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2014-08-11 16:36 | Report Abuse
May 16th till now is not even 3 mths. when the geniuses in the Govt. came up with this idea -it dawned upon them that like Ananda Krishnan became ***Xtra rich re-listing Maxis, so can they with Mas. And so, the public is called upon to do its national duty while they do theirs in private and perhaps later on re-list Mas with a whole new set of public! Wow!
2014-08-11 16:05 | Report Abuse
And why last Friday the price of MAS was prevented from crossing 24.5 cts although it hit 25 cts early in the morning? It was made to settle at 24cts. Why?
2014-08-11 16:00 | Report Abuse
May 16th!, the day MAS crashed at Bursa. And who do you think bot all the way?
2014-08-11 15:55 | Report Abuse
Khazanah wants MAS real bad.It has to have MAS desperately SOON. Yet the Govt. told the public that going bankrupt is an option. What happened? The public CUT LOSS till way below 20 cts. The reported articles on " It may be too late to save Mas, says Najib" was around 16 May.
2014-08-11 14:50 | Report Abuse
We want more...we want more...more is not less, less is not more....we want more more or less....civil undress?
2014-08-09 22:36 | Report Abuse
Andrew Wong's link to AWong (just a few lines above) presents a calculated analysis of fairness.
It argues that the offer should be between 0.382 or 0.424 per share.
2014-08-09 17:58 | Report Abuse
LoL >anbz
I fully agree.
anbz Monday will be suspended again ... revising offer price ... dont be so stingy khazanah .. or it will fail
09/08/2014 15:21
2014-08-09 17:42 | Report Abuse
It is sometimes quite interesting to reflect upon Tajudin Ramli being bailout at not a cent less than his investment of 8 RM, despite the rout of a mess he caused at MAS.
I am sure Tajudin Ramli loved MAS, being loved the way he was, and the minority sharelholders like us, would just like to feel some of that love and we are just as important if not more so. In fact we are terribly terribly important.
2014-08-09 17:26 | Report Abuse
We can establish a few points here for the time being:
1)there is no option to go bankrupt, simply because it would "bankrupt" Khazanah and by extension the Govt. first;
2)voluntary liquidation is also not an option, simply because it would bankrupt MAS by the time it is done and therefore
it is self-defeating;
3)the Govt. can get Khazanah to pay higher which will garner support and love for our national carrier and our national pride.
2014-08-09 12:16 | Report Abuse
The point is, should we be subjected to .27 cts without recourse? We would like to be paid more, and who wouldn't? For Encorp, Felda can sit on it butt for months and we just sweat and wait, wondering and wondering. For MAS, I think the scenario is the opposite. Otherwise, I think the MSWG should take Khazanah to court over this.
2014-08-09 12:11 | Report Abuse
Is the method by which 27cts came about agreeable? We know that some companies paid over 2 times NTA in the takeover (fair analogy to privatization) of the target. If Khazanah pays 2 times over, then the offer should be above 30cts. There was also the case of NST/Prima. The MinorityShareholdersWatchGroup took the offerer to court over the offer and the offer was subsequently revised to a much higher level.
2014-08-09 12:02 | Report Abuse
Felda's attempt at privatizing Encorp FAILED. It could not get the public to sell to it enough @1.55/ The price of Encorp rose from about 1.52 to 1.89 and is trading now about 1.60/ Felda has the time to work about and around Encorp, and even that, it cannot take its own sweet time; let alone MAS, which is now so pressured to move. Khazanah would lose badly this coming quarter become it holds 70% of MAS. You could count on Khazanah to react, just like now. The bad financial results that is coming has largely been discounted, otherwise the price of MAS would not have gotten the support it had recently. It is not due to insider trading, because most ppl bot on the discounted premise - at least the people I know do that.
2014-08-08 14:50 | Report Abuse
Can Khazanah and by extension the Govt. afford to fail in this after having proposed it?
2014-08-08 14:47 | Report Abuse
Should the market trade higher than 0.27cts, even after SC approves, it is Khazanah that has to obtain the quota needed to take MAS private. Can it wait? By extension can the Govt. wait? By the way, we the taxpayers are the ultimate financiers.
2014-08-08 14:19 | Report Abuse
Khazanah has a lot to lose and so has to see this SCR thru's one way or another and fast notwithstanding MAS' financials come this 20th. MAS is a national project consistent with the direction of national development. Therefore, it is upon Khazanah to ensure they have the quota to take MAS private, even if on Monday, the price of MAS should shoot up in the period before SC and relevant authorities approval.
2014-08-04 13:50 | Report Abuse
The gestation of a company acquired is quite natural. Wong explained this in the article. What can be read into this is that, it can be expected EAH is also growing and that in fact means the company would be better valued over time.
2014-08-04 13:41 | Report Abuse
For news,go read Edge's article pg25 with Wong Ah Chiew, MD of Willowglen. It is a good article for a perspective on Tech stocks in the current environment, whereby there are a lot of business possibilities with e.g Petronas in Johore, etc2. EAH must also be working along such lines.
2014-08-04 11:07 | Report Abuse
The Edge this week interviews ACWong of Willowglen. I think you can all draw a parallel here with his thoughts. Acquisitions with a 55.28m cash position is no different from Sobri's intent with the rights issue. Good article to read.
2014-08-04 10:29 | Report Abuse
Article in Edge this week, on Willowglen with ACWong. Expect better things ahead - dividend > 2%. Cash 55.28m for acquisitions. Etc2. Good.
2014-07-29 14:12 | Report Abuse
This article might give some idea that fishes and stocks don't mix for too long:
2014-07-29 14:06 | Report Abuse
Tunggu vs sink or swim? choose, haha!
2014-07-29 13:52 | Report Abuse
In my opinion, technically 16.5cts, if decisively penetrated, would see higher prices. Otherwise breaking 12cts would be stop loss, though for this stock, I think come what may unless there is an act of God, it would be worthwhile to wait.
2014-07-29 13:43 | Report Abuse
Proposed acquisition is a good thing. Relevant authorities would not have approved of the rights exercise otherwise. You can be sure many eyes are looking and not just ours only. I think the whole thing is above board and so we should expect better times ahead for EAH.
2014-07-18 02:34 | Report Abuse
My condolences to all family members of MH17. May God stay you strong.
2014-08-11 16:42 | Report Abuse
I don't need Khazanah to up the offer. I need the Govt. to apologize to the public.