
kuring2 | Joined since 2020-08-04

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2020-08-19 09:27 | Report Abuse

ya.. lumber is expected to break 800usd..next week..


2020-08-19 08:54 | Report Abuse

Thank brother @Eliore


2020-08-19 08:43 | Report Abuse

Morning gais.. limit up price today is 1.365.. hopefully dont limit up ya today.hoping close today 1.35... yesterday already limit up.. if not friday no show..hehehe.. im looking from 1.90.. pls fetch me at 1.90.. im waiting for you..hehehe


2020-08-03 09:57 | Report Abuse

Let see if tomorrow we can limit up this counter.. chaiyokkk


2020-08-18 22:05 | Report Abuse

Cks9864.. seem shark now focus on glove counter i guess.. but lumber price has break the highest price.. possible today touch 750.. i believe this stock should make a move this month.. just sit back n relax.. lets wait the game..


2020-08-03 10:32 | Report Abuse

Lumber price as at 17/08 737 +10.50 (1.45%).... TP for today 18/08, 742-750.. Hope tomorrow will see a positive movement for this stocks.

Lumber Historical Price:
17/8 16/8 15/8 14/8 13/8 12/8
735 726.5 725 706 681.5 662.5


2020-08-18 17:20 | Report Abuse

RainT.. just sit tight n relax heheheheh...


2020-07-03 16:31 | Report Abuse

@MMA_IM.. something good to hold at least.. hope they will make announcement soon since the glove counter now start to rebound..


2020-08-03 16:33 | Report Abuse

supermax +1.3,TG +1.52 HARTA +0.94 k+ +0.02.. can esceram built the same momentum?


2020-08-18 11:25 | Report Abuse

RaintT. i plan for my retirement plan.. Property always rebound after recession.. i have a good faith in SP.


2020-08-04 11:17 | Report Abuse

me too..hold tight


2020-08-17 21:46 | Report Abuse

Im still hold tight..looking from floor 190.. huhuhu.. too high..


2020-08-16 20:22 | Report Abuse

ConfirmKaya.. yup.. i am trying to cover from other stock as well.. still looking n consider other potential stock.. tq bro for the advise.


2020-08-16 19:36 | Report Abuse

AdCool... nice.. hopefully there are good news coming.. im still stuck and hold tight2..hehehehe


2020-08-04 16:46 | Report Abuse

AdCool, hehehe noted.no prob. im ok.. naik im happy, turun also i will happy (can average down).. never feel like this before.. only with esceram i can feel this.. others stock when the stock goes down, my leg shaking..hehehehhe..


2020-08-14 15:53 | Report Abuse

aiyaa..look stuck at 074...can go below 074 or not?


2020-08-14 13:12 | Report Abuse

AdCool, oh ok.. i take note on that.. Tq sir.. shall buy during that price hehehe.. means i need to double up at the amount at 05


2020-08-14 12:12 | Report Abuse

if im not mistake IB target price for his counter prev is 1.30


2020-08-14 12:11 | Report Abuse

Still consider cheap.. coz i bought at 0.98.. heheheh.. i treat this as retirement investment.. heheheh.. may try to average down if drop further i guess..


2020-08-14 12:08 | Report Abuse

AdCool.. correct me too.. hehehe i am more sophisticated.. i stucked at floor 1.90.. huhuhuhu plan to average down


2020-08-13 09:32 | Report Abuse

Lets try to hit the highest high yesterday. 1.16.. now 1.07.. lets break


2020-08-13 09:29 | Report Abuse

its going up mode by eod..


2020-08-13 09:29 | Report Abuse

Gold price 1,940 : +25 from previous close.. wowww


2020-08-12 22:58 | Report Abuse

Michaelwong..i feel u.. we are on the same boat.. hioe we can stay strong together..


2020-08-12 20:18 | Report Abuse

Hopefully the shareholder will comes with us tomorrow and give a little profit to ikan bilis like us to survive and support our family..


2020-08-12 20:14 | Report Abuse

Maybe yes maybe not.. but for this new norm of market.. anything is possible..

See the limit up.. nowadays the limit up is real n possible. Even cheap cpunter also can fly.. nothing impossible now..

Plus, there are more 40% increase in new registration traders i heard.. so traders becomes huge.. they are trying to get some money to put food in the table.. some may battle with their hard living due to current pandemic.. some loose the job n trying to survive here to buy some food for family.


2020-08-12 20:06 | Report Abuse

Setia menanti mu... hehehe


2020-08-12 19:57 | Report Abuse

Poey886688.. act from my 2cents view, evwn if they goreng, and we ikan bilis not panic, we still can survive and control the price.. but the moment panis selling, people will throw whatever price thats make it the price getting lower n lower..

Remember the phrase.. together we strong.. break we broken.. heheheh.. if ikan bilis can team up together, we can also become a shark lor..heheheh..

We cant fight with jerung alone.. hehehehe


2020-08-12 18:25 | Report Abuse

Ya... good news.. hopefully no more panic selling.. the moment people panic selling, then it is difficult to hold the price.. if panic buying ok..hehehehe.. coz this will spike the price..


2020-08-12 18:17 | Report Abuse

Flyinghorse... if ada idss, i paling untung i guess hehehehehe..


2020-08-12 18:16 | Report Abuse

Not surprise if they back to 0.5.. but good news is, if they touch back 0.5.. then we know that, this stock will rebound n recover after that.. lot of buyer surely buy at 0.5.. as for me..i just pray the comp is making the money for year n years..untill it surpassed my buying price hehehehe.. dpt balik modal pn jadi la..xuntung pn xpe heheheh... im in at higher price.. matilanak.... hahahahha


2020-08-12 18:09 | Report Abuse

Shawalrich87..no la...director wont bother if the price goes down to 40c..they lagi suka counter go low2 n re enter..somemore, they already sell their shares at high price prev.. most of gold counters start moving i guess today.. tomey n nice also moved..

I bet pohkong director also like us ikan bilis.. want to take peofit while untung.. but the different is, they will bring an impact if they sell..compared to us, if we sell 100% holding stock nothing happen to the stock. Most of the times, when we sell the stock, short after the stock keep going up.. hehehehe.. betul x.


2020-08-12 17:55 | Report Abuse

zacklee95... wow.. this consider good news.. tp i lambat masuk td.. beli pn small.. cash very2 the lowwww.. but its ok la.. hundreds pn at least still ok.. still can top up whatever losses i had.. better then nothing right..


2020-08-12 17:52 | Report Abuse

Dont la gais.. astik trap je.. i boleh mati mcm ni..heheheh.. so many counter i kene trapped.. kasi chance la mau cover my lost.. org lain kira duit pakai machine.. i kira lost pakai calculator.. aiyoo... i kalau green pn my stock, stull boleh kira pakai otak shj..bkn bnyk.. no need calculator to calculate my profit if any.. hehehheg


2020-08-12 17:49 | Report Abuse

Bobgaya.. thanks for understanding me..heheheh. no point to worry right.. hehehehe... anything up sure goes down.. anything down sure goes up in one fine day.. just hope the find day comes.. or kaki goreng to help me out.. heheheh


2020-08-12 17:45 | Report Abuse

Poey876688.. betul jugak kata u..hehehhhe.. so just wait this counter to be goreng la.. hehhehhe.. who knows, they interested to goreng..since its cheap.. easy money for them.. but us, will get trap la.. aduh...


2020-08-12 17:43 | Report Abuse

What is the highest price for this stock hit ya, if some one remember.. if im not mistaken, during the gold rally, it touch 050 ++... if so, then now price is already at half price discount before it touch back the higher price..


2020-08-12 17:41 | Report Abuse

Ya.. i bet so.. just because they read the stock name, they wont know.. but omce the muiprop fly tomorrow, i guess many people would aware abt this stock. Same goes to me..i baru tau n bought at 47 last 7 aug...i tot boleh tumpang ride for fews hundreds...heheheheh... aiyaaaa..


2020-08-12 17:35 | Report Abuse

happyface15.. not for the time being.. as i already lost 56%.. so i just park here and hope for better in future.. if i cut lost, i've to burn 40k++ liao... i just sit n watch je la.. nothing much i can do.. as long as we hold, we still not loss..it just a paper loss.. the moment we CL, then it is lost n need to bear the lost..


2020-08-12 17:22 | Report Abuse

Ya.. muiprop is another one to look at.. cheap 29c..


2020-08-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

Not aware the muiprop is recovery mode..


2020-08-12 17:17 | Report Abuse

I believe director knows that the gold price will up..thats is why they are buying back the price at lowest price.


2020-08-12 17:04 | Report Abuse

Im trapped at 0155.. not enough money to average down.. just hope for the best...


2020-08-12 17:00 | Report Abuse

Maybe lot of people did not aware i guess.. tomorrow maybe they will come back to this stock..


2020-08-12 16:02 | Report Abuse

Poh king chasing up tomei..


2020-08-12 15:55 | Report Abuse

Nice still have 24c to go before limit up? Correct me if im wrong..


2020-08-12 15:50 | Report Abuse

nice is limit up..poh kong n tomei on the move up.. can muiprop follow.. ? Lets try


2020-08-12 15:45 | Report Abuse

Nice is limit up.. poh kong still habe 20c to go.. go go go