
limayseng | Joined since 2010-12-23

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2012-02-17 12:58 | Report Abuse

the co is keep on buying back their shares may be something is brewing..


2012-02-17 12:53 | Report Abuse

badly run co n incurred heavy losses...asking for more money thru rts n warrants? is already a sunken ship n no salvage value anymore...

News & Blogs

2012-02-11 22:15 | Report Abuse

if secured project like EDL can inflict losses to a tune of 30-40 million , then what is the use of tendering more projects under its wings? a simple bridge like permas jaya also take up a few yrs to build - the result is heavy traffic jam? workers r idling around and not doing jobs supposed to be and project supervision is lacking seriously . No urgency to carrying out work...? Most contractors make money after securing contracts except ...


2012-02-11 22:07 | Report Abuse

good sales in the lunar year but after that will be a different story altogether. If the govt going hard on mlm business , then haio will be facing lots of challenges..

2012-02-11 12:36 | Report Abuse

just 2 cts of a coin ...why quarrel over something which u r not very sure yet. market forces will determine the final outcome.


2012-02-11 12:27 | Report Abuse

setelah bertahun-tahun dlm rimba saham , satu pengajaran yg baik serta berguna utk gunapakai ialah "apabila semua cakap baik, masa sudah tiba utk cabut dan apabila ramai yg kata tak baik , maka itulah masa utk dikit dikit kumpul saham penny stocks yg murah utk umengaut untung besar apabila indeks naik mendadak atau semua sibuk goreng saham murah . Jarang sekali saham mewah dpt bertahan lama dlm pasaran . sejarah memberitahu kita ini semua . apajua analysts beritahu adalah bedasarkan sejarah lepas serta membuat unjuran kemungkinan trend saham masa depan. Itu saje 2 cts of a coin....selamat goreng dan jaga-jaga sebab buaya kini buat tidur saje dan akan menerkam apabila mangsa tak ambil peduli...


2012-02-10 13:15 | Report Abuse

kalau naik mendadak mcm nicorp nanti kena suspended / designated..running away is the only solution...selamatkan diri dulu!


2012-02-09 16:07 | Report Abuse

i think high time to get it designated same as harvest..


2012-02-09 16:05 | Report Abuse

knm is a bygone counter....all positive predictions by reputable analysts come to naught...tak takut mati , boleh cuba???


2012-02-09 16:01 | Report Abuse

healthy corrections to pull more into the fold??? apa maksud penny stocks ? i think it is self exlainatory..

News & Blogs

2012-02-09 11:32 | Report Abuse

how long a person can read n focus on print media? given a choice I would prefer print compared with print media .


2012-02-09 11:28 | Report Abuse

kereta merz laku mcm pisang dan co untung banyak ...kenapa lama sgt utk istiharkan sp dividend ? dulu SD sampai RM2....


2012-02-09 11:23 | Report Abuse

mcm itulah . mana ada durian runtuh setiap hari? pull-back memang betul utk mengajak lebih ramai punters masuk gaung kiamat...ho...ho...ho . Kalau ramai masuk baru ada peluang cabut diri...!!!!!


2012-02-08 21:45 | Report Abuse

goreng...goreng...goreng...kalau tak takut mati sila terjun masuk?


2012-02-08 21:29 | Report Abuse

designated stocks tak lama lagi...ho..ho..ho


2012-02-08 21:26 | Report Abuse

kalau mcm nicorp kan lwebih baik!


2012-02-08 21:25 | Report Abuse

vol cecah million??? kemungkinan ada "pull back " dan melonjak semula ...siapa tahu? kaki saham akan lebih memahami....selamat berlayar jauh...


2012-02-08 16:55 | Report Abuse

hari ini saag telah tunjuk berang...mcm tak puas dgn harganya yg kian mendap . Dulu pernah beli antara 20-30 cts . Kalau perang berlaku semua saham akan meredum tapi saham minyak akan melonjak jika harga minyak meningkat secara mendadak. Peluang ini lebih menjadi apabila US dan NATO seakan-akan mcm nak perang Iran dan Israel mcm akan mengebom peralatan nuclearnya . Jika ini berlaku , kemungkinan besar harga minyak akan melonjak...dan diikuti saham minyak spt saag...ini hanya ramalan...dan tanggung jawab adalah pd diri masing-masing...selamat berlabur..ya


2012-02-08 16:46 | Report Abuse

penny stocks performed better year in year out ...but must at least stock between 1-2 yrs and keep buying when no buyers r around . The risk factor is lowered if u r buying shares instead of warrants.


2012-02-02 23:22 | Report Abuse

yg tertinggi 7 cts , semua penny stocks telah melonjak tapi this one mcm laggard? mcm punters telah hilang kepecayaan pd saham yg tidak bermaya ini?

News & Blogs

2012-01-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

with such a low tech in car manufacturing and unfacied brand , I do not think it will command a good price even there are willing takers....


2012-01-02 20:50 | Report Abuse

constantly paying out good dividend and no harm to hold...


2011-11-03 20:52 | Report Abuse

good dividend payout . other than that , nothing exciting...


2011-11-03 20:46 | Report Abuse

Saag going up to 8.5 cts but at a very small vol . mostly at 8 cts or below. Vol up these few days n i think some buying n liquidating going on for a while ...


2011-07-27 21:17 | Report Abuse

with US budget turmoil n political squabbles , look like market will crash in matter of time . It will be catastrophe!


2011-07-27 21:14 | Report Abuse nothing looks good?