
KingDavid | Joined since 2014-03-28

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2021-05-05 12:40 | Report Abuse

Most of the mid to long term investors here are listening to the advice of Warren Buffett. We take manageable risk. Ha........


2021-05-05 11:47 | Report Abuse

PP target price is the indicative price range for the next two weeks +


2021-05-05 11:46 | Report Abuse

EGM on 20/5/2021. Expected more price upside.


2021-05-05 11:31 | Report Abuse

Wayang or not - It all up to the purpose of the "Operator". I hope the operator is achieving it's goal of raising fund to acquire "Silterra and Ping" through DNeX-WD and PP.


2021-05-05 10:47 | Report Abuse

shearer202, you are here to spread fear? Ha... Good luck.


2021-05-05 10:36 | Report Abuse

The transaction vol for the first 1.5 hours, indicates that the selling pressure has been building up. Without any action, the down trend would have been continuing.


2021-05-05 09:58 | Report Abuse

If no action, even the most loyal investors would lose confident to hold tight. Minimum acceptable price range RM0.8-0.9


2021-05-04 15:53 | Report Abuse

More and more investors like i3Shark are getting upset every day.


2021-05-04 15:49 | Report Abuse

Censof used to be the biggest shareholder of DNeX. Now bye bye already.


2021-05-04 15:35 | Report Abuse

The problem is the selling pressure is building and the operator must show some action indicating that he is still monitoring the share price tp safeguard the interest of all the investors whether mid term or long term investors


2021-05-04 15:22 | Report Abuse

If I am one of the investors for the old PP, I am already making paper loss. What sort of confident can you give to the potential investors of new PP?


2021-05-04 15:20 | Report Abuse

As long as price of PP is not yet fixed, there is no target.


2021-05-04 15:15 | Report Abuse

Either the operator is very confident and everything is under his control OR the opposite. The situation does not give confident to any investors whether short term or mid term or long term.


2021-05-04 15:07 | Report Abuse

I have no answer to the continuous drop in share price. Really need a lot of confident to hold on. Good luck.


2021-04-28 11:32 | Report Abuse

Yes. We don't know behind close door negotiation.


2021-04-28 10:25 | Report Abuse

The transaction vol this morning, telling us that the operator is still in the big picture and is monitoring. It is not as matter of pushing up but to position for fund raising. The targeted PP price will determine the direction of the share price.


2021-04-27 15:54 | Report Abuse

Once 30% of proposed PP is approved, price will only move to the agreed price range to determine the PP price. I am still confident that the PP price should be higher than the previous PP.


2021-04-27 15:51 | Report Abuse

Short term investors are leaving and so the selling pressure is building. Hoping for institutional investors to enter besides those potential PP.


2021-04-27 12:38 | Report Abuse

All what DNeX needs to do is to coordinate with the government regulations & approval. Leave all the technical know how and the international market strategy to the partner from China. Proton is a good example.


2021-04-27 12:17 | Report Abuse

Good advice. Never know what is going on behind close door particularly on potential PP.


2021-04-26 10:21 | Report Abuse

So far the operator is doing the job of stabilising the share price and I strongly believe that the share price should be adjusting upward to above RM0.8. Main reason is that the old PP was paying more than RM0.7. To give confident to potential PP, the company needs to show that their interest is protected. I am not saying that the share price will adjusted immediately to above RM0.8 but gradually depending on the selling pressure.


2021-04-23 10:22 | Report Abuse

The transaction vol is so low for the 2nd hour. Is the sellers trying to hit when the operator is least expected? The operator is waiting patiently.


2021-04-23 10:10 | Report Abuse

The selling pressure has slowed down. The operator may be expecting more selling pressure. That is why they are not pushing up at the moment.


2021-04-23 09:57 | Report Abuse

50 million transaction for less than an hour trading is good indicative that the operator is defending the share price for their purpose of fund raising.


2021-04-23 09:32 | Report Abuse

I believe the price will push up to RM0.8+- because the fund raising is too important to be affected.


2021-04-23 09:31 | Report Abuse

It is not stable till the price is pushing back to RM0.8+-


2021-04-23 09:24 | Report Abuse

The operator is defending and hope for the best.


2021-04-23 09:23 | Report Abuse

Hopefully it is not the major player who decides to pull out.


2021-04-23 09:20 | Report Abuse

It may also be unexpected parties dumping large amount of shares that put the whole plan of fund raising into uncertainty. I still believe that DNeX's fund raising is important to be affected. The operator will response in certain way.


2021-04-23 09:10 | Report Abuse

I still think that the current price can not go below RM0.7+ because the previous PP is over RM0.7+ In order to give confidence, at least the new PP has to be higher than old PP.


2021-04-22 15:53 | Report Abuse

The Son has to follow the mother.


2021-04-22 15:51 | Report Abuse

The fund raising plan will be in trouble if no action is taken by the operator. More selling pressure will come very soon.


2021-04-22 15:49 | Report Abuse

I will be surprise if the operator is not pushing back to RM0.80+-


2021-04-22 12:21 | Report Abuse

MrRightMrLeft, All are here because they are still interested in DNeX because of it's potential. Some are waiting to get in, some has got in and waiting to sell for a huge profit, some bought at higher price and waiting for it to recover. We are all here because we are interested in DNeX.


2021-04-22 11:24 | Report Abuse

The vol is getting thinner and will force those who could not wait and to dispose of. The sentiment remains. DNeX is in good position to negotiate with potential PP as many parties are interested. The higher the PP's price is secured prior to the confirmation, the share price will be moved within the price range of agreed PP's price. Better hope that more parties are fighting over the PP and will all be benefitted.


2021-04-22 10:04 | Report Abuse

Till the fund raising exercise is settled, the share price will only move within a price range based on the PP's requirement. The aim is to raise fund. Unless multiple parties are interested in PP and want to indirectly controlling Silterra through DNeX that is quite unlikely.


2021-04-21 10:16 | Report Abuse

Strong support @RM0.785. Good sign


2021-04-21 10:06 | Report Abuse

Testing time for all the people who have bought prices higher than RM0.80. Ha.....As expected, the price has gone sideway and move within certain range. I don't think it will collapse as the company is still in the process of raising fund through warrant and PP. Good luck.


2021-04-20 08:50 | Report Abuse

I am new here. Can anyone tell me where to find the "shares" held under Fintec group.


2021-04-13 16:17 | Report Abuse

The cheapest financial needs of a company is through Rights c/w Warrants or PP. You don't need to pay interest for your additional funds raised.


2021-04-13 12:26 | Report Abuse

It is good to offer to the directors as they have to declare if they dispose off their holding.


2021-04-13 12:21 | Report Abuse

I think first round of ESOS is only offered 1,470,000 shares to other employee.


2021-04-13 11:36 | Report Abuse

The ESOS exercise price is RM0.755 which is slightly lower than Exercise price of Warrant RM0.5 + RM0.29 = RM0.79. What I am saying is that the operator is controlling the share price for the purpose of fund raising.


2021-04-13 11:15 | Report Abuse

It is ideal that the share price is brought down to RM0.8+- in order to fix the ESOS of 13,987,000 at RM0.755. Fund of RM10.56 million is raised. If Dato' Seri Syed Zainal Abidin is willing to pay RM0.755 for 10 million shares under ESOS, the share price is very unlikely to go down below RM0.755.


2021-04-12 12:34 | Report Abuse

You are right.


2021-04-12 12:09 | Report Abuse

The operator is going to press down the share price of DNeX-WD to force the holders to exercise the warrants. Their intention is to exercise as much warrants as possible - Target 100% for RM347.7 million funds.


2021-04-12 11:58 | Report Abuse

fyi, since 9/3/2021, 134,611,335 warrants (about 20% out of 695,396,809 warrants) has been exercised, raising RM67,305,667. The warrant is getting less each time the exercise is carried out while the mother's shares increase. The vol of transaction for Mother will increase while the Son will decrease.


2021-04-12 09:40 | Report Abuse

Stability in DNEX's price is the priority, in order to raise funds through Warrant and PP. It will only move ( up or down) if it benefits fund raising.


2021-04-09 16:26 | Report Abuse

DNeX is still alive and well. It is during this period that real business is carrying out before the acquisition can be implemented. It takes time. The operator is doing his job to keep the price within a range that can benefit the company to raise fund through warrants and PP. Everything is in order.


2021-04-09 09:07 | Report Abuse

This is a period where real business is carried out such as due diligence of all the proposed acquisitions. The operator;s main task is to maintain the share price where fund can be raised through warrant & PP. You don't expect this period to push the share price up or down but move within certain price range.