
monetary | Joined since 2019-09-03

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2019-10-20 11:06 | Report Abuse

Sorry ya, Gen shareholders. I don mean to bad mouth Gen but some Gen shareholders always come here kacau. Although I don have as many share as ppl who bought 50k shares in each buy I m obligated to defend my small investment.


2019-10-20 10:45 | Report Abuse

By the way. There is no way Gen can do it with internal fund. Simply impossible.


2019-10-20 10:43 | Report Abuse

It's just a question of using which pocket for which purpose. Using the right pocket for the right purpose is crucial. Correct?


2019-10-20 10:42 | Report Abuse

No worry lar. GenM GenP GenS Gen all will pay u div. GenM fills it's hole & pay div with internal fund. Gen fills it's holes with leverage so tat it can continue paying div with internal fund. If u twist it a bit it will sound a little different lor. Gen is borrowing $ to pay u because it's internal fund is committed to fill holes. Lol!!!!


2019-10-20 09:25 | Report Abuse

I think OCK investment thesis is identical to landlord. Now it has plenty of assets occupied by good tenants. When the rental incomes slowly pair down it's borrowing we will see earning improvement as a result of lower finance cost. Sosfinance. Pls advice if I m wrong.


2019-10-20 09:19 | Report Abuse
5G networks are operating on high radio frequencies called millimeter waves, which have the benefit of being able to carry lots of data but are limited in range (often to less than one square mile). Therefore smallcells r needed to fill the 'gap'. A macrocell cost Rm300k & takes months to build whereas smallcell costs a tiny fraction of the macrocell & take a few hrs to install. Unless geographical landscape limitations present, smallcell will solve the 5G short wave length problem.


2019-10-20 09:04 | Report Abuse

But m sure all holes will b filled. no pt to bad mouth each other. if so immature better stay away from stock market. here is not for kids.


2019-10-20 09:02 | Report Abuse

GenM has 1 hole & we know it's depth. Gen has 2 holes coming. depths remain unknown. Lol!


2019-10-20 02:31 | Report Abuse

wa law. so gemourous. whoever rent the boat can have chance to xxx famous celebrities like Paris Hilton. lol!


2019-10-19 19:40 | Report Abuse

5G play suit u? How about industry 4.0? e wallet? national fiberisation? automotive?


2019-10-19 19:15 | Report Abuse

so many good stocks in klse why holding genm or gen but keep complaining? need stock recommendation?


2019-10-19 12:43 | Report Abuse

if sold at 200mil USD each share can get 14c MYR. March special div confirmed!


2019-10-19 11:38 | Report Abuse

Thanks, sosfinance. Can I make the following assumptions?
1. Ock will continue to benefit from 4g LTE in rural areas where ock has spent huge capex for the past few yrs n now it reaps the fruits.
2. The true beneficiaries of 5G r those who install the small cell towers n equipments. These equipments either from Huawei or Ericsson.Those who involves in fiber networking will also benefit from 5G.


2019-10-19 07:53 | Report Abuse

Hi. M new here. Does 5G really bring more rental rev to ock? The 5G providers will b the same telco n they r existing tenants of ock towers. Basically there is no new tenant. Perhaps the telco need to install smaller devices in the metropolitan areas. Does ock do that? Pls advice.


2019-10-18 17:06 | Report Abuse

MI use diesel. lol!


2019-10-18 15:27 | Report Abuse

JY. perseushermes means u name a stock n he will push.


2019-10-18 12:53 | Report Abuse

thanks for the info popo.


2019-10-18 12:23 | Report Abuse

my friends all followed ur sell call. u owe us $50k.


2019-10-18 12:14 | Report Abuse

kimak goshen. u told sold I followed. now u reimburse my loss ka?


2019-10-18 07:39 | Report Abuse

in terms of visible growth potential, MI tops ranking.


2019-10-18 07:29 | Report Abuse

mmsv 的产品如何以众不同呢?Elsoft mmsv vis 都大同小异。In terms of profit margin I rate Elsoft excellent. Mmsv reasonable. Vis is low. Elsoft is Fobes Asia 200 Below 1bil cap stock. Elsoft PE 21 mmsv PE 25 simply bcoz mmsv is industry 4.0 thematic play. Can mmsv really benefit from industry 4.0? Any contract awarded?


2019-10-18 07:21 | Report Abuse

nature law. if something doesn't kill us, it makes us stronger. GenM has been killed many times. it survives.


2019-10-18 05:29 | Report Abuse

Tax hike X
Catskill is a black hole X
Scarp of special div X
Empire litigation √
Out door theme park X

Seems like only 1 worry left.


2019-10-17 18:06 | Report Abuse

A new big kaki just join in? Welcome. Ur support is v much needed.


2019-10-17 16:58 | Report Abuse

we should have balanced diet to stay healthy. genm is light, low carb, keto meal.


2019-10-17 16:34 | Report Abuse

Not too difficult to make accesment of Catskill performance. I m sure local IB have contact in NY. They once forecasted Catskill will drag down GenM profit but after observing sometimes they came up with new forecast. Absolutely acceptable.


2019-10-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

perseushermes. Pls accept my sincere apology for being rude to u. I thought u were someone using scare tactic to frighten investors. In fact u gave us v good warning. 真是有眼不识泰山. If u do visit Coffee Bean let me have the pleasure to buy u coffee.


2019-10-17 13:57 | Report Abuse

To b precise. More visible growth potential.


2019-10-17 13:56 | Report Abuse

All r reasonably priced including MI but MI has more growth potential. We r buying it's future.


2019-10-17 13:48 | Report Abuse

OSAT未动? Inari 已经 PE30了。Unisem Gtronic PE23 24. MPI 应为 liquidity 问题被底估。


2019-10-17 13:31 | Report Abuse

Mullen, who is seeking class-action status for minority shareholders, accused Empire Resorts and its board of not providing sufficient information required to assess the privatisation offer jointly made by GenM and Kien Huat.

There is class action. This Mullen is representing other shareholders.


2019-10-17 13:24 | Report Abuse

wow! insider news. pls brief us, bsngpg.


2019-10-17 12:12 | Report Abuse

我是说MI vitrox penta 的产品在市场有被认同的地位。


2019-10-17 12:06 | Report Abuse

RHB forecasts Catskill won't contribute to Genm earning in 5 yrs time but it can break even in 2020 when it's consolidated into GenM. So for those who worry about scrap of special div should feel relieved now.


2019-10-17 11:50 | Report Abuse

Sold MI? What r u going to buy? Only MI Vitrox Penta products have a niche in the market. The rest r competing fiercely to each other. U can buy osat but all r priced reasonably except the apek MPI.


2019-10-17 11:45 | Report Abuse

I m v tiny. U won't notice my Q, fund manager :)


2019-10-17 09:59 | Report Abuse

cy means break 2.28 continues downtrend. break 2.36 uptrend started.


2019-10-17 09:56 | Report Abuse

Alam specialty is sub sea. Let's call it silent hunter.


2019-10-17 09:45 | Report Abuse

Tax hike X
USA counterparts earning issue X
Empire litigation √
Out door theme park X

Seems like only 1 worry left.


2019-10-17 07:29 | Report Abuse

what's the entry price today, captain?


2019-10-17 06:52 | Report Abuse

My avg price raised from 1.6x to 1.8x because of the yesterday's buying. Although I feel reluctant to raise my avg price further, I will buy in my last batch before it rebounds. I think in long term my action is justified.


2019-10-16 21:56 | Report Abuse

Besides, all GenM GenP GenSing pay their shareholders before Gen pay it's shareholders. If the children have problem paying u think the parent can pay?


2019-10-16 21:45 | Report Abuse

@brain. How long does it take from bidding to completely built an IR? 4 to 5 yrs? How long does it take to make the investment profitable? Another 2 to 3 yrs? How many is Gen going to build? Two. 1 in Jpn 1 in Vegas. U still dreaming for special div?


2019-10-16 19:45 | Report Abuse

Plan to cari makan here tomorrow ka? try lar!


2019-10-16 19:44 | Report Abuse

it says one plaintiff lar. no class action. most have sold their stakes in open market. only a few dumb ass bring it to court.


2019-10-16 19:10 | Report Abuse

Good is possibility of call it off (unlikely). Bad is the risk of paying more to settle the case.


2019-10-16 17:07 | Report Abuse

Seems like $ flowing out from tech & oil. Perhaps GenM can expect some fund inflow. Cheers.


2019-10-16 11:15 | Report Abuse

I have no intension to play God & I can't afford to play this game. I just share some opinions to reaffirm my investment thesis. By the way. Sorry for the harsh words I threw to u. Let's make $.


2019-10-16 11:07 | Report Abuse

why u so obedient? ppl tell u to sell u follow. ppl tell u to Q at 2.35 u also follow. u think they r God?


2019-10-16 10:45 | Report Abuse

每个团体都有一兩个小丑。MI 也不例外。