
jc2015 | Joined since 2015-05-15

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2015-07-03 12:29 | Report Abuse

Connieeeeeeeee........... Thanks for your advise...........definitely won't be touching it since I will be away soon

tsy......ya realised it when keyed no stock appear and got to be the page. Happy lunching!!


2015-07-03 12:14 | Report Abuse

farfar...............We keep calling you and yet didn't see you...........Tot you very busy counting purple notesssss.....hehehe

Happy lunching!!!


2015-07-03 11:54 | Report Abuse

tsy.......... Thank you.........silly me to key check what share is 1370
Sold some HK at .12 and 11.5 still holding the .14
Now china dollssssss...... Vey tempting

Happy lunching !!!


2015-07-03 10:18 | Report Abuse

Connie........... HK. ....... Hermes Konnie......just kidding:)

Fardar ...........where are you?...chanting.... HK.......HK.....HK

rchi.......... Thanks.... What is the right price to enter Myeg and Myeg ch?


2015-07-03 09:06 | Report Abuse

cap tm...... Thanks For the CI updates... ...Heard about the fitch thingy on radio. This morning. You need not to reply me. Have a great weekend!!!


2015-07-03 08:55 | Report Abuse

Good morning...........chunweilah


2015-07-03 08:51 | Report Abuse

Morning........ ding ding.... Thank you for the link...

Dunknow.. Minion.... Don't feel sad... Think most of us also kena see more or little only. Look at the brighter side. Today is Friday....we rock together,... ok?


2015-07-03 08:32 | Report Abuse

tsy.........."..happy to hear you like it ...... Friday morning mah.:)

You said earlier CC house rock n roll. Now you rock and later the purple notes roll to you.......


2015-07-03 08:28 | Report Abuse

Connie...... US dollar slips , US Unemployment rate fell 5.3% ,Fed is expected rate hike and caution ahead of this weekend's Greek referendum.


2015-07-03 08:20 | Report Abuse

Morning.....Connie... Sorry This morning didn't type your name when replying the post as I was half awake. But after listening to 'we will rock you' am fully awake and energise now. TGIF........ Hehehe


2015-07-03 08:05 | Report Abuse

tsy....... While on the way to work after BFM news they played a song 'we will rock' you by the Queen, suddenly I think of you this morning mentioned about ROCK.

Want to share with you all, no doubt it is a bit too early to rock.....anyway it Friday mah...:)


Morning.....Fardar, Dunknow, yong you.... Hope you enjoy it!!


2015-07-03 06:30 | Report Abuse

Good morning buddiessssssssss. TGIF

Good morning.......tsy......yes hope it fly today

Good morning...... I also joking only. Theses are all girls dream tall n macho......

Happy Fry day!!!


2015-07-02 17:35 | Report Abuse

Oh...Connie...... Which Hermes Birkin you like? Fuchsia crocodile skin like Rosy has....ahem good investment.

Sad to hear that Ben and Jennifer are filing for divorce. Yes he is tall. You like tall and macho guy..........:)


2015-07-02 17:24 | Report Abuse

tsy, Fardar, Dunknow ......... Have a fantastic evening ya...........


2015-07-02 17:19 | Report Abuse

Connie.....chanting HK HK HK.......hehehe

Thanks for the updates

Have a fantastic evening all!!!


2015-07-02 16:20 | Report Abuse

tsy.... Ya Shanghai index dropped 140+ pts. Malaysia index still good....index up hk also maintain not bad.

Thanks for comcorp info......6c6c


2015-07-02 15:35 | Report Abuse

Connie...... Thank you very much sweetie:)


2015-07-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

Connie and tsy.... Comcorp dropping ... Advisable to go in?


2015-07-02 14:39 | Report Abuse

Welcome back... tsy... Had abalone for lunch........? Hehehe

Dunknow...Choy choy choy want us to visit you at hospital, Your bone won't break so easy la.. You think you are dinosaur meh.......:)


2015-07-02 13:57 | Report Abuse

Dunknow don't get me wrong... The guys learn normal yoga like we do... Nowadays quite a number of guy knows the benefit of yoga. You can do together with your wifey and princess


2015-07-02 13:48 | Report Abuse

Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy al my fault........didn't know the dog pose can give you guys sooooooooo much excitement. Good you all won't feel sleepy after a sumptuous lunch :):):)


2015-07-02 13:41 | Report Abuse

Dunknow ... Nice to hear is Oishii desu...you like Japan? Mount Hakone has small eruption, hope no major eruption that will destroy its beauty.
You can learn is good for stretching. Your bone won't break so easily la..do what you can. quite a few men learn at my place. One young guy looks ahemmmmmm. download the 7-min workout can do anywhere.

Connieeee..... Yeah... One is doggy pose and the other doggy style both = burn calories..


2015-07-02 13:07 | Report Abuse

Connie... Hard to control don't buy unless you don't see the screen. For me, sometimes and brain and hand refuse to work together. Hehehe

Yoga........stop for sometimes need to start back soon. Good for stretching but I don't like the downward dog pose, it makes me feel giddy. There is another excercise called 7-min workout is quite good. Good exercise for lazy ppl like me. Almost can exercise the main core muscles. There is an apps you may download.

Dunknow..... Teh Tarik and mee goreng.....enjoy your lunch


2015-07-02 12:51 | Report Abuse

Hi... Connie... Happy lunching!


2015-07-02 12:49 | Report Abuse

Hiiiiiiiiiii tsy........still around?

Comcorp pullback. You are right today T4

Happy lunching all!!!


2015-07-02 09:00 | Report Abuse

Good Morning tsy, Connie, Dunknow, Duit, Cap Tm, Hawk, swee2, Mslee, Rchi, twobits, pw,,yong you, Fardar, Sherri, Evel, eldishah and the rest of the buddies..................

tsy.... Ya forgotten about Ah Pek....... Taking a rest

Happy trading!!


2015-07-01 13:51 | Report Abuse

tsy......I don't have diabetic but got few occasions just shivering, abnormal heart palpitations and cold sweat and you know something is not right with the glucose. Maybe metabolism high or not sufficient glucose storage........


2015-07-01 13:40 | Report Abuse

Dunknow,................are you having wasabi kit-kat for break????? miss you and your MAN........


2015-07-01 13:37 | Report Abuse

Connieeeeee......... Am still blasting the song now.... Am gila....... Love me like you do.... Muak muak:)


2015-07-01 13:34 | Report Abuse

tsy......You very good at picking stock ....yesterday got penta and KNM. Congrats to you........ Is it the beauty of being on top post?....kikiki


2015-07-01 13:31 | Report Abuse

tsy.....just read all the postings... Blood sugar can have so much affects on our body. Thinking about it also I had few occasions of low glucose that I started to shiver till I have to had some hot sweet beverage. The last time I had during yoga class got to stop right away and get a cup of hot milk with sugar. take care ya:)


2015-07-01 13:06 | Report Abuse

Good afternoon...thanks you for the MV by Elllie Goulding,blasting it now. Have you watch the movie?
The CI is crazy 30 pts up...bursa is so unpredictable

Happy lunching!!


2015-07-01 10:46 | Report Abuse

rchi..hi expires in sept 2015

Bot some hk 0.95 & .10 hehehe


2015-07-01 09:29 | Report Abuse

.Capt tm, rchi....thanks for the updates

Connie......thanks for the link.... Will watch later.
Have u dance in front on bursa screen? I would love to dance but unfortunately
Office tak ada tiang..hehehe

Tsy, dingding......Am late today.... Catch up with you all later.....


2015-07-01 09:03 | Report Abuse

Good morning buddies.........


2015-06-30 17:33 | Report Abuse

Tsy...oh ya...almost all top post you took.......ok bring us luck...see you tomorrow

Connie.... Strip dance, aerobic...., ahem why not pole dance


2015-06-30 17:17 | Report Abuse

tsy88.....yup. Have fantastic evening:)


2015-06-30 17:14 | Report Abuse

Sherri... You too have a lovely evening:)


2015-06-30 17:08 | Report Abuse

You're most welcome Connie sweety......
Even though Duit very busy to do any posting....still remember what he taught

Connie... What dance you gonna performance on the bursa screen tomorrow?kikiki

Have a sweet sweet evening ya!!!


2015-06-30 16:56 | Report Abuse

Gentle reminder.......

Connie...ya never tot of going to restroom.kikiki

Have an awesome evening buddiessssssssss!!


2015-06-30 16:48 | Report Abuse

Hand very itchy today.... in sunriet also


2015-06-30 16:46 | Report Abuse

Sherri .... Welcome on board

Rchi...... Thank you thank you


2015-06-30 16:39 | Report Abuse

Connie........ Cannot cannot.......I am working la.... How to undress in office.......

Agreed with you hunky MAN in apron already looks yummylicious


2015-06-30 16:25 | Report Abuse

rchi.......Thanks for the advise:)


2015-06-30 16:17 | Report Abuse

Rchi....hg down so much, is it advisable to go in? Many thanks.


2015-06-30 16:15 | Report Abuse

Connieeeeeeee... You yet to undress in front bursa screen? Tight range , Yet to up North...hehehe


2015-06-30 13:55 | Report Abuse

Good afternoon all:):):)
big bear small bear........teddy bear, koala bear, sun bear, polar bear........do come out:)

Dunknow.... Kitkat got wasabi??? Tot is green tea.......

Connie..... No peanut to me like durian runtuh :)


2015-06-30 10:51 | Report Abuse

Fardarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, tsyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Connieeeeeeeeeee.... I am in hk too. :):):)


2015-06-30 09:01 | Report Abuse

tsy, Fardar ... Hope your hk shoot like rocket....... Huat ar... Kikiki