
lotuseater | Joined since 2019-10-20

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2021-05-01 09:49 | Report Abuse

that's the problem when there are people who don't know basic economics. If you feel uncomfortable, then just sell your shares lah.. maybe those who make negative comments do not even own any shares..
The beauty of economics is the price goes up when supply is scarce and when supply increases, the price goes down. When supply is scarce, it's a seller's market - you set the pric - if you don't want to pay, the next person who is willing to pay will buy.. think from the buyer's perspective, if you have no supply of raw materials, your factory cannot operate..


2021-05-01 00:12 | Report Abuse

I believe some people only read the headlines but don’t read its contents or they just want to sensationalize any seemingly negative news for reasons best known to themselves.
They can now decide the pricing. As rightly pointed out, low volume is compensated by high price.


2021-04-04 17:53 | Report Abuse

@Keyman188... what is the relation between your two articles above and Petronas Gas? If it's irrelevant, pls do not post such articles here.


2021-03-25 20:13 | Report Abuse

You don’t expect tin price to go up every day, do you?


2021-03-25 20:12 | Report Abuse

Pls lah.. every time tin price corrects, you will hear all sorts of negativity.. the price is still high even with the correction..


2021-03-23 18:14 | Report Abuse

This pang72 could be the same Gooshen from other forums. Wasting his time talking nonsense.


2021-03-22 20:19 | Report Abuse

Take a look at other counters.. this guy has been uttering nonsense there as well.. best to just ignore him.


2021-03-04 22:58 | Report Abuse

Pls look at the tin prices and value of future development in Butterworth. Share prices are always forward-looking.


2021-03-04 17:44 | Report Abuse

@zhm540.. pls bear in mind that if the contract is cancelled, the government has to pay compensation. Not so simple to just cancel a signed contract. If u work in a company which is implementing a new system, there are bound to be some who like or dislike. You cannot just choose to look from the perspective of those who dislike. Cannot please everyone. Look at this objectively.


2021-03-02 07:51 | Report Abuse

Pls read the article properly before jumping to conclusions.


2021-02-28 09:26 | Report Abuse

@xxxting.. I suggest you put all your money in FD.. you are nothing but a short term player, looking to make a quick buck and worry whenever the price goes down.
You are also asking questions that nobody can answer.
If you are so worried, just sell off your stock and you can sleep peacefully.


2021-02-26 19:48 | Report Abuse

Just a ploy to shake weak holders out.. tin prices are still very high.. record profits expected next quarter and next financial year


2021-02-24 15:54 | Report Abuse

Looks like someone playing the stock market for the first time.. down a bit already panic and looking around for advice.
We are not God, so we wouldn’t know if tomorrow will up or down. But if you have faith in this counter, then hold.. if you don’t, then sell.. it’s as simple as that


2021-02-20 20:52 | Report Abuse

@Calvin882.. pls take a look at their results for Q2 2020.. the bulk of their profits are there when there were more energy payments. For Q4 2020, they already said it's mainly due to lower energy payments. Overall, there's only a decline of 10% (RM320million to RM286 million). Look at the bigger picture.. you can't have increasing quarters every time.


2021-02-20 16:13 | Report Abuse

@lee901.. if you analyze things like this, i suggest you put your money in FD..


2021-02-20 12:09 | Report Abuse

Overall, there was only a10% drop in net profit.. does anyone remember how the economy was like in 2020? Still complain?
Statements of doomsayers with intentions best known to themselves reflects the type of maturity of investors in this country.


2021-02-20 12:01 | Report Abuse

Before making sweeping statements about the financials, pls do some proper observations. There was a one off gain in 2019.


2021-02-11 11:34 | Report Abuse

@apple168 is from Singapore.... if u want to sell, no need to announce to the world, just do it.. it's your money.. after that, get a life and leave others in peace.


2021-02-11 09:49 | Report Abuse

@apple168... please lah.... stop repeating the same old stuff lah..


2021-02-09 12:16 | Report Abuse

@swagger855.. if that's the case, why are u still in this forum? Why are you still interested in this stock?


2021-02-09 11:54 | Report Abuse

@forever living.. how do you know it is not profitable? Pls provide some facts before making baseless statements.


2021-02-07 11:34 | Report Abuse

@TreeTopView.. the best comment I hv seen in a long while..


2021-02-06 08:11 | Report Abuse

I completely agree with @ibnushaari, at every forum, I noticed that whenever a stock drops a little, so many doomsayers would emerge, talking nothing but negativity and pessimism. If they are so negative, why don’t they just exit the stock, why are they sticking around, bad mouthing it? Why are they wasting their time at this forum? To help you?

Whenever a company tenders a project, they know they have to provide a performance bond and would have the necessary sources of funds ready in the event they win the contract.


2021-02-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

Tqvm for the info. U r most kind to share this info with us. Appreciate your concerns for our well-being.


2021-02-05 10:22 | Report Abuse

If someone is so overly concerned about the stock, then logically he/she should sell off the stock and get on with his/her life. No point spending time trying so hard to convince other people to be on their side.


2021-02-05 09:39 | Report Abuse

The “concern” shown is truly appreciated.
Pls leave this forum if u hv nothing good to say.


2021-02-05 09:19 | Report Abuse

If u think the price is going down and it’s future us so pessimistic, why are u still in this forum? You should hv sold off the stock by now.


2021-02-04 15:11 | Report Abuse

A lot of companies have disputes with IRB, not only TNB. Does any company have the infrastructure to supply electricity? It will be no different than TM providing the last mile for broadband.


2021-02-04 15:08 | Report Abuse

@mywb.. good luck on getting it at RM6. The price has been dropping due to exit of foreign funds.


2021-02-02 20:25 | Report Abuse

If they didn’t get the project, all the doomsayers will say it’s the end of the world. Now they got the project, almost everyone still taking about doom and gloom, just cos it dropped today.. btw, have u ever heard of profit taking?


2021-02-01 18:14 | Report Abuse

Steady annual profit of RM300m over the next 25 years is called “limited earnings upside”?
Take a look at how much of FCF it gets if they achieve that kind of profit every year & how much dividends it can declare.


2021-02-01 18:11 | Report Abuse

An update of 25% (RM9) from current price (RM7.16) is called “limited upside”?


2021-01-30 00:36 | Report Abuse

Or someone has either been living in a cave for the past 2 months or having sleepless nights after he bought at RM14-RM15..


2021-01-30 00:28 | Report Abuse

The price has doubled over the past 12 mths, still not good enough?


2021-01-30 00:27 | Report Abuse

How sure are u? U own the company? Cut out the pessimism and cynicism, please.


2021-01-26 19:05 | Report Abuse

The price has been artificially pushed up at the last minute.


2021-01-21 18:06 | Report Abuse

Drop just a bit already scared.. all sort of negatives in your mind.. if so scared, better don’t buy and keep the money in FD.


2021-01-20 20:14 | Report Abuse

If the staff see potential in the company, only a small number will see their shares.. not all will sell.. those who sell can easily be absorbed..


2021-01-11 20:16 | Report Abuse

this article does not tell us anything new from what we already know.


2020-12-08 18:03 | Report Abuse

Typo... “if you don’t trust...”


2020-12-08 18:02 | Report Abuse

Pls understand what they are doing before making any unjustified comments. If you do trust the recommendation from stock brokers, then just don’t buy. Don’t make silly comments.
If you have worked in a bank, you will know what they are doing. This is going to be their csh cow for 12 years.


2020-12-05 10:46 | Report Abuse

For those skeptics that do not believe BAT can relive their glory days, pls bear in mind the situation is different now. The government needs to crack down on illicit cigarettes to earn more tax revenue as its coffers are dry. The main benefactor of this is BAT - the price has been moving up because more & more people are aware of this..


2020-12-03 12:35 | Report Abuse

Good advice. But the scenario is different now, so the share price and movement may be different, too.


2020-11-18 15:44 | Report Abuse

Pls note that nobody is disputing this item in the budget


2020-11-12 18:00 | Report Abuse

TA research tp 14.50


2020-11-11 18:53 | Report Abuse

If just drop a bit already scared, might as well don’t buy or play the share market. In fact, based on the high volume on Mon, today’s profit taking was well-absorbed.
Btw, those who bought today will receive 21 sen dividend.. just in case you don’t know.


2020-11-09 21:43 | Report Abuse

That’s the problem when there are people who are so negative.. if no action taken by government, say no action taken.. now action proposed to curb smuggling, say cannot control...there’s no pleasing people like this.. if u r not satisfied with the proposed action, then just don’t buy..


2020-10-26 12:55 | Report Abuse

Ally did not force you all to buy. Just because the share price drops, you start badmouthing her. She doesn’t owe you anything. If the share price goes up, are you going to pay for her advice?
If the company is good, the share price will go back up.


2020-10-22 11:17 | Report Abuse

I can’t believe reading some of the postings in this thread. If u believe in a recommendation, go ahead and buy. If u don’t, don’t buy.
Whatever the recommendation, no one forced u to buy.. it’s your call.
Stop blaming or bad mouthing each other..