
jaynetan | Joined since 2011-08-21

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2014-04-12 08:46 | Report Abuse

ideal not from 7 sen to 42 sen
it is 10 ideal consolidate into 1
than rights issue 4 for 1 with w warrants

News & Blogs

2014-01-16 11:55 | Report Abuse

you might be right but it is cheque witout date. i might say all of us are going to die one day but i m talking rubbish. we born and heading for death.
no matter how, life still hav to go on. market to me is the same. go up must come down, trading as usual. supply n demand create the market.no body dare to say market to crash so sell off everything. property bubble to burst so sell of our house now buy cheaper later.
life needs to go on. it is full of risk. how big our head buy how big our hat as my parent told me

News & Blogs

2013-10-31 20:24 | Report Abuse

you can predict market is going to collapse but when? did you sell off all?
you can also say market is comining but when? have you acquired a lot of shares?
it is like telling us we are going to die soon after birth. it is a matter of time. up and down. this is life. offcourse you might be right one day. but you are misleading those followers

News & Blogs

2013-10-31 15:01 | Report Abuse

the headline of the article saying uptrend finished. are you GOD?

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 15:05 | Report Abuse

penny stocks are no harm if we do some study b4 buying.
to chase when the prices go up is trying to make profit from others. no reasons to blame others when the prices go down. i dont expect others are stupid to sell me low and i can sell them high. we should know the risk we are facing. blame others not


2013-05-02 19:47 | Report Abuse

i salute you Mr supermx


2012-10-19 17:37 | Report Abuse

to keep for certain times is ok for some counters expecially those recommend by analyists. they go by the book, talk base on annual reports. I assumed they have acquired those recomment counters. They did nothing wrong nor they cheat the followers. When market active, alot of talks organised thru out the country. I remember there was a talk on ivory, at kluang a few months ago. The counter shot up 10 sens the following market day. A few days later went back to square. Who were the buyers n who were the sellers? I received some calls from kluang and my advice to them was USE some common sense. The speaker/s are not wrong. fundamentally good. Imagine a 10 sen profit worth travelling 10 TIMES travelling from kl to kluang.


2012-10-09 10:32 | Report Abuse

so asupreme active again


2012-10-08 15:30 | Report Abuse

a lot of investors are holding stocks not better than asuprem, or even worst than it. the reason they buy is Very cheap and end up cheaper.
some buy call warrants without any conversion/exercise knowledge .I believe sometimes there are something valuable in the rubbish. It is like gunikalong man. I dont mean iam totally right, but look at those listed companies,look at their directors fee, and the pity dividend. since i take the risk, i prepare to face it, and offcourse i should know what i m doing


2012-09-29 12:35 | Report Abuse

i did it several times. i made about 100 k n as a risk favour player, i m moneyfool

News & Blogs

2012-09-12 15:37 | Report Abuse

you are right mr chong. without bonus or splitting price might go up also to an unknown price but not comfortable to man in the street. retail clients calculating and mindset are unique in many ways which beyond theories and data can explain. Records n experience telling me most counters , especially heavy weight counters,fetch higher market capitallisation after these corporate exercises. well, nothing is perfect, right or wrong, only those actually involve telling the true stories. i am talking about man in the street,or ordinary retail investers, stock A $50 usually they wont buy, very expensive , split or bonus 1 becomes 10, each 5 , very cheap already,as they see, also i see , GOOD BUY . easily goes beyond our imaginative price.

News & Blogs

2012-09-12 14:59 | Report Abuse

bonus or spliting does not increase the asset or value of a company.That is theorytically. In actual life i see diffrent ways. Look at genting, kpj, umalacca for example, calculate their market capitallization before splitting or bonus and their market value after the exercises. I prefer later than before, as money talks

News & Blogs

2012-09-06 05:56 | Report Abuse

learn major languages manderine n english, good for you

News & Blogs

2012-09-05 16:01 | Report Abuse

on line trading more con than pro, remarks by an author

News & Blogs

2012-09-05 15:56 | Report Abuse

i disagree. as an adult and mature investor, discipline is very important. the world is rolling. we cant stop it. to say on line trading is bad because investors get addicted is kidding. it is like saying banks are bad because they hav a lot of money to attract robbers, or just like saying rapes happen because there are ladies. or to say accidents happen because of cars, lorries n buses. why not go back to the junle.


2012-08-22 21:58 | Report Abuse

nothing is free. zero brkg is for limited time only or for the first few transactions only


2012-08-09 16:04 | Report Abuse

individual client can open ONLY one non margin trading ac with a broking firm. this trading ac to open together with ONE CDS ac. he/she can open another MARGIN AC which carries a diferent cds ac . to trade in futures , he/she needs to open another futures trading ac.

News & Blogs

2012-04-26 21:10 | Report Abuse



2012-04-26 20:59 | Report Abuse

20 yrs in this industry, this is the first time i come across a general offer below market price that leads to the falls of the share price. Market price is much better than those idiots offering price. what they think? minority share holders are stupid? DO NOT ACCET THEIR OFFER, IF THEY DONT GET UP TO 75% NOTHING CAN THEY DO, LET THEM ACQUIRE FROM THE MARKET, WHICH IS QUITE IMPOSSIBLE.IF THEY TRY TO ACQUIRE FROM THE MARKET, THE PRICE WOULD MOVE UP

2012-03-04 10:57 | Report Abuse

mr henry,you are not alone. many clients have the same problem. assume market to follow their charts or their wish. i m a trader , i follow the trend. we need to change our mindset, dont assume others are stupid to buy high from us n sell low to us. first thing to do, chose an experience n helpful remisier.

2012-03-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

i m a trader, a trader looks for opportuinity (wei ji, chinese educated very clear of it). nowadays 90% of the stocks i chose are not long term. i trade/suggest,not to say recommend, frequently within certain period, in n out,and leave after that. i buy with reasons, but no charts, always ask myself WHY, HOW TO BUY N SELL IN THAT CERTAIN PERIOD, WHEN TO LEAVE. I use low brokerage. i m very very happy if the return is higher than bank in a short period . mr cpteh, nice to hear from u, how i wish to join u, to have a simple life. hopefully 2moitrow u have some profit

2012-03-04 09:10 | Report Abuse

Goood, i salute u. to know our weakness n hard working to compensate it is the first step to solve the problem. at least we try hard to work n save more money for the future. but sometimes no matter how hard we try, look like not easy to earn more. no capital, or little capital how to start a business? share market might be the easiest channel but risky . the first million dollar, or chinese says di yi tong jin, not easy to full fill BUT I M STILL TRYing BY HARD{NOT BY CROOK}. To be in shares market,u need to acquire a lot of knowlege n be alert of the economy n political development, local n international. And one important reminder, share market sometimes is irrational, be a trader or investor u decide. sorry, u might know better than me. looks like i m teaching a fish how to swmim. a thousand appology.

2012-03-04 07:20 | Report Abuse

i clssified a BUSY MAN into FOUR categories. 1. verry busy due to very low income, not enuough to support his family, need to work, day n nite , to earn more. 2. VERY BUSY, BECOS DOING VERY BIG BUSINESS,ANTENDING MANY MEETINGS, TAKING ALOT OF ORDERS,LIKE THOSE BIG TYCONS, OR HE IS A MINISTER DOING CAMPAIGN. 3. very busy for NOTHING, AS HE IS INEFFICIENT, OR LAZY . 4. very busy, just an EXCUSE, not the real reason. Some of my clients telling me he is TOO BUSY to trade, i told them to classify themselves.


2012-03-02 10:26 | Report Abuse

U will be shot if they heard u. now they dont use tongkat but wheelchair

2012-03-01 19:23 | Report Abuse

again. very busy, making tons of money

2012-03-01 16:27 | Report Abuse

U are right. but not to keep on telling others we are very busy, day to nite.

2012-03-01 07:14 | Report Abuse

i work for more than 18 hrs a day, include holidays.i travel more than 1000 km per week. but that is very personnal, nothing to shout, becos i am chasing after money. sorry, i m not suppose to tell u, but cannot TAHAN.

2012-03-01 00:50 | Report Abuse

mr fat, sorry i cant remember your full name. now i understand your anger.

2012-02-26 16:59 | Report Abuse

mr fat, u look not so happy if i m not wrong. no employers dare to ask their emmployees to work from FRIDAY NITE till TODAY NOON without extra pay. if mr ct worked that extra hours then dont tell me he works without $$$$. if u chase after extra money u are hardworking but DO NOT SAY TEACHERS GET LOW SALARY.To update those dont really know,, a qualified govern. school graduate teacher gets an initial pay of arroud $ 2000 ++++

2012-02-26 16:15 | Report Abuse

friend, i dont agree that teacher is a lowly paid job. low or high depend on who u compare. just think of those unfortunat, u should be happy of what u have now. nowadays teacher salary is much better than those working in the office. offcourse some jobs get higher pay, regardless of your qualification. to say teachers get low pay is to humiliate them.

2012-02-26 08:47 | Report Abuse

yes , too many ifs. i m in the market front line for 20 yrs.i went tru many up n down. whenever market actives many experts, be technical or fundemental anylists, appear n look like they are making a lot of money. they give talks, selling "sure win" softwares. a lot of players attended these seminars. i hav fundemental clients, charts clients, canddle sticks followers, and many i dont know sticks followers. BUT i can tell u , at the end LOSING money. NO MORE charts, NO MORE candles! It is the game of supply n demand. NOBODY can tell what is ahead. .......to be continue if this msg doesnot irritate

2012-02-20 00:48 | Report Abuse

fifty years cannot make it, i dont expext 3 years to be done. not in the right mind to say penang govrn. not delivering.

2012-02-15 15:12 | Report Abuse

i agree with u mr polite market. 20 yrs in the market, up n down.Many ways of reading the market, from fundamental to candle stick, hocky stick or joss sticks i called it. when market active, we can can see a lot of market talks going on. To me, in this line for 20 yrs, keep on changing tactics to suit the market trend.

2012-02-15 06:31 | Report Abuse

if iran starts the war, which us/israel like very much, market sure to react negatively but that is the time for trader go in.in chinese we call it wei ji. go wei then only hav ji.or in ang mo if there is risk only there is gain.BUT MARKET NOT MATI.

2012-02-14 16:09 | Report Abuse

if the market is strong , u cant get lower price. it is demand n suply. nowadays market cant be stable worldwide. it is the trend that we hav to follow if we are regular in the market

2012-02-14 15:09 | Report Abuse

nobody should say buy or sell now. he might me right a few months later. talking without commitment.if u say price to come down to a certain level, give me the date. i challenge. if u were to say selling becos forein fund selling, then it is very easy to make money in the market,, just buy when they are buying.

2012-01-31 01:25 | Report Abuse

clients ask childish questions n so remisiers give childish answers. losing so musch $ never learnt or refuse to admit own silly weakness,greed n assume that others are stupid

2011-12-31 07:25 | Report Abuse

to book a date to trade? i dont think it is justible

2011-12-03 08:14 | Report Abuse

be a trader or invester , and later becomes antique collector. This antique might or might not fetch value. follow the trend or can we ask the market trend to follow us?