
mkmk | Joined since 2017-09-27

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2018-11-21 12:28 | Report Abuse

learn learn learn.... if u learn well, u no need to change to stupid strategy...


2018-11-21 12:27 | Report Abuse

a week ago u still say good...

Nov 15, 2018 09:29 AM | Report Abuse

Flbhd is also a Sabah plywood company and doesn't have a single piece of log of its own
Flbhd has just declared 8 sen dividend

More than 50% of pworth revenue is derived from plywood, if flbhd can do well, do you think pworth will be bad


2018-11-21 12:25 | Report Abuse

so u admit u lie?


2018-11-21 12:21 | Report Abuse

dont say u r holy la... dont talk MORAL la... u r like shit.... like no parents teach... btw, when are u going to reply my question??? u want defend ur analysis or u want defend u didnt lie? reply la...


2018-11-21 12:19 | Report Abuse

sao pei one is u la... u tell ppl to buy and hold for one year... now u r a short term trader... u have no integrity at all... u r the one who spread FAKE GOOD NEWS so that you can profit from it coz u r short term trader...

ppl laugh at ur strategy only idiot... u blow so big... blow till sendiri blur blur...


2018-11-21 12:13 | Report Abuse

if u think ur analysis right then u no need to change strategy... it is simple... so what so difficult that u admit ur analysis is wrong... or ur analysis is right, means u con ppl to buy at 5-5.5sen coz u said hold for a year... but now u r short term trader... just choose one la Halie... u want to defend ur analysis or u want to defend u didnt lie... left one for you to choose only... dont talk other nonsense and unrelated matter... nobody care your strategy...


2018-11-21 11:29 | Report Abuse

Halite, i nvr mention Holland.. I mention Europe.... it is ur interpretation that Europe is Holland ok...
I know you share ur another STRATEGY to trade. When u share this, do u agree that ur initial recommendation to BUY AND HOLD FOR A YEAR is not suitable now? Just answer it... don't talk nonsense d... answer it.... what so difficult for u to answer YES or NO?

You not dare to answer directly because you lied ppl that it worth to hold for a year previously but now you are a SHORT TERM PLAYER instead of HOLDING IT FOR LONG TERM.....

You choose to ignore because you know whatever answer you give you will also be in deep shit...


2018-11-21 09:20 | Report Abuse

jeffng, he just want to make himself feel good by giving such comment... let him lo.... those on board d only can pray hard hard saja now... good luck jeff....


2018-11-21 09:12 | Report Abuse

ei ei ei, jangan gaduh!!! why gaduh with monkey Halite? MONKEY "HALIE" IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!!!!


2018-11-21 09:03 | Report Abuse

So Halite if u really so good in earning ah... i dont think u will put ur money in pwi loh... ppl laugh at u only reading ur comment.....


2018-11-21 09:02 | Report Abuse

Halite likes blow job bah... I saw he invested in Ekovest also... also keep telling ppl Ekovest damn good!!!! hahahahaha

jeffng570 i bought at price 0.045 and i will keep for few years to see the not sure will rise or drop...
but u said buy at 0.04 and sell at 0.045?? u trade for half cent??u long Q buy then long Q sell just for half cent???how many time u can do in 1 month??? too childish to blow water like this la....


2018-11-21 08:56 | Report Abuse

I pity Halite use every ways to justify it hahahaha... y cant u just keep quiet and wait fmu5 resume??? The more u talk, the more contradicting comments from u Halite... when fmu5 resume and pwi not bankrupt and turnaround, i will surely keep quiet lo...

He claimed to be an investor to hold for a year.... but not for now... tai ngong not hahahahah...


2018-11-21 08:06 | Report Abuse

CentnSenses, i dont know about u... i only know ppl like Halite can talk how good is a share... tell ppl buy tell ppl hold... when all their explanation cannot hold, they change their strategy to justify it is a good stock... it is pretty similar like u want it up... but do u sell it at 55 sen then? If yes, then u r same with Halite lo...


2018-11-21 06:13 | Report Abuse

Y give up ur moral?


2018-11-21 06:13 | Report Abuse

Y ignore my question? Not dare to answer meh? Haiyoooo... y give ur moral???


2018-11-20 23:11 | Report Abuse

Halite, how much u burnt d? Belum jump sea kah?????


2018-11-20 23:11 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, ur time is running out lo Halite... take the final 7/8 days to con as much as u can... too bad u not dare reply why u change from long term to short term... too bad u not dare admit u r wrong or u lie.... but it is sure u have no moral and not holy... u tot u play me ard... i dont invest in pwi pun... u play other ppl ard only and i exposed it.... u tot pwi counter is hot enough for u to earn? Hahhaah.... u r still holding it without any trade lo... u just trying to create something fake to make ppl put money in.... u r the one got burnt... tai ngong...


2018-11-20 21:25 | Report Abuse

Ask Halite lo, i think he hold since 80 sen or higher...


2018-11-20 21:24 | Report Abuse

laosai, that depends on the person holding it lo.... maybe for them 10-20 sen only bo hoseh... 30-40 sen for them sap sap sui then hahaha...


2018-11-20 19:59 | Report Abuse

How much unrealised loss in ur ekovest oh Halite???


2018-11-20 19:54 | Report Abuse

Demusangking, some monkey always said 睬我都傻but keep replying... what to do... kikikikiki


2018-11-20 19:52 | Report Abuse

Halite, u lied u just admit it la... u made money or not i dont care.... but u lie is fact.... u earned money d mah... y u care if u lie leh... u only want money mah... u dint want moral...


2018-11-20 19:48 | Report Abuse

Please rephrase it to “with the lies u spread earlier, it is easy.......” for u to earn money.....


2018-11-20 19:46 | Report Abuse

Halite, y u wanna sell at 0.045? U said for long term mah... y u sell now?? U told ppl buy when it is 0.05-0.055 and u sell at 0.045 now... u admit u con those ppl who bought la right? The “good” news u shared is to con ppl for ur short term gain right? U admit it or not? Pwi so good counter y dont tell kyy buy oh u? Stop ur sifut sifut thing la... sifut here sifut there... where is ur MORAL which u emphasize so much???? Inside ur sifut d???

Y u ignore my question? Y change strategy? Y change from long term to short term? Wrong or con? Choose one la.... y ignore?


2018-11-20 18:52 | Report Abuse

Halite u r such a disgrace lo... u initially tell ppl buy at high and hold for longterm coz pwi will be good coz all bad news out d... but now u tell ppl buy and sell buy and sell just to justify that pwi is a good counter to make profit... u had no other good point to justify pwi is a good counter fundamentally???? Y need to be so pity throwing away ur so called MORAL?


2018-11-20 18:38 | Report Abuse

U tipu ppl to buy at 5-5.5 sen previously now tell ppl sell 4.5 sen... u tipu a lot of things until u not dare to read back our msg since sept... palui... i pointed out a lot since sept... no moral la u...


2018-11-20 18:34 | Report Abuse

R u admit that ur previous view is wrong so that u change strategy? Yes or no?


2018-11-20 18:02 | Report Abuse

Again, use flbhd to justify... just wait result la... flbhd recognised good profit d in Q2... ur pwi is fv gain idiot...


2018-11-20 17:57 | Report Abuse

U admit u tipu to earn lo meant hahahaha.... no moral...


2018-11-20 17:56 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.... con ppl buy 5-5.5 sen... now said strategy... betul kuat tipu...


2018-11-20 17:41 | Report Abuse

U so good u should earn big money d lo... funny guy...


2018-11-20 17:04 | Report Abuse

No moral and fake holy...


2018-11-20 17:03 | Report Abuse

U lied for money... when fmu5 starts oh?


2018-11-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

Ppl learn lies from u saja la Halite...


2018-11-20 17:00 | Report Abuse

Y short term? U said hold one year... so u admit u salah last time? Or u admit u tipu last time?

How abt me? Continue laughing at u and expose ur lies lo... those not buy or sold that time may feel thankful to me hahaha.... now i wait pwi and flbhd result then can expose ur misleading info again lo...

U think i cry father cry mother coz u r in deep shit mah... other ppl watching our show syok syok leh hahahahaha....


2018-11-20 16:00 | Report Abuse

Think everybody will focus on the explanation of prospect d....


2018-11-20 15:35 | Report Abuse

U must remember u tell ppl to buy when it is 5-5.5sen, hold one year, no more bad news, only have good news u said...
Then tell ppl buy 4.5 sen sell 5 sen, earn 11.11%...
Then now tell ppl buy 4 sen sell 4.5sen, earn 12.5%...
I pity those bought at 5 or 5.5 sen lo hahahaha..... mth over mth, good news not come yet but bad news nvr stop.... now u tell buy 4 sen, hold for a year la... dont sell...


2018-11-20 15:08 | Report Abuse

Halite, stop bluffing here la... always tell ppl how how how... stop it la liar...


2018-11-20 14:31 | Report Abuse

I m busy one... so when i m free i come to see see Monkey Halite lo... i worry u r too stress... must help help to release ur stress... i m doing good deed oh...


2018-11-20 14:30 | Report Abuse

Monkey monkey... u r more like a monkey... like other ppl say abt u... talk so much also not up... hahahaha...


2018-11-20 14:28 | Report Abuse

See, start con ppl again... have moral a bit la Halite... fake holy and no moral... y become such type of person... i really hope u can learn... just ignore my comment and let go... looks like u r trapped in this... pity u oh... stop telling lies la.... be a good man... see all the counter u comment... all jialat... those u sold keep going up... this call what? 报应咯...


2018-11-20 13:16 | Report Abuse

Then dont respond... really a funny guy... always 睬我都傻but always respond... kikikiki


2018-11-20 13:04 | Report Abuse

i suka gaduh with Halite saja.... makes so many fun...


2018-11-20 13:03 | Report Abuse

I educating public the situation of pwi.... u attacked me first idiot... u r not important of course but i m happy exposing ur lies....


2018-11-20 13:01 | Report Abuse

Cyrus, if u follow since end Aug, i already mention abt fmu5 issue... but ppl choose to wait report... so now nil extraction volume d... still got monkey say good.. the risk is there since Aug.. when report out not good, monkey blame i spread fear....
it is not too late if the issue solved and only u buy... some monkey keeps promoting it... hahahha.... result coming.... can pwi give a positive news like fmu5 resume??? Kikikiki


2018-11-20 12:52 | Report Abuse

I m not buying how i can make loss idiot... clever a bit la u... u make huge loss but still pretend like making money... pathetic... if u made profit, that means ur previous comment bluff ppl lo... so u r liar lo... u choose lo wat u want.. if u r not scare, no need to put so many comment to tell whole world that pwi is very good also hahahhaha.... ppl see u as clown too....
ppl feel my comment is funny i ok woh... i think i analyse it based on current situation... much better than ur various strategies, formulae or perhaps lies should be more correct hahahaha....


2018-11-20 12:31 | Report Abuse

Haiyooo... i didnt believe u ahhh... u tot ppl believe u ah??? U bodoh lo like that... i just point out u r a liar.. i earn what i think iis sufficient... not like u... bluff ppl to earn money hahaha.... can sleep bo u???


2018-11-20 12:10 | Report Abuse

Cyrus, fundamental ok ah... end of last quarter has 2m cash... good ah... operation good ah.... other than logs extraction volume is nil, price of plywood very good ah... can sailang....


2018-11-20 12:06 | Report Abuse

Oregami, dont care such ppl... see the price drop then ask them hoseh bo will do...


2018-11-20 12:02 | Report Abuse

So many strategy, so many lies...... ask ppl dont sell... ask ppl sell... kuat tipu...