Anyone know why the operating expenses increase from 2,757-Q3 to 3,435- Q4? From the disclosure note I only able see director package huge increasing which reasonable when bring in a new job award. Assuming the job done within 6 month worth 3.8mil, estimate revenue YA18 will be 18.8mil (assuming Q2-4 same with Q1-15mil)
2018-02-27 23:39 | Report Abuse
Anyone know why the operating expenses increase from 2,757-Q3 to 3,435- Q4? From the disclosure note I only able see director package huge increasing which reasonable when bring in a new job award. Assuming the job done within 6 month worth 3.8mil, estimate revenue YA18 will be 18.8mil (assuming Q2-4 same with Q1-15mil)