
mkmk | Joined since 2017-09-27

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2018-12-17 08:16 | Report Abuse

dont blame kyy la u..... he is haLIE's sifut..... y u blame him... show some respect pls...


2018-12-17 08:11 | Report Abuse

i m showing the fact mah... why u suka to live in the lying world??? i tell ppl the truth doesnt mean i hate halie... i love halie thats y i hope i can change him from stop lying... if he doesnt lie karma doesnt go to him.... it is good for him....
punish Jaks's shareholder? i think halie is the one punish them coz he is the promoter mah... i didnt hate or angry halie, so no forgiveness is required... i m teaching halie to be a good man... to be a honest man... at the same time, i m teaching u to TipukeyFig....


2018-12-17 08:02 | Report Abuse

Turkey, if u love haLIE u should guide him not to lie... but u urself also suka lie... no wonder la... thats y busuk punya stay tgt lo....


2018-12-17 08:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jeremy_Chew > Dec 13, 2018 01:12 PM | Report Abuse

company buys back share because they are confident of their future prospect and think the share price is currently undervalued... and of course they can sell back later and lock in profit for the company, why not?

it is one of the many ways to increase profit, while they can also concentrate on selling their core products at the same time... yes.. i mean at the same time.. why not?

can you not be so stupid, please? Halite....

black also painted as white so kena ppl scolded again....

Posted by idunwork > Dec 13, 2018 03:24 PM | Report Abuse

Halite you have a logical problem or what ? You keep insisting prople to follow your tought which yourself are not sure..

....".I may be wrong because no one can predict the tomorrow accurately".....

misleading ppl kena scolded again....

see ur member's level... kena scolded by ppl saja.... y? kuat tipu.... always want to mislead ppl... shame on u in the same team with haLIE....


2018-12-17 07:58 | Report Abuse

Turkey, stop lying... i said i didnt hate halie.. i expose his lies coz i think it is not right to lie... if u think it is right, ask halie go to ask CalvinTan it is right or not... i love halie thats y i hope he 回头是岸,你就不要再狼狈为奸了。。。


2018-12-17 07:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by Halite > Nov 15, 2018 09:29 AM | Report Abuse

Flbhd is also a Sabah plywood company and doesn't have a single piece of log of its own
Flbhd has just declared 8 sen dividend

More than 50% of pworth revenue is derived from plywood, if flbhd can do well, do you think pworth will be bad

Posted by thunderbird > Dec 16, 2018 04:16 PM | Report Abuse

U said flb pays dividend so result good so pwi also leh.... now spin lagi.... keep spinning la.... LIAR... kuat tipu....

see ur member punya level..... the latest he kena ppl scolded tipu..... u r same with him la... kuat tipu and misleading ppl....

i already clarify i didnt hate him... i expose his lies only coz it is not right to tipu.... see u choose to continue tipu i hate halie... funny halie.... use own ID la... u scare i said y r u like a fool talk to someone who u think is a fool kah?


2018-12-17 07:48 | Report Abuse

Turkey, i didnt hate halie... i expose his lies only... bible teaches u lie meh?


2018-12-17 07:47 | Report Abuse

I think halie must be angry with me coz karma really look for him until he needs to find so many ppl to attack me... hahahaha...


2018-12-17 07:44 | Report Abuse

BuahCiku, u all started the vulgar word thing but keep painting me as the one who use it.... this is exactly the low class ppl tactic la... u use it and u said u r not... i defend then i was portray as the one using it.... so u la, ds la, halie la.... dont put church and god beside ur mouth la.... u r insulting this religion u know....
karma looks for halie true ah....thats y he bought de all drop gaogao, he sold de all up gao gao lo... if u didnt do anything immoral etc u steady bah.... no need scare... maybe referee kena suspended is a karma too who know.... it is up to u to judge ma.... since u have no professional judgment then also nvm la....
U all choose to slander me with vulgar language just bcoz of halie only show u guys have no difference from halie.... bunch of liars.....


2018-12-16 23:11 | Report Abuse

BuahCiku, same la... i nvr talk to u, nvr talk to dragonsliar.... but y u ah and turkey ah come to attack me? Come on la... coz haLIE lo.... haLIE is the one attack me first in pwi coz he not happy with my view on pwi... so who r u all come here to attack me??? I dont care u all same grp or one person with all IDs, u cant cheat the god through lies... thats y karma goes to haLIE... maybe u all soon also leh.... be patience la....


2018-12-16 23:06 | Report Abuse

BuahTipu, u go count lo.... 先撩者贱.... u deserve it... good night...


2018-12-16 23:05 | Report Abuse

Hollandking, thats the problem when some ppl not happy or not agree with ur comment... they do personal attack or use lies to bully u la.... haLIE so angry with me coz i expose his many lies.... especially in pworth...


2018-12-16 23:03 | Report Abuse

The fact is referee grp ppl using vulgar including pussycat... the fact is i dont talk to referee pun but referee grp me to that grp... the fact is pussycat being categorised it to that grp too for reminding referee not to use that... the fact is u r lying here... and now u try to spin hollandking’s suggestion... really group of lying frens... all masuk Penipu group.... can add ajibko into same grp as u all too...


2018-12-16 22:59 | Report Abuse

Haiyooo.... buahtipu, halie and dragonsliar.... continue to spin la u.... halie also many vulgar in his comment... faster go delete la better if scare ppl report.... u bunch of ppl used vulgar on users and blame ppl use vulgar now... if u not use that, ppl will bite u back meh..... u r here now to spin and spin... trulyhaLIE...


2018-12-16 22:56 | Report Abuse

I think they grp pussycat into that grp so they kena la....


2018-12-16 22:55 | Report Abuse

Hollandking, they create such grp name meant they r uncivilised d la... u want them 自打嘴巴meh...


2018-12-16 22:53 | Report Abuse

Buahciku, i used it coz referee and halite used that to me.... u yang tak tahu malu keep spinning.... i leave my comment there.... if u wanna report u can go ahead... if kena suspend then i consider myself take annual leave lo.... if u ppl nvr use it y u want to delete comment.... be honest a bit la.... whole grp all liar kah? haLIE, buahtipu, dragonsliar.... apa lagi u have? Aiyoyo... kikikiki


2018-12-16 22:31 | Report Abuse

So u admit referee used vulgar la.... so take it lo.... y lie to CalvinTan that referee not using leh? Be a man la... dont macam haLIE like that kuat tipu... everytime i saw ppl scolded him sure liar de... if really not kuat tipu y so many ppl scold him kuat tipu?


2018-12-16 22:28 | Report Abuse

The problem is referee not fair mah.... i didnt use vulgar language mah... who ask referee has no quality of referee n cant judge professionally? Maybe referee kena haLIE bribe liao thats y lo... i didnt see another one use vulgar language too but referee grp him under same grp too for reminding referee not to use vulgar language... think referee and u r both blind lo... all same gang as haLIE or maybe same person y need to use so many IDs? Haizzzz....


2018-12-16 22:21 | Report Abuse

Y referee deleted all his comments then???? If scare ppl know then dont do it.... 纸包不住火....


2018-12-16 22:19 | Report Abuse

Then how referee grp it? Based on what? Come on buahciku, u think grp u under that category is correct too? Aiyoyo... kikiki...


2018-12-16 22:15 | Report Abuse

But perhaps grp ppl using vulgar language should be penalised also leh buahciku.... just be patience until christmas la.... who ask dragon becomes haLIE’s puppet for attacking few ppl with kotor word.... if i m the one being attacked ready to be suspended, i see no point u ask for return right??? Take it as holiday go 面壁思过 better la....


2018-12-16 21:57 | Report Abuse

Calvin, buahciku (maybe aka ds aka turkey) is right... he grp it with vulgar language... i did use the same to attack back halite and ds.... but all this started by halite... halite even leave a comment at pworth inviting me to come here so that i read their vulgar language attacking comment on me.... if we r to be penalised, the first one should be halite, not referee... i dont mind if i m suspended too but hopefully fairer treatment should be done to the one who started it....


2018-12-16 18:31 | Report Abuse

haLiE and turkeyfig, save ur breath la... keep it until jaks go to pn17.... i go for dinner lo.... byebye...


2018-12-16 18:29 | Report Abuse

Haiyooo... church again... macam haLiE... think u r another fake holy.... ur church teach u come cari gaduh???


2018-12-16 18:27 | Report Abuse

My heart pure or not none of ur business mah... so what for u come cari hal with me leh? If same geng or same person use back own acc la.... said sendiri newbie but macam know everything pula.... another gila probably.... one gila sifut, one called sendiri referee and now come one more gila referee...


2018-12-16 18:24 | Report Abuse

haLIE, dragonslayer and turkeyfig, why waste ur time comment here? U all scold me so much JAKS also wont fo up la... it makes u all sot sot only....


2018-12-16 18:23 | Report Abuse

Turkeyfig, ppl said kotor word to me, i use the same way to treat him mah... like u said i m like barbarian, i use the same way to u lo... u expect ppl call u liangzai meh when u say ppl barbarian.... referee maybe at hell now, u can go to hell looking for referee...


2018-12-16 18:18 | Report Abuse

Turkeyfig, i nvr wanna prove who is the best... i only prove haLIE kuat tipu la... u r newbie then better dont involve urself into this tussle...


2018-12-16 18:16 | Report Abuse

Turkeyfig, i hope u read the whole story. Dont behave like a barbarian.. i didnt complain referee to admin ok... referee is the one categorise me to kotor word grp due to haLIE.... i only expose haLIE’s lies in few counters and come to sindir him when he made loss... looks like u r someone sent by haLIE again lo.... read dulu la before u judge.... or u r referee or haLIE with another account oh???
haLIE, u r really not gentleman lo.... like to play from behind....


2018-12-16 17:50 | Report Abuse

I must be a genious then... coz ur sifut told u not to argue with a fool... hahhahaaha
Now dragonslayer the so called referee gone d and deleted all his comments, u wanna take over as referee now?
A lautakwa chowyunfatt tiger imagination.... better go home take medicine la.... dragonslayer pun u not dare offend, still call urself tiger or lion... a cat also can beat u ah haLIE....
Fun meh? Tell me come comment at JAKS in PWorth i3 coz u pakat with dragonslayer d... syok? But not dare show up in flbhd coz kena everyone diao.... tiger? Lion? Or tikus? Pui....


2018-12-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

Anyway i dont know y u still talking to me lo..... u r like a fool talking to someone who u think is a fool....


2018-12-16 17:24 | Report Abuse

Is dragonslayer ur sifut also haLIE?


2018-12-16 17:23 | Report Abuse

his post was removed leh... the referee categorise me to pkm group coz u.... and u tell me this is the most established, the most UNBIASED and the best chosen referee? U two gila d.... always live in own world, one tot sendiri is tiger, another tot sendiri is referee....
Endorsed by i3 admin but post kena removed.... means i3 admin doesnt agree with this referee too....
The referee said ur mother also pu itu mah and u agree ur mother is pu itu mah lo hahahahaha.... stupid eh u.... a tiger which not dare to fight..... pussycat also can kill tiger.... lol...


2018-12-16 16:54 | Report Abuse

Then so many referee u must be under pkm referee grp lo dragonslayer....


2018-12-16 16:53 | Report Abuse

Dragonslayer, u grp me to pkm grp first or my kotor comment out first? Ask urself...


2018-12-16 16:52 | Report Abuse

Dragonslayer, precisely i m anti-haLIE group hahahahhaa..... i expose all his lies....


2018-12-16 16:50 | Report Abuse

Dragonslayer, u grp it not based on wat u see meh? U really haLIE’s puppet lo... no credibility lo u this referee....


2018-12-16 16:41 | Report Abuse

Apa yang kotor samgat? Show me pls..... i dont stop ppl promoting.... but dont lie... so many ppl promote here like qqq3 u see i issue kotor word to him not? U so low level how to become referee? And u have mental disorder is it? Who need referee here? Sendiri said sendiri referee then sendiri syok.....


2018-12-16 16:37 | Report Abuse

Trulyinvest y r u still here? I welcome that news so much... sarawak timber companies fallout will benefit flbhd.... lesser supply in market will increase seling price.... good for flbhd also... thank u ur sharing trulyinvest....


2018-12-16 16:30 | Report Abuse

And haLIE, insider or not insider not important... i m the first one told everyone here they have operation issue in Aug... check back la bodoh....


2018-12-16 16:29 | Report Abuse

I didnt issue kotor word to u mah... my negative word is to haLIE only coz he kuat tipu... i expose it many times d lo... haLIE ur hubby kah? Or ur wife? Or ur kid? Ajar baik baik mah.... haLIE said ur mum is pkm so u also agree la? Apa referee is this? Brainless maybe...


2018-12-16 16:23 | Report Abuse

haLIE said that.... not me.... flb profit 11m vs pwi loss 18m..... this is the integrity of haLIE.... but as usual, i think he wont admit also hahahhaha....


2018-12-16 16:19 | Report Abuse

haiyooo, sendiri grp sendiri song.... a tailingong who called himself a judge... always surrounded by liar..... fair enough.... 臭味相投...


2018-12-16 16:16 | Report Abuse

Dont wait production report if u think u r right haLIE.... anyway, u r proven not confident with all ur views.... u r just here to con ppl....
Rights issue, u sold at loss then u dont admit....
Buy 5 sen and sell 4 sen now made loss u dont admit...
Advise ppl buy 4.5 sen n hold for a year....
Then advise ppl buy 4.5 sen sell 5 sen....
Next advise ppl buy 4 sen and sell 4.5 sen....
Then advise ppl sell 4 sen and buy back 3 sen....
Now market 5.5 sen.... u come here bising bising again....
The more u talk... the more u show to ppl u have no integrity..... u just come here to con ppl buy sell to achieve a favourable outcome u want....
Now that u said market prove me wrong...... i said the outlook of pwi is not good coz of the risk.... and if u think u r right and i m wrong, y u sold at 4 sen? And y u wanna wait production report only u decide to buy? Dont u think that u r stupid when u said i m wrong but ur buy sell take into consideration of my comment? Trulystupid lo u...
Anyway, thank u so much for agreeing my view and the risk faced by pwi... we can see that from ur comment...


2018-12-16 16:04 | Report Abuse

haLIE, if u cannot take the loss then dont invest la... if u cannot take the comment then dont post ur view in i3.... very simple mah... ur sifut nvr teach u meh?
Oh sorry, u r not investing.... u r lying to make money precisely....


2018-12-16 16:02 | Report Abuse

u r funny la haLIE... u always sifut sifut here n there... but u r still making huge loss in many counters.... u really dai sai lo... i know i m not a fool for sure coz u had been arguing with me for 3 mths++.... but u r for sure a fool coz u always mention ur sifu remind u dont argue with fool but u always argue with someone who u think is a fool.... dont know u r fool or ur sifuts r fool.... and haLIE u r really a fool, do u go to tell ur mum to prove she is a female when u said she is a male??? If ur mama take off all her clothes let u verify then ur mama is a fool lo... funny liar....


2018-12-16 15:24 | Report Abuse

u have many that kind of comments also so u also a pukimah too? Hahahaha
All the facts n figure already mentioned previously... wat for keep repeating? R u idiot cannot read past comments? But u r well known for lying so i dont feel strange if u keep lying... just like in pwi, u made loss but said sendiri make profit... then keep telling ppl i made loss.... as i said, this is the karma u get now... buy what drop what... sell what then that share go up... not karma? Then u bawa tahi la... soi ka lao sai...


2018-12-16 15:18 | Report Abuse

Think come to here describe ppl pkm one r those have no facts and figures to support d la.. scold ppl pkm doesnt make jaks up too... it only show how low is ur level....
Y not add one more category called Penipu? haLIE sure fit in...
So called dragon but has no quality of a dragon....


2018-12-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

haLIE u must be very angry to describe ppl as pukimah... maybe ur mama has no puki thats y u r so uncivilised..... no wonder u kena everyone pukul... so far we see the share price still sucks and u still insist that subscribe warrant is true move... u r just a stupid monkey with mama has no puki lo.... when ppl talk facts and figures u divert to talk nonsense... when ppl talk nonsense to u back u say ppl pukimah... this is the quality of so called holy and educated man? Holy educated my foot la... shame on u haLIE... kikikiki