
kenken | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2017-03-14 14:46 | Report Abuse

Ya, today boleh... can get at 16 sen
Can continue to buy more


2017-03-14 11:29 | Report Abuse

The person who sold at 0.155 was also the same person who bought at 0.155
He or she only have to pay for a very small brokerage fee to set up the trap


2017-03-14 11:20 | Report Abuse

Buy Q now stands as 362,455 whereas Sell Q is about 100,000
Sell Q is not realistic one, if you have Vivocom shares in your CDS, you can simply q for 0.40 or even RM1.2. Just for show only. Transactions won't go through

If you are already on board with Vivocom and hve invested some money.. don't simply sell for loss.. Exercise your holding on power. Today, I hve q for 0.16 and see what is the outcome at the end of the day.


2017-03-13 14:26 | Report Abuse

You see the price is cheap at 16 sen or 16.5 sen
But if you q up to buy it, you can never get it cos the buy Q is just too long
The present set up is like, you are welcome to sell but it will be difficult for u to buy
Those who cant wait, just too sorry, you will miss the excellent opportunity.
Someones are trying to collect the shares from the public and at a very cheap price.
Presently, they can't hold the price for 16 sen for too long, they are really run out of time now


2017-03-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

Vivocom market capital is RM533 million
They were able to earn RM50 million last year
Their PE ratio is about 10
The share price is now only RM0.16
Guys, quickly go & grab more lots if you hold less than 100 lots

They are running short of time, they cant withhold the low price of RM0.16/share for long


2017-03-10 21:18 | Report Abuse

Everyday, without fail, the buy Q is so so long for Vivocom
If you want to sell, you must sell @ a profit and should not @ a loss
It is worth to wait & see what is the next step of action for Vivocom
Possibly, they might stop giving bonus issues and begin to pay dividend already

Vivocom's market capital is 533 millions
Total number of shares =3.331 billions

If they intended to pay 1 sen/share, it only costs them about RM33 millions.

So, in a way, we can see that Vivocom is now capable of paying dividend already.


2017-03-09 10:00 | Report Abuse

Conduct your own findings & research to decide whether to sell or to buy
But the general rule is if you see the buying Q is long, this is the signal for you to buy and not to sell.


2017-03-09 09:44 | Report Abuse

Now the buy Q for 155/160 is 330,000
As compared to Maxis, their buy Q is only 30
The company earned abt 60millions last year and many
believed some profits was intentionally hidden & pushed to 2017


2017-03-08 15:31 | Report Abuse

For those who are long enough in this counter, they should know how to play & make money laa from this counter.


2017-03-08 15:24 | Report Abuse

Now the buy Q is 112,060 & sell Q 170,920
The price is pushing from 160 to 165
The sell Q may not be real as it can be from pocket to pocket kind of trading plan

If you want to Q up to buy some, possibly you have to put 165 now.


2017-03-06 20:41 | Report Abuse

It is now very obvious that someone is eagerly wanted to buy Vivocom share as many as possible. If there are sellers for 16sen/share, there is no reasons for buyers to push up the shares price at the moment.

Vivocom's PE is only 9.6. can consider excellent already in KLCI.. So, really no need to sell off your Vivocom shares in a hurry now.. just go ahead to hibernate and wake up in August 2017. Vivocom's share price should be fine by then.


2017-02-25 09:57 | Report Abuse

Vivocom even though its current price after bonus issue is 18sen..but its authorised capital is based on 10 sen/share whereas KNM is RM1/share. The current share price for these are 18 sen and 35.5sen respectively. So, it is obvious that Vivocom is much better than KNM!! A company with its current market share price go below par is not so performing !!


2017-02-23 11:50 | Report Abuse

They waited for 155 160 but couldn't get many lots, so no choice they go for 180... and now today they r testing for 170 to see if there are any desperate sellers.

I bought for 230 so even 180 is just too low for me.


2017-02-17 10:44 | Report Abuse

Pada masa ni, lebih baik kita semua diam diam saja laa dan jangan buat apa-apa.. mustahak nya jangan jual saham Vivocom. tunggu hingga harga Vivo naik sampai 40sen.


2017-02-15 13:41 | Report Abuse

Winning in share market is actually quite simple one
Just follow the principle, buy low sell high lor !!
If you think Vivo share price is now low, then don't sell, keep buying lor
When Vivo share hit 30sen or 40sen, then only sell lor
And also try to avoid put all eggs in one basket


2017-02-12 15:46 | Report Abuse

If they take it private, they cant make much profit cos they cant get funds from public anymore.
Now they wanted to collect back the shares at low price and later will sell them at higher price.
They will continue to do this until no more seller willing to sell at low price

All we can do now is to wait.. push this counter aside and focus on other counters :))


2017-02-08 14:31 | Report Abuse

This is a holding-on power game... game is now on "BUY" mode.. If there are someone willing to sell for 155, why should the buyers buy at 320? If there are no 155 sellers then there will be no 155 buyers. But dont be surprised that, sometimes, the buyer and the seller are the same person, just like KPSW...


2017-02-03 11:41 | Report Abuse

I think 155 could be the lowest price already
If people wanted to throw at this price, the good news is there are buyers waiting to buy


2017-02-01 19:12 | Report Abuse

For those who bought the shares at 80 earlier, they won't mind to sell off the shares at 155.. big profit for them also selling at this price. But as I bought in Vivocom shares at 300 a few months ago, I also don't mind to buy in more shares at 155 or lower.


2017-01-31 18:57 | Report Abuse

A company can earn XXx millions net profit surely can survive one
Unlike Rx tiap2 tahun pun rugi saja and so kena gantong lor
And now Vivocom shares are now on sales for 150, so, must grab more lots !!


2017-01-30 00:54 | Report Abuse

Yes, bonus issues would dilute company's share value...But if they retained the undistributed RM100 millions net profit into their book under reserve, then logically the share price will also be correspondingly tambah, right ??


2017-01-28 10:53 | Report Abuse

ya, I must be one of the loyal holder of Vivocom shares
So, you owe me a lunch at Tai Thong. Hehehehe !!


2017-01-26 17:34 | Report Abuse

OMG I got some lots at 155
As CNY is coming... some willing to sell at very last minute at this low price. They simply dont care to sell off their free bonus shares


2017-01-26 11:51 | Report Abuse

Ya.. Q for 155 & already got few lots
Now Q for 150
Those who bought earlier at 80 can consider to sell now at 150


2017-01-25 22:31 | Report Abuse

For this counter,
Dont use up all your bullets in one day
If you have spare cash, just invest few lots on every low price... 155, 140. 130. 80 etc
Sometimes it is good to practise "cost averaging"


2017-01-23 15:14 | Report Abuse

Ya.. now Q at 155
Nevermind laa, 155 pun boleh laa

Some think can throw at 155 and get back at 80


2017-01-23 13:03 | Report Abuse

Ya, I got some lots @ 160 today.
If it goes down to 150, I will also buy some lots


2017-01-23 11:54 | Report Abuse

Zul, someone has put in big order to buy Vivocom shares @ 160 so the price not easy to go down to 120 at this moment.


2017-01-21 11:34 | Report Abuse

Yes, the price is now steady @160
But it is easier for small investors to sell than to buy Vivo Shares @ this price :(


2017-01-17 13:16 | Report Abuse

I also Q for 160 but not getting any yet.
After sapu all the cheap shares at 160, they will start selling at 320 liao
Rugi for those who cant hold the shares


2017-01-16 11:28 | Report Abuse

Yes, I also q for 160.. Need $$$ for CNY ?? Some small investors dont mind to sell off those free bonus shares.


2017-01-15 23:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, 8 sen is the lowest. But I q for 16 sen also cant get woh
Q again for 16 sen tomorrow


2017-01-13 20:00 | Report Abuse

Ya, some still willing to sell at 160
Q again next Monday for 160 hehehe


2017-01-12 12:21 | Report Abuse

I Q for 170 also not getting any... ???
Just wait for my turn !!!


2017-01-11 17:11 | Report Abuse

I q @ 16.5 sen but can not get any lot woor!! Tomorrow q again lor.
I think 16.5 or 17 sen shd be fine for me.


2017-01-11 12:16 | Report Abuse

Some small investors are selling their bonus additional new shares. So, it is true that there are sellers.


2017-01-11 12:14 | Report Abuse

I got few lots at 16sen two days ago. Now q for 16.5 sen
Must get few lots before the price rebound


2017-01-10 12:31 | Report Abuse

Q up to buy more lots at 16sen
Must lawan dgn operator already
sapu murah murah dan nanti akan jual mahal mahal


2017-01-10 10:48 | Report Abuse

yes, small investors should not sell but instead should continue to buy few lots at low price.


2017-01-08 10:16 | Report Abuse

Every new low price, I must buy a few lots to keep... at least I have gotten that price before, Hehehe


2017-01-05 19:43 | Report Abuse

As KSWP tak masuk counter ni.. So, big bosses boleh play play with the price lor.


2017-01-04 11:02 | Report Abuse

OK laa, at least sekarang boleh tahan sikit, Hari ni harga dah sampai 17 sen. Hope that this counter can be like our petrol price, satu kali terus naik 20 sen. Hahaha !!!


2016-12-29 15:49 | Report Abuse

Thanks God, it didn't go down to 8 sen as in year 2015 September.


2016-12-26 23:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo !! I also no eyes see lor, This counter is really teruk. Just leave this counter alone for a year and wait for the next bonus issue in year 2017.


2016-12-19 08:13 | Report Abuse

Vivocom still can sustain its share price at 16 sen +-
Hope it wont drop till 8 sen
Hope it can be rebound very quickly back to 28 sen
The great recession 2017/8 is coming soon !!


2016-12-13 09:55 | Report Abuse

But records indicated that it did drop till 0.08 in Sep last year. Presently there is still no sign of rebound. Small investors have to be sabar lah.


2016-12-03 12:35 | Report Abuse

Good news for those Chinese staff who work in Vivocom new HQ office in Selayang
there is a famous fishball noodle shop just behind your office block. This fish ball noodle shop is very famous in Selayang. you all can walk over there for lunch.. Who is the CEO in Vivocom is not very important, the important thing is, all the working staff must work smartly and diligently as a team to build the company.


2016-12-03 09:00 | Report Abuse

The winning in share market investment rest on your holding-on power..
In 2015 Oct, share price of this cntr went down as low as RM0.08 but it rebound after that.
For sure, those who are on hit & run strategy is not suitable in this counter.


2016-11-28 23:07 | Report Abuse

Look like there are fightings between two forces in this counter
someones tried to bring down the price and someones tried to
maintain it.