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2020-01-07 11:11 | Report Abuse

Is it time to switch from Revenue to GHL? Maybe?


2018-10-31 07:41 | Report Abuse

EPF holdings now exceeds 6% of the company..Yield now @ 5.7% Look like EPF will continue to accumulate when there is volume.


2018-09-16 20:38 | Report Abuse

cyeec2000: I dont think so as most BPO clients are MNC

Breakthrough x2: Well, sometimes not everything is always going to your plan. Sh*t happened. Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to defend the company just that they are obvious risks from dealing with governments. For example, Sri Lanka has also changed government a couple of times in the last few years....(unlike Malaysia..once every 60 years)

As for liquidity and shareholdings...both EPF and KWAP are both shareholders (i assume they have done their due diligence) and as well as Grandeur Peak Global Advisor...I assume they dont buy and obviously liquidity dwindled...

MY advice - sell the shares (assuming if you are still holding) to clear your mind, then re-look again from a different perspective and decide if this is the stock that you will invest in at this time. If not, move on. No point in holding on to something you dont feel good - my two cents.


2018-09-15 19:51 | Report Abuse

Breakthrough x2 - You sound frustrated. I can totally understand your feeling as I too have followed this company as long as you have, may be even longer in fact.

I think that is also part of the reason why the company is no longer want to shout about potential contract win etc in the event that they disappoint investors again.Even for the Cambodia contract, I think they only announced it reluctantly as their results were terrible then (2QFY18)..and not knowing that May 9th election could impacted them so much as clients delayed implementation etc. Anyway, those are moot what will FY19 brings....I also dont know to be frank...hoping the new govt in Malaysia will open up new opportunities for them to compete fairly....

4-5 years wait is long enough? That's really depends on you as every investment decision is obviously sequential as we don't have unlimited capital - so we will need to decide if this is dead money or not. Thats why I see it as an option with 4.8%


2018-09-15 09:28 | Report Abuse

Thats may be true about the results - however they were paying zero taxes back then and like I said before, FY2018 is one really bad year.

For all investment, we need to look forward and the question is still if you believe they can recover from here? Investing at current price, can you make money?

Refer back to my earlier post: Treat it as a call option with 4.8% yield (only if you think or convince that the earnings has bottomed in FY2018).


2018-09-14 08:06 | Report Abuse

Did not realise that i have been posting for so long - thank you for noticing.

I agreed that it has been frustrating journey over the last three years. I also wished that it has done better, stock price wise.The company was always near the verge of a break through (as your name suggested) but however fall short due to whatever reasons. Question now is really do we still believe management can deliver going forward?

From my observation, the MD has not lost the hunger to secure new deal and i believe (i know it is wearing a bit thin) persistent and tenacity will win the day eventually. Of course, one can also time their purchase and buy the stock when it happens..each to their own I suppose.

I also secretly wish news flow and guidance to the market at large are more consistent but i suppose they can only get better.

For now, I still think the company is solid, fundamentals wise. So, you can treat it as an option with a 4.8% yield. In this respect, downside is somewhat protected where as upside will come from further new businesses.

The ultimate question I suppose is if you think the company performance will continue to deteriorate or improve from here (after 5 quarters of declining profits)?

Happy investing and good luck.


2018-09-07 08:53 | Report Abuse

Despite the poorer than expected FY18 performance, the company continues to pay healthy dividend of 9 sen per year. This translate to around 4.8% yield - around 0.4% higher than 1 year FD. Also, it is interesting to note that the company cash level has actually increased to RM52m (vs RM37m last year).

Assuming that this is now the base case and revenue has bottomed - your investment here is equivalent to buying an option with a 4.8% yield. Still palatable in my views.

So i think one should look past the short term negatives and invest for a longer term.


2018-08-10 14:47 | Report Abuse

actually if you read carefully, apparently the Cambodia contract is not just on tourists arrival but all inbound and outbound passengers (domestic and foreign) it is actually much much more than just 5m per year...! People just dont realised yet...


2018-08-10 11:07 | Report Abuse

i heard is on a different continent...but cant be sure


2018-08-10 06:40 | Report Abuse

While I heard that they have been trying to replicate EMGS in Sri Lanka but I am not sure if they have secured anything there as yet - other than the BPO with banks and airlines. If it is, it will be fantastic for the company of course. Personally I think Cambodia contract can be very substantial judging by the growing traveler number though the airports (those number can be verified)


2018-08-01 08:16 | Report Abuse

The comment above sort of speak for itself now, doesnt it?


2018-06-03 09:38 | Report Abuse

Interesting to think that I am the Corp That I am definitely am not however, I do have their email address which is listed on their web site I believe....

I am curious - you have access to their Board Meeting? I love to be a fly on the wall for that one, can you bring me in?

RM1k+ per student - Majority of the revenue actually goes to Ministry of Education (EMGS) and not Scicom. Although Scicom is on revenue share basis as compared to most of the others players that normally get funding from government to start a project. Ministry of Education, as far as I know, did not come up with any money (you may correct me there if you know different as you seem to...)

Previously, foreign students pay colleges and their runners upwards of RM5k to RM10k for a VISA and the Ministry see none of those money while the approval process can takes up to 4-6 months to complete. Currently, the cost is RM1k+ and has turn around time of two weeks for approval. As a foreign student, which do you prefer?

Vanisha, maybe you are the spoke person from one of the colleges that got this stream of revenue cut out from under....just may be...are you? or one of the many colleges that got closed down by KDN last year?

Sorry, who is OxxR? That is beyond me now...


2018-05-20 20:56 | Report Abuse

Not been writing for a while and people starts to

EMGS was won through open tender and provided a new source of revenue to Ministry of Education, so I really dont see how the contract was loopsided. I suppose politician will always be politician..sorry who are they again? NewGen Society?

I dont think the QR will be much of a surprise..likely to still be weak as guided by management. We should look forward to FY19 when the Cambodian project is running full steam. I have every confidence that Scicom can continue to secure more e govt projects..the next one apparently involve boarder control in another continent. With a new government and push towards competitive open tender, may be Scicom can even secure more projects in Malaysia instead of Myeg!


2018-05-19 20:10 | Report Abuse

Sound more like a witch hunt to me...


2017-09-26 08:25 | Report Abuse

Seeing plenty of support from major shareholders and directors - should be good sign.


2017-09-17 11:28 | Report Abuse

Unlikely to see N2N achieving 2 sen per quarter in EPS - last quarter helped by a RM4m forex gain that may not repeat in the future.

Growth will also slow down as the jump in rev is due to the acquisitions - the company said they may do more acquisitions over the next twelve months. This could boost earnings if done right.


2017-09-17 11:12 | Report Abuse

Warchest - I am still around, not giving up on the company at all. Current time need conviction to stay through though. I believe some institutions are selling for whatever reasons - cut lost, realized profit, redemption, switch to buy stocks with stronger momentum/ stories etc etc

I do agreed that the lackluster 4Q number (as govt has tightened foreign students entries) is not great. However, other business continue as usual. The inflection point will always be when the secured another e gov contract, unfortunately timing of that is hard to pin point.

Overall, business model is still robust (4Q is down but yoy growth), net cash, dividend yield of 4.5%

The MD/CEO is buying back stocks - when one person buy stock there is only one reason - believing that the stock price will go up.

So, whether you want to place bet with the MD or some faceless institutions with different agenda is very much up to you.

A case in point, the company as mentioned never announce contract win in the past - worry that people may come to hijack certain contract, esp e-govt contract. That's why it always lack news flow. Anyway, buying this stock you need to believe that the management can deliver some significant wins over the next 6-12 months - it is not a pump and dump operations like vivocom etc

Good luck all.


2017-08-03 16:18 | Report Abuse

They dont tend to announce any contract win - in actual fact, they never do.


2017-08-01 08:18 | Report Abuse

Scaramooch - agreed that he needs to deliver something more substantial in order for the stock to rerate.. ..but him buying stock is no harm as he does not place it back out into the market.


2017-07-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

In fact, the MD bought share in Jan @ 2.15...maybe he will come in again soon...who knows


2017-07-20 16:58 | Report Abuse

I have not ran away. (William Chow) There is no news really - biz as usual as far as i Know- just portfolio flow I expect. FY2017 results should be out by end August. Hopefully should see an increase in dividend for the final quarter.

This level is interesting to accumulate - even just for the dividend yield.


2017-04-28 23:17 | Report Abuse

The company is executing well and should be on track to deliver another 15-20% growth at PBT without much problem. Unfortunately the company tends to be media shy when it comes to contract win etc and thus attract very little interest from punters/ day traders

However, l feel they will need another sizable e govt contract similar to EMGS (unlikely to be from Malaysia) to propel them (and sustain its share price) to another level. In this respect, you will need to trust that the management can deliver and market talks that it will be sooner rather than later...

Institutions have been accumulating the stocks over the past weeks so the good results in May can be a catalyst for it to break the stubborn RM2.40 resistant.

Worse come to worse, you are likely to get another 2 sen in dividend in 3Q, and the stock continue to deliver close to 4% yield.


2017-04-28 08:49 | Report Abuse

Am back - how can I help?


2016-07-20 08:51 | Report Abuse

and EPF still buying...


2016-06-04 07:10 | Report Abuse

I never a believer of bonus issue as it changes nothing. Liquidity comes with price, when you buy the stock up to 2.50, there will surely be plenty of liquidity.

Pardon my ignorance, what is Revenue Reserve? Do you mean retained earnings?


2016-05-27 16:16 | Report Abuse

That is 2 sen per quarter...8 sens per year. Hoping for 9 sens this year..Have to wait for final quarter to see if possible or not.


2016-05-27 07:45 | Report Abuse

I am an eternal optimist - if not for a RM1.36m exchange loss, they would be close to RM12m net...Good news is that cash level has increased to RM36.6m (from RM24m) - of course this is before the 2 sen dividend payment to be ex on 3rd June and payable on 21st June.

Still think this company can go very far in the long run...


2016-05-19 18:07 | Report Abuse

A break out trade in the making...results due next week - this quarter should see net income of over RM12m????


2016-05-14 11:20 | Report Abuse

Hoping for 2.5 sen in dividend this quarter...


2016-05-05 16:42 | Report Abuse

Results expect to be announced towards end of the month, should be strong. Time to load up before results??


2016-03-24 17:42 | Report Abuse

waves? Tsunami???


2016-03-18 15:37 | Report Abuse

I heard the management met with over 15-20 fund managers and analysts this morning, must be really good response and great presentation by the CEO?


2016-03-17 12:32 | Report Abuse

Cheaper to buy Scicom - at that valuation stock will be over RM3!!!!


2016-03-16 21:45 | Report Abuse

Not that I know off..except one foreign broker came out with a non-rated report - sounded pretty positive. No TP per se though.


2016-03-16 08:00 | Report Abuse

Which broker came out with this research? or is it your own?


2016-02-26 08:29 | Report Abuse

Told you there will be no bonus. Strong run this year, have to expect some profit taking along the way. Encourage to see strong accumulation @ 2.24 - waiting to see the next leg up.

Results is good as expected +30% yoy. Dividend also no surprise @ 2 sen. Hopefully can see 2.5 sen for the next 2Q and 9 sen for the full year.


2016-02-24 15:11 | Report Abuse

I knew of at least 2 - but could be more.

GHL is very strong recently, I bought below 75 sen :)


2016-02-22 09:32 | Report Abuse

Bonus issue actually does not change the valuation of the stock - it is just pure eye candy! However, I dont think so there will be any bonus issue (would be better if it is contract win). Hearing from the street that the stock has now caught attention of new foreign investors and they have been accumulating aggressively since 1.91 and these guys are known to be huge. Looking back, I dont think they have nearly enough of what they momentum is still with you...load up!


2016-02-20 10:16 | Report Abuse everybody is excited!


2016-02-04 07:30 | Report Abuse

This stock will always need more promotion. Steady stock that still give you more than 4% yield, underlying business growing at 20-30% per annum. Can it fetch RM3-RM3.6 valuation? It really depends on how much are you willing to pay for it...


2016-02-03 07:20 | Report Abuse

You talking about DPS or EPS?


2016-02-02 15:46 | Report Abuse

DPS will be 8-9 sen max. Dont think they will give more than that this year. However, I am happy to be wrong :)


2016-01-28 08:45 | Report Abuse

Govt as far as I know


2016-01-27 15:02 | Report Abuse

it is different, relating to import/export I think...


2016-01-26 07:27 | Report Abuse

I believe so - may be they will increase the final div, dont think they will up the interim. Cambodia biz is up...


2016-01-25 08:25 | Report Abuse

Not likely to be this quarter - organic growth should be around 20-30%. New contract will be extra of course.