
newinvestor17 | Joined since 2017-02-22

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2017-06-15 09:36 | Report Abuse

lol, who predicting the last Q wrongly ? Nvm, we shall wait for Q2's report. I'm sure Mr R would once again be the sucker.

Oh wait, we must be politically correct. Radzi is not a sucker, his just not able to predict accurately.

Lol, political correctness just to please suckers lol


2017-06-15 09:11 | Report Abuse

No point in painting in too much of a flowery picture bro. Let the Q results come out and speak for it self. Painting flowery scenes may make you be able to cover the black spots on its nature but somehow it should wear off as rain touches.

So be prudent, dont be greedy, learn to take profit and cut losses appropriately. most importantly be wary.

Now i know one Sifu that claims his a high risk taker, lol if you're so high of a risk taker and still can't make money shut up la.

Oh yeah i forgot, that Sift bought AAX when it was RM0.20 something right ? Yeah, so his still in the profit band................


2017-06-15 09:04 | Report Abuse

No point in just increasing the number of years in the stock market just to justify that you're good. I know a lot of people who claim to be good but when you check with their brokers on their trading record, they are just another sucker in the game.

Let me teach you something in trading, if you can't spot the sucker on the trading floor, then theres a 99% probability that you are the sucker.


2017-06-15 09:03 | Report Abuse

Cakap ada past experience kat stock market but still can't brains the key word in trading: Dont be greedy and persuade others in, always be conservative la.


2017-06-15 08:58 | Report Abuse

Rather than AAX CEO having to resign if they can't make a good profit, why dont you resign from i3 and stop posting flowering stuffs ?

Bengal betul mamat ni


2017-06-15 02:33 | Report Abuse

Radzi is like a politician. Twist like this, twist like that, create more i3 accounts under different names just to support his statements lol


2017-06-15 02:32 | Report Abuse

Agreed with radzi, AAX cannot play short term, only long term. But how long of a long term ? 5yrs ? 10yrs? 20yrs ? 50yrs ? after 3 generations ?


2017-06-15 02:28 | Report Abuse

If I'm not mistaken, SIfu last time said that RM is appreciating hence AAX's Borrowings which are in USD is cheaper right ?

Now what happened Sifu ?

Fed raised rate lo, so how wo ?

Oh yeah i forgot, oil price dropped so AAX would be "very profitable" plus even Warrant Buffet is investing in airline stocks.

Yeah totally forgot liow.

So just because warren Buffet chose to invest in airline stocks, does that mean that even u must do it ?

If a dog barks, you want to bark also ?

And did Warren Buffet invest in a Malaysian airline company or atleast any ASEAN airline company ?

Owaii, wait, we can't argue with "i3 Buffet"


2017-06-15 02:23 | Report Abuse

FED raised rates. Tomorrow Bursa may be red and IF AAX GOES DOWN, "SIFU" from i3 would start promoting AAX lol.

"Dont worry guys its a fundamentally strong counter, just sharks pushing down, something is brewing, I'm in for long-term etc"


Later Q2's result out, may be disappointing and yet 'Sifu' would say his in for the long-term.

If after a long-term (5yrs or even 10yrs) and IF aax delivers a bad Q then, "Sifu" would still say his in for the long-term lol

Was so busy and could read this forum and a colleague of mine told me that "Sifu" had posted an articles about his prediction of AAX.

Didn't get a chance to read his article yet. Would do it later or confirm by the weekend.

All that could say is that "Sifu" would have influenced tons of people by pulling in various variables, numbers and unwanted explanations to prove his worthiness in this forum.

Anyway, let me read his article first.


2017-06-10 15:25 | Report Abuse

Rojak Investor definitely is a Rojak and sound just like Radzi, mixes up everything to sound smart and to look good, just like a Rojak. Taste good, smells good but it isn't good for the health in the long run


2017-06-10 13:06 | Report Abuse

Hey aceso,

if you followed my previous comments from the first, you would realise that i dont have anything against AAX. Yes, they have done a lot of changes and are constantly trying to change.

What i hate are the people that talk as if AAX is going to reach the moon lol.

Unrealistic people, those are the ones that i am against.

Its nice to pull various factors such as the ringgit, oil and all into consideration when forecasting future prices.

But think of think of this;
When the Ringgit was going down, one Sifu said it was good for AAX.

The same sifu turned around and said that when the ringgit was going up, it was also good for aax.

These are the people that i hate


2017-06-09 20:11 | Report Abuse

Waiting for MAS to get listed back again next yr and then ill sit down and clap my bloody hands.

Now i know some sifu is going to say that MAS targets a different customer segment but lets just see lol.

Actual reported numbers are better than forecasted numbers haha


2017-06-09 20:10 | Report Abuse

Fuyoo i can understand la, few of you guys just can't accept the truth that AAX isn't as good as one thinks.

JJPTR was the same, i used to post on their FB page warning people about the scam and they kept replying that I'm not believing JJPTRs ability, I'm jelous blah blah blah.

See today what has happened to JJPTR. Already bungkus lol


2017-06-09 12:13 | Report Abuse

Same thing, no body point the gun at you to promote AAX kaw kaw. if you still persist, i assume that you're a staff of AAX or a guy that invested heavily and getting others to come in so that in their expense, you could gain more and cash out before them.

After predicting Q1 2017 badly off from the reality, LAGI MAHU PROMOTE ?


2017-06-09 12:12 | Report Abuse

And radzi is starting to always loose to the actual Q results beginning Q1 2017


2017-06-09 11:38 | Report Abuse

Go step by step radzi, if short term also you can't figure out why bother talking about long term ? That's something like you can't even run 100meters but want to do a full marathon and break records.

Always remember the key in valuations "Be consistent and conservation"


2017-06-09 01:17 | Report Abuse

Nvm, no matter how many years are being used as a time span for your analysis, this Q2's results would prove it whether you're right or wrong. no point in promoting yourself too much.


2017-06-09 00:26 | Report Abuse

Overtime that i try to keep quiet, Sifu pull's me in.

Always remember what Warrant Buffet said "Looking at the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windscreen"

How does this relate to predicting aax ?

Its always easy to pinpoint what was wrong in the past quarters but projecting the future correctly is hard.

Well, lets all not get too excited as assume things are falling in place already Remember what happened to Q1 can happen to Q2.

So be prudent with your money and dont simply fall for any analysis that sound too good.


2017-06-04 21:38 | Report Abuse

Wont argue, would just wait for Q2 2017 results.

U better pray hard that it goes up when compared to Q2 2016 or if not you better find better excuses


2017-06-04 20:55 | Report Abuse

nice, hope bnm checks you for money laundering, Oh wait, if someone has 500k unused, why the hell would they market a company kaw kaw.

Says a lot about our i3 Buffet


2017-06-04 19:10 | Report Abuse

Lol, now Sifu said his monitoring the Ringgit and it seems to be better, didn't Sifu say the same thing last time before Q1 that he was monitoring the ringgit, oil, fares, flights etc and when the results came, it was a disappointment.

Nvm no point in fighting with radzi, cos when the price goes up by a cent or two he starts.

Well i would leave my point of arguing with him with my points as he would use his stupidity and counter attack and create more accounts on i3 to market aax.

Now coming back to my point, i would stop arguing with him because i know one thing, you can bring a horse to a pond but you can't force the horse to drink water.

You can teach a pig to sit down quietly, but the pig may not listen.

Coming back, It is safe to say that AAX's Q2 2017 is going to be worst in terms of profit after tax when compared to Q2 2016.

Now you're going to say that its impossible, RM UP, OIL DOWN, MORE FARES lol.

Just wait for Q2 to come out, it would be the same as Q1! were by PAT would be lower than last yr


2017-05-31 20:13 | Report Abuse

lol his analysis and number all plucked from the sky and make its look like Rojak.

Hahah berapa i3 account la si radzi ni nak create ?


2017-05-31 16:58 | Report Abuse

wwwq84999 is an example of an i3 account that was just created by radzi to support his statements lol. Fake supporters, just like fake news


2017-05-31 16:57 | Report Abuse

because radzi doesn't have valid points hence he would start bring in 3rd parties into his arguments like mother, TF etc. Go die la MF


2017-05-31 16:56 | Report Abuse

same like you la, your mother never "taught"you how to value companies properly. Act like a MF, ofcource people that bought this company would support u because their money is invested in this counter which was promoted by 13's Buffet aka Sifu aka radzi based on false hope, assumptions, dreams


2017-05-31 12:52 | Report Abuse

ofcourse u agree with him because you're radzi. birds of the same feathers flock together


2017-05-31 12:49 | Report Abuse

lol those invest in AAX during the ipo is considered as long term investors right? that long also can't make money n now want to hold longer


2017-05-31 12:46 | Report Abuse

u dont dig your grave la cb. if you're in front me now, ill teach u a lesson that you'll regret opening your mouth


2017-05-31 12:44 | Report Abuse

u almost made MacQ loose lol. u made all here that invested in aax to loose la


2017-05-31 12:43 | Report Abuse

who cares la fucker, as long as I'm against u


2017-05-31 12:40 | Report Abuse

No worries, aku akan pasti si samdol radzi ni faham. Butang ina betul


2017-05-31 12:22 | Report Abuse

If you know me, i would always whack you as long as you post shit


2017-05-31 12:19 | Report Abuse

To me you are being delusional, i will monitor this forum and as long as you post, i would knock you, knock you so fucking hard that one day you'll realise what a dumb fuck you are


2017-05-31 12:18 | Report Abuse

Mulut kau dengan tangan kau kena samak doh, haram betul


2017-05-31 12:18 | Report Abuse

But CB, i only said that once right ? Am i like you, non stop promoting ? Wheres your bloody TP of 0.67 cents for AAX ?

Dellusional cunt


2017-05-31 12:16 | Report Abuse

If you dont believe that you're delusional, just go back to the previous recommendations that you made before the Q1 results and benchmark it against the actual results. Your forecast is flawed and the level of dispersion between reality and your dreams are flawed, flawed just like your illusion.

Once again, if you feel AAX is good then just shut up and invest and stop promoting itA to get others trapped.

Fucking CB.

Bulan puasa ni aku tak nak gaduh dengan orang tapi bila ada budak haram kat forum ni, aku kena sound dia.
Radzi ni memang degil macam kepala ****


2017-05-31 12:13 | Report Abuse

You were fucking wrong with your previous Q1 results so just shut the fuck up la. If you feel wax is good then just continue investing with them and stop posting your shit here. I know why you're posting here, because u fucking know that AAX is going down and you dont want it to go down. Fucking ass, self centred bastard that doesn't have common sense nor a command of understanding basic english. Now i know that you're going to get offended and report this comment but this is for you kid "Stop being a Fucking Delusional Kid' that expects share prices to get to the moon.

Bloody cheeky cunt!


2017-05-31 12:11 | Report Abuse

Did i say that I'm still holding IWCITY ? You clearly dont understand.


2017-05-31 12:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo CB Radzi, you dont start again with your bloody analysis la. Already got Q1 fked up big time and now want to project for Q2. Just stop it la, later when Q2 does bad, then you're going to talk all sorts of cock story and say that Tony took the profits from AAX for AA blah blah blah.

Always remember guys ; this is radzi's famous line "Dont be worried guys, AAX is a fundamentally strong counter"



2017-05-29 08:42 | Report Abuse

or radzi coming up with his TPs lol


2017-05-28 18:30 | Report Abuse

Radzi clearly tak faham bahasa Mat Salleh, tak pe, aku sabar je


2017-05-28 18:24 | Report Abuse

PRO TIP: Trolls are like a shady car salesman. Always want to show you the price and kick the tires but don't want you to look under the hood. Research!

Firstly, how do you know that TF siphoned profits from AAX to report it under AA. If you feel he did that, complain to BURSA and the Securities Commission asap because such reporting of profits is considered to be illegal/unethical and TF could face being charged. Hence, if you got proof that TF did that, report immediately Setakat nak buat assumption, tak payalah. Kalau but assumption that TF took profits from AAX for AA then aku pun boleh buat assumption that Abang radzi always cakap kosong. Bialy puasa pun kau nak fitnah tf. KNN betul.

Telling evangelice that I hate it when you give good information ? CB, I hate it when you lie la bummer


2017-05-26 21:19 | Report Abuse

I am finally happy that one admitted for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Though that light could mean two things; An Opportunity / A Disaster.

It's very easy for one to assume that stocks on the Malaysian Market could double/triple due to a state of blindness. Moreover, since short-selling is prohibited in the Malaysian Markets, once would often thing that the only was to make money is by going Long.

Such believes are definitely wrong!

However, as how one envisions AAX to reach 0.60 - 1.00 by the end of the year, One should also realise that things could go the other way round. There is a possibility of the stock reaching 0.20-0.30 by year end. I AM NOT SAYING THAT IT WOULD REACH 0.20-0.30 BUT IT MAY.

The guy who told me several days ago that he wanted to teach me how to Trade on Bursa Malaysia. Well this is for you mate, a key tip in knowing how to be a better Analyst. if you can't even be an Analyst, no point in becoming a Trader. The same thing as this, if you are blind, pls dont become a pilot and try flying a plane

The key ingredient in analyzing/forecasting share prices is to be conservative. Yes, conservative!
Conservation in this context means to overestimate, revenues, dont overestimate positive news, dont overestimate rumours.

The best thing here is to be prudent in choosing your numbers. As the famous accounting princples goes; Its always better to overestimate Cost and underestimate Revenues.

Not the other way around buddy!


Happy Ramadan to all of my Muslim Buddies.


2017-05-26 16:39 | Report Abuse

At least you sold off with profit.

Now lets see, i feel that AAX can easily touch below 0.4


2017-05-26 16:23 | Report Abuse

Radzi is a guy in which you could relate him to how Hilary Clinton behaves.

Lets give a quick recap of The US Presidential Election

Hilary new she would loose yet she was thick headed and went on competing (just like radzi, knew that he would loose but still went on promoting AAX). In order to try winning the election, Hilary tried using her backers/media organisations that supports her and the people that have donated to her for her campaign like CNN or also known as the Clinton News Network to go against Trump by published old bad things about him (trump said this, and trump said that, and trump failed her and he failed there) (Just like radzi, using i3 as a media to come over here and whack me kaw law with his flawed assumptions and predictions and projections of aax)

Then came the election and as expected Clinton lost. When she lost, she started blaming wikileaks for bringing up her leaked email stories to the public just a few days prior to the election. To strengthen her points she accused Trump for having connections with Russia and that Russia hacked the election. Dah kalah leaps tu tuduh orang.

How does that relate to radzi ?

His assumptions went down the drain, qr came out, radzi lost, said fuel down hence tax's fuel cost would be down but it was up, said profit should be up but it ended up being down. And his likes clinton, after loosing, his still thick with his points.


Get rid of the TROLL and self fulling guys


i3 Would be Great again
Pooda la


2017-05-26 16:22 | Report Abuse

Steven20, you still holding ?


2017-05-26 16:20 | Report Abuse

Now coming back to AAX, i really hope Tony gets his stuffs back to gather and grows the company well. Looking forward in investing with AAX if things are good. Till then, expect more "i3 Sifus" to come up with their predictions


2017-05-25 15:29 | Report Abuse

hi hoho haha aka oldinvestor122 aka radzi


2017-05-25 15:20 | Report Abuse

The problem with i3 is that too many "so called Sifus" are trying to act politically correct, plus these channels carry too much hype, lies, deception, just like CNN- The Clinton News Network, utter rubbish, bullish and most importantly FAKE NEWS.

Lets change i3 people.

Lets kick out the fake people that bring in rumours, lie and deception about a company.

Lets make i3 big,

Huge, huge, huge huge,

Most importantly, LETS MAKE I3 GREAT AGAIN!


2017-05-25 15:16 | Report Abuse

Already told last time, these forum is full of fake news. Certain people always claim that its a fundamentally good firm, then would add external made up points like merger etc.

When it doesn't happen, they would say this, "Dont be worried guys, its a fundamentally good counter, lets keep for long term"