
maxlyn36 | Joined since 2020-07-16

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2020-12-07 15:59 | Report Abuse

Be patience. Good news coming.


2020-11-16 07:37 | Report Abuse

Dk66, please add me to your private group. Thanks.


2020-11-12 17:45 | Report Abuse

Well said YSL76 & drtrade.
Have faith in yourself. Study the fundamental prior investing.
All shares are bound to go up & down.


2020-11-12 07:05 | Report Abuse

Extracted frm below news. Read and digest. Don't panic sell !!!

Following the purchase cancellation, AT Systematization said it will be focusing on building up its own glove production capacity via the establishment of a new plant in Perak.

"This focus is expected to enable its glove manufacturing plant to be established in a mere five months period, as compared to the average period of one-year which is typically required for a glove manufacturing facility to be completed and commissioned,” the firm's statement read.

"Despite the setback in relation to the proposed acquisition of Pearl Glove, the group said we remain committed to accelerate the completion of our glove manufacturing plant in Perak, through which we target to see the delivery of our first batch of nitrile gloves by the end of this year. This would enable revenue contribution from the new glove business in the current financial year of 2021 (FY21),” said AT Systematization's managing director Choong Lee Aun.

Choong said the firm's investment and growth strategy are supported by the continued strong demand for gloves, adding that the company has received "overwhelming response and enquiries for orders from foreign and local buyers, even before the start of production".


2020-11-12 06:18 | Report Abuse

The cancellation of PG acquisition is the favorable announcement we have been waiting.

Save $22m
PP successfully generated $80m cash

Ready to hunt for a piece of land and build to own specifications.

Can start prodn in 6 months instead of 12 months.

Existing factory in Chemor starts prodn next month.

Read the news in theedgemarket.

U think ur excitement in PG acquisition to be a success can push the share price up?

If it's unfavorable news, the directors will be the first to dispose and won't support the price.

Ignored all the negative comments and analyse yourself. .


2020-11-06 11:29 | Report Abuse

Hi Ally, pm me too


2020-09-20 22:29 | Report Abuse

Wenlinc, please add me in...Tq


2020-09-06 21:13 | Report Abuse

WenlinC; wats d gud news? Pls share. Tq


2020-09-04 22:18 | Report Abuse


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
The Board of Directors of AppAsia Berhad (“AppAsia” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that AppAsia Tech Sdn Bhd (“ATSB”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of AppAsia, had on 4 September 2020 entered into a Collaboration Agreement with TM Info-Media Sdn Bhd (“TMIM”), a wholly owned unit of Telekom Malaysia Berhad, whereby TMIM shall collaborate exclusively with ATSB for the development, marketing and promotion of the Yellow Pages Digital Platform for the initial period of five (5) years from the from the date which the Yellow Pages Digital Platform is launched and accessible to the general public (“Initial Contract Period”).

The Collaboration will automatically be extended for a further period of five (5) years after the expiry of the Initial Contract Period (“Extended Contract Period”) and be further extended for a period of two (2) years after the expiry of the Extended Contract Period.

Please refer to the attachment for the full details.

This announcement is dated 4 September 2020.


2020-09-02 21:07 | Report Abuse

kuring2 U may try yur luck.

Aug 2020 – Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) has awarded to novaCITYNETS, a subsidiary of Nova MSC the project to develop a Localised Industry Foundation Class (IFC) Information Model.


2020-09-02 20:59 | Report Abuse

Aug 2020 – Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) has awarded to novaCITYNETS, a subsidiary of Nova MSC the project to develop a Localised Industry Foundation Class (IFC) Information Model.


2020-09-02 20:54 | Report Abuse

Aug 2020 – Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) has awarded to novaCITYNETS, a subsidiary of Nova MSC the project to develop a Localised Industry Foundation Class (IFC) Information Model.


2020-09-02 17:02 | Report Abuse

Hopefully price goes up.


2020-08-27 12:45 | Report Abuse

Can anyone check who are those big players collecting?


2020-08-24 12:06 | Report Abuse

Ruang lingkup kerja sama tersebut meliputi penempatan set perangkat RT-PCR yang bekerja sama dengan Nexgram Biomedics, Sdn.Bhd,


2020-08-24 12:06 | Report Abuse

Tes Covid-19, RSUI Jalin Kerja Sama Dengan HIPTEK
Tes Covid-19, RSUI Jalin Kerja Sama Dengan HIPTEKRSUI jalin kerja sama dengan HIPTEK/Ist
Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia (RSUI) menjalin kerja sama dengan Himpunan Pemeriksa Tenaga Kesehatan Indonesia (HIPTEK) dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan pemeriksaaan real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) Covid-19.
Bertambah 637 Kasus Covid-19, Positify Rate Ibukota Sepekan 9,6 Persen
Walikota Bekasi Akan Tutup Kembali Panti Pijat Hingga Karaoke
Tekan Covid-19, Kapolda Metro Minta Masyarakat Jadi Polisi Untuk Dirinya Sendiri

Kesepakatan tersebut ditandai dengan penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) yang dilakukan oleh Direktur Utama RSUI, dr. Astuti Giantini dan Ketua Umum HIPTEK, dr. Tahir Abdulkadir.

Penandatanganan yang disaksikan oleh jajaran Dewan Pimpinan Pusat HIPTEK dan jajaran direksi serta manajemen RSUI ini dilakukan pada Rabu (19/8) di Auditorium Gedung Administrasi RSUI, Kampus UI Depok.

Ruang lingkup perjanjian ini adalah pengadaan kerja sama dalam hal pemeriksaan RT-PCR bagi calon pekerja migran Indonesia (CPMI), masyarakat umum, dan calon jamaah umrah serta haji melalui Sarana Kesehatan Anggota HIPTEK.

Tahir Abdulkadir menyampaikan bahwa penandatanganan kerja sama dengan RSUI ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk komitmen HIPTEK dalam mengawal Undang-undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2017 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia dan Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan RI Nomor 294 Tahun 2020 tentang Pelaksanaan Penempatan Pekerja Migran Indonesia Pada Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru.

Berdasarkan amanah undang-undang tersebut, kami siap melayani CPMI yang akan bekerja ke luar negeri pada masa adaptasi kebiasaan baru (AKB) dengan pemeriksaan swab PCR, yang mana pengambilan spesimen swab tetap dilakukan di Klinik Utama anggota HIPTEK, namun untuk pemeriksaannya kita serahkan ke rumah sakit rujukan Covid-19, yaitu RSUI," kata Tahir.

Sementara dalam sambutannya, Astuti Giantini, mengatakan, RSUI sebagai salah satu rumah sakit yang melayani pemeriksaan Covid-19, tentunya sangat siap dan bersyukur dapat dipercaya untuk menerima rujukan spesimen swab dari Klinik Utama anggota HIPTEK.

"Bahan yang akan diperiksa (sampel) atau bahan yang belum siap diperiksa (spesimen) nanti akan dilakukan pemeriksaan oleh tenaga kesehatan kami yang sudah terlatih di sini. Kami tentunya akan bekerja semaksimal mungkin untuk dapat memberikan hasil pemeriksaan yang akurat dan cepat sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan jejaring anggota Hiptek," kata Astuti.

Salah satu bentuk implementasi kerja sama dalam menunjang tersedianya perangkat pemeriksaan Covid-19, antara Direktur Utama RSUI, dr. Astuti Giantini dan Presiden Direktur PT. NDS Global Teknologi, Devi Erna Rachmawati juga menandatangani Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) tentang Program Konsinyasi Pemeriksaan Covid-19.

Ruang lingkup kerja sama tersebut meliputi penempatan set perangkat RT-PCR yang bekerja sama dengan Nexgram Biomedics, Sdn.Bhd, pelatihan teknik pengambilan swab kepada Klinik Utama anggota HIPTEK, pemeriksaan swab PCR menggunakan set perangkat RT-PCR yang memiliki kapasitas 1000 pemeriksaan per hari dengan hasil kurang dari 24 jam dan penggunaan aplikasi Tracvirus yang berfungsi untuk memonitor dan merekam secara online maupun sistematis.

Aplikasi ini mengeluarkan E-Cert (sertifikasi online) yang dapat memastikan tidak terjadi pemalsuan dan penipuan sertifikat pemeriksaan Covid-19.[dod]


2020-08-13 08:25 | Report Abuse

HLTians, wishing everyone good luck too. Hold tight. Don’t panic. HLTwon’t let us down. Up up up again!


2020-08-13 07:19 | Report Abuse

BTW good weather today....
#OIL ( BRENT ) now jump to USD 46...


2020-08-13 07:18 | Report Abuse

BTW good weather today....
#OIL ( BRENT ) now jump to USD 46...


2020-08-13 07:17 | Report Abuse

Coronavirus: Germany's Robert Koch Institute withdraws optimistic vaccine claim
4 hours ago

Germany's top institute for infectious diseases pulled its own paper which claimed a vaccine could be available this fall. The Robert Koch Institute said the document was posted in error and removed it from its website.
Germany's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) withdrew a report on Wednesday that claimed a coronavirus vaccine was imminent. The public health agency said the document was published in error.
The paper, which has now been removed from the institute's website, was an out-of-date version of a document being worked on by the agency, an RKI spokeswoman said.
Earlier on Wednesday, the RKI released the document which proclaimed a vaccine could be available as early this fall.
Read more: Coronavirus: What is Germany's Robert Koch Institute?
The agency produced a German-language paper entitled "The pandemic in Germany in the coming months." It said: "Preliminary projections make the availability of one or several vaccines seem possible by autumn 2020." But the RKI are now distancing themselves from the prediction.
The RKI's error comes amid growing concerns in Germany over rising infections.
Earlier on Wednesday, Health Minister Jens Spahn urged citizens to remain vigilant as the country reported its highest daily jump in cases since May 9.

DW NEWS | 11.08.2020
Putin: New vaccine 'gives sustainable immunity'
Russian vaccine
Spahn also expressed skepticism over a new vaccine trumpeted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, joining the chorus of concern already aired by some experts over Moscow's rapid approval of the drug.
"To the best of our knowledge, it has not been sufficiently tested," Spahn said. He also suggested Russian authorities had not been transparent about their research and testing methods.
Russia approved the vaccine on Tuesday after it was tested on humans for less than two months. President Putin vouched for its safety, even saying his daughter is among those already inoculated.
This article has been updated to show the Robert Koch Institute withdrawing its paper on the pandemic-related predictions.


2020-08-13 07:16 | Report Abuse

Coronavirus: Germany's Robert Koch Institute withdraws optimistic vaccine claim
4 hours ago

Germany's top institute for infectious diseases pulled its own paper which claimed a vaccine could be available this fall. The Robert Koch Institute said the document was posted in error and removed it from its website.
Germany's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) withdrew a report on Wednesday that claimed a coronavirus vaccine was imminent. The public health agency said the document was published in error.
The paper, which has now been removed from the institute's website, was an out-of-date version of a document being worked on by the agency, an RKI spokeswoman said.
Earlier on Wednesday, the RKI released the document which proclaimed a vaccine could be available as early this fall.
Read more: Coronavirus: What is Germany's Robert Koch Institute?
The agency produced a German-language paper entitled "The pandemic in Germany in the coming months." It said: "Preliminary projections make the availability of one or several vaccines seem possible by autumn 2020." But the RKI are now distancing themselves from the prediction.
The RKI's error comes amid growing concerns in Germany over rising infections.
Earlier on Wednesday, Health Minister Jens Spahn urged citizens to remain vigilant as the country reported its highest daily jump in cases since May 9.

DW NEWS | 11.08.2020
Putin: New vaccine 'gives sustainable immunity'
Russian vaccine
Spahn also expressed skepticism over a new vaccine trumpeted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, joining the chorus of concern already aired by some experts over Moscow's rapid approval of the drug.
"To the best of our knowledge, it has not been sufficiently tested," Spahn said. He also suggested Russian authorities had not been transparent about their research and testing methods.
Russia approved the vaccine on Tuesday after it was tested on humans for less than two months. President Putin vouched for its safety, even saying his daughter is among those already inoculated.
This article has been updated to show the Robert Koch Institute withdrawing its paper on the pandemic-related predictions.


2020-08-13 07:15 | Report Abuse

Coronavirus: Germany's Robert Koch Institute withdraws optimistic vaccine claim
4 hours ago

Germany's top institute for infectious diseases pulled its own paper which claimed a vaccine could be available this fall. The Robert Koch Institute said the document was posted in error and removed it from its website.
Germany's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) withdrew a report on Wednesday that claimed a coronavirus vaccine was imminent. The public health agency said the document was published in error.
The paper, which has now been removed from the institute's website, was an out-of-date version of a document being worked on by the agency, an RKI spokeswoman said.
Earlier on Wednesday, the RKI released the document which proclaimed a vaccine could be available as early this fall.
Read more: Coronavirus: What is Germany's Robert Koch Institute?
The agency produced a German-language paper entitled "The pandemic in Germany in the coming months." It said: "Preliminary projections make the availability of one or several vaccines seem possible by autumn 2020." But the RKI are now distancing themselves from the prediction.
The RKI's error comes amid growing concerns in Germany over rising infections.
Earlier on Wednesday, Health Minister Jens Spahn urged citizens to remain vigilant as the country reported its highest daily jump in cases since May 9.

DW NEWS | 11.08.2020
Putin: New vaccine 'gives sustainable immunity'
Russian vaccine
Spahn also expressed skepticism over a new vaccine trumpeted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, joining the chorus of concern already aired by some experts over Moscow's rapid approval of the drug.
"To the best of our knowledge, it has not been sufficiently tested," Spahn said. He also suggested Russian authorities had not been transparent about their research and testing methods.
Russia approved the vaccine on Tuesday after it was tested on humans for less than two months. President Putin vouched for its safety, even saying his daughter is among those already inoculated.
This article has been updated to show the Robert Koch Institute withdrawing its paper on the pandemic-related predictions.


2020-08-13 07:13 | Report Abuse

BTW good weather today....
#OIL ( BRENT ) now jump to USD 46...


2020-08-13 07:12 | Report Abuse

BTW good weather today....
#OIL ( BRENT ) now jump to USD 46....


2020-08-13 06:52 | Report Abuse

@Sneekpeek read the content of the news again. NOT so soon as the topic says!

Germany Health Minister Jens Spahn urged citizens to remain vigilant as the country reported its highest daily jump in cases since May 9.
Spahn also expressed skepticism over a new vaccine trumpeted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, joining the chorus of concern already aired by some experts over Moscow's rapid approval of the drug.
"To the best of our knowledge, it has not been sufficiently tested," Spahn said. He also suggested Russian authorities had not been transparent about their research and testing methods.


2020-08-13 06:45 | Report Abuse

Coronavirus: Germany's Robert Koch Institute withdraws optimistic vaccine claim
4 hours ago

Germany's top institute for infectious diseases pulled its own paper which claimed a vaccine could be available this fall. The Robert Koch Institute said the document was posted in error and removed it from its website.
Germany's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) withdrew a report on Wednesday that claimed a coronavirus vaccine was imminent. The public health agency said the document was published in error.
The paper, which has now been removed from the institute's website, was an out-of-date version of a document being worked on by the agency, an RKI spokeswoman said.
Earlier on Wednesday, the RKI released the document which proclaimed a vaccine could be available as early this fall.
Read more: Coronavirus: What is Germany's Robert Koch Institute?
The agency produced a German-language paper entitled "The pandemic in Germany in the coming months." It said: "Preliminary projections make the availability of one or several vaccines seem possible by autumn 2020." But the RKI are now distancing themselves from the prediction.
The RKI's error comes amid growing concerns in Germany over rising infections.
Earlier on Wednesday, Health Minister Jens Spahn urged citizens to remain vigilant as the country reported its highest daily jump in cases since May 9.

00:49 mins.
DW NEWS | 11.08.2020
Putin: New vaccine 'gives sustainable immunity'
Russian vaccine
Spahn also expressed skepticism over a new vaccine trumpeted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, joining the chorus of concern already aired by some experts over Moscow's rapid approval of the drug.
"To the best of our knowledge, it has not been sufficiently tested," Spahn said. He also suggested Russian authorities had not been transparent about their research and testing methods.
Russia approved the vaccine on Tuesday after it was tested on humans for less than two months. President Putin vouched for its safety, even saying his daughter is among those already inoculated.
This article has been updated to show the Robert Koch Institute withdrawing its paper on the pandemic-related predictions.
John Silk


2020-08-07 19:56 | Report Abuse

Cheapest gold counter! Pray hard it will ✈ high. Good luck to all.


2020-08-07 11:53 | Report Abuse

As mentioned earlier, the BornOil group now intends to proceed with excavation and mining on the 1st Zone via an outsourcing business structure with a contractor to be appointed shortly.

BornOil is also continuing with exploration works on the other 7 zones and shall similarly assess the same under the JORC Standard, the resources therein at an interval of 3 to 6 months for each


2020-08-05 08:28 | Report Abuse

@liverfool x caya x apa. tengok aja pkul 9pagi ni


2020-08-05 08:23 | Report Abuse

@rizal_de, setuju..Dah naik baru nak kejar. Biarlah kat depa ni selalu ada -ve fikiran.


2020-08-04 09:27 | Report Abuse

Increased of glove orders to America


2020-07-31 15:35 | Report Abuse

Thx bignate2019. Pls share here too


2020-07-28 22:34 | Report Abuse

Newbie here. Any potential fly high?


2020-07-26 10:13 | Report Abuse

Stockiss Pls add me