
lawrencecwyen | Joined since 2020-07-30

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2 months ago | Report Abuse

Thank you for your affirmation @Salaryman130.

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Will the said report have any major negative or detrimental effect on MYEG's stock price? Or any circumstantial evidence of foul play here?


2024-05-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

Solid company. Debt free. Dividend for year 25 cents.


2024-05-08 11:01 | Report Abuse

Wow! Very good dividend payout!


2023-08-03 12:28 | Report Abuse

Indian government (Modi) just like most governments are more interested in getting reelected and staying in power. They have always wanted to and envisaged to be the big superpower like China but unfortunately they seem to act and behave like an immature, jealous spoilt child like the US/west??? Can't seem to be able grow up like a well behaved teenager, to fight and compete on a fair, just manner. Instead, they are acting/behaving like a big fat, selfish kid displaying their self inflated egoism, arrogance, as well as throwing their weight around as though the world owes them a living! Never a good or trusted partner to work with! They will play along on any side as long as there are benefits to be harvested or reaped by them! As long as I win, who cares!


2023-08-03 11:58 | Report Abuse

Do you notice that the survey on youth unemployment was done in June? when most of the students just finished their schooling or universities' studies? Naturally, the unemployment rate will be inflated very much higher!!?? Any suspicions here??? Every year about 10 million or so students graduate from Chinese universities, hence, providing jobs for such huge number of youths is a tremendous and formidable task for any government!!! (What about those students graduating from high schools??) Thus, the government's laser like focus on growth and development to provide jobs!

News & Blogs

2022-03-17 14:21 | Report Abuse

Very interesting and informative discussion. Highly enlightening.

News & Blogs

2021-07-09 13:59 | Report Abuse

1. China has to build and grow its internal financial might as well as institutions, to catch up/compete with western/US financial capabilities/prowess. National pride is also an important consideration!

2. It doesn't want its vast data resources to be easily/freely accessible or attainable by foreign entities, which could be detrimental or be weaponised against its competitiveness and national security.

3. It wants the country's funds/capital to remain or retained in its own boundaries than flowing out externally.

4. Chinese companies listed overseas especially US stock exchanges could be easily subject to or openly vulnerable to regulatory pressures/tools of sanctions, in case of political dissents/disputes/conflicts.

5. Most of the major shareholders of these Chinese overseas listed companies are foreign entities like Softbank-Japan, US financial behemoths in the like of Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock, T. Rowe Price and various institutional funds etc. Legally, they might be Chinese incorporated corporations but effectively, equity wise, they are majority owned by foreigners!!! This is the same situation faced by TSMC, Taiwan's chip giant. This could mean they could be subject to external pressures!

6. The CPC does not want a situation where all these foreign listed companies become too huge and become out of control like Jack Ma of Alibaba as well as create too wide a gap between the rich and the poor, as prevalent in most westernised/democracies. In many countries like US, the mega corporations control the government (as happened in Malaysia as well) instead of the other way around! The Chinese government does not want to lose control when they are having/facing so much pressures, challenges from the hostile US/western allies. They need to fight and fend off all kinds of conflicts and confrontations in many fronts and arenas!!!

News & Blogs

2021-07-05 15:44 | Report Abuse

Well said, Betland. No free lunch. Everybody must work, sacrifice and contribute something, if want to survive and strive. Even animals have to fight and work to survive! You just cannot pray and do nothing and hope the lord will provide.

News & Blogs

2021-07-05 12:11 | Report Abuse

Like it or not, China has to win this ideological and propaganda war by US and all its western allies including Japan, Korea, India and Taiwan. It's only through victory that it will be able to stand tall firmly, proudly and without fear or restrain to promote its brand of global peace, harmony, friendly neighbourliness coexistence and growth and development for all. It's a grand and almost impossible tall order but with the kind of dedication, determination, ambition, fighting spirit, perseverance and persistence, it is achievable and doable. By then, the whole world would unequivocally stand up, recognise, acknowledge and accept its noble ambitions and global standing. This will ultimately be a proud, proud defining moment not only for China but also all the overseas Chinese, irrespective of their nationality background. This means no matter what background of the overseas Chinese may be, be it social, economical, political, religious etc., the oversea Chinese status will be much more elevated and respected everywhere! I believe!

News & Blogs

2021-07-05 11:29 | Report Abuse

If China can overcome all the difficulties and obstacles it's currently facing or in the future as fabricated and hatched by the US and its allies, and eventually emerge much stronger and more powerful than it's now. Taiwan will have no place to hide its tail and its face. It has no choice but to kneel and kow tow to China, like it or not! Like what it did to the Japanese when it was its imperial master!


2021-07-05 10:57 | Report Abuse

EPF is lending shares for shorting. This is no good for all long term

News & Blogs

2021-05-19 12:09 | Report Abuse

SS Lee, great information. Thank you. This is the typical hallmark of US, stealing, spying, bullying, domineering, lying, arm twisting, gun tottering, condescending behavior etc. at its core but still denies vehemently as "a spoiled child would when confronted with any misbehavior."


2021-03-26 12:57 | Report Abuse

It's not a matter of who is going to be the biggest and most powerful nation on earth!

It's all about basic human survival and prosperity. Nobody in the right frame of mind and sanity wants suffering or pain like wars, disasters natural or man made etc. Everybody wants to live a reasonably peaceful, stable, decent and happy life with steady jobs, fairly good income to sustain and maintain his or her family. So, which country/or a group of countries? now which is/are vying for the No. 1 Superpower status can take this crucial lead role, without destroying or jeopardizing the intrinsic aspirations of the common human being?

Think about it. Who is/are more qualified to take this divine role for the sake of better human wellbeing, safety and benefits?


2021-03-26 12:57 | Report Abuse

It's not a matter of who is going to be the biggest and most powerful nation on earth!

It's all about basic human survival and prosperity. Nobody in the right frame of mind and sanity wants suffering or pain like wars, disasters natural or man made etc. Everybody wants to live a reasonably peaceful, stable, decent and happy life with steady jobs, fairly good income to sustain and maintain his or her family. So, which country/or a group of countries? now which is/are vying for the No. 1 Superpower status can take this crucial lead role, without destroying or jeopardizing the intrinsic aspirations of the common human being?

Think about it. Who is/are more qualified to take this divine role for the sake of better human wellbeing, safety and benefits?

News & Blogs

2021-03-26 11:50 | Report Abuse

The west should adopt the attitude of peaceful and friendly cooperation and existence instead of imposing their high and mighty attitudes on others.

Each person or country has his or her own unique culture and beliefs which may differ entirely from others. So, why not learn to understand, accept the differences and work together to strengthen the similarities for the common good of all instead! Nobody is more superior than the other.

The richer and more powerful advanced nations should help and work together with the poorer, weaker nations to help achieve a higher level of development and growth thus boosting the level of income, which subsequently benefits everyone! More prosperity, more peace and stability overall? No?

News & Blogs

2021-03-25 17:20 | Report Abuse

Malaysia will not be able to defend itself strongly in any foreign attack. The whole government system is so corrupt from the top to the bottom so much so, that our military forces are not so strong, lack discipline, mental strength, fortitude, no actual combat experiences, ill and outdated equipment to be able to deter or prevent any more powerful external attacks. World war II/Japanese invasion was a good example.

News & Blogs

2021-02-15 16:38 | Report Abuse

Sorry, I'm just passing through. Can't help but give my two cents worth. I think everyone has a freedom of choice and if one is not happy or dissatisfied with his or her current situation, then he or she has the right of option to resolve or remove oneself from the bad situation or malaise. Mdm Leno, I and many others also understand your gripes and frustration. And, it's a good thing that you're planning to migrate. Congratulations! But, it's not a very good idea to condemn the country you were born and grow up with. The mere fact that you could afford and capable of moving out and away to another supposedly better country, on your own resources, shows that you have also benefited in some way or another from the prosperity of the country, despite its many flaws and failures. Preferably, we, every patriotic, caring and loving citizens (irrespective of race, creed, colour or religion) of this ostensibly beautiful and blessed country should hopefully work together to bring our beloved nation to greater heights of development and prosperity. It seems utopian but we have not fallen to the bottom of the abyss yet! I believe there is still hope if every citizen is cognizant and believe in this ideal and could work towards this dream! All the corrupt, incompetent, good for nothing, rent seeking, racists, extremists, unqualified politicians etc. must be removed for the country to move further up the rung of prosperity. Nobody else can do this except every citizens i.e you and me and all caring loving citizens of Malaysia. We cannot allow these incompetent selfish politicians ruin the country and let it go to the dogs, so to speak!