
leno | Joined since 2013-04-25

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2020-08-04 15:53 | Report Abuse

i count one donkey come in .... meaning still good .... when 10 donkeys comin in here and promote insas like no tomolo .... leno is the first to CABUT .... this is common sense ... physic law no cheat people one.


2020-08-04 15:46 | Report Abuse

but of course we can always cheering for our counter .... INSAS CANTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKK !! U know how much leno make this year ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ....


2020-08-04 15:41 | Report Abuse

when buy any share ... ask is it safe or not. Is there enough margin of safety or not ? How to reduce your risk ? By borrowing money to play share ? Play margin ? Play candle and stick chart ?By imagining there will be MGO ? Hmmmm ..... just because u have a lot of money, u want show your arrogance ? U make money from where ? Share market ? Cannot be leh. U buy xinquan worr .... so, dun come here langsi langyeon hor ....


2020-08-04 15:36 | Report Abuse

Value investor buy "cheap" stock not because greedy to make a lot of money.
Value investor buy cheap because of margin of safety. Not margin of profit.
We cannot predict what market will do. But investing in safety mean not to lose money.
Making profit is just a secondary or bonus or even plain luck.
Trying to force your GREEDY need ... to take revenge to cover back your xinquan loss ... will end up kena langgar lori.


2020-08-04 15:31 | Report Abuse

insas is investment company = warrent buffett Bershire
xinquan is conman counter
sslee is xinquan favourite victim @ the most greedy and arrogant old donkey
Moral of story is do not be too greedy in share market. Common sense will tell us that GREEDY KILLED. Be moderate in expectation, be humble, and do not lie.


2020-08-04 15:22 | Report Abuse

everytime insas sold off inari shares ... insas has to realised the big PROFITs in their account. Everytime inari drop, insas can collect back cheap cheap again. Inari either go up or down are opportunity for insas. This called Sun Tzu 2-prong strategy... winning without attacking, defending without losing ...


2020-08-04 13:19 | Report Abuse

no wonder get con by xinquan ... greed+arrogant stupid liar ....


2020-08-04 12:44 |

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2020-08-04 10:52 | Report Abuse

Ah thong is a banker. He know what banker want. Banker want RPS. Banks need RPS to park their FD money. It is risk free, back by liquid and solid insas asset. Banker make easy profit with zero capital. They just park their customer FD into RPS ... generating 3.8% profit and pay customer 2% and pocketed 1.8% over zero capital = 9999999999% profit margin. Cheapest way to get the RPS is buy insas share, subcribe to the RPS and get 5 free warrant some more. INSAS share price will shoot up because RPS will atrract REAL BIG FISH to join insas. Not some stupid donkey .. everyday dividend dividend dividend .... no wonder always suffer bad fate everywhere ... Ptui !


2020-08-03 10:30 | Report Abuse

i am plague ? are u sure ? the one who inform everyone about the rps many months back, the one who explain what is rps, the one who clarify everything about insas ? Compare to another one who lie about MGO, lie about higher dividend, misinterpret what is rps, dun even know what is free warrant, invest in conman counter to make fast money .... Bad ppl will suffer bad karma lor ... not onli in share market ... it could be during driving to AGM lor...


2020-08-03 09:39 | Report Abuse

stupid donkey ... how can the free warrant weight down insas ? INSAS is giving the WE the shareholder the free WARRANTS ... NOT GIVIN TO SOMEBODY ELSE ! We will become the owner of the warrants ... how can it weight down ? Other corporate raise money thru private placement ... giving shares and warrant to someone else, not the owner.
That is we must always be reminded of his XINQUAN. How could someone claim very clever but kena con by xinquan ? GREEDY, ARROGANT, LIAR and FOOLISH old donkey. Serve him right. Hope he suffered the same fate again.


2020-08-02 09:30 | Report Abuse

GREEDY, ARROGANT, LIAR and FOOLISH ... he will suffer BAD FATE for sure.


2020-07-30 15:55 | Report Abuse

GREEDY, ARROGANT, LIAR, FOOLISH .... hope u get the same fate like last time.


2020-07-30 15:07 |

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2020-07-30 14:48 | Report Abuse

GREEDY, ARROGANT, LIAR, FOOLISH .... this kind of people will suffer bad fate.


2020-07-30 13:22 | Report Abuse

yup ... liar will say the same thing .... have u ever met a liar who say he is lying ? Here we can see an arrogant, greedy, liar, stupid ... but pretend to be good. Action speak louder. your action reveal your bad intention. Bad ppl will suffer bad fate. Sooner or later .... preferably sooner.


2020-07-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

it is not the tongue or mouth ... it is your heart, and your intention ... u look at all the scammers ... all flowers come out from their mouth ... so scammers are good ppl based on your idiot reasoning. People with bad intention, arrogant, pretend this and that, greedy, liar ... ! This kind of people will suffer bad fate ... Ptui !


2020-07-30 09:30 | Report Abuse

GREEDY, LIAR, ARROGANT, STUPID ... hope u will suffer bad luck in whatever u do in your life.


2020-07-29 11:09 | Report Abuse

really ? are u sure ? really really sure ? what does not kill u the first time ... does not make u stronger ... in your case, it make u weaker, greedier, and become a liar ... need to cover back your loss, u willing to do anything to get back your loss mar ... no ? Be careful lor ... u learn the wrong lesson ... second time, would not be so lucky lor...


2020-07-29 09:50 | Report Abuse

really ? how u know ? wah ... u so clever lah ... how come lose so much money leh ?


2020-07-29 09:21 |

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2020-07-28 15:59 |

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2020-07-28 15:57 |

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2020-07-28 15:55 |

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2020-07-28 15:47 |

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2020-07-28 15:42 | Report Abuse

Singapore has the technology but the country is too small to make any money. They will come and whack insas share instead ... and become one of insas partner. Insas has big connection with singapore.


2020-07-28 15:37 | Report Abuse

YTL tried before but failed. YTL came out with construction, YTLE, and YTL power. They failed. They didn't have the hardware sector of inari ametron and Huawei. They don't have their own securitties investment license like insas M&A.
Berjaya and Genting were not in the scope at all. Gamuda only construction. What else is there ?
Singapore investment will be comin in soon.


2020-07-28 15:31 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, there is no single Conglomerate that has capacity to exploit technology sector except for Insas. Insas has a COMPLETE package to do the job.
1. Construction arm of Hohup,
2. computer chips and quality control of Inari ametron,
3. software expertise of Dgsb
4. communication of Omesti
5. funding and investment of Insas M&A
6. Connection with Huawei and Foreign Tech Company
Combination of construction, hardware, software, communication, and finance and management.
The 5 FREE warrants are GOLD MINE
They worth more than previous 2 warrants.
Last time Insas was just in the beginning of adventure.
Now insas is on the way rolling ....
SSLee are stupid greedy old fool.
Bad ppl will suffer bad karma.


2020-07-28 12:42 | Report Abuse

Insas to Inari to Hohup to Ametron to Dgsb to Omesti to Huawei ... now they have a team to prosper and tackle anything and everything lor .... this is an EMPIRE in the making. They carving a big niche on Technology Sector. The Technology EMPIRE. Something that are outside Sunway, YTL, Berjaya, Genting and Gamuda scope lor. U dun belief ? Who are u ?


2020-07-27 15:16 | Report Abuse

great mind discuss useful idea ... greedy old fool discuss sheet.


2020-07-27 14:18 | Report Abuse

bad ppl will always suffer bad investment one ... greedy old fool.


2020-07-27 13:02 | Report Abuse

Insas is not raising money .... they are giving shareholder rights to buy RM 2 rps that worth RM 2 or more. At fair value compare to 2%FD .. the rps real value is RM 1.90 per rps. And even we compare to 3%FD (if there is any 3%FD) then the rps is worth no less than RM 1.50 per rps. Paying RM 1 for RM 1.50 worth of rps is a no brainer. Onli brainless (tarak otak and siAL) will claim majority of minority reject. When the real fact is he is the ONLY ONE who reject. He can claim newspaper say this and that, but did that writer of newpaper hold any insas share. Clearly this old donkey has very bad intention. Let's hope his bad attitude and bad luck will not trickle down into his descendants.


2020-07-27 12:51 | Report Abuse

The greedy old donkey has been twisting facts to serve his bad intention.
Bad people will get bad karma.
Greedy donkey will mati kena langgar.


2020-07-27 10:02 | Report Abuse

kakakakak ... your case is not strong .... it sound like a greedy amateur goin for fast money. Wish u all the bad luck in your greedy mission. Chia yiu !!


2020-07-25 16:35 |

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2020-07-23 11:20 |

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2020-07-21 15:07 | Report Abuse

investment banking are coming in ... CANTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK !!!


2020-07-15 17:34 | Report Abuse

ops ... i forget to add ..
go rest in piece u sheethead.

U are welcome.


2020-07-15 17:32 |

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2020-07-15 14:22 | Report Abuse

The old former top 30 xinquan donkey is thinking for himself.
Few more fact leno put down about insas
1. ah thong not interested to MGO insas. He could do it 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and even 5 weeks ago .. but he did not. There is a simple reason for it. But leno not goin to tell. So, dun tok kok about MGO in this forum or in AGM. U are wasting everyone times. Time is precious for a lot of ppl.
2. There will be no high dividend for next 5 years ... because insas will be busy acquiring potential company. Acquiring company need money. If u thinking buying insas for dividend ... pls go get lost.
3. There will be no hostile take-over. No one can hostile take over insas. It is too big, too diverse, and too ah thong controlled. Insas employees will not think twice to resigned ac hod. And the hostiler will become hostage at ah thong mercy.
4. Ah thong will not convert his warrant to dilute insas share because he already hold maximum number of shares. He can but he dunwan MGO for reason leno refuse to explain. Leno say this so many times already. By not converting warrants is a BONUS for minority holders.
5. Insas will not buy back insas share ... because insas want to use cash to acquire new or increase their shares in associate company when opportunities comes. U can tok kok about improving eps, nta, and blah blah blah until your kok drop off .... NO, insas has so many companies to acquire during crisis time.
Insas MAY buy back insas shares when there is no company to acquire. They did these few times during high time, when every other company is expensive. They stop doing this after leno told them, it is much easier to pay the unused cash as dividend rather than buy back insas share (pay bank commission), and distribute insas share (again a lot of paper work) and leno end up with 90 odd number of insas share which leno cannot do anything with. So, don suggest this, they will not listen to u, they onli listen to leno. Because what leno say make sense.
Keep these fact in mind before u plan to do anything.
I am not asking anyone to buy, hold or sell anything. I just lay out a few useful points.
There are a few more things u need to consider .. for eg. your health, wealth, and etc. They are beyond my scope or your syllabus.


2020-07-15 12:38 | Report Abuse

Insas is an INVESTMENT company. Full stop.
Investment company is GROWTH company. Full stop.
Director main responsible is the company and the company objective and mission.
Share price is not the director responsiblity.
When u see director start to manipulate share price by going against the company mission .... the company is doom.
What sslee doing is totally based on pure GREED. He dun care about the company. He thinking about his own self pretending to be representing others.
Currently everything is down. Meaning this is the BEST time to raise money to acquire cheap cheap potential company. Some company raise money when everything is expensive, but insas is doing the opposite, the correct way. The insas way. Full stop.


2020-07-15 12:23 |

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2020-07-15 12:08 |

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2020-07-15 11:41 |

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2020-07-15 11:19 |

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2020-07-13 12:41 |

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2020-07-13 12:32 | Report Abuse

Before, sslee think he represent all the minority shareholders ... now, he notice, well .. no, he is not representing the minority. He represent his ownself, for his belief in his OWN benefit. (same goes to another fellow who keep coming to insas counter to tok kok about things he dun no or understand) He just thinking in his shoes. He dun care wat are other ppl whether majority or minority are thinking at all. Hopefully he get to be aware of his narrow minded perspective. I will keep reminding of his past mistake ... because he is making another mistake. Of course, His mistake bear no weight to me. He lose money is his own making. I am just reminding others ... that u all got a lot to learn. Investing appear simple .... but really ?


2020-07-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

let face the fact.
1. this rps and warrant will be pass because ah thong + majority of the minority will support this proposal. Onli a very small minority (sslee) of the minority will oppose. At AGM 90-99% will vote yes.
2. sslee do not represent all the minority. As matter of fact he represent his ownself for his personal Greedy gain (which he thought is benefit).
3. leno personally have more than 3 millions shares to easily counter sslee small stake. By any common sense leno is the voice of the minority. If leno hold more share than sslee ... why heck leno want to support so call bad rps+free warrants ? Leno want to lose money aaa ? Leno dun want to MAXIMISE gain ? At the end .... is sslee really understand investing ? Comin from someone who is top 30 sharehoplder in xinquan ? Have he learn anything ?
4. if you dun understand why rps+free warrant is actually a BIG BONUS DIVIDEND but come in form of different name .... than u are a NOOB. Go learn. If dunno, then ask ... dun try to show off your stupidity everywhere.
5. If u think rps and warrant is BAD ... u can sell your share now. Because the rps will be PASS in AGM by more than 90% of shareholders, including raiders and leno and very clever gang.
ps : this is not statement asking anyone to buy, hold or sell insas. This is statement about be careful with your money and your voice.


2020-07-12 14:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-07-10 12:02 | Report Abuse

c2peed donkey ... that is TP for today ...