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2021-12-14 11:34 | Report Abuse

*bankers delaying calling EOD


2021-12-21 10:07 | Report Abuse

So does that mean the bankers are not delaying calling EOD to save their bonus?



2021-11-28 19:06 | Report Abuse

shareholder activism: im just happy to be small part in knm agm booting out LSe in june.

wish activism would have dragged the icon offshore board members to answer for failing their fiduciary duties when they pay off the banks in full last year


2021-11-24 09:51 | Report Abuse

@bobvic96: interesting

why judge didnt recluse himself?

so obvious there will be personal bias


2021-11-24 06:08 | Report Abuse

@macdee: that's interesting development. Can you provide more details?


2021-11-21 09:33 | Report Abuse

Agree. Cashflow is something the management need to manage and also make the big strategic decisions.

It is for this reason the previous management was booted out, and time will be needed to put knm back on the right track.


2021-11-16 15:39 | Report Abuse

my thinking like that.

suspension slam door shut. if ikan bilis can get 10% backk, still money.

if suspend to eternity how?


2021-11-17 10:26 | Report Abuse


price discovery. RM 2+ now 35sen.

Why the suspension? Let market whack or buy up. Market forces.

Suspension serve no purpose.


2021-09-17 16:42 | Report Abuse

@nedgeon: agree.

It's the kiamsap small fry talking the price down after selling, all hoping they can show they're god's gift to enter exit 17 times in 1 week



2021-09-15 03:07 | Report Abuse

in case sardin dont comment here anymore, tq for all your efforts


2021-09-06 09:42 | Report Abuse


Heng ahhh... Huat ah!!


2021-09-03 17:50 | Report Abuse

Next wave is when portfolio managers start to build exposure in knm.

A question of who gets in when and what price


2021-09-03 17:49 | Report Abuse



2021-09-01 17:12 | Report Abuse



2021-08-31 12:56 | Report Abuse

@realinvest: price 20 Sen. Before the AGM/egm


2021-08-27 16:52 | Report Abuse

To the voters that booted the management in June,

Can you guys imagine where the price is if they're still there? The 30% dilution placement is approved???


2021-08-27 16:50 | Report Abuse

Heng ah.... Huat ahh...


2021-08-03 10:50 | Report Abuse

look at the developments in the north sea. UK is going for transition deal, Norway business as usual, Denmark switch off oil tap 2050.

Point is, massive amount of brownfield works, carbon capture, windmills, new processes and equipments for emission controls needed in the north sea. Borsig should be able to benefit.


2021-07-15 16:01 | Report Abuse

@sususki: stuck at dizzying levels


2021-07-15 16:00 | Report Abuse

suddenly two week later got trigger for no reason *lol


2021-07-15 16:00 | Report Abuse

wahliao the family member so bloody bitter ehhh... hahahaha


2021-07-13 10:15 | Report Abuse

one of these days cunts like this will end up like the money monster movie


2021-07-05 11:20 | Report Abuse

Stuck. Now down 50%.

Bloody m********r


2021-06-29 22:50 | Report Abuse

Ya lor. Why would the resignations come in just a day before AGM/EGM.

That signifies they saw the proxy vote being tallied and after checking for all other nominees or friendlies, it's not going to be in their favour.


2021-06-29 16:47 | Report Abuse

goes to show no harm in dreaming big. just persevere, and with some luck - your efforts will pay off.


2021-06-29 16:46 | Report Abuse

thanks to everyone. Good day for the investment community in Malaysia.


2021-06-29 10:06 | Report Abuse

only yes for auditor fees. everything else i reccomend no.


2021-06-28 16:54 | Report Abuse

They also better be effing aware that on page 324 of the akta 777;

Remedy in cases of an oppression
346. (1) Any member or debenture holder of a company may apply to the Court for an order under this section on the ground—
(a) that the affairs of the company are being conducted or the powers of the directors are being exercised in a manner oppressive to one or more of the members or debenture holders including himself or in disregard of his or their interests as members, shareholders or debenture holders of the company; or


2021-06-28 16:51 | Report Abuse

I draw you attention to provisions in companies act (akta 777).

Part III division 1 subdivision 1 item 85 (1) on Pg 108:

Pre-emptive rights to new shares

85. (1) Subject to the constitution, where a company issues shares which rank equally to existing shares as to voting or distribution rights, those shares shall first be offered to the holders of existing shares in a manner which would, if the offer were accepted, maintain the relative voting and distribution rights of
those shareholders.

Those directors of KNM better be aware this is what the law says.


2021-06-28 16:36 | Report Abuse

My heart beating dub dab dub dab dub dab.

Good luck everyone for tomorrow. We see how it goes


2021-06-26 01:27 | Report Abuse

reposting. deleted earlier.


The filing shows affin hwang was the broker behind DBT.

Typically in cases of passing blocks of shares to proxies or nominees the trades were done on "seller pay for buyer basis".

This can be done as DBT trades are not settled via novation function of the clearing house, instead via direct settlement at the broker level. So net efffect, the trade can be done at a cheap price just pay stamp duty, brokerage, bursa fees.

So that is one audit trail the Bursa supervision, SC, MSWG, Jabatan siasatan jenayah komersial can look into.


2021-06-24 21:38 | Report Abuse

I am here to Vote.
Will exercise to vote.

Share price drop could be a function of voting eligibility is based on cut off date 22 june.

cant wait to see how meeting goes next week.


2021-06-16 10:10 | Report Abuse


Please ensure you vote No for EGM resolution for share placement.

This EGM notice only came on Monday 14 June.

1. Those who already vote for AGM before 14 June, please login again and vote on EGM resolution.

2. Everybody else, please make sure you vote for both AGM & EGM


2021-06-16 09:40 | Report Abuse

what rubbish la PN17. toking kok trying to divert from gist of issue.

Any money KNM wants can still do same (get the money from 30% new shares) via RIGHTS ISSUE.

ALL shareholders benefit.


2021-06-15 00:01 | Report Abuse

refer here: https://disclosure.bursamalaysia.com/FileAccess/apbursaweb/download?id...

options to vote:
1. Go to virtual AGM. look at page 8 in the above link to register for voting at virtual AGM

2. vote by proxy (page 7)

4.Write to your nominees, or asset management companies (depending on how the KNM shares are held)

====== summarised by Jack Y below ======

For those dont want to fill up the hard copy. please do the online vote ->

Step 1 – Register Online with Boardroom Smart Investor Portal (for first time registration only)
[Note: If you have signed up with Boardroom Smart Investor Portal, you are not required to register again.

You may proceed to Step 2 – eProxy Lodgement.]
• Access website https://boardroomlimited.my
• Click <<Login>> and click <<Register>> to sign up as a user.
• Complete registration and upload softcopy of MyKAD (front and back) or Passport in JPEG,PNG or PDF format.
• Please enter a valid email address and wait for email verification from Boardroom.
• Your registration will be verified and approved within one (1) business day and email notification will be provided to you


2021-06-14 15:36 | Report Abuse

@HT12 Ang:
1. The family buying more shares for the votes showdown.

2. High networth and instis are buying to get more no votes for vote showdown.


2021-06-11 12:07 | Report Abuse

united we stand.

chin up, put best effort in and hope for the best.


2021-06-11 08:46 | Report Abuse

@hotstuff: bullies like you can die and go to heaven lah.

Why you have a problem with what other people want to do?



2021-06-10 16:01 | Report Abuse


Maybe previously they think 'ah these people tok kok'.

Then suddenly the regiistrar and co. secretary tell them 'towkay ah, the no vote is now at xx%'.

So now they fast2 buy to get more shares for the 29 Jun vote showdown


2021-06-09 13:17 | Report Abuse

@cslee1215: thank you.

Urge everyone to use social media to being awareness.

Use WhatsApp status to just say KNM AGM, vote no to all resolutions.


2021-06-09 09:10 | Report Abuse

@elonmuskinvestment: tq for your effort to make sure all your votes count.

Guys, please do your part like Elon does. Tq


2021-06-09 09:08 | Report Abuse


Fiduciary duty of a director is in the best interest of the company.

That is, to place private placement shares that bring in the most money to KNM.

Some more, What effing fiduciary duty they have when they sell treasury shares holding cost RM 2+ at 19 Sen?

I can't wait for the whole board to be hauled up by SC or jabatan siasatan jenayah komersial.


2021-06-08 09:55 | Report Abuse

and the substantial shareholder?

Based on declared interest:
1. LSE family has 381 mil shares on 1 Jan 2020.
2. They sold 203 mil shares for the whole of 2020.
3. They exercise ESOS, take share placement for 101 mil shares in 2020.
4. So they end 2020 with owning 279 mil shares.

Now they want to dilute shareholding by 30% (900 mil shares) and half they want to take up.

F|_|CK this.

Exercise your right as shareholders. Vote No against all director re-appointment and authority to issue new shares.


2021-06-02 14:49 | Report Abuse

refer here: https://disclosure.bursamalaysia.com/FileAccess/apbursaweb/download?id...

options to vote:
1. Go to virtual AGM. look at page 8 in the above link to register for voting at virtual AGM

2. vote by proxy (page 7)

4.Write to your nominees, or asset management companies (depending on how the KNM shares are held)

====== summarised by Jack Y below ======

For those dont want to fill up the hard copy. please do the online vote ->

Step 1 – Register Online with Boardroom Smart Investor Portal (for first time registration only)
[Note: If you have signed up with Boardroom Smart Investor Portal, you are not required to register again.

You may proceed to Step 2 – eProxy Lodgement.]
• Access website https://boardroomlimited.my
• Click <<Login>> and click <<Register>> to sign up as a user.
• Complete registration and upload softcopy of MyKAD (front and back) or Passport in JPEG,PNG or PDF format.
• Please enter a valid email address and wait for email verification from Boardroom.
• Your registration will be verified and approved within one (1) business day and email notification will be provided to you


2021-06-02 12:20 | Report Abuse

@MacDee: wow never knew such a thing existed - that legal action has been instituted for insider trading.

@makemoney1: Hope more other shareholders do so. Im putting this call for minorities to vote against in my whatsapp status


2021-06-01 15:03 | Report Abuse

its a shame KNM has improved in 2020. highest profits in a long time bla bla bla.
2020 auditor statement; mei wen ti. Auditor on
ly highlight the judgment call areas.

Admittedly new covid challenges in 1Q 2021 is a dent, but still the underlying belt tightening is good performance and indicator for KNM.

what is disconcerting is:
1. Why on earth the company sell treasury shares in Apr 2021 at 18.5 and 19.5sen? Total sold: 21.5mil shares. What benefit to KNM? so hard up for cash ah?
Dont tell me KNM needed this RM 4mil - if not company go bankrupt? got ah?

2. KNM also sold 6.5mil treasury shares on 29 december 2020 for 20.5sen.

3. Fact is company only buyback 6.5mil shares on 9 march 2020 for 15 sen, the other treasury shares carrying value RM 2++ level.

So why would directors of company deem fit to sell 21.5mil shares at 90% loss? Director better answer this.

because i see it as purely to depress share price.

and the substantial shareholder?
1 Jan 20: 381 mil shares
in 2020: buy 101 mii shares. Sell 203 mil shares.
31 Dec 20: 279 mil shares.

so now want to issue another 300mil shares just for her?

the F. F. F.


2021-06-01 13:43 | Report Abuse

fiduciary duty of a director: is to the best interest of the company (KNM).

Not the best interest of major shareholders of KNM.

why only placement to major shareholder and selected investors?
Why not rights issue to all shareholders? Thats what Icon Offshsore did. Alam did.

I call all small shareholders pls vote to not approve all AGM resolution. Then new management can come in, unearth all the question marks, stop the hanky panky if any.


2021-06-01 10:28 | Report Abuse

hence the call for all small shareholders pls unite and vote to not approve approve all 10 AGM resolution except for resolution 5.

This can be first step for better things to come.


2021-05-31 15:56 | Report Abuse

@Jack Y: Undisclosed nominees may be holding shares for tokeh. its quite normal.

And if it can be proven the s29A filing was not done, or details of connected persons not disclose, the tokeh may be liable for penalties as provided for either SC Act or Bursa rules


2021-05-31 15:54 | Report Abuse

anything concrete you have planned, share here. i'll support