Report Abuse

U sure don't give up . Ok la . I agreed to your what u say : one day Hibiscus will find the oil . Tell me which day ???


2013-12-22 00:47 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus don't have the liberty of time , investors are waiting for results for first well or second or third ?? but Genting have the liberty of time . u don't bet , other people bet .


2013-12-22 00:27 | Report Abuse

with more people like chinesetea if don't strike the first well , still got second well . If don't strike second still got third well . Unless u have a money printing machine probably it works . That is why Genting sure make money . Place your bet ...


2013-12-22 00:10 | Report Abuse

If looking for oil is so easy , what do u think deep pockets like Exxon, Mobil , Shell etc sleeping .. Setting up a SPAC and hit an oil well .


2013-12-21 23:32 | Report Abuse

They hit the first well but it is dirty oil from the ocean . Better look for massage oil which sure is clean and they should throw in a massage as well to sooth those who has lost a fortune . No more hisbiscus . Better look for bunga raya.


2013-12-21 22:10 | Report Abuse

They found oil and it is dirty oil . When is crude oil clean ??? I work in petrolchemical and there is heavy fuel oil HFO, light fuel oil LPFO, naphtha, etc . Heavy fuel oil is totally black . I am puzzle they can see dirt in the oil . Don't goreng , goreng ...


2013-12-21 21:55 | Report Abuse

Holly cow. this whole thing stinks. Better get out before it goes below 1.00 . Oil or no oil that's it .


2013-12-21 21:37 | Report Abuse

That's it . This is a sucker rally. No wonder price roller coaster like Sersol and drop over the cliff.


2013-12-21 20:35 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus don't have a business like sapurakencana . They are still looking to strike oil here , there n anywhere. Looking for oil takes time but the stock price don't have patience . It roller coaster until those with weak heart can't take it anymore and cut lost . Many people lost a fortune and licking their wounds . But to lose money with Xmas n new year around the corner .


2013-12-21 20:22 | Report Abuse

Every market has some correction but to lose almost 1.00 from 2.72 to 1.84 in a matter of days . Is like in a cinema , someone shout fire and everyone rush for the exit door . This is what happening . People are dumping shares like nobody business .


2013-12-21 20:13 | Report Abuse

ganasai . This stock is playing on everyone HOPE. Hope it strike oil , hope the first oil comes out . Everything is just hope . So the price ding dong on everyone hope like roller coaster . But in the end make sure you still have your pants on or lose everything even your shirt .


2013-12-21 20:04 | Report Abuse

U are serious value investor like Warren Buffet or looking for thrill like this gambling stock hibiscus . Everyday worries whether it strike oil . If dint strike oil , the operator will sell first before you like what is happening now .. They know a thing but u don't know . U think this is fun n thrill . From 2.72 drop to 1.84 in few days . What kind of thrill is this . Losing your pants ..


2013-12-21 19:55 | Report Abuse

ganasai. If hisbiscus is soo good , should not drop like falling over the cliff . This is another Sersol pattern . Many suckers are taken clean without their pants on . More crash on Monday and higher velocity . People are getting out at all cost .


2013-12-21 18:33 | Report Abuse

kkw79. When Pelikan break 1.00 and above , then u will know what I say now . Just wait .


2013-12-21 17:53 | Report Abuse

tessa. I bought further at 0.565- 0.575. 500 lots. Hav strong confidence will go above 1.00 . Very damn sure.


2013-11-28 19:47 | Report Abuse

Let it drop to 0.50c , then can buy . Sold at 1.50 and waiting to buy back . The lower it go down the better opportunity to make money .


2013-11-26 21:04 | Report Abuse

This stock is a 1.00 stock . Highest price recorded is 6.00 . BUY ! BUY! BUY!


2013-11-26 20:52 | Report Abuse

There are always new suckers born everyday waiting to be slaughter by CSL until the price touch 0.5c . Then this suckers will cry with no tears . Buy , buy , buy or bye , bye , bye .


2013-11-06 21:51 | Report Abuse

why don't u sell and buy back later . Bought at 0.485 and sell at 0.515 . Buy back again at 0.485 c .


2013-11-06 20:23 | Report Abuse

any insider news will be prosecuted and profits confiscated la.. Just buy and watch it go up or sell and watch it go down ..


2013-11-03 17:31 | Report Abuse

I enter in and out few times with profit . Slow movement counter . Can make profit within contra period.


2013-11-03 17:27 | Report Abuse

don't worry . I bought at 0.35- 0.385 . Should hit 0.50c soon.


2013-11-01 20:35 | Report Abuse

wahaha. U already cabut , now u say lembu sudah mati . Wat about the dividends ..


2013-11-01 07:55 | Report Abuse

bullram. U better bull ram this ass counter n break the ass resistance of 0.735 c. Come on bull..everybody watching n waiting for this 0.735 to break .


2013-11-01 01:56 | Report Abuse

bullram. u r an ass . why getting so emotional with an ass counter .


2013-10-31 23:28 | Report Abuse

this counter should be delisted . wasting precious space in the KLSE . doing an opera show with the damn silly stupid pricing everyday . there is only one place for this counter . toilet bowl .


2013-10-31 19:15 | Report Abuse

already told u . the only player is tony himself . Buy order is his n sell also his . Left hand pass to right hand . price dont move . look at Sersol . Bought at 0.40 c n sold at 0.47 c in two readings days . don't waste precious time with this jack ass counter .


2013-10-31 18:53 | Report Abuse

this counter should be delisted . waste the space in KLSE .


2013-10-31 18:47 | Report Abuse

this sampah counter damn bloody stupid ass . I already make few thousand from this jack ass . Now playing among themselves . This is a classic damn fools . Really stupid with thd buy n sell order . No bloody standard . Go back to sabah jungle.


2013-10-30 11:21 | Report Abuse

sephiroth. u telan 0.735 c , tony will bring it down again to 0.715c and stay there for the next 2 wks . u will sweat n contra kaki get flush out .


2013-10-29 22:55 | Report Abuse

tony buy n also sell the same time . Left hand go to right hand . Prices don't move. He is the only player.


2013-10-28 12:33 | Report Abuse

waha went to china to file a claim for his losses from CSL ceo.


2013-10-28 11:19 | Report Abuse

wahaha. Today u lost your voice .. No sound ..


2013-10-28 11:13 | Report Abuse

pop8872. I recommend u counter Farmbest . Maybe u hav confidence . Cousin of csl..


2013-10-28 06:20 | Report Abuse

sailormars. U must be a greenhorn . If the share CSL is do good , how come the price can come down to 0.23c from high of 1.90 .. With 1 billion cash the company is selling the share like no tomorrow ..


2013-10-27 20:12 | Report Abuse

wahaha. Must be careful . If the shares is worthless , they will keep on throwing at any price . How to go up to 0.30c ??